997 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Color Clustering for Melanoma Diagnosis in Dermoscopy Images

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    A fuzzy logic-based color histogram analysis technique is presented for discriminating benign skin lesions from malignant melanomas in dermoscopy images. The approach extends previous research for utilizing a fuzzy set for skin lesion color for a specified class of skin lesions, using alpha-cut and support set cardinality for quantifying a fuzzy ratio skin lesion color feature. Skin lesion discrimination results are reported for the fuzzy clustering ratio over different regions of the lesion over a data set of 517 dermoscopy images consisting of 175 invasive melanomas and 342 benign lesions. Experimental results show that the fuzzy clustering ratio applied over an eight-connected neighborhood on the outer 25% of the skin lesion with an alpha-cut of 0.08 can recognize 92.6% of melanomas with approximately 13.5% false positive lesions. These results show the critical importance of colors in the lesion periphery. Our fuzzy logic-based description of lesion colors offers relevance to clinical descriptions of malignant melanoma

    Utility of Masson’s Trichrome Stain in the Quantification of Mean Vascular Density in Normal Oral Mucosa, Epithelial Dysplasia and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Indexación: Scopus; Scielo.El objetivo de este estudio fue valuar la utilidad del uso de la tinción de Tricrómico de Masson (TM) en la cuantificación de la densidad media vascular (DMV) en Mucosa Oral Normal (MON), Displasia Epitelial Oral (DEO) y Carcinoma Oral de Células Escamosas (COCE). Estudio descriptivo de serie de casos. Se analizaron 17 muestras de MON, 15 muestras de DEO y 16 de COCE, teñidas con TM. Para determinar su utilidad, se compararon con las mismas muestras analizadas con técnica de inmunohistoquímica contra CD31. La cuantificación de la DMV se realizó en las 3 áreas de mayor vascularización de cada muestra. Se determinó la DMV según diagnóstico mediante la tinción TM e inmunohistoquímica contra CD31, y se calculó la correlación entre ambos. La DMV cuantificada con TM y contra CD31 difiere según el diagnóstico, observándose un aumento de la DMV al malignizarse el diagnóstico. No se encontraron diferencias al comparar la DMV cuantificada con TM y contra CD31. La correlación de la DMV analizado por TM y contra CD31 es significativa y moderada. La cuantificación de vasos sanguíneos es posible mediante la tinción de TM en muestras de MON, DEO y COCE, con una correlación moderada con la inmunohistoquímica contra CD31.The objective of this study was to evaluate the utility of Masson's Trichrome (TM) staining in the quantification of the mean vascular density (DMV) in samples of normal oral mucosa (MON), oral epithelial dysplasia (ODE) and oral squamous cell carcinoma (COCE). The design - a descriptive study of case series. We analyzed 17 samples of MON, 15 samples of DEO and 16 samples of COCE, stained with TM. To determine usefulness, we compared and analyzed the same samples, either stained with TM or with immunohistochemical technique against CD31. Quantification of the DMV was performed in the 3 areas of greatest vascularization in each sample. DMV was determined according to diagnosis by TM staining and immunohistochemistry against CD31, and the correlation between the two was then calculated. DMV quantified with TM and against CD31 differs according to the diagnosis, with an increase in DMV upon malignant diagnosis. No differences were found when comparing DMV quantified with TM and against CD31. The correlation of the DMV analyzed by TM and against CD31 is significant and moderate. Quantification of blood vessels is possible by TM staining in samples of MON, DEO and COCE. TM staining is moderately correlated with immunohistochemistry against CD31.https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-95022017000401576&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=e

