33 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Latihan Interval terhadap Kecepatan Lari 100 Meter pada Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Budhi Luhur Kota Pekanbaru

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    Based on my observation of student in class VIII SMP Budhi Luhur Kota Pekanbaru on atletics, they are not yet have no speed of run 100 metre. Especially in the rarely run 100 metre. This is due to the lack of a systematic workout, especially in strength training and adequate physical endurance. This is a challenge that needs to get attention from various circles, for which efforts need coaching achievements in athletics, especially in the rarely run. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of interval training on the speed run 100 metre in class VIII SMP Budi Luhur Pekanbaru. As for who made the entire population in this study the research object, the eighth grade students of SMP Budi Luhur Pekanbaru City numbering 36 people. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling, ie sampling based on certain grounds. In this study the sample to be used is a male student for interval training will be much easier to implement if the sample is homogenous ie the male students only. Thus the number of samples in this study amounted to 11 people. The instruments used to collect data that pre-test and post test run 100 meters. The data obtained was analyzed using t-test. Based on the results of the t test results can be seen that t for 8.74> 1.833 (t-tables) and then the hypothesis is accepted, it means that there is a significant influence on the results of the exercise interval speed to run 100 meters in class VIII SMP Budi Luhur Pekanbar

    The Risk of Pneumonia Among Toddlers in Lambatee, Aceh

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    Pneumonia is one of very important global health problems among toddlers, especially in developing countries. Nowadays, pneumonia is one of largest causes of child mortality, especially in newborn period. In Aceh Province, pneumonia disease is the eighth of 25 biggest diseases found at primary health care with 112 cases, while pneumonia among outpatient sufferers in Aceh reached 434 cases (29.03%).This study aimed to determine factors related to incidence of pneumonia toddlers in Lambatee Village, Darul Kamal Subdistrict, Aceh Besar District. This study was analytical descriptive using cross-sectional design. Samples of study were mothers and toddlers amounted to 48 people. Data were collected on August 3rd – 14th, 2015 by interview, observation. Multivariate analysis used logistic regression. Results of study showed that the factor physical condition of house sanitation influenced to trend among toddlers suffering from pneumonia with p value 0.01< 0.05, the highest OR score 6.431 and 95% CI = 1.559 - 26.532. In conclusion, physical condition of house sanitation had six times risk of causing trend of pneumonia incidence among toddlers in Lambatee Village, Darul Kamal Subdistrict, Aceh Besar District

    Supplier Performance Management in Higher Educational Institutions

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    Due to diversity of Supply Chain Management (SCM), it could be applied at various industries, including manufacturing and service industries. This paper reveals the Supplier Performance Management activities in the educational institutions, one of the very common sectors in the service industries. This research is significant in view of the need in ensuring that the supply chain activities at the education sector is aligned with the objective to provide the best service to the stake holders especially the future human capital resource, which is the graduates. The research has successfully been carried out at University Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) Strategic Business Unit (SBU) or campuses. This research analysed Supplier Performance Management practice between the campuses, criteria used for supplier performance and identify barrier elements in applying supplier performance management. Data collection has been carried out by the primary data, i.e. using questionnaires and interview session. The study revealed significant finding which contributed to the Supply Chain Knowledge and practices. There is a gap between the supplier assessment criteria adopted by the campuses as compared with literature review. There are differences in supplier evaluation criteria between the 7 campuses involved in the research. ISO certification, top management commitment and poor knowledge on benefits of Supplier Performance Management system are barrier factors. The research found variances of supplier evaluation criteria among the campuses. It is suggested to explore further on the connection/relationship between Quality Management System (QMS) or ISO 9001 certified organization and Supplier Performance Management adoption

    Performance of prekotac filter aids in pilot plant fabric filtration system

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    Filter aids is used in air filtration system to fulfil the needs to expand the life span of filter media in fabric filtration system. It has been applied in various ways and precoat filter aids is one of the methods. In this study, the effect of a filter aids performance known as PrekotAC on pressure drop and particle penetration in a filtration system with varying filtration velocity of 1 to 3 m/min was evaluated. The PrekotAC is a combination of PrekotTM and activated carbon mixed in different weight compositions. Result showed that the pressure drop across the fabric media decreases with the addition of PrekotTM in the PrekotAC admixture due to its wide range of non-uniform particle size distribution that gives higher porosity of filter cake during filtration process. The study also showed that the total particle penetration through the fabric media was proportionally related to addition of PrekotTM in the PrekotAC admixture under a constant material loading. The study suggests that the addition of PrekotTM in the formulation of filter aids significantly affect both pressure drop and particle penetration of the fabric filter media

    Penetration of particle across a newly formulated filter aids material

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    Filter aids is a group of inert materials acting as a ‘barrier’ for protection as well as to allow a uniform air flow passing through a filter cake in a filtration process. In addition, the accumulation of the filter cake deposited on the surface of the filter media helps to increase the performance of filtration. However, some particles do not participate in the formation of the filter cake during cake filtration process. The particles either penetrating through the filter media or clog and block the pores of the filter medium. A high performance filtration requires low dust penetration without excessive pressure drop builds up across the filter media. This paper evaluates on the filtration performance of a newly formulated filter aids material known as PrekotAC which consists of different combination of pre-coating material PrekotTM and activated carbon at material loadings of 0.2 mg/mm² under different air flow rates of 4, 5, and 6 L/min. The PrekotAC was evaluated based on the total particle penetration across its filter cake as a mean of measuring its performance. The study showed that the total particle penetration through the filter media is highly influenced by the air flow rates. It was found that the total particle penetration through PrekotAC10:90 (weight basis of PrekotTM:activated carbon) was the lowest while the highest in the case of PrekotAC 40:60 of the four PrekotAC admixtures. In addition, the total particles penetrating through the filter media was the highest for the highest tested air flow rates of 6 L/min

