851 research outputs found
Persistent activation of steroidogenesis in adrenocortical cells by photoaffinity labeling of corticotropin receptors
Photolysis of rat adrenocortical cells in the presence of the photoreactive derivative [(2-nitro-5-azidophenylsulfenyl)Trp9]-adrenocorticotropic hormone (2,5-NAPS-ACTH) at 24°C resulted in persistent activation of corticosterone production. The basal rate of steroidogenesis became maximal when photolysis was performed at 24°C but remained the same as that of control cells when irradiation was performed at 0°C. No increase in basal rate was observed with dark controls or cells photolyzed with [(2,4-dinitrophenylsulfenyl)Trp9]ACTH, a photoresistant analog of the hormone. Prephotolyzed 2,5-NAPS-ACTH failed to induce persistent activation. Both ACTH and 2,4-(dinitrophenylsulfenyl)Trp9-ACTH blocked the photo-induced activation of steroidogenesis elicited by 2,5-NAPS-ACTH. Under photolysis conditions which caused the basal rate of steroidogenesis to become maximal, a 3-fold increase in the basal rate of cAMP formation was observed
Canine Uterine Bacterial Infection Induces Upregulation of Proteolysis-Related Genes and Downregulation of Homeobox and Zinc Finger Factors
BACKGROUND: Bacterial infection with the severe complication of sepsis is a frequent and serious condition, being a major cause of death worldwide. To cope with the plethora of occurring bacterial infections there is therefore an urgent need to identify molecular mechanisms operating during the host response, in order both to identify potential targets for therapeutic intervention and to identify biomarkers for disease. Here we addressed this issue by studying global gene expression in uteri from female dogs suffering from spontaneously occurring uterine bacterial infection. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The analysis showed that almost 800 genes were significantly (p<0.05) upregulated (>2-fold) in the uteri of diseased animals. Among these were numerous chemokine and cytokine genes, as well as genes associated with inflammatory cell extravasation, anti-bacterial action, the complement system and innate immune responses, as well as proteoglycan-associated genes. There was also a striking representation of genes associated with proteolysis. Robust upregulation of immunoglobulin components and genes involved in antigen presentation was also evident, indicating elaboration of a strong adaptive immune response. The bacterial infection was also associated with a significant downregulation of almost 700 genes, of which various homeobox and zinc finger transcription factors were highly represented. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Together, these finding outline the molecular patterns involved in bacterial infection of the uterus. The study identified altered expression of numerous genes not previously implicated in bacterial disease, and several of these may be evaluated for potential as biomarkers of disease or as therapeutic targets. Importantly, since humans and dogs show genetic similarity and develop diseases that share many characteristics, the molecular events identified here are likely to reflect the corresponding situation in humans afflicted by similar disease
Influence of the lattice topography on a three-dimensional, controllable Brownian motor
We study the influence of the lattice topography and the coupling between
motion in different directions, for a three-dimensional Brownian motor based on
cold atoms in a double optical lattice. Due to controllable relative spatial
phases between the lattices, our Brownian motor can induce drifts in arbitrary
directions. Since the lattices couple the different directions, the relation
between the phase shifts and the directionality of the induced drift is non
trivial. Here is therefore this relation investigated experimentally by
systematically varying the relative spatial phase in two dimensions, while
monitoring the vertically induced drift and the temperature. A relative spatial
phase range of 2pi x 2pi is covered. We show that a drift, controllable both in
speed and direction, can be achieved, by varying the phase both parallel and
perpendicular to the direction of the measured induced drift. The experimental
results are qualitatively reproduced by numerical simulations of a simplified,
classical model of the system
Deregulation of kinase signaling and lymphoid development in EBF1-PDGFRB ALL leukemogenesis
