123 research outputs found

    Gitmeden Göçmek: Bir Fotoğrafçının Düşündürdükleri Üzerine

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    This article discusses the concept of migration by embracing a philosophical approach inspired by a comtemporary photography artist’s, Alicia Savage’s, artworks. As a multi-faceted concept, migration not only should be understood in the sense of physical mobilization but also, as this article argues, it might be considered in terms of “distance” and matter of deterritorialization which is experienced by the subject who embraces self-contemplation as a state of mind in Deleuzian sense.  Pointed out by Deleuze, line of flight that deterritorialized subject has drawn refers to creative processes, produced through art, music and literature which may lead the subject disjointing from the hegemonic rhetoric of society where he/she resides, without any need of a spatial mobilisation. In this regard, Alicia Savage’s photographic style can be thought of as a visual projection of this Deleuzian sense of deterritorialized subject. Bu çalışmada, göç kavramı, çağdaş fotoğraf sanatçısı Alicia Savage’ın fotoğraflarından esinlenilerek felsefi bir kavrayışla ele alınmıştır. Yalnızca fiziksel mobilizasyonla tanımlanamayacak kadar çok katmanlı bir olgu olarak göç, bu çalışmada “mesafe” kavramıyla birlikte düşünülmüş ve kendi hakikati üzerine düşünen öznenin deneyimlediği haliyle, bir “yersizyurtsuzluk” meselesi olarak tartışılmıştır. Deleuze ve Guattari’nin ifadesiyle, yersizyurtsuzlaşmış öznenin çizdiği kaçış çizgisi, hiçbir mekânsal mobilizasyona gerek duymaksızın resimle, müzikle ve edebiyatla vb. yaratıcı faaliyetlerle ortaya çıkan ve düşünen öznenin yaşadığı toplumun başat değerlerine mesafe almasıyla sonuçlanan bir oluş/haline-geliş halidir. Bu çalışmada, Alicia Savage’ın fotoğrafları üzerinden, mesafe alma temelinde gerçekleşen bu oluşun/haline-gelişin nasıl görselleştiği tartışılmaktadır

    Immigrating without Leaving: Upon What a Photographer Leads Us to Think

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    This article discusses the concept of migration by embracing a philosophical approach inspired by a comtemporary photography artist’s, Alicia Savage’s, artworks. As a multi-faceted concept, migration not only should be understood in the sense of physical mobilization but also, as this article argues, it might be considered in terms of “distance” and matter of deterritorialization which is experienced by the subject who embraces self-contemplation as a state of mind in Deleuzian sense.  Pointed out by Deleuze, line of flight that deterritorialized subject has drawn refers to creative processes, produced through art, music and literature which may lead the subject disjointing from the hegemonic rhetoric of society where he/she resides, without any need of a spatial mobilisation. In this regard, Alicia Savage’s photographic style can be thought of as a visual projection of this Deleuzian sense of deterritorialized subject.</p

    İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Bilim Merkezindeki Davranışlarının İncelenmesi

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate elementary school students’ behaviors at science centers and determine the factors influencing their behaviors. The sample of the study consists of 63 primary school students, 32 female and 31 male, who were selected among those visiting a science center situated in Ankara. This study was guided by Naturalistic Inquiry described by Guba &amp; Lincoln (1989). The sample of the study consists of 63 elementary school students, 32 female and 31 male, who were selected among those visiting a science center situated in Ankara. The analysis of data revealed that the subjects of the study stopped 317 times in front of the exhibits and interacted with them at different levels. Participating students were observed as very active during their free time in the science center like running from one exhibit to another. The findings of the study indicate that the priority of the students is to make sure that the exhibit is functional rather than understanding the facts and concepts behind the exhibit.Bu çalışmanın amacı, bilim merkezini gezen ilköğretim birinci kademe öğrencilerinin öğretmen ya da merkezde görevli eğitmenlerin kontrolü olmadan serbest zaman dilimindeki davranışlarını incelemek ve bu davranışları etkileyen faktörleri araştırmaktır. Ankara İli'nde bulunan bir bilim merkezini ziyaret eden öğrenciler arasından seçilen 32’i kız ve 31’i erkek olmak üzere toplam 63 ilköğretim birinci kademe öğrencisi ile bu çalışma yürütülmüştür. Bu çalışmada Guba &amp; Lincoln(1989) tarafından tanımlanan Doğalcı Araştırma Modeli (Naturalistic Inquiry) kullanılmıştır. Çalışmaya katılan öğrencilerin toplam 317 kez etkinliklerin önünde durdukları ve farklı düzeylerde etkileşimlerde bulundukları belirlenmiştir. Öğrencilerin bilim merkezinde geçirdikleri serbest zaman diliminde oldukça hareketli oldukları, bir deney setinden diğer deney setine koştukları tespit edilmiştir. Öğrencilerin önceliğinin deney setlerinde verilmek istenen bilgi ve kavramın anlaşılmasından ziyade, deney setinin işlevsel olmasını sağlamak olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır

