51 research outputs found

    Heightened Epstein-Barr virus immunity and potential cross-reactivities in multiple sclerosis

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    Background: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a likely prerequisite for multiple sclerosis (MS) but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. We investigated antibody and T cell responses to EBV in persons with MS (pwMS), healthy EBV-seropositive controls (HC) and post-infectious mononucleosis (POST-IM) individuals up to 6 months after disease resolution. The ability of EBV-specific T cell responses to target antigens from the central nervous system (CNS) was also investigated.Methods: Untreated persons with relapsing-remitting MS, POST-IM individuals and HC were, as far as possible, matched for gender, age and HLA-DRB1*15:01. EBV load was determined by qPCR, and IgG responses to key EBV antigens were determined by ELISA, immunofluorescence and Western blot, and tetanus toxoid antibody responses by multiplex bead array. EBV-specific T cell responses were determined ex vivo by intracellular cytokine staining (ICS) and cross-reactivity of in vitro-expanded responses probed against 9 novel Modified Vaccinia Ankara (MVA) viruses expressing candidate CNS autoantigens. Results: EBV load in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) was unchanged in pwMS compared to HC. Serologically, while tetanus toxoid responses were unchanged between groups, IgG responses to EBNA1 and virus capsid antigen (VCA) were significantly elevated (EBNA1 p = 0.0079, VCA p = 0.0298) but, importantly, IgG responses to EBNA2 and the EBNA3 family antigens were also more frequently detected in pwMS (EBNA2 p = 0.042 and EBNA3 p = 0.005). In ex vivo assays, T cell responses to autologous EBV-transformed B cells and to EBNA1 were largely unchanged numerically, but significantly increased IL-2 production was observed in response to certain stimuli in pwMS. EBV-specific polyclonal T cell lines from both MS and HC showed high levels of autoantigen recognition by ICS, and several neuronal proteins emerged as common targets including MOG, MBP, PLP and MOBP. Discussion: Elevated serum EBV-specific antibody responses in the MS group were found to extend beyond EBNA1, suggesting a larger dysregulation of EBV-specific antibody responses than previously recognised. Differences in T cell responses to EBV were more difficult to discern, however stimulating EBV-expanded polyclonal T cell lines with 9 candidate CNS autoantigens revealed a high level of autoreactivity and indicate a far-reaching ability of the virus-induced T cell compartment to damage the CNS

    Structural definition of HLA class II-presented SARS-CoV-2 epitopes reveals a mechanism to escape pre-existing CD4+ T cell immunity

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    CD4+Β TΒ cells recognize a broad range of peptide epitopes of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which contribute to immune memory and limit COVID-19 disease. We demonstrate that the immunogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 peptides, in the context of the model allotype HLA-DR1, does not correlate with their binding affinity to the HLA heterodimer. Analyzing six epitopes, some with very low binding affinity, we solve X-ray crystallographic structures of each bound to HLA-DR1. Further structural definitions reveal the precise molecular impact of viral variant mutations on epitope presentation. Omicron escaped ancestral SARS-CoV-2 immunity to two epitopes through two distinct mechanisms: (1) mutations to TCR-facing epitope positions and (2) a mechanism whereby a single amino acid substitution caused a register shift within the HLA binding groove, completely altering the peptide-HLA structure. This HLA-II-specific paradigm of immune escape highlights how CD4+Β TΒ cell memory is finely poised at the level of peptide-HLA-II presentation

    CD8 T Cell Recognition of Endogenously Expressed Epstein-Barr Virus Nuclear Antigen 1

