631 research outputs found

    Protector Control PC-AODV-BH in The Ad Hoc Networks

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    In this paper we deal with the protector control that which we used to secure AODV routing protocol in Ad Hoc networks. The considered system can be vulnerable to several attacks because of mobility and absence of infrastructure. While the disturbance is assumed to be of the black hole type, we purpose a control named "PC-AODV-BH" in order to neutralize the effects of malicious nodes. Such a protocol is obtained by coupling hash functions, digital signatures and fidelity concept. An implementation under NS2 simulator will be given to compare our proposed approach with SAODV protocol, basing on three performance metrics and taking into account the number of black hole malicious nodesComment: submit 15 pages, 19 figures, 1 table, Journal Indexing team, AIRCC 201

    Hak Kewarisan Cucu (Analisis Yurisprudensi Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah di Selangor, Malaysia dan Mahkamah Agung di Indonesia)

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    The problems in this research are: first, how is grandchildren’s inheritance right in the jurisdiction of Islamic Supreme Court in Selangor, Malaysia and Supreme Court in Indonesia? Second, how is the comparison of grandchildren’s inheritance right in those two jurisdictions; and how is the pattern of the distribution of inheritance to grandchildren? This research used comparative approach. The discussion was presented in descriptive analysis. The data analysis was qualitative and normative-juridical. The findings show that: first, grandshildren’s right mentioned in the old fiqh mujtahid is revised in fiqh of consitutions in Selangor and in Indonesia. Grandchildren’s inheritance right, based on the jurisdiction in Selangor, is called as wajibah, and in Indonesia it is called as heir substitute (ahli waris pengganti). Second, there are both similarities and differences between those two jurisdictions. The one in Selangor is a result of ijtihad tatbiqi which is in line with Islamic law principles. Grandchildren from the male side whose parents pass away first will receive inheritance right. Grandchildren from female side do not receive any right. The portions that grandchildren receive can be governed in inheritance status or last will which maintains justice. The jurisdiction of grandchildren’s inheritance right in Indonesia is resulted from customary law which is adopted from Netherland’s civil law. It is a part of culture which is not based on religious principle (syahadat), is against justice principle, ijbari principles, is not in line with inheritance elements, and is against the priority principle and hijab

    The generalization of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with subcarrier power modulation to quadrature signal constellations

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    A novel modulation technique termed as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with subcarrier power modulation (OFDM-SPM) has been proposed for achieving spectral-efficient data transmission in wireless communication systems. OFDM-SPM utilizes the power of each subcarrier in an OFDM block as an extra degree of freedom to convey extra information bits besides the bits transmitted by conventional signal modulation. OFDM-SPM has originally been introduced with binary phase shift keying (BPSK) symbol modulation, and was shown to provide great gains and various merits such as doubling the spectral efficiency, reducing transmission power and transmission times by half. Displaying its capabilities as a scheme to be adopted for future wireless communication systems, a question detrimental to the adoption of OFDM-SPM has yet to be answered. This is whether the gains that OFDM-SPM brings persist when paired with higher order modulation schemes, especially two dimensional signal constellation schemes such as M-ary PSK. In this paper, OFDM-SPM is paired with quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) symbol modulation as an example of a higher order two dimensional modulation scheme. The performance analysis of this scheme along with its numerical simulations are carried out where the bit error rate (BER) and throughput performances of the scheme are given in both an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), and multipath Rayleigh fading channels. These simulations are done for different power allocation policies. Unlike other 3D modulation methods, the results show that OFDM-SPM can be used with higher order modulation schemes while maintaining all the gains exhibited in OFDM-SPM with BPSK. This gives OFDM-SPM a unique advantage when compared to other 3D modulation schemes such as OFDM-IM and OFDM-SNM, which lose the gain in spectral efficiency as the modulation order becomes higher. Furthermore, the results of OFDM-SPM with QPSK were compared to that of conventional OFDM with 16-QAM symbol modulation. OFDM-SPM displayed superiority both in terms of BER and throughput achieving a gain of approximately 2.5-3 dB. These findings clearly point out that OFDM-SPM is a promising modulation scheme, which should be investigated more vigorously and considered as a strong candidate for adoption in future 6G and beyond wireless communication systems.This research was partly funded by TUBITAK under Grant/Award Number: 119E408

