2,089 research outputs found

    Operator machines on directed graphs

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    We show that if an infinite-dimensional Banach space X has a symmetric basis then there exists a bounded, linear operator R : X --> X such that the set A = {x in X : ||R^n(x)|| --> infinity} is non-empty and nowhere dense in X. Moreover, if x in X\A then some subsequence of (R^n(x)) converges weakly to x. This answers in the negative a recent conjecture of Prajitura. The result can be extended to any Banach space containing an infinite-dimensional, complemented subspace with a symmetric basis; in particular, all 'classical' Banach spaces admit such an operator

    Noise Measurement Setup for Quartz Crystal Microbalance

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    Quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) is a high sensitive chemical sensor which has found widespread spectrum of applications. There are several mechanisms that are related to fluctuation phenomena. Since the aim of our research is oriented to study the sensitivity and influence of different kind of noises on sensor resolution, we modified an existing method to measure the small frequency fluctuation of QCM. The paper describes our measurement setup, in which a quartz crystal oscillator with coated active layers and a reference quartz oscillator are driven by two oscillator circuits. Each one regulates a frequency of a crystal at the minimum impedance which corresponds to the series resonance. A data-acquisition card triggers on the rise-edges of the output signal and stores these corresponding times on which the instantaneous frequency is estimated by own-written software. In comparison to other measurement setups, our approach can acquire immediate change of QCM frequency, thus, chemical processes can be even described on the basis of high-order statistics. The experiments were provided on quartz crystals with the sorption layer of polypyrrole, which is suitable for the construction of QCM humidity sensors

    Coolant passage heat transfer with rotation

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    The objective is to develop a heat transfer and pressure drop data base, computational fluid dynamic techniques, and correlations for multi-pass rotating coolant passages with and without flow turbulators. The experimental effort is focused on the simulation of configurations and conditions expected in the blades of advanced aircraft high pressure turbines. With the use of this data base, the effects of Coriolis and buoyancy forces on the coolant side flow can be included in the design of turbine blades

    Coolant passage heat transfer with rotation

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    In current and advanced gas turbine engines, increased speeds, pressures and temperatures are used to reduce specific fuel consumption and increase thrust/weight ratios. Hence, the turbine airfoils are subjected to increased heat loads escalating the cooling requirements to satisfy life goals. The efficient use of cooling air requires that the details of local geometry and flow conditions be adequately modeled to predict local heat loads and the corresponding heat transfer coefficients. The objective of this program is to develop a heat transfer and pressure drop data base, computational fluid dynamic techniques and correlations for multi-pass rotating coolant passages with and without flow turbulators. The experimental effort is focused on the simulation of configurations and conditions expected in the blades of advanced aircraft high pressure turbines. With the use of this data base, the effects of Coriolis and buoyancy forces on the coolant side flow can be included in the design of turbine blades

    Still a Rivalry: Contrasting Renaissance Sodomy Legislation in Florence and Venice

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    The article focuses on comparing the functions of two institutions that castigated sodomy in Renaissance Italy: Florence’s the Office of the Night, and Venice’s Council of Ten. The author analyzes court cases from both Renaissance institutions as well as other first hand accounts of the culture of male sodomy in the region, explaining that Florence’s persecution of homosexual behavior was a secular tool to check the power of any political threat, while Venitian persecution originated from a theological mandate to save sinners from relinquishing their eternal salvation

    Cell-wall polysaccharides play an important role in decay resistance of Sphagnum and actively depressed decomposition in vitro

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    Sphagnum-dominated peatlands head the list of ecosystems with the largest known reservoirs of organic carbon (C). The bulk of this C is stored in decomposition-resistant litter of one bryophyte genus: Sphagnum. Understanding how Sphagnum litter chemistry controls C mineralization is essential for understanding potential interactions between environmental changes and C mineralization in peatlands. We aimed to separate the effects of phenolics from structural polysaccharides on decay of Sphagnum. Wemeasured aerobic microbial respiration of different moss litter types in a lab. We used chemical treatments to step-wise remove the chemical compounds thought to be important in decay-resistance in three taxonomically distant moss genera. We also focused on the effect of Sphagnum-specific cell-wall pectin-like polysaccharides (sphagnan) on C and N mineralization. Removing polymeric lignin-like phenolics had only negligible effects on C mineralization of Sphagnum litter, but increased mineralization of two other bryophyte genera, suggesting a minor role of these phenolics in decay resistance of Sphagnum but a major role of cell-wall polysaccharides. Carboxyl groups of pectin-like polysaccharides represented a C-source in non-Sphagnum litters but resisted decay in Sphagnum. Finally, isolated sphagnan did not serve as C-source but inhibited C and N mineralization instead, reminiscent of the effects reported for phenolics in other ecosystems. Our results emphasize the role of polysaccharides in resistance to, and active inhibition of, microbial mineralization in Sphagnum-dominated litter. As the polysaccharides displayed decay-inhibiting properties hitherto associated with phenolics (lignin, polyphenols), it raises the question if polysaccharide- dominated litter also shares similar environmental controls on decomposition, such as temperature or nutrient and water availabilit

    An information-theoretic and game-theoretic study of timing channels

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    Effects of rotation on coolant passage heat transfer. Volume 1: Coolant passages with smooth walls

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    An experimental program was conducted to investigate heat transfer and pressure loss characteristics of rotating multipass passages, for configurations and dimensions typical of modern turbine blades. The immediate objective was the generation of a data base of heat transfer and pressure loss data required to develop heat transfer correlations and to assess computational fluid dynamic techniques for rotating coolant passages. Experiments were conducted in a smooth wall large scale heat transfer model
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