19 research outputs found

    First Perihelion of EUI on the Solar Orbiter mission

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    Context. The Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI), onboard Solar Orbiter consists of three telescopes: the two High Resolution Imagers in EUV (HRIEUV) and in Lyman-{\alpha} (HRILya), and the Full Sun Imager (FSI). Solar Orbiter/EUI started its Nominal Mission Phase on 2021 November 27. Aims. EUI images from the largest scales in the extended corona off limb, down to the smallest features at the base of the corona and chromosphere. EUI is therefore a key instrument for the connection science that is at the heart of the Solar Orbiter mission science goals. Methods. The highest resolution on the Sun is achieved when Solar Orbiter passes through the perihelion part of its orbit. On 2022 March 26, Solar Orbiter reached for the first time a distance to the Sun close to 0.3 au. No other coronal EUV imager has been this close to the Sun. Results. We review the EUI data sets obtained during the period 2022 March-April, when Solar Orbiter quickly moved from alignment with the Earth (2022 March 6), to perihelion (2022 March 26), to quadrature with the Earth (2022 March 29). We highlight the first observational results in these unique data sets and we report on the in-flight instrument performance. Conclusions. EUI has obtained the highest resolution images ever of the solar corona in the quiet Sun and polar coronal holes. Several active regions were imaged at unprecedented cadences and sequence durations. We identify in this paper a broad range of features that require deeper studies. Both FSI and HRIEUV operate at design specifications but HRILya suffered from performance issues near perihelion. We conclude emphasising the EUI open data policy and encouraging further detailed analysis of the events highlighted in this paper

    Design status of ASPIICS, an externally occulted coronagraph for PROBA-3

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    The "sonic region" of the Sun corona remains extremely difficult to observe with spatial resolution and sensitivity sufficient to understand the fine scale phenomena that govern the quiescent solar corona, as well as phenomena that lead to coronal mass ejections (CMEs), which influence space weather. Improvement on this front requires eclipse-like conditions over long observation times. The space-borne coronagraphs flown so far provided a continuous coverage of the external parts of the corona but their over-occulting system did not permit to analyse the part of the white-light corona where the main coronal mass is concentrated. The proposed PROBA-3 Coronagraph System, also known as ASPIICS (Association of Spacecraft for Polarimetric and Imaging Investigation of the Corona of the Sun), with its novel design, will be the first space coronagraph to cover the range of radial distances between ~1.08 and 3 solar radii where the magnetic field plays a crucial role in the coronal dynamics, thus providing continuous observational conditions very close to those during a total solar eclipse. PROBA-3 is first a mission devoted to the in-orbit demonstration of precise formation flying techniques and technologies for future European missions, which will fly ASPIICS as primary payload. The instrument is distributed over two satellites flying in formation (approx. 150m apart) to form a giant coronagraph capable of producing a nearly perfect eclipse allowing observing the sun corona closer to the rim than ever before. The coronagraph instrument is developed by a large European consortium including about 20 partners from 7 countries under the auspices of the European Space Agency. This paper is reviewing the recent improvements and design updates of the ASPIICS instrument as it is stepping into the detailed design phase

    Praktikum iz analizne kemije

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    The Heliospheric Imager (HI) is part of the SECCHI suite of instruments on-board the two STEREO spacecrafts to be launched in 2006. Located on two different orbits, the two HI instruments will provide stereographic images of solar coronal plasma and coronal mass ejections (CME) over a wide field of view (~90°), ranging from 13 to 330 solar radii (R[SUB]0[/SUB]). These observations complete the 15 R[SUB]0[/SUB] field of view of the solar corona obtained with the other SECCHI instruments (2 coronagraphs and an EUV imager). The HI instrument is a combination of 2 refractive optical systems with 2 different multi-vanes baffle system. The key challenge of the instrument design is the rejection of the solar disk light, with total straylight attenuation of the order of 10[SUP]-13[/SUP] to 10[SUP]-15[/SUP]. The optics and baffles have been specifically designed to reach the required rejection. This paper presents the SECCHI/HI opto-mechanical design, with the achieved performances. A test program has been run on one flight unit, including vacuum straylight verification test, thermo-optical performance test and co-alignment test. The results are presented and compared with the initial specifications