    Effect of PrekotAc on pressure drop and particle penetration in filtration system

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    The effect of a filter aids known as PrekotAC on pressure drop and particle penetration in a filtration system with varying filtration velocity of 1 to 5 m/min was evaluated in this study. The PrekotAC is a combination of PrekotTM and activated carbon mixed in different weight composition. The result showed that the pressure drop across the fabric media decreases with the addition of PrekotTM in the PrekotAC admixture due to its wide range of non-uniform particle size ditribution that gives higher porosity of filter cake during filtration process. The study also showed that the total particle penetration through the fabric media was proportionally related to addition of PrekotTM in the PrekotAC admixture under a constant material loading. The study suggests that the addition of PrekotTM in the formulation of filter aids significantly affect both pressure drop and penetration of the fabric filter media

    Performance of a newly formulated filter aids material on particle penetration

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    A study on the penetration of particle across a newly formulated filter aids material known as PrekotAC (combination of an adsorbent, activated carbon and pre-coating material, PreKot™) on PTFE filter media was carried out in a laboratory scale filtration test system. PrekotAC was evaluated based on the total penetrated particles across its filter cake under constant material loading of 0.2 mg/mm² and three different air flow rates of 4, 5 and 6 L/min. The ratio of total penetrated particles with and without the introduction of filter aids was observed and results showed that PrekotAC is capable to increase the collection efficiencies of ambient air particles compared to the performance of PTFE filter media alone. It was also found that PrekotAC has a better particle collection efficiencies compared to its original raw material activated carbon alone with PrekotAC 10:90 gives the lowest particle penetration among other combination of PrekotAC materials

    Prekotac as a new filter aids material for fabric filter in air filtration system

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    Fabric filter has a short life span due to wear and tear influenced by the operating conditions of the system. Treatment of fabric filter using pre-coating material is one of the simplest technique to overcome this problem where it works as a filtration aids that will coat a layer of inert material onto the surface of the fabric. Pre-coating acts as a barrier to block and remove undesired particles from gas stream but allowing a uniform air flow passing through the filter media. The morphology of dust cake that accumulated on the surface of the filter media depends on several properties of the particles such as shape and size. Hence, study presents the characterization of a newly formulated filtration aids known as PrekotAC consisting of a different combination of pre-coating material PreKot™ and activated carbon. The aim is to determine the best combination of PrekotAC admixtures as a filtration aids suitable for a fabric filtration system. Various characteristics of the formulated admixtures such as its particle size distribution, bulk density, moisture content as well as its morphology were investigated and presented in this paper

    Surface water treatment by using biosand filter and hibiscus rosa sinensis leaves as heavy metal adsorption in Kangkar Senangar’s River, Johor

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    Water is our most precious natural resource. In this case study which is in the Kangkar Senangar Johor, many rural communities also drink surface water which does not meet the required quality standards, causing serious health problems. From the interview with the Village Head, they also didn’t have enough source of water supply. They only use groundwater as their water source to complete daily life task. Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis (HRS) leaves, as one of the well-known plant agricultural waste, a natural adsorbent, to remove iron (Fe) from aqueous solution by adsorption was investigated. In the present study, the potential adsorption of heavy metal was tested by different amount of adsorbent dosages as the factor affecting adsorption. Characterization of adsorbent was done by the means FTIR analysis to observe for the functional groups available on the adsorbent. Sorption was most efficient by using 0.60g of dosage with 200ml of water sample that taken from Kangkar Senangar’s river at contact time of 20 minutes. After adsorption, the water sample will be treating by Biosand Filtration (BSF). The function of BSF is to reduce the turbidity, changes of the colour of water sample, increase the pH and dissolved oxygen. The BSF will filter all the suspended matter in the water sample after adsorption.. Based on the result produced, the hypothesis was achieved. Overall, the highest adsorption of Fe by HRS leaves was 85.62% which when the 0.80g of adsorbent was added during week 2. In conclusion, the result showed that the average adsorption of Fe in each week achieved in a range of 70 to 80%. This proved that Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis leaves was an effective natural sorbent

    Ferromagnetic enhancement of microcrystalline cellulose via chemical reduction method

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    Iron oxide nanoparticles (NPs) have potential in biological, biomedical, and environmental applications because of their characteristics such as magnetic susceptibility, stability and biocompatibility. However, it also has limitation, such as aggregation of magnetic NP. As a result, coating materials should be used to modify the particles’ outer surface. In this paper, we focused on the synthesis of iron oxide by chemical reduction method and coating it with Fe(III) nitrate, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and hydrazine. In order to determine effective and economical usage conditions, the coating solution at two different concentrations were prepared. The effect of coating iron oxide with microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) was prepared at different concentrations of iron (III) nitrate on the nanomaterials with respect to morphological, thermal, magnetic susceptibility. A good morphology images of FeNp-MCC were proved by Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectra reveals the presence of carbon, oxygen and iron in the synthesized microparticles. TGA analysis showed iron material was successfully formed into the surface of MCC. Lastly, the magnetism results proved that cellulose is strongly interacting with magnetite nanoparticles