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    The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) nuclear antigen (EBNA)1 contains a glycine-alanine repeat (GAr) domain that appears to protect the antigen from proteasomal breakdown and, as measured in cytotoxicity assays, from major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I–restricted presentation to CD8+ T cells. This led to the concept of EBNA1 as an immunologically silent protein that although unique in being expressed in all EBV malignancies, could not be exploited as a CD8 target. Here, using CD8+ T cell clones to native EBNA1 epitopes upstream and downstream of the GAr domain and assaying recognition by interferon Ξ³ release, we show that the EBNA1 naturally expressed in EBV-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) is in fact presented to CD8+ T cells via a proteasome/peptide transporter–dependent pathway. Furthermore, LCL recognition by such CD8+ T cells, although slightly lower than seen with paired lines expressing a GAr-deleted EBNA1 protein, leads to strong and specific inhibition of LCL outgrowth in vitro. Endogenously expressed EBNA1 is therefore accessible to the MHC class I pathway despite GAr-mediated stabilization of the mature protein. We infer that EBNA1-specific CD8+ T cells do play a role in control of EBV infection in vivo and might be exploitable in the control of EBV+ malignancies

    Bioengineered small extracellular vesicles deliver multiple SARS‐CoV‐2 antigenic fragments and drive a broad immunological response

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    The COVID‐19 pandemic highlighted the clear risk that zoonotic viruses pose to global health and economies. The scientific community responded by developing several efficacious vaccines which were expedited by the global need for vaccines. The emergence of SARS‐CoV‐2 breakthrough infections highlights the need for additional vaccine modalities to provide stronger, long‐lived protective immunity. Here we report the design and preclinical testing of small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) as a multi‐subunit vaccine. Cell lines were engineered to produce sEVs containing either the SARS‐CoV‐2 Spike receptor‐binding domain, or an antigenic region from SARS‐CoV‐2 Nucleocapsid, or both in combination, and we tested their ability to evoke immune responses in vitro and in vivo. B cells incubated with bioengineered sEVs were potent activators of antigen‐specific T cell clones. Mice immunised with sEVs containing both sRBD and Nucleocapsid antigens generated sRBD‐specific IgGs, nucleocapsid‐specific IgGs, which neutralised SARS‐CoV‐2 infection. sEV‐based vaccines allow multiple antigens to be delivered simultaneously resulting in potent, broad immunity, and provide a quick, cheap, and reliable method to test vaccine candidates

    Heterologous prime-boost vaccination protects against EBV antigen-expressing lymphomas

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    The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is one of the predominant tumor viruses in humans, but so far no therapeutic or prophylactic vaccination against this transforming pathogen is available. We demonstrated that heterologous prime-boost vaccination with the nuclear antigen 1 of EBV (EBNA1), either targeted to the DEC205 receptor on DCs or expressed from a recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) vector, improved priming of antigen-specific CD4+ T cell help. This help supported the expansion and maintenance of EBNA1-specific CD8+ T cells that are most efficiently primed by recombinant adenoviruses that encode EBNA1. These combined CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses protected against EBNA1-expressing T and B cell lymphomas, including lymphoproliferations that emerged spontaneously after EBNA1 expression. In particular, the heterologous EBNA1-expressing adenovirus, boosted by EBNA1-encoding MVA vaccination, demonstrated protection as a prophylactic and therapeutic treatment for the respective lymphoma challenges. Our study shows that such heterologous prime-boost vaccinations against EBV-associated malignancies as well as symptomatic primary EBV infection should be further explored for clinical development

    Exploring environmental entrepreneurship: identity coupling, venture goals, and stakeholder incentives

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    On the basis of a qualitative study of 25 renewable energy firms, we theorize why and how individuals engage in environmental entrepreneurship, inductively defined as: the use of both commercial and ecological logics to address environmental degradation through the creation of financially profitable organizations, products, services, and markets. Our findings suggest that environmental entrepreneurs: (1) are motivated by identities based in both commercial and ecological logics,(2) prioritize commercial and/or ecological venture goals dependent on the strength and priority of coupling between these two identity types, and (3) approach stakeholders in a broadly inclusive, exclusive, or co-created manner based on identity coupling and goals. These findings contribute to literature streams on hybrid organizing, entrepreneurial identity, and entrepreneurship’s potential for resolving environmental degradation

