23 research outputs found

    Faktor risiko disfungsi endotel pada prediabetes

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    Prevalensi kasus prediabetes di Indonesia pada saat ini cukup tinggi, dan oleh karena itu proporsi wanita berisiko penyakit kardiovaskular meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor risiko disfungsi endotel pada wanita prediabetes melalui pemeriksaan kadar asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) serum. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan desain case control pada populasi wanita prediabetes berusia 30-55 tahun. Kriteria prediabetes ditentukan dari pemeriksaan toleransi glukosa oral (TTGO) dengan pemberian 75 gram glukosa. Selanjutnya dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar kolesterol total, LDL, HDL, trigliserida dan HbA1c sebagai variabel independen, serta ADMA sebagai variabel dependen. Terdapat 41 subjek wanita prediabetes yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan dimasukkan dalam kelompok kasus, dan 39 subjek yang dimasukkan dalam kelompok kontrol. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna dan korelasi yang kuat antara peningkatan kadar ADMA dengan glukosa darah puasa, glukosa darah pasca pemberian glukosa 75 gram dan HbA1c. Namun hasil analisis multivariat membuktikan bahwa faktor yang menentukan kadar ADMA adalah HbA1c.Probabilitas subjek prediabetes dengan HbA1c lebih dari 6% untuk mendapatkan kadar ADMA yang tidak normal adalah 96,03%. Faktor risiko terjadinya disfungsi endotel pada wanita prediabetes adalah peningkatan HbA1c lebih dari 6%


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    Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan akumulasi kalkulus supragingiva pada pasien dengan Penyakit Jantung Koroner(PJK) terbentuk lebih cepat dan lebih banyak dibandingkan pasien non PJK. Streptococcus sanguinis dikenal bukan sajadalam hubungannya dengan pembentukan karang gigi, tetapi juga dengan endokarditis bakterial yang dapat menimbulkankematian. Penelitian awal ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi S.sanguinis yang berasal dari plak gigi dan saliva pasienPJK. Sampel berasal dari plak gigi dan saliva 17 pasien PJK yang disebar pada plat Agar Mitis Salivarius dan diinkubasidalam suasana mikroaerofilik. Total sampel adalah 50,35 berasal plak gigi, 15 dari saliva, yang diasumsikan sebagai S.sanguinis atas`dasar morfologi koloninya yang jelas, lekat, berbentuk bintang, diambil dan dikonfirmasi dengan caramenumbuhkan setiap koloni kedalam agar darah bernutrisi. Bacterial chromosomal DNA diekstraksi dan dikonformasisebagai S. sanguinis dengan menggunakan primer PCR amplifikasi spesifik regio intergenik (475-bp) dan strain standardS. sanguinis ATCC 10556. Diversiti genotip diobservasi menggunakan primer OPA2. Didapatkan 4 dari 50 isolat (8%), 1koloni dari saliva, dan 3 koloni dari plak gigi dikonformasi sebagai S. sanguinis. Sebagai kesimpulan, morfologi koloni S.sanguinis jelas, lekat, berbentuk bintang, didapatkan 4 keragaman genotip S. sanguinis di dalam plak gigi dan salivapasien PJK

    The Changes of Amino Terminal Pro B-type Natriuretic Peptide (NT-proBNP) Concentration and Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction on Doxorubicin Chemotherapy Patients

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    Introduction. Cancer patients who received chemotherapy regimen containing doxorubicin has been known to have serious side effect in heart, called as cardiotoxicity. The measurement of NT-proBNP proposed to be used as a new parameter to identify and evaluate cardiotoxicity in cancer patients earlier before it has been manifested, superior than measurement of left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF). The aims of this study to examine the changes of NT-proBNP concentration and LVEF on patients with cancer who receive chemotherapy regimen containing doxorubicin. Methods. The study used pre and post test design to observe the changes of NT-proBNP concentration and LVEF on the patients who receive naïve doxorubicin chemotherapy and after chemotherapy-cycle I to cyce IV at the Ciptomangunkusumo hospital, Jakarta. Echocardiography and NT-proBNP were examined on naïve chemotherapy and after chemotherapy each cycle. Statistical analysis was performed by using two way Anova and Friedman nonparametric test. Results. During the period of October 2007 to June 2008, a total of 29 consecutive patiets receiving doxorubicin chemotherapy regimen CHOP (Cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, Vincristine, Prednisone and FAC-5 Fluorouracil, doxorubicin, Cyclophosphamide) were collected. The increase of median NT-proBNP concentration between naïve chemotherapy and: post chemotherapy cycle I was 32 pg/mL (12,5-124,6 pg/mL), post chemotherapy cycle II was 135 pg/mL (44-275,2 pg/mL), post chemotherapy cycle III was 275,1 pg/mL (97,8-907,2 pg/mL), post chemotherapy cycle IV was 514,6 pg/mL (80,6-6458,2 pg/mL). With Friedman test, p< 0,000. With Anova two way test, it was found the difference between naïve LVEF and LVEF: post chemotherapy cycle I was 5,1% (p 0,000), post chemotherapy cycle II 8,9% (p 0,000), post chemotherapy cycle III 11,2% (p 0,000), post chemotherapy cycle IV 12,5% (p 0,000). Conclusions. Elevated NT-proBNP concentration and LVEF reduction had been observed in doxorubicin chemotherapy patients

