55 research outputs found

    Measured Full-scale Dynamic Lateral Pile Responses in Clay and in Sand

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    In order to design machine foundations and to examine interaction between pile and soil, versatile horizontal dynamic loading tests were done to piles. In the tests both stiffness and damping values of piles were measured in overconsolidated clay and in earthfill sand. The stiffness of piles was analyzed by Winkler\u27s spring method and the damping of piles with Gazetas\u27 and Dobry\u27s method. The measured and calculated values were almost the same when stiffness was considered. In damping the measured values were about 40 ... 70% of the calculated values. Very important in the calculation is to know which is the gapping between pile and soil. In these tests the gapping was not measured

    Työttömän työelämävalmiuksien tukeminen viranomaisverkostossa

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    Artikkelissa kuvataan työttömän hyvinvointiin liittyvää moninaista viranomaisverkostoa sekä viranomaisyhteistyön tilaa työttömän terveyden ja työ- ja toimintakyvyn edistämisessä. Artikkeli perustuu Kuopiossa vuosina 2008–2010 toteutetun Työterveysneuvontahankkeen alkukartoitukseen ja siihen liittyvän teemahaastatteluaineiston sekä verkostoanalyysin tuloksiin. Tulosten perusteella verkostoituminen työttömän työelämävalmiuksia tukevassa viranomaistoiminnassa on vielä alkuvaiheessa, mutta verkostotyön kehittämistä pidetään tärkeänä. Perusterveydenhuollon vastaanottotoimintaa ja työterveyshuoltoa pidetään merkittävinä mutta verkoston ulkopuolisina yhteistyökumppaneina. Terveydenhuolto on työttömän työelämävalmiuksia tukevan verkoston kehittämisessä jäljessä muita sidosryhmiä. Kehittämiskohteiksi mainittiin eri organisaatioiden toimintaan tutustuminen, tiedottamisen lisääminen sekä niukat aikaresurssit. Työterveyshuollon rooli työttömän työelämävalmiuksia tukevassa verkostossa ei ole vakiintunut, vaikka työterveyshuollon erikoisosaaminen on eduksi työkyvyn arvioinnissa, ylläpidossa ja edistämisessä, varhaisessa puuttumisessa työn riskitekijöihin ja kuntoutukseen ohjaamisessa. Perusterveydenhuollon ja työterveyshuollon välillä tehtiin yhteistyötä monissa asiakkaiden asioissa, mutta kehittämisen tarvetta nähdään edelleen

    Association of social isolation, loneliness and genetic risk with incidence of dementia : UK Biobank Cohort Study

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    Background Social isolation and loneliness have been associated with increased risk of dementia, but it is not known whether this risk is modified or confounded by genetic risk of dementia. Methods We used the prospective UK Biobank study with 155 070 participants (mean age 64.1 years), including self-reported social isolation and loneliness. Genetic risk was indicated using the polygenic risk score for Alzheimer's disease and the incident dementia ascertained using electronic health records. Results Overall, 8.6% of participants reported that they were socially isolated and 5.5% were lonely. During a mean follow-up of 8.8 years (1.36 million person years), 1444 (0.9% of the total sample) were diagnosed with dementia. Social isolation, but not loneliness, was associated with increased risk of dementia (HR 1.62, 95% CI 1.38 to 1.90). There were no interaction effects between genetic risk and social isolation or between genetic risk and loneliness predicting incident dementia. Of the participants who were socially isolated and had high genetic risk, 4.4% (95% CI 3.4% to 5.5%) were estimated to developed dementia compared with 2.9% (95% CI 2.6% to 3.2%) of those who were not socially isolated but had high genetic risk. Comparable differences were also in those with intermediate and low genetic risk levels. Conclusions Socially isolated individuals are at increased risk of dementia at all levels of genetic risk.Peer reviewe

    Esiselvitys 3D-kameratekniikan ja koneoppimisen hyödyntämisestä suomalaisessa kalan- kasvatuksessa

