8,533 research outputs found

    Getting research findings into practice : when to act on the evidence.

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    There is increasing interest in providing evidence based health care—that is, care in which healthcare professionals, provider managers, those who commission health care, the public, and policymakers consistently consider research evidence when making decisions. Purchasers, for example, should be able to influence the organisation and delivery of care (such as for cancer and stroke services) and the type and content of services (such as using chiropractic for back pain or dilatation and curettage and drug treatment for menorrhagia). Policymakers should ensure that policies on treatment reflect and are consistent with research evidence, and that the incentive structure within the health system promotes cost effective practice. They must also ensure that there is an adequate infrastructure for monitoring changes in practice and for producing, gathering, summarising, and disseminating evidence. Clinicians determine the day to day care patients receive in healthcare systems, and user groups (for example, patients, their families, and their representatives) are also beginning to play an important role in influencing healthcare decisions

    A preliminary study of head-up display assessment techniques. 2: HUD symbology and panel information search time

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    Twelve commercial pilots were shown 50 high-fidelity slides of a standard aircraft instrument panel with the airspeed, altitude, ADI, VSI, and RMI needles in various realistic orientations. Fifty slides showing an integrated head-up display (HUD) symbology containing an equivalent number of flight parameters as above (with flight path replacing VSI) were also shown. Each subject was told what flight parameter to search for just before each slide was exposed and was given as long as needed (12 sec maximum) to respond by verbalizing the parameter's displayed value. The results for the 100-percent correct data indicated that: there was no significant difference in mean reaction time (averaged across all five flight parameters) between the instrument panel and HUD slides; and a statistically significant difference in mean reaction time was found in responding to different flight parameters

    Rediscovery and status of Cylindera (s. str.) lunalonga (Schaupp, 1884) (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelinae) in the San Joaquin Valley of California with a comparison to a Sierra Nevada population

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    Surveys for adult Cylindera (s. str.) lunalonga (Schaupp) (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Cicindelinae) were conducted between 2001 and 2011 at over 80 sites throughout the species’ historic range in the San Joaquin Valley and Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. Previously considered extirpated from the Valley, these surveys resulted in finding adults at 18 sites, several with large populations (>50 individuals). As suggested by historic records, our studies confirmed that the Valley populations of Cy. lunalonga occur in what were historically wetland sites, but are now lowland agricultural croplands. Adults were always associated with wet, muddy soil within and along the edges of irrigation ditches. A comparison of morphology, behavior, habitat, and conservation is made with the only known extant Sierra Nevada population

    The effect of sheared diamagnetic flow on turbulent structures generated by the Charney–Hasegawa–Mima equation

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    The generation of electrostatic drift wave turbulence is modelled by the Charney–Hasegawa–Mima equation. The equilibrium density gradient n0=n0(x) is chosen so that dn0 /dx is nonzero and spatially variable (i.e., v*e is sheared). It is shown that this sheared diamagnetic flow leads to localized turbulence which is concentrated at max(grad n0), with a large dv*e/dx inhibiting the spread of the turbulence in the x direction. Coherent structures form which propagate with the local v*e in the y direction. Movement in the x direction is accompanied by a change in their amplitudes. When the numerical code is initialized with a single wave, the plasma behaviour is dominated by the initial mode and its harmonics

    A Gating System for Deep Water Sounding

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    Alien Registration- Haines, Kenneth G. (Mars Hill, Aroostook County)

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    Du nouveau dans les appareils a ultra-sons

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    L’importance sans cesse croissante des programmes d’hydrographie et travaux connexes, entrepris actuellement dans tous les principaux pays maritimes du monde, s’est manifestée dans l’intérêt témoigné tant à la 8e Conférence Hydrographique Internationale elle-même tenue à Monaco en mai 1962, qu’aux instrum ents exposés à cette occasion. L’un des exposants à cette conférence était la Division Kelvin Hughes de S. Smith & Sons Ltd. (Angleterre). Quelques-unes des études récemment entreprises par cette maison et d’autres études actuellement en cours dans le domaine du son sous-marin sont résumées ci-dessous

    Testing the Modern Merger Hypothesis via the Assembly of Massive Blue Elliptical Galaxies in the Local Universe

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    The modern merger hypothesis offers a method of forming a new elliptical galaxy through merging two equal-mass, gas-rich disk galaxies fuelling a nuclear starburst followed by efficient quenching and dynamical stabilization. A key prediction of this scenario is a central concentration of young stars during the brief phase of morphological transformation from highly-disturbed remnant to new elliptical galaxy. To test this aspect of the merger hypothesis, we use integral field spectroscopy to track the stellar Balmer absorption and 4000\AA\ break strength indices as a function of galactic radius for 12 massive (M∗≥1010M⊙{\rm M_{*}}\ge10^{10}{\rm M_{\odot}}), nearby (z≤0.03{\rm z}\le0.03), visually-selected plausible new ellipticals with blue-cloud optical colours and varying degrees of morphological peculiarities. We find that these index values and their radial dependence correlate with specific morphological features such that the most disturbed galaxies have the smallest 4000\AA\ break strengths and the largest Balmer absorption values. Overall, two-thirds of our sample are inconsistent with the predictions of the modern merger hypothesis. Of these eight, half exhibit signatures consistent with recent minor merger interactions. The other half have star formation histories similar to local, quiescent early-type galaxies. Of the remaining four galaxies, three have the strong morphological disturbances and star-forming optical colours consistent with being remnants of recent, gas-rich major mergers, but exhibit a weak, central burst consistent with forming ∼5%\sim5\% of their stars. The final galaxy possesses spectroscopic signatures of a strong, centrally-concentrated starburst and quiescent core optical colours indicative of recent quenching (i.e., a post-starburst signature) as prescribed by the modern merger hypothesis.Comment: 25 pages, 37 figures, accepted to MNRA

    A Herschel Study of 24 micron-Selected AGNs and Their Host Galaxies

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    We present a sample of 290 24-micron-selected active galactic nuclei (AGNs) mostly at z ~ 0.3 -- 2.5, within 5.2 square degrees distributed as 25' X 25' fields around each of 30 galaxy clusters in the Local Cluster Substructure Survey (LoCuSS). The sample is nearly complete to 1 mJy at 24 microns, and has a rich multi-wavelength set of ancillary data; 162 are detected by Herschel. We use spectral templates for AGNs, stellar populations, and infrared emission by star forming galaxies to decompose the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of these AGNs and their host galaxies, and estimate their star formation rates (SFRs), AGN luminosities, and host galaxy stellar masses. The set of templates is relatively simple: a standard Type-1 quasar template; another for the photospheric output of the stellar population; and a far infrared star-forming template. For the Type-2 AGN SEDs, we substitute templates including internal obscuration, and some Type-1 objects require a warm component (T > 50 K). The individually Herschel- detected Type-1 AGNs and a subset of 17 Type-2 ones typically have luminosities > 10^{45} ergs/s, and supermassive black holes of ~ 3 X 10^8 Msun emitting at ~ 10% of the Eddington rate. We find them in about twice the numbers of AGN identified in SDSS data in the same fields, i.e., they represent typical high luminosity AGN, not an infrared-selected minority. These AGNs and their host galaxies are studied further in an accompanying paper
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