    Immunoexpression of E-cadherin and Vimentin in Normal Oral Mucosa, Oral Epithelial Displasia and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus; Scielo.El objetivo fue evaluar la inmunoexpresión de E-cadherina y Vimentina en mucosa oral normal (MON), displasia epitelial oral (DEO) y carcinoma oral de células escamosas (COCE). Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de una serie de casos analizandolos mediante técnica de inmunohistoquímica contra E-cadherina y Vimentina 16 muestras de MON, 16 de DEO y 19 de COCE. La inmunotinción fue evaluada cualitativamente considerando extensión e intensidad para E-cadherina e intensidad para Vimentina. El análisis de la extensión e intensidad de la inmunotinción de E-cadherina y Vimentina según diagnóstico reveló una asociación estadísticamente significativa (p<0,001). Siendo la expresión de E-cadherina más alta en MON, seguido por DEO y más baja en COCE, inversamente a lo que se observó con Vimentina. El presente estudio reveló la subregulación del marcador molecular E-cadherina junto con la expresión aberrante por parte de células epiteliales del marcador mesenquimal Vimentina en muestras de MON, DEO y COCE.The aim was to evaluate the expression of E-cadherin and Vimentin in oral epithelial dysplasia (OED) and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), in comparison with normal oral mucosa (NOM) in a descriptive case study using immunohistochemistry. A total of fifty-one (N=51) histological samples were included; as follows: n = 16 (NOM), n = 16 (OED) and n = 19 (OSCC). All samples were analyzed using immunohistochemistry against the expression of E-cadherin and Vimentin. Immunostaining was qualitatively evaluated by extent and intensity of its expression for E-cadherin and intensity for Vimentin. Extension and intensity analysis of E-cadherin and Vimentin immunostaining according to group revealed a statistically significant association (r<0.001). E-cadherin expression was found to be highest in NOM followed by OED and lowest in OSCC, inverse to what was observed with Vimentin. The present study revealed the down regulation of the molecular marker E-cadherin, suggestive of reduction in dysplastic cells on comparison to NOM cells, and aberrant expression of the mesenchymal marker Vimentin by epithelial cells in samples of NOM, OED and OSCC; questioning their value as a prognostic marker.http://ref.scielo.org/pk8s6

    Convolutional Neural Network Based Localized Classification of Uterine Cervical Cancer Digital Histology Images

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    In previous research, we introduced an automated localized, fusion-based algorithm to classify squamous epithelium into Normal, CIN1, CIN2, and CIN3 grades of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). The approach partitioned the epithelium into 10 segments. Image processing and machine vision algorithms were used to extract features from each segment. The features were then used to classify the segment and the result was fused to classify the whole epithelium. This research extends the previous research by dividing each of the 10 segments into 3 parts and uses a convolutional neural network to classify the 3 parts. The result is then fused to classify the segments and the whole epithelium. The experimental data consists of 65 images. The proposed method accuracy is 77.25% compared to 75.75% using the previous method for the same dataset

    Home safe home: Evaluation of a childhood home safety program

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    BACKGROUND: The London Health Sciences Centre Home Safety Program (HSP) provides safety devices, education, a safety video, and home safety checklist to all first-time parents for the reduction of childhood home injuries. The objective of this study was to evaluate the HSP for the prevention of home injuries in children up to 2 years of age. METHODS: A program evaluation was performed with follow-up survey, along with an interrupted time series analysis of emergency department (ED) visits for home injuries 5 years before (2007–2013) and 2 years after (2013–2015) implementation. Spatial analysis of ED visits was undertaken to assess differences in home injury rates by dissemination areas controlling differences in socioeconomic status (i.e., income, education, and lone-parent status) at the neighborhood level. RESULTS: A total of 3,458 first-time parents participated in the HSP (a 74% compliance rate). Of these, 20% (n = 696) of parents responded to our questionnaire, with 94% reporting the program to be useful (median, 6; interquartile range,2 on a 7-point Likert scale) and 81% learning new strategies for preventing home injuries. The median age of the respondent\u27s babies were 12 months (interquartile range, 1). The home safety check list was used by 87% of respondents to identify hazards in their home, with 95% taking action to minimize the risk. The time series analysis demonstrated a significant decline in ED visits for home injuries in toddlers younger than2 years of age after HSP implementation. The declines in ED visits for home injuries remained significant over and above each socioeconomic status covariate. CONCLUSION: Removing hazards, supervision, and installing safety devices are key facilitators in the reduction of home injuries. Parents found the HSP useful to identify hazards, learn new strategies, build confidence, and provide safety products. Initial finding suggests that the program is effective in reducing home injuries in children up to 2 years of ag

