6 research outputs found

    Evaluating annual severe coral bleaching risk for marine protected areas across Indonesia

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    Coral reefs face an uncertain future under global climate change, with thermal-induced bleaching increasing in frequency such that corals will soon experience annual severe bleaching (ASB). Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are therefore becoming increasingly important as a conservation tool. Here we evaluate (i) Indonesia’s coral reefs’ spatial variation in ASB, (ii) whether reefs projected to have a later onset of ASB (i.e. possible climate refugia) are protected within MPAs, and (iii) the ASB risk profiles for reefs related to MPAs receiving priority investments. Our results highlight considerable variability across Indonesia’s reefs being at risk of ASB. The ASB risk before 2028 is greater for coral reefs protected by MPAs versus those outside MPA boundaries. The ASB risk before 2025 is greater for coral reefs protected by priority MPAs versus those protected by non-priority MPAs. Overall, our results show that only ∼45% of the coral reef areas that are currently located within MPAs will likely act as thermal refugia (ASB > 2044). This is unsurprising given that the MPA network in Indonesia has been established over many decades, with most MPAs designated before suitable bleaching risk projections were available to inform MPA placement. Our results highlight the scope to further incorporate potential climate refugia for reefs into new MPA designations. This study also provides strategic information, which can support the development of Indonesia’s long-term MPA and coral reef conservation strategy to effectively manage, mitigate, and adapt to the impacts of climate change on coral reefs

    Evaluating annual severe coral bleaching risk for marine protected areas across Indonesia

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    Coral reefs face an uncertain future under global climate change, with thermal-induced bleaching increasing in frequency such that corals will soon experience annual severe bleaching (ASB). Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are therefore becoming increasingly important as a conservation tool. Here we evaluate (i) Indonesia’s coral reefs’ spatial variation in ASB, (ii) whether reefs projected to have a later onset of ASB (i.e. possible climate refugia) are protected within MPAs, and (iii) the ASB risk profiles for reefs related to MPAs receiving priority investments. Our results highlight considerable variability across Indonesia’s reefs being at risk of ASB. The ASB risk before 2028 is greater for coral reefs protected by MPAs versus those outside MPA boundaries. The ASB risk before 2025 is greater for coral reefs protected by priority MPAs versus those protected by non-priority MPAs. Overall, our results show that only ∼45% of the coral reef areas that are currently located within MPAs will likely act as thermal refugia (ASB > 2044). This is unsurprising given that the MPA network in Indonesia has been established over many decades, with most MPAs designated before suitable bleaching risk projections were available to inform MPA placement. Our results highlight the scope to further incorporate potential climate refugia for reefs into new MPA designations. This study also provides strategic information, which can support the development of Indonesia’s long-term MPA and coral reef conservation strategy to effectively manage, mitigate, and adapt to the impacts of climate change on coral reefs

    Tinjauan Orientasi Efektivitas Rencana Pengelolaan Program Kawasan Konservasi Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan

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    Pengelolaan yang efektif kini telah menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari upaya untuk menangani masalah ‘kawasan konservasi kertas', dan sekaligus untuk memfasilitasi pembangkitan manfaat-manfaat ekologi dan sosial-ekonomi kawasan konservasi laut. Agar dapat dikelola secara efektif setiap kawasan konservasi laut wajib dilengkapi dengan rencana pengelolaan (RP) berorientasi efektivitas pengelolaan. Makalah ini menyajikan persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi sebuah RP agar ia layak disebut berorientasi efektivitas pengelolaan, yaitu: (1) daftar keanekaragaman dan sumberdaya hayati terbarukan yang terancam oleh kegiatan manusia; (2) kegiatan-kegiatan manusia yang secara langsung maupun tak-langsung mengancam keberlanjutan keanekaragaman dan sumberdaya hayati; (3) strategi untuk menangani kegiatan-kegiatan manusia yang mengancam keanekaragaman dan sumberdaya hayati; dan (4) tujuan dan sasaran pengelolaan kawasan yang dinyatakan dengan jelas dan terukur. Untuk memberi contoh bagaimana meninjau orientasi efektivitas pengelolaan sebuah RP, persyaratan diterapkan pada rencana pengelolaan dan zonasi (RPZ) salah satu kawasan konservasi perairan, pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil yang berada di bawah yurisdiksi Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan, yaitu Taman Wisata Perairan (TWP) Gili Matra. Selain menyarankan isi dan cara menyusun RP berorientasi efektivitas pengelolaan, makalah ini juga sangat menyarankan agar semua RP yang sudah ada ditinjau-ulang dan direvisi menjadi berorientasi efektivitas pengelolaan.&nbsp

