16 research outputs found

    Content validation of flood disaster preparedness action (FDPA) items among small and medium enterprises (SME) business

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    Purpose: This paper aims to present the process of construction and content validity of flood disaster preparedness action (FDPA) items to measure flood preparedness characteristics and activities among the small and medium enterprises (SME). Design/methodology/approach: The content validity process involved the act of conceptualization, development and validation. In short, it was implemented to develop the FDPA items that were used to measure flood preparedness at the SME level. The steps began with literature review (adopt and adapt) and judgment of expert panel on the item development process. The list of 54 items was developed. A panel of eight experts rated its content validation during a focus group discussion. Findings: In total, 52 items were acceptable to be passed on to the next stage of data collection. The items content validity (I-CVI) measurement of the items was within an acceptable range of more than 0.75, except for two items: Q38 and Q39. The scale content validity (S-CVI) value gave an excellent score of 0.95. Several items with low I-CVI score values for relevancy and clarity were subject to modification. Practical implications: Content validity ensured accurate interpretations of results. To support the construct validity of an instrument, documenting findings from content validity was essential. Originality/value: This paper demonstrated the initial phase of scale development on FDPA items. This newly developed item allows the integration of several flood disaster preparedness activities construct by review and judgment process by the panel of experts in the field

    Development of flood disaster preparedness activity (FDPA) items: a preliminary study using Rasch analysis

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    Introduction: Not only does flood affects the household community, but it also has an impact on business entities, particularly small and medium enterprises (SMEs) located in flood-prone areas. In order to assist SMEs to prepare for a flood disaster effectively, the set-up of a disaster preparedness plan is essential. The purpose of this study is to develop a validated instrument for identifying the different levels of disaster preparedness among SMEs in their readiness to face a flood disaster. Methods: In this preliminary study, 26 items of flood disaster preparedness activities (FDPA) reviewed from works of literature were adopted and adapted to be randomly administered to 30 respondents (SME business owners) located in the Temerloh province, Malaysia, which is identified as a flood-prone area. A Rasch analysis technique was used to identify the psychometric properties of the instrument. Results: Using the Rasch measurement analysis technique, the instrument used was able to categorise the SMEs into two level of preparedness: low and moderate. About 25 items were found to possess good psychometric features in determining the flood preparedness level of SMEs despite the lack of items on measuring high-level preparedness activities. Conclusion: The results of this preliminary study have served to highlight the strength of the instrument and gaps identified for further improvement in the near future

    Calculation of the Structure Properties of a Strange Quark Star in the Presence of Strong Magnetic Field Using a Density Dependent Bag Constant

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    In this article we have calculated the structure properties of a strange quark star in static model in the presence of a strong magnetic field using MIT bag model with a density dependent bag constant. To parameterize the density dependence of bag constant, we have used our results for the lowest order constrained variational calculation of the asymmetric nuclear matter. By calculating the equation of state of strange quark matter, we have shown that the pressure of this system increases by increasing both density and magnetic field. Finally, we have investigated the effect of density dependence of bag constant on the structure properties of strange quark star.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, Res. in Astron. Astrophys. (2012) accepte

    Alur Produksi Program Acara TVRI Sumatera Utara

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis alur produksi program acara TVRI. TVRI (Televisi Republik Indonesia) merupakan stasiun televisi publik yang memiliki peran penting dalam menyampaikan informasi, hiburan, dan edukasi kepada masyarakat Indonesia. Studi ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif untuk menggambarkan eksistensi TVRI dan alur produksi program acara. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui studi pustaka, dokumen resmi, dan sumber terpercaya lainnya.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa eksistensi TVRI sangat penting dalam menjaga keberagaman budaya, bahasa, dan suku di Indonesia. TVRI memiliki peran strategis dalam mempromosikan kesatuan dan persatuan bangsa serta memperkuat identitas nasional. Dalam hal alur produksi program acara, TVRI mengikuti proses yang terstruktur dan terorganisir. Alur produksi dimulai dari perencanaan program, pengembangan konsep, pengumpulan materi, penulisan naskah, pengambilan gambar, editing, hingga proses penyiaran. Setiap tahap melibatkan berbagai departemen dan tim produksi yang bekerja sama untuk menciptakan program yang berkualitas.Selain itu, TVRI juga melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat dalam produksi program acara. TVRI sering kali melakukan kegiatan partisipatif, seperti audisi, kompetisi, dan acara langsung yang melibatkan penonton. Hal ini memungkinkan TVRI untuk memperoleh masukan dan mendengar suara masyarakat dalam proses produksi program acara. &nbsp

    Factors influencing flood disaster preparedness initiatives among small and medium enterprises located at flood-prone area

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    This paper highlights the factors affecting SMEs flood disaster preparedness located in Segamat District of Malaysia. An interviewer-assisted survey using a set of flood disaster preparedness questionnaire (developed and validated by a team of disaster management experts from various background) were implemented among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) business owners and managers (n = 253). The analysis of regression provided insights into the various factors affecting the contribution of small and medium-sized businesses towards flood preparedness activities. Findings demonstrated that risk perception is the most consistent factors in influencing preparedness actions. Besides that, previous experiences on floods, retails sectors and male ownership also contributed to a high level of flood disaster preparedness engagement. This research gave insight at why small and medium-sized businesses are involved in disaster preparedness activities which includes discussion from a review of previous findings