    Helicobacter pylori virulence genes in the five largest islands of Indonesia

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    Background: It remains unclear whether the low incidence of gastric cancer in Indonesia is due to low infection rates only or is also related to low Helicobacter pylori pathogenicity. We collected H. pylori strains from the five largest islands in Indonesia and evaluated genetic virulence factors. Methods: The genotypes of H. pylori virulence factors were determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based sequencing. Histological severity of the gastric mucosa was classified into 4 grades, according to the updated Sydney system. Results: A total of 44 strains were analyzed. Forty-three (97.7 ) were cagA-positive: 26 (60.5 ) were East-Asian-typecagA, 9 (20.9 ) were Western-type-cagA, and 8 (18.6 ) were novel ABB-type, most of which were obtained from Papuan. EPIYT sequences were more prevalent than EPIYA sequences (P = 0.01) in the EPIYA-B motif of all types of cagA. The majority of cagA-positive strains (48.8 , 21/43) had a 6-bp deletion in the first pre-EPIYA region. Subjects infected with East-Asian-type-cagA strains with a 6-bp deletion had significantly lower inflammation and atrophy scores in the corpus than those infected with Western-type-cagA strains (both P = 0.02). In total, 70.4 of strains possessed the vacA s1m1 genotype and 29.5 were m2. All strains from peptic ulcer patients were of the iceA1 genotype, which occurred at a significantly higher proportion in peptic ulcer patients than that in gastritis patients (55.3 , P = 0.04). The double positive genotype of jhp0562/â-(1,3)galT was predominant (28/44, 63.6 ), and subjects infected with this type had significantly higher inflammation scores in the corpus than those with the jhp0562 negative/â-(1,3)galT positive genotype (mean median; 1.43 1 vs. 0.83 1, P = 0.04). There were significant differences in cagA and pre-EPIYA cagA type, oipA status, and jhp0562/â-(1,3)galT type among different ethnic groups (P < 0.05). Conclusions: In addition to a low H. pylori infection rate, the low incidence of gastric cancer in Indonesia might be attributed to less virulent genotypes in predominant strains, which are characterized by the East-Asian-type-cagA with a 6-bp deletion and EPIYT motif, a high proportion of m2, dupA negative or short type dupA, and the jhp0562/â-(1,3) galT double positive genotype. © 2015 Miftahussurur et al

    Surveillance of Helicobacter pylori antibiotic susceptibility in Indonesia: Different resistance types among regions and with novel genetic mutations

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    Information regarding Helicobacter pylori antibiotic resistance in Indonesia was previously inadequate. We assessed antibiotic susceptibility for H. pylori in Indonesia, and determined the association between virulence genes or genetic mutations and antibiotic resistance. We recruited 849 dyspeptic patients who underwent endoscopy in 11 cities in Indonesia. E-test was used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration of five antibiotics. PCR-based sequencing assessed mutations in 23S rRNA, rdxA, gyrA, gyrB, and virulence genes. Next generation sequencing was used to obtain full-length sequences of 23S rRNA, infB, and rpl22. We cultured 77 strains and identified 9.1 with clarithromycin resistance. Low prevalence was also found for amoxicillin and tetracycline resistance (5.2 and 2.6, respectively). In contrast, high resistance rates to metronidazole (46.7) and levofloxacin (31.2) were demonstrated. Strains isolated from Sumatera Island had significantly higher metronidazole resistance than those from other locations. Metronidazole resistant strains had highly distributed rdxA amino acid substitutions and the 23S rRNA A2143G mutation was associated with clarithromycin resistance (42.9). However, one strain with the highest MIC value had a novel mutation in rpl22 without an A2143G mutation. Mutation at Asn-87 and/or Asp- 91 of gyrA was associated with levofloxacin-resistance and was related to gyrB mutations. In conclusions, although this is a pilot study for a larger survey, our current data show that Indonesian strains had the high prevalence of metronidazole and levofloxacin resistance with low prevalence of clarithromycin, amoxicillin, and tetracycline resistance. Nevertheless, clarithromycin- or metronidazole-based triple therapy should be administered with caution in some regions of Indonesia. © 2016 Miftahussurur et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    The Role of New Pulmonary Artery Wedge Pressure Formula to Predict Diastolic Dysfunction in Obstructive Sleep Apnea