    Rancang Bangun Mesin Pengiris Ubi dengan Kapasitas 30 Kg/jam

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    Kualitas keripik ubi ditentukan oleh tiga faktor utama yaitu rasa dan kerenyahan serta bentuk irisan yang tidak pecah/rusak. Cara mengiris ubi merupakan salah satu kendala utama untuk menghasilkan keripik ubi yang bermutu. Kebanyakan industri keripik ubi masih menggunakan cara manual, dengan menggunakan pisau untuk mengiris ubi sehingga irisan tidak optimal. Jika ubi masih panjang, proses pengirisan dapat dilakukan dengan mudah, akan tetapi jika ubi sudah pendek (karena sudah diiris), maka ekstra hati-hati kalau tidak membahayakan tangan pekerja. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah membuat teknologi tepat guna berupa mesin pengiris ubi. Dengan mesin pengiris ubi ini diharapkan mampu menghasilkan irisan ubi dengan ketebalan yang sama serta dapat meningkatkan kapasitas produksi. Metode yang digunakan pada kegiatan ini yaitu pemilihan dan perhitungan komponen alat yang dirancang, pembuatan rancang bangun mesin pengiris ubi, dan dilanjutkan dengan peragaan uji coba terhadap kinerja mesin pengiris ubi. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah rancang bangun mesin pengiris ubi. Dengan daya motor penggerak ÂĽ Hp mesin pengiris ubi ini mampu menghasilkan produksi sebesar 30 kg/jam dengan dua variasi pengirisan (lurus dan miring), serta menggunakan tiga mata pisau pada piringan pemutar yang dapat diatur untuk mendapatkan hasil irisan sesuai keinginan konsumen

    Penerapan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Pendidikan dalam Proses Pembelajaran

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan Sistem Informasi Manajemen di SMP Negeri 9 Kabupaten Buru. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Tahap analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan simpulan atau verifikasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) penerapan sistem informasi manajemen sangat penting di lembaga pendidikan khususnya di SMP Negeri 9 Kabupaten Buru, dengan menggunakan aplikasi pengolah data yaitu Data Pokok Pendidik (Dapodik) dan teknologi informasi dalam mendukung proses pembelajaran memberikan layanan pendidikan dengan menfasilitasi praktik pembelajaran dengan menggunakan atau memanfaatkan infrastkruktur teknologi, seperti fasilitas belajar dengan memadukan komputer; dan (2) pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran di SMP Negeri 9 Kabupaten Buru berdasarkan hasil penelitian yaitu sebelum melaksanakan proses pembelajaran harus melalui tiga tahapan penting, yaitu tahap perencanaan, tahap pelaksanaan, dan tahap evaluas


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    Abstrak: Pendidikan multikulturalisme harus diterapkan dalam proses pemelajaran melalui proses pembiasaan, pembelajaran multicultural dilakukan dengan pembentukan pola pikir, sikap, tindakan, dan pembiasaan sehingga muncul kesadaran nasional keindonesiaan. Karakter keindonesiaan tersebut meliputi: kesadaran kebanggaan sebagai bangsa, kemandiriaan dan keberanian sebagai bangsa, kesadaran kehormatan sebagai bangsa, kesadaran melawan penjajahan, kesadaran berkorban demi bangsa, kesadaran nasionalisme bangsa lain, dan kesadaran kedaerahan menuju kebangsaan. Terwujudnya karakter keindonesiaan tersebut menjadi landasan kuat sebagai ciri khas manusia Indonesia yang kuat. Kekuatan keindonesiaan ini menjadi energi besar untuk menjadi Indonesia sebagai bangsa besar di tengah percaturan bangsa-bangsa di dunia. Bangsa besar hanya dapat diwujudkan melalui karakter manusia yang kuat. Karakter keindonesiaan melalui pendidikan multikulturalisme inilah salah satu harapan menuju Indonesia besar di masa depan.Kata kunci: Pendidikan, Multikultural, Pembentukan Karakte

    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with subcarrier power modulation for doubling the spectral efficiency of 6G and beyond networks