    Simulation-Based Design of Bicuspidization of the Aortic Valve

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    Objective: Severe congenital aortic valve pathology in the growing patient remains a challenging clinical scenario. Bicuspidization of the diseased aortic valve has proven to be a promising repair technique with acceptable durability. However, most understanding of the procedure is empirical and retrospective. This work seeks to design the optimal gross morphology associated with surgical bicuspidization with simulations, based on the hypothesis that modifications to the free edge length cause or relieve stenosis. Methods: Model bicuspid valves were constructed with varying free edge lengths and gross morphology. Fluid-structure interaction simulations were conducted in a single patient-specific model geometry. The models were evaluated for primary targets of stenosis and regurgitation. Secondary targets were assessed and included qualitative hemodynamics, geometric height, effective height, orifice area and prolapse. Results: Stenosis decreased with increasing free edge length and was pronounced with free edge length less than or equal to 1.3 times the annular diameter d. With free edge length 1.5d or greater, no stenosis occurred. All models were free of regurgitation. Substantial prolapse occurred with free edge length greater than or equal to 1.7d. Conclusions: Free edge length greater than or equal to 1.5d was required to avoid aortic stenosis in simulations. Cases with free edge length greater than or equal to 1.7d showed excessive prolapse and other changes in gross morphology. Cases with free edge length 1.5-1.6d have a total free edge length approximately equal to the annular circumference and appeared optimal. These effects should be studied in vitro and in animal studies

    Tendon biomimetic 3D scaffold enhance amniotic epithelial stem cells biological potential

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    Tendon tissue engineering represents an emerging field whose aim focuses on the design of 3D tendon biomimetic scaffolds that should ideally combine adequate physical, mechanical, biological and functional properties of the native tissue. In this research, it was designed a bundle tendon-like PLGA 3D scaffold with highly aligned fibers on which the structure and mechanical properties were evaluated. Moreover, it was assessed scaffold’s teno-differentiative and immuno-inductive ability on amniotic epithelial stem cells (AECs). The fabricated PLGA 3D scaffolds mimic macroscopically and microscopically the structure of native tendon tissue and its biomechanical properties. Biologically, AECs seeded on the fabricated 3D scaffolds acquired a spindle tenocyte-like morphology after just 24h compared to the AECs cultured on petri dishes (CTR) which maintained their cobblestone morphology. The phenotypic change of the engineered AECs was also confirmed by visualizing TNMD protein expression, a mature tendon marker, within their cytoplasm and supported by the analysis of tendon-related genes (SCX, COL1, and TNMD) that were significantly upregulated at 7-day culture, while no TNMD protein expression or significant increase in tendon-related genes was found in CTR cells. Moreover, the 3D construct induced on AECs an upregulation of IL-10, an anti-inflammatory cytokine, maintaining basal levels of IL-12, a pro-inflammatory cytokine, showing a favorable IL10/IL12 ratio. In conclusion, the fabricated PLGA 3D scaffolds are tendon biomimetic in terms of ultrastructure and biomechanics, making them also suitable for surgical purposes. Moreover, these constructs revealed a high teno- and immuno-inductive potential on AECs and thus represent potential candidates for tendon regeneration

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Sucopangepok Kabupaten Jember Melalui Pengembangan dan Pemasaran Produk Sedotan Bambu

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    The “Hibah Mahasiswa Berdesa” Program (Promahadesa) is conducted in Sucopangepok Village, Jelbuk District, Jember Regency, which has potential of bamboo. Based on observation results, the use of bamboo as a potential for maked bamboo straws hasn't been utilized optimally. There is a main problem, that is the ability to market products and expand information is limited. In addition, the marketing area for bamboo straws isn't wide enough. Through the “Hibah Mahasiswa Berdesa” program (Promahadesa) will be assisted in optimize the  marketing of bamboo straws and improve the marketing system.  This activity realized use of technology web communication and digital marketing to improve product visualization. The implementation stage with socialization regard the application of digital marketing, marketplace to the practice of its use. The expected results after the training indicate an expanded  customer accept of bamboo straws.  So, optimal development and marketing of bamboo straws can improve the community’s econom