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    Background: Heart failure (HF) is a common condition with high morbidity and mortality  in  Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), especially in obese patient. The causes of HF are often abnormal conduction pathways, pump filling and/or heart valves. Right heart catheterization using Swan-Ganz catheter remains the gold standard to determine pulmonary hemodynamics, but it is costly and invasive. Herein, we propose a new formula for non-invasive Pulmonary artery wedge pressure (PAWP) measurement using tissue Doppler echocardiography. The purpose of this research is to explore the correlation between the new formula to calculate PAWP to predict diastolic dysfunction in OSA patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Jakarta, in March until October 2021. Eighty-two subjects were enrolled in the study, consist of 34 females and 48 males. All subjects underwent polysomnography and tissue Doppler echocardiography. Noninvasive measurement of PAWP were obtained from combined assessment of E/e’ and left atrial parameters. Results: Based on 82 subjects included, 66 subjects (80.5%) had obstructive sleep apnea, and 16 subjects (19.5%) did not have it. There was a significant difference in PAWP between patients with and without OSA (p value <0.01). Ten subjects OSA (12.1%) had diastolic dysfunction, while all non-OSA subjects had normal diastolic function, with no statistical significance between two groups (p value = 0.20). Diastolic dysfunction significantly associated with PAWP measured using proposed formula  (R = 0.240, p value = 0.030). Conclusion: The new formula could be used to indirectly calculate PAWP and predict diastolic dysfunction in OSA. Obstructive sleep apnea is associated with elevated PAWP. The increased risk of diastolic dysfunction in OSA, especially in obesity patient may indicate for the risk of cardiovascular morbidities

    Risk Factors and Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in Five Largest Islands of Indonesia: A Preliminary Study.

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    The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in Indonesia is still controversial and mainly investigated in the largest ethnic group, Javanese. We examined the prevalence of H. pylori infection using four different tests including culture, histology confirmed by immunohistochemistry and rapid urease test. We also analyzed risk factors associated with H. pylori infection in five largest islands in Indonesia. From January 2014-February 2015 we consecutively recruited a total of 267 patients with dyspeptic symptoms in Java, Papua, Sulawesi, Borneo and Sumatera Island. Overall, the prevalence of H. pylori infection was 22.1% (59/267). Papuan, Batak and Buginese ethnics had higher risk for H. pylori infection than Javanese, Dayak and Chinese ethnics (OR = 30.57, 6.31, 4.95; OR = 28.39, 5.81, 4.61 and OR = 23.23, 4.76, 3.77, respectively, P <0.05). The sensitivity and specificity for RUT and culture were 90.2%, 92.9% and 80.5%, 98.2%, respectively. The patients aged 50-59 years group had significantly higher H. pylori infection than 30-39 years group (OR 2.98, P = 0.05). Protestant had significantly higher H. pylori infection rate than that among Catholic (OR 4.42, P = 0.008). It was also significantly lower among peoples who used tap water as source of drinking water than from Wells/river (OR 9.67, P = 0.03). However only ethnics as become independent risk factors for H. pylori infection. Although we confirmed low prevalence of H. pylori in Javanese; predominant ethnic in Indonesia, several ethnic groups had higher risk of H. pylori infection. The age, religion and water source may implicate as a risk factor for H. pylori infection in Indonesia

    Surveillance of Helicobacter pylori Antibiotic Susceptibility in Indonesia: Different Resistance Types among Regions and with Novel Genetic Mutations.

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    Information regarding Helicobacter pylori antibiotic resistance in Indonesia was previously inadequate. We assessed antibiotic susceptibility for H. pylori in Indonesia, and determined the association between virulence genes or genetic mutations and antibiotic resistance. We recruited 849 dyspeptic patients who underwent endoscopy in 11 cities in Indonesia. E-test was used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration of five antibiotics. PCR-based sequencing assessed mutations in 23S rRNA, rdxA, gyrA, gyrB, and virulence genes. Next generation sequencing was used to obtain full-length sequences of 23S rRNA, infB, and rpl22. We cultured 77 strains and identified 9.1% with clarithromycin resistance. Low prevalence was also found for amoxicillin and tetracycline resistance (5.2% and 2.6%, respectively). In contrast, high resistance rates to metronidazole (46.7%) and levofloxacin (31.2%) were demonstrated. Strains isolated from Sumatera Island had significantly higher metronidazole resistance than those from other locations. Metronidazole resistant strains had highly distributed rdxA amino acid substitutions and the 23S rRNA A2143G mutation was associated with clarithromycin resistance (42.9%). However, one strain with the highest MIC value had a novel mutation in rpl22 without an A2143G mutation. Mutation at Asn-87 and/or Asp-91 of gyrA was associated with levofloxacin-resistance and was related to gyrB mutations. In conclusions, although this is a pilot study for a larger survey, our current data show that Indonesian strains had the high prevalence of metronidazole and levofloxacin resistance with low prevalence of clarithromycin, amoxicillin, and tetracycline resistance. Nevertheless, clarithromycin- or metronidazole-based triple therapy should be administered with caution in some regions of Indonesia