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    Tehokas kalankasvatus edellyttää tarkkaa ajantasaista tietoa kalojen lukumäärästä, aktiivisuudesta, terveydentilasta ja kasvusta (biomassasta). Tämä mahdollistaa erilaisten toimenpiteiden, kuten ruokinnan, lajittelun, kasvatustiheyksien ja lopulta perkuuajankohdan optimaalisen hallinnan. Videovalvonnan ja -ohjauksen käyttö on lisääntynyt merkittävästi kalankasvatuksen seurannassa ja tuotannonohjauksessa. Myös tietokoneavusteiset kuva-tai videoanalyysit ovat kehittyneet viimeisten kolmen vuosikymmenen aikana, ja ne ovat avainroolissa kasvatettavien kalastojen automaattisessa, ilman ihmistä tapahtuvassa mittaamisessa ja analysoinnissa. Tärkeimmät käytännön sovellukset liittyvät kasvatettavan kalaston ruokinnan ja biomassan seuraamiseen mutta myös kalaterveyteen ja välineiden kunnossapitoon. Kalankasvatusmarkkinoille on kehitetty jonkin aikaa muun muassa 3D-videoseurantaan perustuvia biomassalaskureita, mutta toistaiseksi niiden tarkkuus ei ole ollut välttämättä riittävä. Suomen sameissa rannikkovesissä laskureista ei ole raportoituja käyttökokemuksia, eivätkä sovellukset huomioi kotimaassa kasvatettavia kalalajeja. Laskurit ovat myös verrattain kalliita, jolloin kilpailukykyisten sovellusten kehittäminen voisi lisätä niiden käyttöä ja hyötyjä. Tähän hankeraporttiin koottiin esiselvitys: • Tämänhetkisistä seurantasovelluksista kalankasvatuksessa • Kolmiulotteisen (3D) kuvamateriaalin soveltuvuudesta ja jatkokehitysmahdollisuuksista kasvatettavien kalojen seurannassa kotimaiset erityisolosuhdevaatimukset ja tekoälyn omat reunaehdot huomioiden. Kuvauskokeiluissa ruokailevista kaloista (kirjolohi ja siika) saatiin liikedataa, josta pystyttiin toteamaan niiden aktiviteetin muutoksia. Datamäärät jäivät kuitenkin pieneksi varsinaista mallintamista ajatellen. Myös kuhakasvatusta kuvattiin, mutta samean veden ja kuhan passiivisen ruokailukäyttäytymisen takia niiden liikeaktiivisuutta ei havaittu. Kalojen pituudesta saatiin luotettavia metrisiä mittaustuloksia 3D-kameradatan avulla, joskaan näytemäärä ei ollut tässäkään tapauksessa suuri suoraan biomassan arviointiin. Tulosten perusteella 3D-kuvasta saatuja pituusmittoja voitaisiin käyttää kalojen kasvun tarkempaan arviointiin ilman invasiivisia (stressaavia) välimittauksia. Hanke on toteutettu yritysyhteistyönä Luken koordinoimassa ja Euroopan meri-ja kalatalousrahaston rahoittamassa vesiviljelyn innovaatio-ohjelmassa vuonna 2018.201

    Osmolal and anion gaps after acute self-poisoning with agricultural formulations of the organophosphorus insecticides profenofos and diazinon : A pilot study

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    Self-poisoning with organophosphorus (OP) insecticides is an important means of global self-harm. The insecticides are formulated with solvents that may also contribute to toxicity. We set up a study to detect changes in osmolal and anion gaps following ingestion of OP insecticides. We recruited consecutive patients admitted to a Teaching Hospital, Sri Lanka, with a history of OP self-poisoning. The osmolal and anion gaps were calculated on admission and at 4, 24 and 72 h post-ingestion together with ethanol concentration. Forty-nine patients were recruited (28 profenofos, 10 diazinon, one coumaphos, one chlorpyrifos, one phenthoate and eight unknown OP). Only modest increases in osmolal and anion gaps were noted. Small rises in osmolal gap above the upper limit of normal were noted in 16/49 (32.7%) of all cases, 9/28 (32.1%) profenofos cases and 4/10 (40.0%) diazinon cases. The anion gap was raised in 24/49 (49.0%) of all cases, 15/28 (53.6%) profenofos cases and 5/10 (50.0%) diazinon cases. We observed a trend for a fall in osmolal gap during the first 24 h, followed by an increase up to 72 h. There was no correlation between the anion gap and serum lactate concentration, indicating that a lactic acidosis was not responsible for the anion gap. Formate, which could have explained the increased gap, was not detected in any of the samples; ketoacids (beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate) were not measured. This pilot study found that profenofos and diazinon poisoning caused only modest increases in the osmolal and anion gaps in a minority of cases.Peer reviewe