    How hybrids manage growth and social–business tensions in global supply chains: the case of impact sourcing

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    This study contributes to the growing interest in how hybrid organizations manage paradoxical social–business tensions. Our empirical case is β€˜β€˜impact sourcing’’— hybrids in global supply chains that hire staff from disadvantaged communities to provide services to business clients. We identify two major growth orientationsβ€” β€˜β€˜community-focused’’ and β€˜β€˜client-focused’’ growthβ€”their inherent tensions and ways that hybrids manage them. The former favors slow growth and manages tensions through highly integrated client and community relations; the latter promotes faster growth and manages client and community relations separately. Both growth orientations address social–business tensions in particular ways, but also create latent constraints that manifest when entrepreneurial aspirations conflict with the current growth path. In presenting and discussing our findings, we introduce preempting management practices of tensions, and the importance of geographic embeddedness and distance to the paradox literature

    Processing of a Multiple Membrane Spanning Epstein-Barr Virus Protein for Cd8+T Cell Recognition Reveals a Proteasome-Dependent, Transporter Associated with Antigen Processing–Independent Pathway

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    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) latent membrane protein (LMP)2 is a multiple membrane spanning molecule which lacks ectodomains projecting into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Human CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL)s recognize a number of epitopes within LMP2. Assays with epitope-specific CTLs in two different cell backgrounds lacking the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) consistently show that some, but not all, LMP2 epitopes are presented in a TAP-independent manner. However, unlike published examples of TAP-independent processing from endogenously expressed antigens, presentation of TAP-independent LMP2 epitopes was abrogated by inhibition of proteasomal activity. We found a clear correlation between hydrophobicity of the LMP2 epitope sequence and TAP independence, and experiments with vaccinia minigene constructs expressing cytosolic epitope peptides confirmed that these more hydrophobic peptides were selectively able to access the HLA class I pathway in TAP-negative cells. Furthermore, the TAP-independent phenotype of particular epitope sequences did not require membrane location of the source antigen since (i) TAP-independent LMP2 epitopes inserted into an EBV nuclear antigen and (ii) hydrophobic epitope sequences native to EBV nuclear antigens were both presented in TAP-negative cells. We infer that there is a proteasome-dependent, TAP-independent pathway of antigen presentation which hydrophobic epitopes can selectively access

    Epstein-Barr Virus Evades CD4+ T Cell Responses in Lytic Cycle through BZLF1-mediated Downregulation of CD74 and the Cooperation of vBcl-2

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    Evasion of immune T cell responses is crucial for viruses to establish persistence in the infected host. Immune evasion mechanisms of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in the context of MHC-I antigen presentation have been well studied. In contrast, viral interference with MHC-II antigen presentation is less well understood, not only for EBV but also for other persistent viruses. Here we show that the EBV encoded BZLF1 can interfere with recognition by immune CD4+ effector T cells. This impaired T cell recognition occurred in the absence of a reduction in the expression of surface MHC-II, but correlated with a marked downregulation of surface CD74 on the target cells. Furthermore, impaired CD4+ T cell recognition was also observed with target cells where CD74 expression was downregulated by shRNA-mediated inhibition. BZLF1 downregulated surface CD74 via a post-transcriptional mechanism distinct from its previously reported effect on the CIITA promoter. In addition to being a chaperone for MHC-II Ξ±Ξ² dimers, CD74 also functions as a surface receptor for macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor and enhances cell survival through transcriptional upregulation of Bcl-2 family members. The immune-evasion function of BZLF1 therefore comes at a cost of induced toxicity. However, during EBV lytic cycle induced by BZLF1 expression, this toxicity can be overcome by expression of the vBcl-2, BHRF1, at an early stage of lytic infection. We conclude that by inhibiting apoptosis, the vBcl-2 not only maintains cell viability to allow sufficient time for synthesis and accumulation of infectious virus progeny, but also enables BZLF1 to effect its immune evasion function
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