    Toughening of ceramic shell mould with rice husk fiber (CSm-RH) to improve strength property and mould performance

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    For ages, ceramic shell mould (CSm) have been extensively applied in investment casting industry. The formation of CSm requires multiple steps of dipping, layering drying and firing stages. The later steps are very crucial as the solidification thin layer CSm that consist of loose ceramic particles easily cracks when exposed to the higher thermal effect. The inclusion of fiber or any reinforces phases is able to enhance fired ceramic body and also strengthen the green ceramic structure. Thus, the feasibility of rougher NaOH treated rice husk fiber (RHT) prior embedded into composited structure has shown a significant CSm improvement by induced a better adhesion properties and larger bonding area with brittle ceramic matrix, resulted in increased green strength (1.34 MPa) and fired body strength (4.32 MPa). Owing to the decomposed of lignin layer in CSm with untreated rice husk fiber (CSm-RHU) exhibited a higher porosity that provide a better permeation paths of air flow during molten metal pouring as increased 30 % from the standard CSm permeability, giving an enormous benefit for investment casting cooling process. Overall, the incorporation of RHT fiber in a CSm matrix of both green and fired body governed in toughening of brittle ceramic body, hence avoid failure to the casting mould


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    Cette recherche vise à comprendre le processus de la réduction de l’ambiguïté des programmes RSE au sein des organisations, afin d’expliquer les effets de ces programmes sur les attitudes organisationnelles des salariés. Elle tente plus précisément de répondre à la question suivante : comment les acteurs organisationnels construisent un sens à l’engagement sociétal de leur entreprise ? Et dans quelle mesure ce processus de construction de sens influence d’une manière positive leur engagement organisationnel ? Afin d’apporter des éléments de réponses, nous identifions les concepts théoriques qui peuvent rendre compte du mécanisme de l’impact de la RSE sur l’implication organisationnelle des salariés : le sensemaking et l’identification organisationnelle. Cette recherche qualitative est adossée à une étude empirique réalisée en France auprès de 31 acteurs organisationnels appartenant à des secteurs d’activités et des niveaux hiérarchiques différents. Les professionnels interrogés appartenaient tous à des entreprises engagées dans des actions RSE. En parallèle à la présentation de l’analyse de contenu de ces entretiens, nous rapportons les verbatims des interviewés, afin d’illustrer les concepts théoriques mobilisés et leur donner une dimension plus concrète. Les résultats de ce travail montrent que la culture organisationnelle et la capacité de l’entreprise à planifier, mettre en oeuvre, évaluer et communiquer son engagement sociétal offrent aux salariés des indices pour construire un sens à la RSE. L’impact de cette RSE perçue sur l’engagement organisationnel est influencé par l’identification organisationnelle, elle-même impactée par quatre besoins psychologiques : L’estime de soi, l’auto-différentiation, la sécurité, et le SensThis research aims to analyze the process of reducing the ambiguity of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in organizations, in order to better understand the mechanisms of the impact of CSR programs on employee attitudes. More precisely, this research tries to answer the following question : How do organizational actors construct a meaning for the societal engagement of their company ? And how this process positively impacts their organizational commitment. In order to address this research question, we identify theoretical concepts that can account for the mechanism of the impact of CSR on the employees' organizational commitment : sensemaking and organizational identification. This qualitative research is backed up by an empirical study carried out in France with 31 organizational actors belonging to different sectors and hierarchical levels. The professionals interviewed all worked in companies engaged in CSR initiatives. In parallel with the presentation of the content analysis of these interviews, we report the verbatim of the interviewees, in order to illustrate the theoretical concepts mobilized and to give them a more concrete dimension. The results of this work show that the organizational culture and the capacity of the company to plan, implement, evaluate and communicate its social commitment, offering cues to employees to build a sense of CSR. The impact of this perceived CSR on organizational commitment is influenced by the organizational identification, itself impacted by fou

    Le sensemaking : au service de l'instrumentalisation de la RSE ?

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    Actes disponibles en ligne à l'adresse : https://www.agrh.fr/actes-des-congrs/International audienceLa responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise (RSE) consiste à inscrire les préoccupations écologiques et sociales dans la politique de l’entreprise. Au niveau managérial, l’instrumentation de la RSE renvoie à l’idée de l’alignement de la gestion de l’entreprise avec ces préoccupations sociétales. Cependant, vue la nature équivoque de cette instrumentation, son appropriation par les managers reste une opération délicate. L’objectif de cette communication est d’expliquer en quoi la mobilisation du concept du « sensemaking » comme cadre d’analyse semble pertinente pour comprendre l’engagement des managers dans la stratégie RSE. Elle vise à démontrer que le processus de construction du sens dans lequel les managers s’engagent en vue de réduire cette équivocité ne se déploie pas indépendamment de la nature des dispositifs RSE. Au contraire, ces derniers peuvent prescrire un sens initial de la RSE. Ce sens est susceptible d’être modifié, renforcé ou appauvri, par toute une série d’interactions

    Comprendre les perceptions de la responsabilité sociétale de l'entreprise (RSE) chez les salariés : un jeu de cible mouvante ?

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    Actes disponibles en ligne à l'adresse : https://www.agrh.fr/actes-des-congrs/International audienc