546 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Profesionalisme Guru melalui Peningkatan Motivasi Kerja dengan menggunakan Metode Diskusi di SDN 18 Ranah Batahan Kabupaten Pasaman Barat

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    Fenomena dilapangan ditemukan beberapa permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan motivasi kerja guru dimana, guru kurang bersemangat dalam melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan Upaya meningkatkan profesionalieme guru melalui peningkatan motivasi kerja guru dengan menggunakan metodediskusi di Sekolah Kecamatan Ranah Batahan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Penelitian Tindakan Sekolah (PTS). Lokasi Penelitian adalah di SDN SDN 18 Ranah Batahan dan waktu penelitian pada bulan April s/d bulan Mei 2021. Yang menjadi subjek penelitian tindakan sekolah ini adalah guru yang ada di SDN 18 Ranah Batahan yang berjumlah sebanyak 7 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara pengisian lembar observasi selama proses tindakan penelitian oleh supervisor sehingga akan diperoleh data kualitatif sebagai hasil penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terlihat bahwa penerapan metode diskusi kelompok kecil dalam  kegiatan proses pembelajaran data yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa hasil temuan siklus I diperoleh rata-rata keberhasil dalam meningkatan motivasi guru dalampem belajaran baru mencapai 70,65%, karena belum berhasil guru pada siklus I dilanjutkan pada siklus II, pada siklusII ini dengan menggunakan metode diskusi kelompok motivasi guru meningkat menjadi 81,12% . karena hasil temua sudah sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan maka penelitian dihentikan pada siklus I


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    Pencatatan perkawinan merupakan salah satu pelayanan administrasi yang ada pada Kantor Urusan Agama atau KUA. Pencatatan perkawinan adalah kewajiban administratif berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang bertujuan memberikan perlindungan, menjaga hak azasi manusia, terutama bagi perempuan dan anak yang berimplikasi kepada perbuatan hukum. Salah satu bentuk hadirnya Negara terhadap perempuan dan anak adalah adaya upaya perlindungan terhadap hak-hak mereka baik dalam sosial kemasyarakatan maupun perlakuan sama di mata hukum. Penelitian ini dilakukan agar masyarakat secara umum dan keluarga secara khusus dapat mengetahui manfaat pencatatan perkawinan terutama perlindungan perempuan dan anak.Keywords: Pencatatan perkawinan, Perlindungan perempuan dan anak

    “Sesuatu yang Tak Pernah Terjadi” Membayangkan Kemenangan Nusantara Melawan Kolonialisme

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    Abstrak: Ketika kemerdekaan Indonesia diproklamirkan, para bapak bangsa Indonesia sepakat bahwa wilayah kedaulatan republik yang akan dibentuk ini adalah bekas wilayah Hindia-Belanda. Alasan atas integrasi ini adalah karena mereka merasa “senasib sepenanggungan”, karena sama-sama pernah dikalahkan dan dijajah oleh Belanda. Tulisan mengenai counterfactual ini, akan mengangkat permasalahan mengenai pemikiran nasionalisme sebagai sesuatu yang bersifat absolutely splendid ancestors (warisan dari nenek moyang kita yang cemerlang). Tujuan penulisan ini untuk mengelaborasi pemikiran nasionalisme bangsa Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan yaitu kepustakaan dengan mengumpulkan bahan-bahan penelitian yang berupa buku dan  artikel ilmiah yang relevan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan nasib di masa lalu nasionalisme Indonesia tidak akan tertanam dalam diri bangsa-bangsa itu. Ketiadaan rasa senasib itu membuat mereka tidak merasa perlu untuk berintegrasi dengan Indonesia. Nasionalisme yang muncul pada dalam diri mereka adalah nasional suku bangsa mereka masing-masing.Kata kunci:Nasionalisme, Counterfactual, Perlawanan Penduduk Lokal, Kolonialisme Abstract: When Indonesian independence was proclaimed, the fathers of the Indonesian people agreed that the territory of the republic that was to be formed was the former Dutch East Indies. The reason for this integration is because they feel "the same fate", because both have been defeated and colonized by the Dutch. This article on counterfactual will raise the issue of nationalism thinking as something that is absolutely splendid ancestors (the legacy of our brilliant ancestors). The purpose of this paper is to elaborate the thinking of Indonesian nationalism. The method used is the literature by gathering research materials in the form of books and relevant scientific articles. The results showed that the differences in the fate of the past Indonesian nationalism would not be embedded in the nations. The lack of a sense of shared destiny made them not feel the need to integrate with Indonesia. Nationalism that arises in them is the nationality of their respective tribes.Keywords : Nationalism, Counterfactual, Resistances, Colonialism

    The Analysis of Public Output

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    Leading Order Down-Stream Asymptotics of Non-Symmetric Stationary Navier-Stokes Flows in Two Dimensions

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    Abstract.: We consider stationary solutions of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in two dimensions. We give a detailed description of the fluid flow in a half-plane through the construction of an inertial manifold for the dynamical system that one obtains when using the coordinate along the flow as a tim