    Fetal Cervical Neuroblastoma: Prenatal Diagnosis

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    Neuroblastoma is the most frequent extracranial solid tumor in childhood, but it is seldom diagnosed prenatally. It usually presented with adrenal masses. Presentation of other localization is extremely rare. We report a case of cervical neuroblastoma identified at 20 weeks of gestational age. This is the third case diagnosed antenatally on neck region in the literature. Additionally, it is the first case that extended to the brain. We also discussed the literature for cervical neuroblastoma detected prenatally

    Relation of inflammatory markers with both presence and severity of hyperemesis gravidarum

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    Objectives: The aim of our study is to determine the newly introduced systemic inflammation marker, neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR) in hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) patients and to investigate the association between severity of the disease and NLR. Method: The study population consisted of 55 pregnant patients with HG and 50 pregnant women without complaints matched for gestational age as a control group. The HG patients were grouped as mild (n=16), moderate (n=19) and severe (n=20) according to Modified Pregnancy- Unique Quantification of Emesis and Nausea Scoring Index Questionnaire. Furthermore, hsCRP, neutrophils, lymphocytes, and NLR were evaluated with complete blood count. Results: The HG group had significantly higher NLR values compared to the control group (2.69±1.81 vs 1.97±1.34, p=0.004). HsCRP levels were significantly higher among HG patients compared to the control group (1.95±2.2 vs 0.56±0.30,

    Does the presence of anhydramnios affect the duration of medical abortion?

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to determine whether anhydramnios affected the duration of medical abortion in cases with various indications as compared to cases with normal amniotic fluid volume. Material and methods: Patients who were admitted to our clinic because of medical abortion between January 2010–December 2013 were included in this retrospective study. A total of 32 pregnant women with anhydramnios (study group) and 67 pregnant women with normal amniotic fluid volume but with fetal abnormality (control group) were included in the study. Patient age, gravidity, parity, gestational age, previous delivery route, and duration of the abortion were recorded. Results: Mean duration of the abortion in the study group was 71.93 ± 47.51 h as compared to 79.08 ± 52.62 h in the control group. There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups in terms of duration of the abortion (p = 0.516). Also, we found no statistically significant differences in duration of the abortion with regard to previous delivery route (p = 0.220). Conclusions: There were no statistically significant differences between the study group and controls in terms of duration of the abortion. In addition, neither parity nor previous delivery route affected the duration of the abortion

    Our clinical experience in pelvic magnetic resonance imaging with vaginal contrast

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    Objectives: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an important modality for pelvic imaging. Vaginal distension is provided by the use of vaginal contrast in pelvic MRI, and it plays an important role in staging especially cervical and vaginal cancer. The aim of this study is to show whether the use of vaginal contrast material contributes to the diagnosis in pelvic examination. Material and methods: Between October 1, 2016 and December 30, 2020, a total of 57 patients who underwent pelvic magnetic resonance imaging with vaginal contrast in the radiology clinic were included in the study and evaluated retrospectively. Results: Cervical cancer was detected in 38 of the 57 patients included in the study, and when the vaginal pre- and post-contrast staging of the patients was performed, the pre-contrast stage was found to be high in six patients (15%). Eight of 38 patients diagnosed with cervical cancer underwent surgery. When the pathological and radiological staging of the patients who underwent surgery were compared, they were 100% compatible. Conclusions: The use of vaginal contrast material increases the diagnostic value of MRI in various pelvic pathologies, especially in cervical cancer staging

    İncisional endometrioma mimicking a malignant mass: report of two cases

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    Endometriozis dogurganlık çagındaki kadınlarda sık görülen klinik bir problemdir. Insizyon yerlesimli endometriomaya ise nadir rastlanır. Hastalarda genellikle sezaryen veya histerektomi gibi ameliyat öyküsü vardır. Endometriomayı olusturan dokudan malignite gelisebildigi bildirilmistir. Jinekolojik bir patoloji olmasına ragmen insizyonel herni ya da karın duvarı tümörleri gibi bulgu verebilmekte ve bu nedenle hastalar genellikle genel cerrahi polikliniklerine basvurmaktadırlar. Biz bu çalısmada dogurganlık çagında olan ve daha önce sezaryen ameliyatı öyküsü bulunan, klinik ve laboratuar olarak malignite süphesi tasıyan iki olguyu sunduk. Tedavide sezaryen skarındaki kitlelere genis eksizyon yapıldı ve olusan fasya defekti primer onarıldı. Patolojik inceleme sonucu kitlelerin endometrium dokusuna sahip endometrioma oldugu saptandı.Endometriosis is a common clinical problem of the child-bearing women. Incisional endometrioma is very rare. Patients frequently presented with a history of previous gynecological surgery such as cesarean section or hysterectomy. Although being a gynecological disorder, it may seem like an incisional hernia or abdominal wall tumor. Therefore, it is frequently referred to general surgery outpatient clinics. Here, we report two cases with previous histories of cesarean sections and questinable clinical and laboratory findings of malignancy. The masses located on the previous incision scars were excised widely, and pathological examination of surgical specimens revealed the diagnosis of endometrioma in both cases

