213 research outputs found

    Standard values and relationship-specific validity of the Bielefeld Relationship Expectations Questionnaire (BFPE)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Bielefeld Partnership Expectations Questionnaire (BFPE) is a tool to assess attachment in the romantic relationships of adults. The attachment styles are operationalized as configuration patterns of scale scores. While convergent validity has already been investigated, discriminant validity is still lacking confirmation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The present sample (n = 1509) is representative for the German population aged 18 to 50. The mean age was 34.6 years. Most of the participants lived in a relationship (77.3 %). Discriminant validity was analyzed using a marital quality questionnaire (PFB), a social support questionnaire (F-Soz-U K-14), and a life satisfaction questionnaire (FLZ).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All the BFPE scales have a satisfying internal consistency between r = .79 and .86. Those individuals who showed a secure pattern, i.e. increased "Readiness for Self-Disclosure" and "Conscious Need for Care" as well as reduced "Fear of Rejection" experienced their partner as socially supportive, reported higher marital quality in all of its facets, and were more satisfied within the life-domains "family/children" and "relationship/sexuality". Standard values for each scale are presented.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The BFPE has repeatedly been verified as a short, reliable, and valid instrument applicable to research practice with healthy individuals as well as within clinical contexts.</p

    The Effects of Mothers' Depression on the Behavioral Assessment of Disruptive Child Behavior

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    This study uses a group design to compare depressed and non-depressed mothers and their disruptive children. It controls for broad environmental stress factors to examine whether specific differences between groups can be linked with mothers’ depression. It aims to build a more comprehensive picture of depressed mothers’ interactions with their disruptive children by comparing these interactions with those of similar, but non-maternally depressed mother-child dyads, and a non-clinic control group

    Repeating the Errors of Our Parents? Family-of-Origin Spouse Violence and Observed Conflict Management in Engaged Couples

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    Based on a developmental social learning analysis, it was hypothesized that observing parental violence predisposes partners to difficulties in managing couple conflict. Seventy-one engaged couples were assessed on their observation of parental violence in their family of origin. All couples were videotaped discussing two areas of current relationship conflict, and their cognitions during the interactions were assessed using a video-mediated recall procedure. Couples in which the male partner reported observing parental violence (male-exposed couples) showed more negative affect and communication during conflict discussions than couples in which neither partner reported observing parental violence (unexposed couples). Couples in which only the female partner reported observing parental violence (female- exposed couples) did not differ from unexposed couples in their affect or behavior. Female-exposed couples reported more negative cognitions than unexposed couples, but male-exposed couples did not differ from unexposed couples in their reported cognitions

    17 Tipps wie man Kinder erzieht - Welche Erziehungsstrategien setzen Eltern ein?

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    Untersucht wird, welche der im Triple P-Gruppentraining vermittelten Erziehungsstrategien von den Eltern im Alltag umgesetzt werden. Die Daten stammen aus dem Projekt "Zukunft Familie", in dem die lĂ€ngerfristige Wirksamkeit des Elterntrainings in einer kontrollierten Studie an 280 Familien untersucht wurde. Insgesamt nahmen 144 Eltern am Gruppentraining teil und fĂŒllten vor, direkt nach der Intervention und bei der Ein-Jahres-Katamnese Kursbeurteilungs- bzw. Fragebogen zu den Erziehungsstrategien aus. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die positiven Erziehungsstrategien zur Förderung der kindlichen Entwicklung bereits vor dem Training weiter verbreitet waren als die Tipps zum Umgang mit kindlichem Problemverhalten. Über 90 Prozent der Eltern praktizierten die positiven Erziehungsstrategien auch bei der Ein-Jahres-Nachuntersuchung. DarĂŒber hinaus gab es eine signifikante Abnahme bei der Verwendung der "Auszeit"-Strategie. (ZPID

    Die Relation der Verhaltenstherapie zu systemischer Therapie und Synergetik

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    Fragt man Therapeutinnen und Therapeuten, was das Gemeinsame bzw. Trennende zwischen systemischer Therapie (im Weiteren: ST), Synergetik und Verhaltenstherapie (im Weiteren: VT) ist, bekommt man annĂ€hernd so viele Antworten, wie Therapeuten befragt werden. Das lĂ€sst sich auf den individuell unterschiedlichen Ausbildungsstand, auf persönliche Arbeitsstile, konkrete therapeutische Erfahrungen, heterogene Darstellungen in der einschlĂ€gigen Literatur zurĂŒckfĂŒhren. Die folgende Abhandlung des Themas muss aus den gleichen GrĂŒnden subjektiv bleiben, auch wenn durch zahlreiche BezĂŒge auf die Literatur eine >>objektive<< Verankerung angestrebt wird. Die Frage wird zuweilen von Patienten und Ausbildungskandidaten gestellt - also sollte man auch versuchen, eine Antwort zu finden