    Design of the Heliospheric Imager for the STEREO mission

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    The Heliospheric Imager (HI) is part of the SECCHI suite of instruments on-board the two STEREO spacecrafts to be launched in 2005. The two HI instruments will provide stereographic image pairs of solar coronal plasma and address the observational problem of very faint coronal mass ejections (CME) over a wide field of view (~90 degree(s)) ranging from 13 to 330 R[SUB]0[/SUB]. The key element of the instrument design is to reject the solar disk light, with straylight attenuation of the order of 10[SUP]-13[/SUP] to 10[SUP]-15[/SUP] in the camera systems. This attenuation is accomplished by a specific design of straylight baffling system, and two separate observing cameras with complimentary FOV's cover the wide FOV. A multi-vane diffractive system has been theoretically optimized to achieve the lower requirement (10[SUP]-13[/SUP] for HI-1) and is combined with a secondary baffling system to reach the 10[SUP]-15[/SUP] rejection performance in the second camera system (HI-2). This paper presents the design concept of the HI optics and baffles, and the preparation of verification tests that will demonstrate the instrument straylight performances. The baffle design has been optimized according to accommodation constrains on the spacecraft, and the optics were studied to provide adequate light gathering power and image quality. Straylight has been studied in the complete configuration, including the lens barrels and the focal plane assemblies. A specific testing facility is currently being studied to characterize the effective straylight rejection of the HI baffling. An overview of the developments for those tests is presented

    STEREO: Heliospheric Imager design, pre-flight, and in-flight response comparison

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    The Heliospheric Imager (HI) is part of the SECCHI suite of instruments on-board the two STEREO observatories launched in October 2006. The two HI instruments provide stereographic image pairs of solar coronal plasma and coronal mass ejections (CME) over a field of view ranging from 13 to 330 R[SUB]0[/SUB]. The HI instrument is a combination of two refractive optical systems with a two stage multi-vane baffle system. The key challenge of the instrument design is the rejection of the solar disk light by the front baffle, with total straylight attenuation at the detector level of the order of 10[SUP]-13[/SUP] to 10[SUP]-15[/SUP]. Optical systems and baffles were designed and tested to reach the required rejection. This paper presents the pre-flight optical tests performed under vacuum on the two HI flight models in flight temperature conditions. These tests included an end-to-end straylight verification of the front baffle efficiency, a co-alignment and an optical calibration of the optical systems. A comparison of the theoretical predictions of the instrument response and performance with the calibration results is presented. The instrument in-flight photometric and stray light performance are also presented and compared with the expected results

    Design and tests for the heliospheric imager of the STEREO mission

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    The Heliospheric Imager (HI) is part of the SECCHI suite of instruments on-board the two STEREO spacecrafts to be launched in 2005. The two HI instruments will provide stereographic image pairs of solar coronal plasma and coronal mass ejections (CME) over a wide field of view (~90°), ranging from 13 to 330 R[SUB]0[/SUB]. These observations compliment the 15 R[SUB]0[/SUB] field of view of the solar corona obtained by the other SECCHI instruments (2 coronagraphs and an EUV imager). The key challenge of the instrument design is the rejection of the solar disk light, with total straylight attenuation of the order of 10[SUP]-13 [/SUP]to 10[SUP]-15[/SUP]. A multi-vane diffractive baffle system has been theoretically optimized to achieve the lower requirement (10[SUP]-13[/SUP] for HI-1) and is combined with a secondary baffling system to reach the 10[SUP]-15[/SUP] rejection performance in the second camera system (HI-2). This paper presents the last updates of the SECCHI/HI design concept, with the expected performance. A verification program is currently in progress. The on-going stray-light verification tests are discussed. A set of tests has been conducted in air, and under vacuum. The results are presented and compared with the expected theoretical data

    First Imaging of Coronal Mass Ejections in the Heliosphere Viewed from Outside the Sun Earth Line

