34 research outputs found

    Admissible cyclic representations and an algebraic approach to quantum phase

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    Nonadmissible, weakly admissible and admissible cyclic representations and other algebraic properties of the generalized homographic oscillator (GHO) are studied in detail. For certain ranges of the deformation parameter, it is shown that this new deformed oscillator is a prototype cyclic oscillator endowed with a non-negative (admissible) spectrum. By changing the deformation parameter, the cyclic spectrum can be tuned to have an arbitrarily large period. It is shown that the standard harmonic oscillator is recovered at the nonadmissible infinite-period limit of the GHO. With these properties, the GHO provides a concrete example of an oscillator rich in a variety of cyclic representations. It is well known that such representations are of relevance to the proper algebraic formulation of the quantum-phase operator. Using a general scheme, it is shown that admissible cyclic algebras permit a well-defined Hermitian phase operator of which properties are studied in detail at finite periods as well as at the infinite-period limit. Fujikawa's index approach is applied to admissible cyclic representations and in particular to the phase operator in such algebras. Using the specific example of GHO it is confirmed that the infinite-period limit is distinctively singular. The connection with the Pegg-Barnett phase formalism is established in this singular limit as the period of the cyclic representations tends to infinity The singular behaviour at this limit identifies the algebraic problems, in a concrete example, emerging in the formulation of a standard quantum harmonic-oscillator phase operator

    Canonical-covariant Wigner function in polar form

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    The two-dimensional Wigner function was investigated in polar canonical coordinates. The covariance properties under the action of affine canonical transformations were derived. The polar canonical phase-space representations were considered important for paraxial optical systems as well as other systems in which a rotational symmetry around a particular axis was present

    The action-angle Wigner function: A discrete, finite and algebraic phase space formalism

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    The action-angle representation in quantum mechanics is conceptually quite different from its classical counterpart and motivates a canonical discretization of the phase space. In this work, a discrete and finite-dimensional phase space formalism, in which the phase space variables are discrete and the time is continuous, is developed and the fundamental properties of the discrete Weyl-Wigner-Moyal quantization are derived. The action-angle Wigner function is shown to exist in the semi-discrete limit of this quantization scheme. A comparison with other formalisms which are not explicitly based on canonical discretization is made. Fundamental properties that an action-angle phase space distribution respects are derived. The dynamical properties of the action-angle Wigner function are analysed for discrete and finite-dimensional model Hamiltonians. The limit of the discrete and finite-dimensional formalism including a discrete analogue of the Gaussian wavefunction spread, viz. the binomial wavepacket, is examined and shown by examples that standard (continuum) quantum mechanical results can be obtained as the dimension of the discrete phase space is extended to infinity

    Role of the environmental spectrum in the decoherence and dephasing of multilevel quantum systems

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    We examine the effect of multilevels on decoherence and dephasing properties of a quantum system consisting of a nonideal two level subspace, identified as the qubit, and a finite set of higher energy levels above this qubit subspace. The whole system is under interaction with an environmental bath through a Caldeira-Leggett type coupling. The model that we use is an rf-SQUID under macroscopic quantum coherence and coupled inductively to a flux noise characterized by an environmental spectrum. The model interaction can generate dipole couplings which can be appreciable between the qubit and the high levels. The decoherence properties of the qubit subspace is examined numerically using the master equation formalism of the system's reduced density matrix. We calculate the relaxation and dephasing times as the spectral parameters of the environment are varied. We observe that, these calculated time scales receive contribution from all available frequencies in the noise spectrum (even well above the system's resonant frequency scales) stressing the dominant role played by the nonresonant transitions. The relaxation and dephasing and the leakage times thus calculated, strongly depend on the appreciably interacting levels determined by the strength of the dipole coupling. Under the influence of these nonresonant and multilevel effects, the validity of the two level approximation is dictated not by the low temperature as conveniently believed, but by these multilevel dipole couplings as well as the availability of the environmental modes. ©2005 The American Physical Society

    Quantum stereographic projection and the homographic oscillator

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    The quantum deformation created by the stenographic mapping from S2 to C is studied. It is shown that the resulting algebra is locally isomorphic to su(2) and is an unconventional deformation of which the undeformed limit is a contraction onto the harmonic oscillator algebra. The deformation parameter is given naturally by the central invariant of the embedding su(2). The deformed algebra is identified as a member of a larger class of quartic q oscillators. We next study the deformations in the corresponding Jordan-Schwinger representation of two independent deformed oscillators and solve for the deforming transformation. The invertibility of this transformation guarantees an implicit coproduct law which is also discussed. Finally we discuss the analogy between Poincaré's geometric interpretation of the quantum Stokes parameters of polarization and the stereographic projection as an important physical application of the latter

    The canonical Kravchuk basis for discrete quantum mechanics

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    The well known Kravchuk formalism of the harmonic oscillator obtained from the direct discretization method is shown to be a new way of formulating discrete quantum phase space. It is shown that the Kravchuk oscillator Hamiltonian has a well defined unitary canonical partner which we identify with the quantum phase of the Kravchuk oscillator. The generalized discrete Wigner function formalism based on the action and angle variables is applied to the Kravchuk oscillator and its continuous limit is examined

    Possibility of superconductivity of two-dimensional electrons on the surface of liquid heliuM, films

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    We consider the possibility of superconductivity in a system of two-dimensional electrons on the surface of liquid helium films. Taking into account of the interaction between electrons and the surface excitations of liquid helium films-ripplons, within the weak coupling BCS theory, we estimate the superconducting transition temperature for various interaction strengths, film thicknesses, and electron densities. The superconducting transition temperature Tc, under experimentally realizable conditions, is calculated to be a few mK's. © 1993

    SU(2) coherent state path integral investigation of the Holstein dimer

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    The SU(2) coherent state path integral is used to investigate the partition function of the Holstein dimer. This approach naturally takes into account the dynamical symmetry of the model. The ground-state energy and the number of the phonons are calculated as functions of the parameters of the Hamiltonian. The renormalizations of the phonon frequency and electron hopping for bonding and antibonding states are considered. The destruction of quasiclassical mean field solution is discussed

    Dynamical properties of the two-dimensional Holstein-Hubbard model in the normal state at zero temperature: A fluctuation-based effective cumulant approach

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    The two-dimensional many-body Holstein-Hubbard model in the T = 0 normal state is examined within the framework of the self-consistent coupling of charge fluctuation correlations to the vibrational ones. The parameters of our model are the adiabaticity, the electron concentration, as well as the electron-phonon and the Coulomb interaction strengths. A fluctuation-based effective cumulant approach is introduced to examine the T = 0 normal-state fluctuations and an analytic approximation to the true dynamical entangled ground state is suggested. Our results for the effective charge-transfer amplitude, the ground state energy, the fluctuations in the phonon population, the phonon softening as well as the coupling constant renormalizations suggest that, the recent numerical calculations of de Mello and Ranninger (Ref. 5), Berger, Valášek, and von der Linden (Ref. 2), and Marsiglio (Refs. 4 and 8) on systems with finite degrees of freedom can be qualitatively extended to the systems with large degrees of freedom