319 research outputs found


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    The objective of this research is to find out whether or not using tourism brochure is effectiveto teach writing skill in descriptive text to the tenth grade students of MA. Alkhairaat Sigenti.This research was quasi experimental research design which involved two sample classes.There were an experimental class (class X A) which consisted of 30 participants and a controlone (class X B) with 27 participants in the samples. The researcher applied total samplingtechnique. The data were analyzed statistically in order to find out the significant difference ofthe students achievement before and after treatments. The result of the mean score of the pretestof experimental class was 41.67, while control class was 45.37. The result of the meanscore of the post-test of experimental class was 82.50, and the control class 65. Based on theresult of the pre-test and the post-test, the researcher found that the tcounted value (6.06) washigher than the ttable value 1.674. It means that the hypothesis of this research was accepted. Inaddition, using tourism brochure is effective to teach writing skill.Keywords:Effectiveness, Tourism Brochure, Writing Descriptive Text


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the work discipline of the USN Postgraduate Program at Tadulako University. The main theory that became the reference in this study by Soejono (2000: 67), where in this study measuring the work discipline of ASN includes 4 aspects: (1) Timeliness, (2) Using office equipment properly; (3) High responsibility; and (4) Compliance with office rules. The research method uses a qualitative-descriptive approach. The location of this study took place at the Tadulako University Postgraduate Program with 6 (six) informants. Data collection is used by conducting interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques are used through: (1) data reduction, (2) data presentation, (3) conclusion. The results showed that the USN discipline of the Tadulako University Postgraduate Program was good enough to be seen from the 4 aspects studied, only two aspects that were classified as optimal, namely: aspects of using office equipment properly and adherence to office rules were optimal. One aspect is quite optimal, namely: high responsibility, and one aspect that is not optimal, namely timeliness


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    This study aims at the benefit of alternative teaching materials and learning outcomes Indonesian language and literature in elementary school and to find out and discover the feasibility of folklore materials to be used as an alternative learning Indonesian language and literature in elementary school. The data in this study of folklore in the community. Data retrieval is also customizable with the ability of energy, time, and costs there. Participant data in the form of teachers who teach Indonesian language and literature in class V and class VI Elementary School in Maros, South Sulawesi Province. The reason data collection in class V and VI because the learning materials are folklore in the classroom. Data was collected by observation and documentation techniques. The data were analyzed by the folklore after using the guidelines described later analysis. The data are described aspects of the preparation of instructional materials selection folklore has published an official agency of local government/province. Data selection folklore instructional materials are selected, grouped, analyzed, conducted studies, and concluded with a quantitative approach in the form of a percentage. The results showed that in general the average respondent conformity assessment aspects of the content of the category of folklore tales to learning teaching materials Indonesian Language and Literature in the Elementary School is 3.92 or deserve to be in the category of teaching materials. Keywords: election, teaching materials, folklor


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan tingkat kebutuhan pengembangan metode bercerita pada anak usia dini; (2) mengetahui prototipe metode bercerita pada anak usia dini; dan (3) mengetahui tingkat validitas dan kepraktisan pengembangan metode bercerita pada anak usia dini di TK Al Ghafoor Kelurahan Bangkala Kecamatan Manggala Kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development). Subjek penelitian adalah kelompok B sebanyak 15 orang anak. Teknik analisis data yang dilakukan adalah menganalisis data lembar validasi secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil analisis penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Tingkat kebutuhan pengembangan metode bercerita menjadi kebutuhan pengembangan walaupun sebelumnya metode tersebut bukan metode pembelajaran baru bagi anak didik untuk diberikan namun dalam mempelajarinya perlu diberikan pemahaman awal dari konsep dasar pembelajarannya; (2) Prototipe metode bercerita bagi anak usia dini terdiri atas dua jenis kegiatan meliputi: (1) bercerita dengan gambar seri, dan (2) mendongeng. Semua kegiatan tersebut bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berbahasa anak namun dalam pelaksanaannya memiliki keterbatasan atau kekurangan; dan (3) Tingkat validitas dan kepraktisan pengembangan metode bercerita pada anak usia dini menunjukkan bahwa penilaian validator dari semua perangkat yang telah disajikan dapat dinyatakan valid untuk digunakan dan pengembangan metode bercerita memenuhi aspek praktis sehingga layak digunakan. Kata kunci: Metode Bercerita, Anak Usia Din

    Khitan (Sunna) dalam Upacara Adat di Desa Bontocini Kabupaten Jeneponto

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    Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkkan 3 kesimpulan pokok, yaitu 1) Upacara khitan adalah suatu budaya yang telah menjadi identitas akan tetapi khitan adalah suatu syariat agama yang harus dilaksanakan hal inilah yang membuat upacara tersebut tetap bertahan. 2) proses pelaksanaan upacara terdiri dari empat tahapan yaitu tahap musyawarah : khitan ketika dibawa ke dalam upacara adat maka keluarga besar berkumpul untuk membicarakan bagaiamana anak telah tumbuh dan telah saatnya di khitan maka keluarga besar mulai menentukan kapan anak akan di khitan ,tahap persiapan : tahap ini memerlukan waktu yang lama dikarenakan dalam tahap ini dilakukan pengambilan kayu bakar dan batang bambu yang dibuat Panca( anyaman bambu) yang digunakan untuk menghias disetiap sudut rumah, tahap upacara sebelum khitan : dalam tahapan ini dibutuhkan banyak persiapan yaitu Unti Batang(batang pisang),Bunga Lompo (bunga besar), Baku’ Karaeng (bakul bangsawan), Kanjoli (lilin kemiri), kemenyan, pinang dan daun sirih dalam tahap ini juga dilaksanakan Akburita dan Ammuntuli tu ri Je’ne (mengundang dan menjemput yang berada di air), Acara Akkarontigi (acara penyucian) merupakan acara puncak setiap malam dari tiga malam berturut-turut, Anggalara (acara musik) dalam acara tersebut terdapat Paganrang (tukang gendang) yang terdiri dari ganrang(gendang), gong, Anak Bancing( alat musik dari besi mirip sendok),Parappasa’ (alat musik dari batang bambu yang dibilah-bilah) dan Padea-dea (orang melantukan lagu nasehat ),Barazanji ( pembacaan kitab riwayat Nabi Muhammad SAW ) Barazanji dilaksanakan pada malam ketiga sebelum Acara Akkarontigi dalam acara Barazanji tersebut dipersipkan berbagai macam pisang diantaranya Unti La’bu (pisang panjang) Unti Te’ne ( pisang raja) dan Unti Manurung (pisang ambon). 3) dalam upacara terdapat nilai-nilai yang utamanya adalah nilai Islam yaitu nilai kebersihan, nilai religi, nilai keindahan, nilai solidaritas dan nilai khitan

