160 research outputs found

    Interlanguage in the Translation of Seventh Semester Students of Study Program of English Universitas Brawijaya

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    Hakiki, Muhammad Aminullah. 2014. Interlanguage in the Translation of Seventh Semester Students of Study Program of English Universitas Brawijaya. Study Program of English, Department of Languages and Literature, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Brawijaya. Supervisor: Fatimah; Co-supervisor: Yana Shanti Manipuspika. Keywords: Error, interlanguage, translation, interference error, intralingual error. Language is used in human communication, either in spoken or written one. Language as a source of communication has a vital role in human life. As people communicate with other people with different languages, it is not enough only to learn one\u27s native language. To strive in this globalization era, a person needs to learn foreign languages and master the skills especially translation. The more languages one can master, the more he is able to compete. One of the foreign languages that should be learned is English as it is one of the languages that is used in communication around the world. In this research, the researcher investigates the kinds of errors and most frequent errors produced by seventh semester students in their translation. The researcher used qualitative research and content analysis in order to answer the research problems. In analyzing the data, the researcher used the theory of sources of errors by Richards (1971) and Lott (1983). The data were five translations made by seventh semester students who have taken “Introduction to Translation” class with a grade of A. In data collection, the researcher provided the participants a test in which they have to translate from Bahasa Indonesia to English within 45 minutes. This study found that the most frequent error is false concept hypothesized with 59 errors (68.7%), followed by incomplete application of rules with 17 errors (19.4%), then interlingual with 7 errors (7.6%), and transfer of structure with 4 errors (4.3%). The researcher found that there are still many translation errors made by the students even though they have high grades in the translation class. The researcher suggests the next researchers who want to conduct a similar study by using another theory and giving the participants a different criteria, like the TOEFL score

    Simbol Islam Dan Adat Dalam Perkawinan Adat Lampung Pepadun

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    Masyarakat pribumi Lampung mempunyai berbagai macam bentuk kebudayaan daerah yang unik yang salah satunya terdapat pada tradisi upacara perkawinan. Sebagai akibat dari akulturasi budaya dan agama di kalangan masyarakat Lampung, maka tidak heran jika upacara adat perkawinan masyarakat Lampung bercorak Islam. Memang, Relasi antara Islam dan budaya Lampung ini dapat diibaratkan dua sisi mata uang yang tak terpisahkan. Pada satu sisi, kedatangan Islam di tanah Lampung memperkaya budaya masyarakat Lampung; Sementara pada sisi lain, kultur atau budaya masyarakat Lampung berpengaruh pada pengamalan ajaran Islam di masyarakat. Inkulturasi Islam sebagai ajaran baru ke dalam konteks kebudayaan lokal Lampung berjalan secara akomodatif atau adaptif sehingga Islam mewarnai budaya lokal tanpa kehilangan identitasnya

    Pengaruh Metode Learning Community terhadap Hasil Belajar Tolak Peluru Kelas VIII Mts N 2 Pontianak

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    This study aims to determine the effect of community learning methods on learning outcomes shot put in learning the sport physical education and health at class VIII students MTS Negeri 2 Pontianak. The method used is an experimental method to form true experimental design. The data source of this research is class VIII B 2 totaling 34 people as the control class A and class VIII totaling 34 people as a class experiment. Data was analyzed using computerized systems as well as analysis by using t-test. The result showed that the t-test results in grade control and experimental value 0,000 p value <0.05 then Ho is rejected (Ha acceptable) means that there is a significant improvement between the before and after treatment, in which the mean value of the difference in the experimental class ( 29.18) was higher than in the control group (5.86)

    Surfactant-Polymer Coreflood Simulation and Uncertainty Analysis Derived From Laboratory Study

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    This paper presents a numerical simulation study on coreflood scale derived from a laboratory study conducted on light oil and water-wet sandstone samples from fields at Tempino and Kenali Asam, Sumatra, Indonesia. A rigorous laboratory study prompted a specified surfactant type among dozens of screened samples, i.e. AN3NS and AN2NS-M for Kenali Asam and Tempino, respectively. The coreflood scale numerical simulation study was performed using a commercial simulator, on the basis of the results from the laboratory study, at a constant temperature of 68°C, 0.3 cc/min injection rate and under 120 psia confining pressure. To get better recovery, the cores were tested using surfactant and polymer in a blended mode, containing 0.03% w/w polymer diluted in each field brine, which accommodated around 8000 ppm salinity. The most significant variable in the multiphase flow is the relative permeability curve, which is affected by interfacial tension (IFT) during waterflooding and surfactant-polymer (SP) flooding. This study shows that relative permeability will be shifted at ultra-low IFT (10-3 to 10-4 mN/m). This shifting phenomenon is governed by the interpolation parameter set, which implicitly represents the capillary number. Further work in matching the numerical results to the coreflood was conducted by changing the interpolation parameters

    Fat Reduction in Improving the Quality of Chicken Feet Gelatine for Functional Food Application

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    Fat reduction has been performed on crude gelatin extracted from chicken feet (shank) through curing process using sodium hydroxide and acetic acid in various proportions. This study was conducted to evaluate the best fat reduction condition by the addition of acetic acid at concentrations of 0, 2.5 and 5% (v/v) with decantation time 0, 6 and 12 hours on crude gelatine from curing process at a ratio of 1% acetic acid; 1% acetic acid with 1% NaOH; 1% acetic acid and 3% NaOH and without curing (initial gelatine). The analysis was carried out to determine the composition of gelatin and their byproducts to total solids, total fat and fat binding capacity. The results showed that the variation in the ratio of the addition of acetic acid and decantation time affect the composition of fat and fat-binding ability. Based on fat binding capacity (FBC), treatment of chicken feet gelatin with curing of 1% acetic acid and 3% NaOH and continued by the addition of 5% (v/v) acetic acid with a 12-hour decantation time resulted in gelatin with the best FBC of 7.4 g/g, fat content 1.0248% and total solids 2.7575%.DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.15408/jkv.v0i0.314