The chimeric fusion oncogene early B-cell factor 1-platelet-derived growth factor receptor-β (EBF1-PDGFRB) is a recurrent lesion observed in Philadelphia-like B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) and is associated with particularly poor prognosis. While it is understood that this fusion activates tyrosine kinase signaling, the mechanisms of transformation and importance of perturbation of EBF1 activity remain unknown. EBF1 is a nuclear transcription factor required for normal B-lineage specification, commitment and development. Conversely, PDGFRB is a receptor tyrosine kinase that is normally repressed in lymphocytes, yet PDGFRB remains a common fusion partner in leukemias. Here, we demonstrate that the EBF1-PDGFRB fusion results in loss of EBF1 function, multimerization and autophosphorylation of the fusion protein, activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 5 (STAT5) signaling and gain of interleukin-7 (IL-7)-independent cell proliferation. Deregulation and loss of EBF1 function is critically dependent on the nuclear export activity of the transmembrane (TM) domain of PDGFRB. Deletion of the TM domain partially rescues EBF1 function and restores IL-7 dependence, without requiring kinase inhibition. Moreover, we demonstrate that EBF1-PDGFRB synergizes with loss of IKAROS function in a fully penetrant B-ALL in vivo. Thus, we establish that EBF1-PDGFRB is sufficient to drive leukemogenesis through TM-dependent loss of transcription factor function, increased proliferation and synergy with additional genetic insults including loss of IKAROS function
Overvåkning av Glomma, Vorma og Øyeren 2012
Høsten 2012 ble det tatt bunndyr- og begroingsprøver på fem stasjoner i Glomma og én i Vorma. I Øyeren ble det tatt prøver av planteplankton og vannkjemi. Gjennomsnittlig konsentrasjon av total fosfor og klorofyll a var henholdsvis 9.5 µg/l og 2.45 µg/l, tilsvarende svært god økologisk tilstand. Algesammensetningen viste et stort mangfold med lave konsentrasjonen av blågrønnalger. Ved Høyegga i Glomma ble det påvist høye konsentrasjoner av kobber (6 prøver: 4.6-6.4 µg/l), tilsvarende sterkt forurenset tilstand (Klif 1997). På de fleste stasjonene i Glomma var det forholdsvis lave konsentrasjoner av suspenderte partikler (<0.8-4.3 mg/l), totalt fosfor (3-14 µg/l) og totalt nitrogen (200-555 µg/l). De høyeste konsentrasjonene ble påvist på de nederste stasjonene. Basert på algebegroing hadde de tre øverste stasjonene (Prestfoss, Gjølstadfoss, Bingsfoss) i Glomma svært god-, og de to nederste god tilstand (Solbergfoss, Sarpsfoss). Det var god økologisk tilstand ved Svanfoss i Vorma. Basert på bunndyrsamfunnet var den økologiske tilstanden på øverste stasjon svært god, moderat ved Solbergfoss og god på de øvrige. Den økologiske tilstanden ved Svanfoss var god. Det biologiske mangfoldet uttrykt som antall EPT-arter i bunnfaunaen varierte fra 18 ved Prestfoss til 10 ved Bingsfoss. Bunndyr og algebegroing viste samme tilstandsklasse på tre av seks stasjoner i 2012. På de øvrige stasjonene ga bunndyrindeksen en dårligere tilstand. Basert på vannvegetasjonen karakteriseres undersøkte områder i Vorma som svært gode i forhold til eutrofiering.FM i Oslo og Akershus, Hedmark og Østfol
Playing TET
Methylation of the fifth carbon of cytosine was the first epigenetic modification to be discovered in DNA. Recently, three new DNA modifications have come to light: hydroxymethylcytosine, formylcytosine, and carboxylcytosine, all generated by oxidation of methylcytosine by Ten Eleven Translocation (TET) enzymes. These modifications can initiate full DNA demethylation, but they are also likely to participate, like methylcytosine, in epigenetic signalling per se. A scenario is emerging in which coordinated regulation at multiple levels governs the participation of TETs in a wide range of physiological functions, sometimes via a mechanism unrelated to their enzymatic activity. Although still under construction, a sophisticated picture is rapidly forming where, according to the function to be performed, TETs ensure epigenetic marking to create specific landscapes, and whose improper build-up can lead to diseases such as cancer and neurodegenerative disorders. © 2014 The Authors.SCOPUS: re.jFLWINinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe
Blood lactate levels in 31 female dogs with pyometra
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Canine pyometra is a life-threatening disease common in countries where spaying of dogs is not routinely performed. The disease is associated with endotoxemia, sepsis, systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and a 3–4% mortality rate. Blood lactate analysis is clinically valuable in predicting prognosis and survival, evaluating tissue perfusion and treatment response in human and veterinary critical care settings. The aims of the present study were to investigate 1) the blood lactate levels of female dogs with pyometra by a hand-held analyser and 2) if these levels are related with the clinical status or other biochemical or hematological disorders.