173 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Multimedia Tentang Kenampakan Alam dan Keadaan Sosial Benua-Benua di Dunia untuk Kelas Enam Sekolah Dasar

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    Saat mempelajari kenampakan alam dan keadaan sosial benua-benua di dunia kita akan mengetahui seluk beluk dan ciri khas kenampakan alam dan keadaan sosial apa saja yang ada di seluruh dunia, mulai dari kenampakan alam, kenampakan buatan, dan informasi mengenai keadaan sosial suatu negara. Pada studi kasus yang diambil di SD Negeri Sukabirus, cara penyampaian materi tentang kenampakan alam dan keadaan sosial benua-benua di dunia ini masih menggunakan buku pelajaran. Muncul permasalahan yaitu siswa cenderung bosan saat mempelajari keadaan alam dan benua-benua di dunia karena materi yang disampaikan hanya berbentuk teks. Berdasarkan masalah tersebut, penulis ingin membuat sebuah aplikasi pembelajaran berbasis multimedia untuk membantu kegiatan belajar mengajar IPS khususnya tentang kenampakan alam dan benua-benua di dunia. Metode pengembangan aplikasi yang digunakan adalah model ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). Sedangkan tools yang digunakan untuk pengembangan sistem aplikasi adalah Adobe Flash CS6 sebagai pengelola animasi, Coreldraw X7 sebagai pengelola gambar dan CoolEditPro sebagai pengelola audio. Dari hasil pengujian yang telah dilakukan di SD Negeri Sukabirus didapat bahwa setelah menggunakan aplikasi ini siswa mulai memahami materi yang disampaikan dan siswa tertarik dengan cara belajar menggunakan aplikasi pembelajaran berbasis multimedia ini. Kata Kunci: Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, Multimedia, ADDIE

    BIMBINGAN PRIBADI BERDASARKAN PROFIL MAKNA HIDUP PESERTA DIDIK: Studi Deskriptif tentang Bimbingan Pribadi di SMA Negeri 2 Bandung Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk menghasilkan program bimbingan pribadi yang layak untuk mengembangkan makna hidup peserta didik. Responden penelitian adalah peserta didik kelas X SMAN 2 Bandung yang berjumlah 381 orang. Peserta didik kelas X berada pada masa remaja dan dihadapkan pada saat krisis karena menginjak masa peralihan, dimana krisis yang dialami dapat pula berhubungan dengan cara remaja dalam memaknai hidupnya. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode penelitian desktiptif. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa angket makna hidup peserta didik. Analisis data dikelompokkan dalam tiga kategori yaitu baik, cukup baik, dan kurang baik. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu 1) Profil makna hidup peserta didik kelas X SMAN 2 Bandung memiliki tingkat pencapaian cukup baik pada setiap aspek dan indikator makna hidup; 2) Program bimbingan pribadi berdasarkan profil makna hidup peserta didik yang disusun layak digunakan sebagai upaya bantuan dalam mengembangkan makna hidup peserta didik. Kata Kunci: Makna Hidup, Bimbingan Pribadi The research aims to produce appropriate personal guidance program to develop the meaning of life students. Respondents were students of class X SMAN 2 Bandung which amounted to 381 people. Tenth grade students are in adolescence and faced a time of crisis for stepping on the transitional period, in which the crisis can also be related to how adolescents in meaning of his life. This research used quantitative approach with descriptive research methods. The instrument used in the form of a questionnaire the meaning of life students. Analysis of the data is grouped into three categories: good, fairly good, and less good. The results obtained, namely 1) Meaning of life student’s profile grade X SMAN 2 Bandung has a fairly good level of achievement in every aspect and the meaning of life indicators; 2) Personal guidance program based on the meaning of life student’s profile who compiled a decent used as relief efforts in developing the meaning of life students. Keywords: Meaning of life, personal guidanc

    Improving Basic Design courses through Competences of Tuning MEDA

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    It is well established that Tuning’s development of the concept of competences for the improvement of what is referred to as student-centered approach has proven itself beneficial in developing higher education programs.[1]  This paper examines the application of competences suggested by Tuning-MEDA to the benefit of teaching architecture. Two courses were selected from the Architectural Engineering Program at the International University for Science and Technology, Damascus, Syria; namely, Basic Design I and II. Five competences were selected as crucial to be achieved in these two courses: ability to think, perceive and conceive spaces three dimensionally and communicate verbally, in writing, graphically, and/or volumetrically; have critical thinking, analysis and synthesis; knowledge of aesthetics and arts, and understanding their role as key factors in the quality of architectural thinking and design; possess a high level of interpersonal skills; and appreciation of the social and cultural role of architecture. The two courses are evaluated at two levels before being examined in relation to their ability to achieve these competences. They were looked at in connection with Bloom’s Taxonomy and found to be able to deliver learning at its upper levels; namely, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. They were also examined against the typical Learning Retention Pyramid and were found to provide learning opportunities through learning techniques which provide a high level of retention: demonstration, group discussion, and practice by doing. Finally, it was found that the five competences assigned to the courses were very much achievable and indeed through applying them, the two courses were more focused and could achieve their objectives more successfully.[1] Robert Wagenaar, “Competences and learning Outcomes: a Panacea for Understanding the (New) Role of Higher Education?” Tuning Journal for Higher Education 1, no. 2 (May 2014): 279-302.</div

    A computer program for calculating and teaching earth work

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    This creative project was a research effort in order to develop a computer program which could be of assistance to students learning the design process and the calculation of earth work cut and fill volumes. Two programs which calculate cut and fill volumes were analyzed. The first by Mark Lindult: 1980, and the second by E. Bruce MacDougal: 1981. Points of weakness were carefully studied and taken into consideration while developing the CATE program.CATE program (Calculating And Teaching Earth Work) has two major purposes. The first is to teach the grid method for calculating earth work. The second is to calculate cut and fill volumes using this method. It presents accurate results especially in basement and walls studies. The program is designed to be used by students who have no background in computers. The program has been tested twice to prove its abilities in teaching and calculating earth work.Thesis (M.L.A.)Department of Landscape Architectur

    The Tekkiye SĂĽleymaniye In Damascus: Its Setting And Spatial Qualities

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