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    We show for the first time images of solar coronal mass ejections (CMEs) viewed using the Heliospheric Imager (HI) instrument aboard the NASA STEREO spacecraft. The HI instruments are wide-angle imaging systems designed to detect CMEs in the heliosphere, in particular, for the first time, observing the propagation of such events along the Sun Earth line, that is, those directed towards Earth. At the time of writing the STEREO spacecraft are still close to the Earth and the full advantage of the HI dual-imaging has yet to be realised. However, even these early results show that despite severe technical challenges in their design and implementation, the HI instruments can successfully detect CMEs in the heliosphere, and this is an extremely important milestone for CME research. For the principal event being analysed here we demonstrate an ability to track a CME from the corona to over 40 degrees. The time altitude history shows a constant speed of ascent over at least the first 50 solar radii and some evidence for deceleration at distances of over 20 degrees. Comparisons of associated coronagraph data and the HI images show that the basic structure of the CME remains clearly intact as it propagates from the corona into the heliosphere. Extracting the CME signal requires a consideration of the F-coronal intensity distribution, which can be identified from the HI data. Thus we present the preliminary results on this measured F-coronal intensity and compare these to the modelled F-corona of Koutchmy and Lamy ( IAU Colloq. 85, 63, 1985). This analysis demonstrates that CME material some two orders of magnitude weaker than the F-corona can be detected; a specific example at 40 solar radii revealed CME intensities as low as 1.7×10[SUP]-14[/SUP] of the solar brightness. These observations herald a new era in CME research as we extend our capability for tracking, in particular, Earth-directed CMEs into the heliosphere

    Solar-blind diamond detectors for LYRA, the solar VUV radiometer on board PROBA II

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    Fabrication, packaging and experimental results on the calibration of metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) photodetectors made on diamond are reported. LYRA (Lyrnan-alpha RAdiometer onboard PROBA-2) will use diamond detectors for the first time in space for a solar physics instrument. A set of measurement campaigns was designed to obtain the XUV-to-VIS responsivity of the devices and other characterizations. The measurements of responsivity in EUV and VUV spectral ranges (40-240 nm) have been carried out by the Physkalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Germany at the electron storage ring BESSY II. The longer wavelength range from 210 to 1127 nm was measured with monochromatic light by using a Xe-lamp at IMO-IMOMEC. The diamond detectors exhibit a photoresponse which lie in the 35-65 mA/W range at 200 nm (corresponding to an external quantum efficiency of 20-40%) and indicate a visible rejection ratio (200-500 nm) higher than four orders of magnitude

    MAGRITTE / SPECTRE : the Solar Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) aboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory

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    The Solar Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) aboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory will characterize the dynamical evolution of the solar plasma from the chromosphere to the corona, and will follow the connection of plasma dynamics with magnetic activity throughout the solar atmosphere. The AIA consists of 7 high resolution imaging telescopes in the following spectral bandpasses: 1215 \x8F Ly-a, 304 \x8F He II, 629 \x8F OV, 465 \x8F Ne VII, 195 \x8F Fe XII (includes Fe XXIV), 284 \x8F Fe XV, and 335 \x8F Fe XVI. The telescopes are grouped by instrumental approach: the Magritte Filtergraphs (R. Magritte, famous 20th Century Belgian Surrealistic Artist), five multilayer EUV channels with bandpasses ranging from 195 to 1216 \x8F, and the SPECTRE Spectroheliograph with one soft-EUV channel at OV 629 \x8F. They will be simultaneously operated with a 10-second imaging cadence. These two instruments, the electronic boxes and two redundant Guide Telescopes (GT) constitute the AIA suite. They will be mounted and coaligned on a dedicated common optical bench. The GTs will provide pointing jitter information to the whole SHARPP assembly. This poster presents the selected technologies, the different challenges, the trade-offs to be made in phase A, and the model philosophy. From a scientific viewpoint, the unique combination high temporal and spatial resolutions with the simultaneous multi-channel capability will allow Magritte/SPECTRE to explore new domains in the dynamics of the solar atmosphere, in particular the fast small-scale phenomena. We show how the spectral channels of the different instruments were derived to fulfill the AIA scientific objectives, and we outline how this imager array will address key science issues, like the transition region and coronal waves or flare precursors, in coordination with other SDO experiments. We finally describe the real-time solar monitoring products that will be made available for space-weather forecasting applications