    Barrıer-Free Smart Transportatıon In Smart Cıtıes

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    Yüksek Lisans TeziSunduğu yaşam standartları göz önüne alındığında büyük şehirlerin nüfusları gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Şehir nüfusuyla doğru orantılı olarak da trafik sorunu ortaya çıkmakta ve insanların ulaşımda geçirdiği süre fazlalaşmaktadır. Tüm bu olumsuzluklara ek olarak ulaşım sağlamak isteyen bireyin fiziksel bir engele sahip olması düşünüldüğünde sorun içinden çıkılmaz bir hal almaktadır. Teknik olarak incelendiğinde hemen her şehirde ulaşım amaçlı kullanılan araçların çoğunda engelli bireyler için çeşitli donatılar bulunsa da bu donatılara sahip olmayan araçlar da bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca araçlarda görevli personelin engelli bireye yönelik sorumluluğunu yerine getirmediği ya da araçların duraklara tam kapasite yanaştığı durumlar da söz konusudur. Ortaya çıkan bu sorunlara gelişen teknolojiler yardımıyla çözüm bulunabilir. Öyle ki teknolojideki ilerlemeler makinelerin çevrelerini algılamalarına, birbirleri ile iletişimde bulunmalarına ve elde ettikleri bilgiler ışığında harekete geçmelerine olanak tanımaktadır. Bu tez çalışmasında engelli bireylerin şehir içi ulaşımda yaşadığı sorunlar ele alınmış ve bu sorunları gidermek adına NFC kart ve IoT teknolojilerini kullanan akıllı bir uygulama geliştirilmiştir. Uygulama ile durak, ulaşım aracı, ulaşım koordinesinden sorumlu birimler ve engelli bireyler arasındaki iletişimi internet üzerinden sağlayan bir sistem geliştirilmiştir. Bu sisteme göre engelli birey ulaşım sağlamak istediği durağa geldiğinde kendisi için özel olarak tanımlanmış NFC kartını duraklarda bulunan iletişim altyapısına okutarak bulundukları konumu ve kullanmak istediği ulaşım hattı hakkındaki bilgileri ulaşımdan sorumlu birimlere internet aracılığı ile bildirir. Ulaşımdan sorumlu birimler duraklardaki engelli bireylere ait bilgileri aldıktan sonra hali hazırda kullanılan ulaşım seferinde çeşitli düzenlemelere giderek engelli birey için gerekli ulaşım aracını sefere çıkarır. Uygulama ile engelli bireylerin ulaşımda yaşadığı sorunlara çözüm getirilirken aynı zamanda onların ulaşım kapsamındaki sosyal hayattan koparılmasının önüne geçilmiştir.Considering the living standards they offer, the population of big cities are increasing day by day. In direct proportion to the increasing city population, the traffic problem arises and the time people spend in transportation increases. In addition to all these negativities, the problem becomes intractable when the individual who wants to provide transportation has a physical disability. When examined technically, although most of the vehicles used for transportation purposes in almost every city have various equipment for disabled individuals, there are also vehicles that do not have these equipment. In addition, there are cases where the personnel on duty in the vehicles do not fulfill their responsibilities towards the disabled person or the vehicles approach the stops at full capacity. These problems can be solved with the help of developing technologies. Such advances in technology allow machines to perceive their environment, communicate with each other and act in the light of the information they obtain. In this thesis, the problems experienced by disabled individuals in urban transportation were discussed and a smart application that uses NFC card and IoT technologies was developed to solve these problems. With the application, a system has been developed that enables communication between stops, transportation vehicles, units responsible for transportation coordination and persons with disabilities over the internet. According to this system, when the disabled person comes to the station he wants to provide transportation, he / she has the NFC card specially defined for him / her scanned to the communication infrastructure at the stations and informs the units responsible for transportation via the internet, the information about their location and the transportation line they want to use. After the units responsible for transportation receive the information about the disabled individuals at the stops, they make various arrangements in the transportation expedition that is currently used and take the necessary transportation means for the disabled person on the expedition. With the application, while solving the problems experienced by disabled individuals in transportation, it is prevented that they are disconnected from social life within the scope of transportation