3,526 research outputs found

    Effect of an oxide cap layer and fluorine implantation on the metal-induced lateral crystallization of amorphous silicon

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    In this work, we investigate the effect of oxide cap layer on the metal-induced lateral crystallization (MILC) of amorphous silicon. The MILC is characterized at temperatures in the range 550 to 428°C using Nomarski optical microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. It is shown that better lateral crystallization is obtained when the oxide cap layer is omitted, with the crystallization length increasing by 33% for a 15 hour anneal at 550°C. A smaller increase of about 10% is seen at lower temperatures between 525°C and 475°C and no increase is seen below 450°C. It is also shown that the detrimental effect of the oxide cap layer can be dramatically reduced by giving samples a fluorine implant prior to the MILC anneal. Raman spectroscopy shows that random grain growth is significantly less for unimplanted samples without an oxide cap and also for fluorine implanted samples both with and without an oxide cap. The crystallization length improvement for samples without an oxide cap layer is explained by the elimination of random grain crystallization at the interface between the amorphous silicon and the oxide cap layer

    High-redshift galaxies and black holes in the eyes of JWST: a population synthesis model from infrared to X-rays

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    The first billion years of the Universe is a pivotal time: stars, black holes (BHs) and galaxies form and assemble, sowing the seeds of galaxies as we know them today. Detecting, identifying and understand- ing the first galaxies and BHs is one of the current observational and theoretical challenges in galaxy formation. In this paper we present a population synthesis model aimed at galaxies, BHs and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) at high redshift. The model builds a population based on empirical relations. Galaxies are characterized by a spectral energy distribution determined by age and metallicity, and AGNs by a spectral energy distribution determined by BH mass and accretion rate. We validate the model against observational constraints, and then predict properties of galaxies and AGN in other wavelength and/or luminosity ranges, estimating the contamination of stellar populations (normal stars and high-mass X-ray binaries) for AGN searches from the infrared to X-rays, and vice-versa for galaxy searches. For high-redshift galaxies, with stellar ages < 1 Gyr, we find that disentangling stellar and AGN emission is challenging at restframe UV/optical wavelengths, while high-mass X-ray binaries become more important sources of confusion in X-rays. We propose a color-color selection in JWST bands to separate AGN vs star-dominated galaxies in photometric observations. We also esti- mate the AGN contribution, with respect to massive, hot, metal-poor stars, at driving high ionization lines, such as C IV and He II. Finally, we test the influence of the minimum BH mass and occupa- tion fraction of BHs in low mass galaxies on the restframe UV/near-IR and X-ray AGN luminosity function.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Depletion isolation effect in Vertical MOSFETS during transition from partial to fully depleted operation

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    A simulation study is made of floating-body effects (FBEs) in vertical MOSFETs due to depletion isolation as the pillar thickness is reduced from 200 to 10 nm. For pillar thicknesses between 200–60 nm, the output characteristics with and without impact ionization are identical at a low drain bias and then diverge at a high drain bias. The critical drain bias Vdc for which the increased drain–current is observed is found to decrease with a reduction in pillar thickness. This is explained by the onset of FBEs at progressively lower values of the drain bias due to the merging of the drain depletion regions at the bottom of the pillar (depletion isolation). For pillar thicknesses between 60–10 nm, the output characteristics show the opposite behavior, namely, the critical drain bias increases with a reduction in pillar thickness. This is explained by a reduction in the severity of the FBEs due to the drain debiasing effect caused by the elevated body potential. Both depletion isolation and gate–gate coupling contribute to the drain–current for pillar thicknesses between 100–40 nm

    Asymmetric gate induced drain leakage and body leakage in vertical MOSFETs with reduced parasitic capacitance