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In total 31 female dogs with pyometra admitted for surgical ovariohysterectomy and 16 healthy female control dogs were included in the present study. A complete physical examination including SIRS-status determination was performed. Blood samples for lactate concentrations, hematological and biochemical parameters, acid-base and blood gas analysis and other laboratory parameters were collected and subsequently analysed. The diagnosis pyometra was verified with histopathological examination of the uterus and ovaries. Increased hospitalisation length and presence of SIRS were used as indicators of outcome.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the pyometra group the median blood lactate level was 1,6 mmol l<sup>-1 </sup>(range <0.8–2.7 mmol l<sup>-1</sup>). In the control group the median lactate level was 1,2 mmol l<sup>-1 </sup>(range <0.8–2.1 mmol l<sup>-1</sup>). Of the 31 bitches 19 (61%) fulfilled 2 or more criteria for SIRS at inclusion, 10 bitches (32%) fulfilled 3 of the SIRS criteria whereas none accomplished more than 3 criteria. Lactate levels did not differ significantly between the pyometra and control group, or between the SIRS positive and SIRS negative dogs with pyometra. Increased lactate concentration (>2.5 mmol l<sup>-1</sup>) was demonstrated in one female dog with pyometra (3%), and was not associated with longer hospitalisation or presence of SIRS. Lactate measurement was not indicative of peritonitis. None of the bitches died during or within two months of the hospital stay. The measurements of temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, percentage bandforms of neutrophilic granulocytes, α<sub>2</sub>-globulins, creatinin, pvCO<sub>2</sub>, TCO<sub>2 </sub>and base excess showed significant differences between the SIRS positive and the SIRS negative pyometra cases.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Increased blood lactate concentrations were demonstrated in 3% (1/31), and SIRS was present in 61% (19/31) of the female dogs with pyometra. Preoperative lactate levels were not related with presence of SIRS or prolonged hospitalisation. Lactate measurement was not indicative of peritonitis. The value of a single and repeated lactate analysis in more severely affected cases remains to be determined.</p
Cardiac troponin I levels in canine pyometra
BACKGROUND: Myocardial injury may contribute to unexpected deaths due to pyometra. To detect myocardial damage, measurement of cardiac troponin I (cTnI) is currently the most sensitive and specific method. The aims of the present study were to evaluate presence of myocardial damage in canine pyometra by analysis of cTnI, to explore whether myocardial injury was associated with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and to evaluate whether other clinical or laboratory parameters were associated with cTnI increase. METHODS: Preoperative plasma levels of cTnI were investigated in 58 female dogs with pyometra and 9 controls. The value of physical examination findings, haematological, serum biochemical and pro-inflammatory (CRP and TNF-α) parameters as possible predictors of increased cTnI levels was also evaluated. RESULTS: Seven dogs with pyometra (12%) and one control dog (11%) had increased levels of cTnI. In the pyometra group, the levels ranged between 0.3–0.9 μg l(-1 )and in the control dog the level was 0.3 μg l(-1). The cTnI levels did not differ significantly between the two groups. No cardiac abnormalities were evident on preoperative physical examinations. Four of the pyometra patients died within two weeks of surgery, of which two were examined post mortem. In one of these cases (later diagnosed with myocarditis and disseminated bacterial infection) the cTnI levels increased from 0.9 μg l(-1 )preoperatively to 180 μg l(-1 )the following day when also heart arrhythmia was also detected. The other patient had cTnI levels of 0.7 μg l(-1 )with no detectable heart pathology post mortem. CTnI increase was not associated with presence of SIRS. There was a trend for the association of cTnI increase with increased mortality. No preoperative physical examination findings and few but unspecific laboratory parameters were associated with increased cTnI levels. CONCLUSION: Increased cTnI levels were observed in 12% of the dogs with pyometra. The proportions of dogs with cTnI increase did not differ significantly in the pyometra group compared with the control group. CTnI increase was not associated with presence of SIRS. A trend for association of cTnI increase and mortality was observed. Preoperative physical examination findings and included laboratory parameters were poor predictors of increased cTnI levels
B cell receptor accessory molecule CD79α : characterisation and expression analysis in a cartilaginous fish, the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias)
Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer reviewedPublisher PD
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