    Development of gliadin-specific immune responses in children with HLA-associated genetic risk for celiac disease

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    Objective. The development of gliadin-specific antibody and T-cell responses were longitudinally monitored in young children with genetic risk for celiac disease (CD). Material and methods. 291 newborn children positive for HLA-DQB1*02 and -DQA1*05 alleles were followed until 3-4 years of age by screening for tissue transglutaminase autoantibodies (tTGA) by using a commercial ELISA-based kit and antibodies to deamidated gliadin peptide (anti-DGP) by an immunofluorometric assay. Eighty-five of the children were also followed for peripheral blood gliadin-specific CD4(+) T-cell responses by using a carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester-based in vitro proliferation assay. Results. The cumulative incidence of tTGA seropositivity during the follow-up was 6.5%. CD was diagnosed in nine of the tTGA-positive children (3.1%) by duodenal biopsy at a median 3.5 years of age. All of the children with confirmed CD were both IgA and IgG anti-DGP positive at the time of tTGA seroconversion and in over half of the cases IgG anti-DGP positivity even preceded tTGA seroconversion. Peripheral blood T-cell responses to deamidated and native gliadin were detected in 40.5% and 22.2% of the children at the age of 9 months and these frequencies decreased during the follow-up to the levels of 22.2% and 8.9%, respectively. Conclusions. Anti-DGP antibodies may precede tTGA seroconversion and thus frequent monitoring of both tTGA and anti-DGP antibodies may allow earlier detection of CD in genetically susceptible children. Peripheral blood gliadin-specific T-cell responses are relatively common in HLA-DQ2-positive children and are not directly associated with the development of CD.Peer reviewe

    Association of social isolation, loneliness and genetic risk with incidence of dementia: UK Biobank Cohort Study

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    Background Social isolation and loneliness have been associated with increased risk of dementia, but it is not known whether this risk is modified or confounded by genetic risk of dementia. Methods We used the prospective UK Biobank study with 155 070 participants (mean age 64.1 years), including self-reported social isolation and loneliness. Genetic risk was indicated using the polygenic risk score for Alzheimer's disease and the incident dementia ascertained using electronic health records. Results Overall, 8.6% of participants reported that they were socially isolated and 5.5% were lonely. During a mean follow-up of 8.8 years (1.36 million person years), 1444 (0.9% of the total sample) were diagnosed with dementia. Social isolation, but not loneliness, was associated with increased risk of dementia (HR 1.62, 95% CI 1.38 to 1.90). There were no interaction effects between genetic risk and social isolation or between genetic risk and loneliness predicting incident dementia. Of the participants who were socially isolated and had high genetic risk, 4.4% (95% CI 3.4% to 5.5%) were estimated to developed dementia compared with 2.9% (95% CI 2.6% to 3.2%) of those who were not socially isolated but had high genetic risk. Comparable differences were also in those with intermediate and low genetic risk levels. Conclusions Socially isolated individuals are at increased risk of dementia at all levels of genetic risk.</p

    Terrestrial Very-Long-Baseline Atom Interferometry:Workshop Summary

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    This document presents a summary of the 2023 Terrestrial Very-Long-Baseline Atom Interferometry Workshop hosted by CERN. The workshop brought together experts from around the world to discuss the exciting developments in large-scale atom interferometer (AI) prototypes and their potential for detecting ultralight dark matter and gravitational waves. The primary objective of the workshop was to lay the groundwork for an international TVLBAI proto-collaboration. This collaboration aims to unite researchers from different institutions to strategize and secure funding for terrestrial large-scale AI projects. The ultimate goal is to create a roadmap detailing the design and technology choices for one or more km-scale detectors, which will be operational in the mid-2030s. The key sections of this report present the physics case and technical challenges, together with a comprehensive overview of the discussions at the workshop together with the main conclusions

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