    Gambaran Pengetahuan dan Sikap Ibu tentang Pemberian Makanan Pendamping ASI (MP-ASI) Dini di RB. Mattiro Baji Gowa Tahun 2016.

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responden yang memiliki pengetahuan baik tentang pemberian waktu yang tepat pemberian MP-ASI diperoleh sebanyak 22 reponden (45,83%) dan pengetahuan responden yang baik tentang jenis – jenis MP-ASI sebanyak 26 responden (54,17%). Sikap ibu tentang pemberian MP-ASI diperoleh sebanyak 39 responden (81,25%) yang memiliki sikap sangat baik dan 9 responden (18,75%) yang memiliki sikap baik. Pemberian MP-ASI sangat penting dalam memenuhi kebutuhan gizi bayi yang berdampak pada kesehatan di masa yang akan datang

    Measuring the Preventive of Drug Dangers in Elementary Schools

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    This study aims to describe the effect of information services as a preventive measure against the dangers of drugs in elementary schools in Enrekang Regency, so students understand and can avoid negative things so that students are not easily affected by deviant behavior. In this case elementary school classroom teachers in Enrekang District plays an important role in the responsibility for drug prevention at the school, however all teachers in primary schools in Enrekang Regency have the same responsibility so that students are saved from the language of drugs. One example of the information service that is provided to elementary school students in Enrekang Regency is providing a guidebook on the dangers of drug abuse. Intensive socialization of the dangers of drugs by inviting speakers from business groups, officials or educational institutions who understand the dangers of drug use so that students are more aware of the dangers of drug use. The help book can help students in getting more information about the dangers of drug abuse


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    This study aims to determine the Self Service Innovation in Bana Village, Bontocani District, Bone Regency. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with 4 informants. This research information was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study can be seen from the aspect of relative adventage (plus value), which shows that service applications have more value when compared to the previous self-service applications that can be accessed online anytime and anywhere. From the compatibility aspect, it shows that the self-service application is in accordance with the needs of people who are far from the Bana Village office. From the aspect of complexity (complexity), it shows that self-service applications are often constrained by application errors and inadequate networks and people who lack understanding regarding the use of android mobile phones. From the aspect of observability (easy to observe), it shows that this self-service has a simple appearance so it is easy to use. Then from the triability aspect (can be tried), self-service is proven to be able to be tried, this can be seen from the number of letters that have been printed as many as 719 letters

    Hubungan Keterampilan Mengajar Guru dengan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di SD Inpres Bontomanai Kecamatan Tamalate Kota Makassar

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    Variabel dalam penelitian ini ada dua yaitu keterampilan mengajar guru(X)dan hasil belajar peserta didik (Y).Pada penelitian ini yang dijadikan populasi adalah seluruh peserta didikdi SD Inpres Bontomanai Kecamatan Tamalate Kota Makassar yang terdiri dari 12 kelas (IA,IB,IIA,IIB,IIIA,IIIB,IVA,IV,VI) yang berjumlah 313 orang dan sampel yang digunakan adalah sampel secaraacak bertingkat (Stratified Random Sampling) dengan jumlah 147 orang (kelas:IVBA,IVB, VA, VB, VIA,VI) diambil 25% yaitu sebanyak 37 orang, instrumenyang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah angket tentang keterampilan mengajar guru dan pengumpulan data melalui dokumentasi tentang hasil belajar peserta didik yang diperoleh dari buku nilai guru pendidikan agama Islam. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis dekskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan rumus persentase untuk menjawab rumusan masalah pertama dan kedua, kemudian teknik analisis inferensial menggunakan rumus korelasi product moment untuk mencari hubungan antara variabel (X) dan (Y).B Melalui metode analisis data maka hasil penelitian ini menunjukkanbahwa terdapat hubungan antaraketerampilan mengajar guru dengan hasil belajarpeserta didik pada mata pelajaran pendidikan agama Islam di SD BontomaaiKecamatan Tamalate Kota Makassardimana r hitung = 0,994> rtabel B, VA, V= 0,334.B, VI

    The Effectiveness of Using Cursory Reading Technique in Increasing the Second Year Students’ Reading Achievement of SMA Muhammadiyah Kalosi Enrekang

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    There search used purposive sampling technique, taken from class X1 IPA III because the number of population was too large (150 students). The result of the data analysis showed that the mean score of pre test was 7,16 while the mean scoreof post test was 8,64. Then, the result of the test significant showed that t-test(12,26) was higher than t-table (2,064).Thus, it can be concluded that the use of cursory reading technique is effective in increasing the students’ reading achievement
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