    Pengembangan Kawasan Konservasi Untuk Mendukung Pengelolaan Perikanan yang Berkelanjutan di Indonesia

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    Pemerintah Indonesia telah menargetkan 32,5 juta hektar kawasan konservasi atau 10% dari luas perairan Indonesia pada tahun 2030 yang merupakan kontribusi untuk komitmen global Sustainable Development Goal dan Convention on Biological Diversity. Pada awal pembentukan, kawasan konservasi tersebut lebih ditujukan kepada perlindungan biodiversitas, namun seiring dengan waktu dirasa perlu untuk kawasan konservasi dapat mendukung keberlanjutan sumber daya ikan sesuai dengan amanat Undang-Undang Perikanan. Riset ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji luasan dan sebaran kawasan konservasi di Indonesia, serta mengkaji target konservasi, berkenaan dengan fungsinya dalam mendukung pengelolaan perikanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemerintah Indonesia sudah mengalokasikan 28,08 Juta hektar atau 377 kawasan konservasi, dengan luas 12,9 juta hektar atau sebanyak 64 kawasan konservasi telah ditetapkan oleh menteri. Perlu ada prioritas utama untuk mengembangan kawasan konservasi di Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan Negara Republik Indonesia (WPPNRI) 571 dan 718, dan prioritas berikutnya di WPPNRI 572, 712, 716, dan 717. Selain itu perlu dikembangan indikator dan alat ukur di masing-masing kawasan konservasi terkait ikan ekonomis penting yang merupakan salah satu target konservasi utama dari kawasan konservasi yang ada di Indonesia

    Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) with a Reference on Protection-production Approach: An Initial Lesson of TWP East Bintan, Kepulauan Riau Province

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    Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) encompasses a holistic marine management strategy that intertwines robust marine ecosystem preservation with sustainable resource utilization. This method aims to harness oceanic resources while advocating for the financial backing of crucial scientific research, sustainable ecosystem management, and support for local fisherfolk and communities, ultimately enhancing the resilience of marine environments. In Indonesia, unlocking the full potential of nature-based solutions for climate mitigation, marine conservation, and sustainable oceanic development necessitates strategic and appropriately scaled investments. Despite being introduced in the 1990s, national-level adoption of the ICM approach remains lacking. Presently, the Government of Indonesia predominantly relies on the establishment of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) asa primary tool for ocean conservation. With approximately 28.9 million hectares of MPAs currently established, Indonesia plans to expand coverage to 97.5 million hectares by 2045. Aligning with Konservasi Indonesia’s Protection and Production approach, MPAs can be tailored to operationalize ICM principles. The East Pulau Bintan MPA serves as a viable case study, demonstrating how zoning strategies can effectively balance marine conservation with sustainable resource exploitation

    Shapefile with the average year of onset of annual severe bleaching (ASB) events in all the marine protected areas (MPAs) of Indonesia designated in January 2020

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    This shapefile/vector shows you the projected year beyond which a coral reef is expected to experience severe bleaching conditions annually based on the reef being exposed to at least 8 Degree Heating Weeks (DHW) (UNEP 2020). This vector allows you to identify which Indonesian MPAs might act as thermal refugia for coral reefs. More information can be found in De Clippele et al. (2022) Evaluating annual severe coral bleaching risk for marine protected areas across Indonesia, Marine Policy