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    Vertical MOSFETs, unlike conventional planar MOSFETs, do not have identical structures at the source and drain, but have very different gate overlaps and geometric configurations. This paper investigates the effect of the asymmetric source and drain geometries of surround-gate vertical MOSFETs on the drain leakage currents in the OFF-state region of operation. Measurements of gate-induced drain leakage (GIDL) and body leakage are carried out as a function of temperature for transistors connected in the drain-on-top and drain-on-bottom configurations. Asymmetric leakage currents are seen when the source and drain terminals are interchanged, with the GIDL being higher in the drain-on-bottom configuration and the body leakage being higher in the drain-on-top configuration. Band-to-band tunneling is identified as the dominant leakage mechanism for both the GIDL and body leakage from electrical measurements at temperatures ranging from ?50 to 200?C. The asymmetric body leakage is explained by a difference in body doping concentration at the top and bottom drain–body junctions due to the use of a p-well ion implantation. The asymmetric GIDL is explained by the difference in gate oxide thickness on the vertical (110) pillar sidewalls and the horizontal (100) wafer surface

    Sintesis Feromon 6-metil-2-hepten-4-ol Dari Krotonaldehid Melalui Pembentukan Reagen Grignard Isobutilmagnesium Bromida

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    : Synthesis of 6-methyl-2-hepten-4-ol was generated with formation of Grignard reagent Isobutylmagnesium bromide carried out at 400C for one hour, then formation of alcoxide salt magnesium bromide carried out at 00C. Alcoxide salt magnesium bromide were hydrolyzed by saturated NH4Cl solution producing 6-methyl-2-hepten-4-ol. Results were examined physically and chemically including density, refraction index, pure percentage and yield percentage were 0,81529 g/mL, 1,40830, 66,07 % and 46,31 % respectively. The IR characters showed stretching vibration of O-H group at 3361 cm-1, stretching vibration C-OH group at 1049,2 cm-1, stretching vibration C=C group at 1676 cm-1 and absorption of C-H in CH3 2956,7 and 2920 cm-1. Identification using GC-MS resulted spectra m/e 128 at time retention 6,284 minutes. The proven data indicated that the resulted compound was 6-methyl-2-hepten-4-ol

    Improved drive current in RF vertical MOSFETS using hydrogen anneal

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    This letter reports a study on the effect of a hydrogen anneal after silicon pillar etch of surround-gate vertical MOSFETs intended for RF applications. A hydrogen anneal at 800 ?C is shown to give a 30% improvement in the drive current of 120-nm n-channel transistors compared with transistors without the hydrogen anneal. The value of drive current achieved is 250 ?A/?m, which is a record for thick pillar vertical MOSFETs. This improved performance is obtained even though a sacrificial oxidation was performed prior to the hydrogen anneal to smooth the pillar sidewall. The values of subthreshold slope and DIBL are 79 mV/decade and 45 mV/V, respectively, which are significantly better than most values reported in the literature for comparable devices. The H2 anneal is also shown to decrease the OFF-state leakage current by a factor of three

    Pengaruh Ukuran Perusahaan, Jenis Industri, Komite Audit, dan Ukuran Kap terhadap Audit Delay

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    M various parties associated with the company and cause the decline of the company\u27s image in the eyes of investors. This study will test audit delay using firm size factors, industry type, audit committee, and KAP size. This research is a quantitative research with associative causal approach. The population in this research is a company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange since 2014-2016. The number of samples in this study as many as 24 companies with 3 times the publication of financial statements (2014-2016) so that obtained samples in this study as 72 corporate data. This researchuses multiple linear regression analysis method with IBM SPSS Version 22 statistical tool. The results of this research show that partially only the type of industry that has a positive and significant impact on audit delay . While firm size variable, audit committee, and KAP size have negative effect not significant to audit delay . Simultaneously firm size, industry type, audit committee, and KAP size have an effect on audit delay

    Galilean Limit of Equilibrium Relativistic Mass Distribution

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    The low-temperature form of the equilibrium relativistic mass distribution is subject to the Galilean limit by taking c→∞.c\rightarrow \infty . In this limit the relativistic Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution passes to the usual nonrelativistic form and the Dulong-Petit law is recovered.Comment: TAUP-2081-9