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    With the emergence of new applications (eg, extended reality [XR] and haptics), which require to be simultaneously served not just with low latency and sufficient reliability, but also with high spectral efficiency, future networks (ie, 6G and beyond) should be capable of meeting this demand by introducing new effective transmission designs. Motivated by this, a novel modulation technique termed as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with subcarrier power modulation (OFDM-SPM) is proposed for providing highly spectral-efficient data transmission with low-latency and less-complexity for future 6G wireless communication systems. OFDM-SPM utilizes the power of subcarriers in OFDM blocks as a third dimension to convey extra information bits while reducing both complexity and latency compared to conventional schemes. In this article, the concept of OFDM-SPM is introduced and its validity as a future adopted modulation technique is investigated over a wireless multipath Rayleigh fading channel. The proposed system structure is explained, an analytical expression of the bit error rate (BER) is derived, and numerical simulations of BER and throughput performances of OFDM-SPM are carried out. OFDM-SPM is found to greatly enhance the spectral efficiency where it is capable of doubling it. In addition, OFDM-SPM introduces negligible complexity to the system, does not exhibit error propagation, reduces the transmission delay, and decreases the transmission power by half.TĂĽrkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik AraĹźtirma Kurumu, 119E40

    Characteristics and adsorption performance of formulated trikotaC filter aids

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    TrikotAC filter aids is a combination of a pre-coating material PreKot™ with two adsorbents; activated carbon and lime and their characteristics were investigated in this study. TrikotAC was formulated into three different weight ratios of 5:1:94, 10:1:89 and 10:5:85, respectively. The relationship between adsorption properties and characteristics of the formulated materials particle size distribution, particle density, bulk density, and BET surface area were investigated. The results showed that the adsorption capacity for TrikotAC 10:5:85 (11.88 mg/g) was higher than for the other formulated filter aids samples, and the formulated filter aids material TrikotAC showed promising characteristic as a filter aids and adsorbent for organic compound in fabric filtration system

    PrekotAC as a new filter aids material for fabric filter in air filtration system

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    Fabric filter has a short life span due to wear and tear influenced by the operating conditions of the system. Treatment of fabric filter using pre-coating material is one of the simplest technique to overcome this problem where it works as a filtration aids that will coat a layer of inert material onto the surface of the fabric. Pre-coating acts as a barrier to block and remove undesired particles from gas stream but allowing a uniform air flow passing through the filter media. The morphology of dust cake that accumulated on the surface of the filter media depends on several properties of the particles such as shape and size. Hence, study presents the characterization of a newly formulated filtration aids known as PrekotAC consisting of a different combination of pre-coating material PreKot™ and activated carbon. The aim is to determine the best combination of PrekotAC admixtures as a filtration aids suitable for a fabric filtration system. Various characteristics of the formulated admixtures such as its particle size distribution, bulk density, moisture content as well as its morphology were investigated and presented in this paper


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    Bananas is a kind of fruit that has many benefits and economic value. However, because it is perishable, an unappropriate post-harvest handling will decreasing the economic value. Many factors affect the ripening of bananas, one of it is ethylene gas. The ethylene gas that contained in the banana flows from the higher concentration to the lower one. The flow should be controlled in order to make it decaying properly. Temperature is a parameter that affects the flow of ethylene. This research offers storage temperature regulation such that the life time of banana could be extended. A mathematical model that represents the ethylene flow among the subpopulations is discussed. The population are devided into sub-population of unripe bananas, normal ripe bananas, ripe bananas wounds, and rotten bananas. The Stability of the model is evaluated in the critical point by Jacobian matrix and the Routh Hurwitz Criteria. The control is design by minimizing the temperature parameters using the Pontryagin Minimum Principle. Simulation is ilustrated in four cases, the firts case is no bananas wound initially, second case is no bananas rot initially, third case is no ripened normal bananas initially, and the fourth case is the bananas ripe initially exiting. The simulations shows that before controling the temperature, in the amount of 120 bananas of firts case, the proces is condcuted in sixteen days, ten days for the second case, nine days for the third case, and eight days for the fourth case. After controling the temperature, for some amount of bananas of firts case, the proces is conduted in seventeen days, eleven days for the second case, ten days for the third case, and nine days for the fourth case
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