    Modelling occupants' personal characteristics for thermal comfort prediction

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    Based on results from a field survey campaign conducted in Switzerand, we show that occupants' variations in clothing choices, which are relatively unconstrained, are best described by the daily mean outdoor temperature and that major clothing adjustments occur rarely during the day. We then develop an ordinal logistic model of the probability distribution of discretised clothing levels, which results in a concise and informative expression of occupants' clothing choices. Results from both cross-validation and independent verification suggest that this model formulation may be used with confidence. Furthermore, the form of the model is readily generalisable, given the requisite calibration data, to environments where dress codes are more specific. We also observe that, for these building occupants, the prevailing metabolic activity levels are mostly constant for the whole range of surveyed environmental conditions, as their activities are relatively constrained by the tasks in hand. Occupants may compensate for this constraint, however, through the consumption of cold and hot drinks, with corresponding impacts on metabolic heat production. Indeed, cold drink consumption was found to be highly correlated with indoor thermal conditions, whilst hot drink consumption is best described by a seasonal variable. These variables can be used for predictive purposes using binary logistic model

    Smart Farming Using Robots in IoT to Increase Agriculture Yields: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Robots are beneficial in everyday life, especially in helping food security in the agricultural industry. Smart farming alone is not enough because smart farming is only automated without mobile hardware. The existence of robots can minimize human involvement in agriculture so that humans can maximize activities outside of farms. This Study aims to review articles regarding robots in smart farming to increase agriclture yields. This article systematically uses the systematic literature review method utilizing the Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analyses (PRISMA) by submitting 3 Research Questions (RQ). According to the authors of the 3 RQs, it is necessary to represent the function and purpose of robots in farms and to be used in the context of the importance of robots in agriculture because of the potential impact of increase agriculture yields. This Research contributes to finding and answering 3 RQ, which are the roots of the use of robots. The results taken, the authors get 116 articles that can be reviewed and answered RQ and achieve goals. RQ 1 was responded to with the article's country of origin, research criteria, and the year of the article. In RQ 2 the author answered that Research often carried out 6 schemes, then the most Research was (Challenge Robots, Ethics, and Opinions in Agriculture) and (Design, Planning, and Robotic Systems in Agriculture). Finally, in RQ 3, the author describes the research scheme based on understanding related Research. The author hopes this basic scheme can be a benchmark or a new direction for future researchers and related agricultural industries to improve agricultural quality

    Towards a Unified Model of Occupants' Behaviour and Comfort for Building Energy Simulation

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    The building sector alone accounts for around half of the energy consumed in Switzerland and most other developed countries, with associated adverse environmental consequences, and there is a great potential for savings in this sector. For this reason, the development of efficient solutions for predicting and optimising the energy and environmental performance of buildings is clear. Dynamic building thermal simulation programs are increasingly used for this purpose. However, some key processes are still not taken into account by these tools, leading to potentially significant errors. Most noteworthy is the influence of buildings' occupants, whose actions such as the use of windows and shading devices have an important impact on the indoor environment and the overall energy performance of a building. Furthermore, occupants' environmental comfort is the central underlying concept influencing actions on building controls; but the intrinsic interaction between these notions is not well known. This thesis develops adequate models for the prediction of occupants' actions that have an impact on building performance and further proposes an innovative global formulation of the link between environmental comfort, human adaptive actions in the built environment and their feedback in terms of satisfaction and acceptability. Furthermore, detailed integration procedures of these methods into building and urban simulation tools are described. Based on detailed statistical analyses of eight years of continuous measurements, a model for the prediction of actions on windows performed by office occupants is proposed. It is formulated as an occupancy-dependent Markov chain extended to a continuous-time process for opening durations. The explanatory variables have been carefully selected on the basis of statistical relevance, which are indoor and outdoor temperature, the occurrence of rain, and occupant presence and absence durations. The choice of the specific form of the model is justified by cross-validation and its superior predictive accuracy is determined by comparison with model variants and previously published work. A similar procedure was carried out for the inference of a model to predict actions on shading devices. Its formulation is also based on rigorously selected predictors used as inputs to an occupancy-dependent Markov chain expressing action probabilities. The model has also been extended to predict the choice of shaded fraction. Once again simulations of model variants support the choice of the final model. Using results of a long-term survey of building occupants, we evaluate the accuracy of currently accepted models for thermal comfort prediction and identify clear weaknesses. We go on to propose a probabilistic formulation for the distribution of thermal sensation and for the occurrence of the state of thermal comfort and extend this to visual comfort. The result is a simple and accurate definition of comfort probability and its variations amongst individuals. We have also analysed variables which influence occupants' comfort temperature. This has enabled us to assign weights to the key variables influencing comfort temperature: adaptation, acclimatisation and individuality. We also consider the feedback of actions on comfort and numerically estimate "adaptive increments to comfort temperature". This results in a proposed formulation for a new adaptive model for thermal comfort, for general application in buildings with variable degrees of adaptation available to occupants. The link between thermal and visual comfort with actions on windows and shading devices is also studied and formulated as a single unified concept linked by human action inertia whose properties are discussed. Finally, new modelling approaches have been developed for the prediction of adaptations of personal characteristics such as clothing and metabolic activity, an assessment of the very limited degree of interaction between thermal, olfactory and visual comfort and finally an analysis of factors influencing perceived productivity in office environments, in which hot conditions are shown to cause a decrease of the order of 10% compared to relatively cooler conditions
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