14 research outputs found

    Cleft maxillary distraction versus orthognathic surgery - which one is more stable in the long term?

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    Orthognathic surgery versus distraction in cleft maxillary deformities: which is better?

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    Produção de forragem de capim-elefante sob clima frio: curva de crescimento e valor nutritivo Forage production of elephantgrass under cold climate conditions: growth curve and nutritive value

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    Objetivou-se quantificar a produção e o valor nutritivo do capim-elefante (cv. Cameroon), em Lages, Santa Catarina, identificando possíveis limitações à sua utilização e demonstrando sua viabilidade na região. O ensaio foi conduzido entre 1982 e 1985, no qual o capim-elefante foi estabelecido em parcelas, dispostas em delineamento de blocos ao acaso. Os tratamentos constaram da soma dos dias de crescimento até o momento dos cortes, a fim de se estabelecer a curva de crescimento. A produção de massa seca (MS) acumulada foi avaliada a partir do 42º dia após o corte de uniformização, sendo que as parcelas foram cortadas em seqüência, a cada 21 dias, até completarem 210 dias de crescimento, respeitando-se um resíduo de 50 cm. A capacidade de rebrotação dentro do período também foi avaliada a cada 21 dias. Os dados foram submetidos a análises de variância e de regressão. O acúmulo de massa seca do capim-elefante foi significativamente dependente dos dias de crescimento, com taxas de 185 e 65 kg/ha/dia de MS, em 1983/84 e 1984/85, respectivamente. No primeiro período, obtiveram-se aos 210 dias 31.132 kg/ha de MS, sendo 3.310 kg/ha de MS aos 63 dias iniciais. Em 1984/85, as plantas acumularam o equivalente a um terço da MS obtida no ano anterior, provavelmente por problemas nutricionais e déficit hídrico. Na avaliação das rebrotações, as maiores produções foram obtidas com plantas de 42 (1.149 kg MS/ha) e 63 dias (1.259 kg/ha de MS). Na média dos dois períodos, foram obtidos até 20% de PB e 65% de DIVMS. Apesar do clima frio, o capim-elefante é uma alternativa viável como forrageira para o Planalto Catarinense.<br>This work aimed to quantify the yield and nutritive value of elephantgrass (cv. Cameroon), in Lages, Santa Catarina, with the objective to identify possible limitations to its production and to show its viability in the region. The trial was carried out from 1982 to 1985, when the elephantgrass was established in plots in a complete block design. The treatments were the sum of growing days up to the evaluation day, in order to establish a growth curve. The accumulated dry matter (DM) started 42 days after an uniformization cut and the plots were cut in sequence every 21 days, up to complete 210 days of growth, always leaving a 50 cm stubble. The regrowth ability in each period was also evaluated every 21 days. Data were submitted to variance and regression analyses. The elephantgrass dry matter accumulation was significantly dependent of days of growth, showing growth rates of 185 and 65 kg DM/ha/day on 1983/84 and 1984/85, respectively. In the first growing period, it was obtained 31,132 kg DM/ha with 210 days of growth and 3,310 kg DM/ha in the first 63 days of growth. In 1984/85, the plants accumulated about one-third of that obtained in the previous year, probably due to nutritional problems and to a drought spell. In the regrowth evaluations, the highest yields were obtained with plants growing for 42 (1,149 kg DM/ha) and 63 days (1,259 kg DM/ha). The two years average of crude protein and in vitro dry matter digestibility was 20% and 65%, respectively. Although the cold climate, the elephantgrass is a viable alternative for the Santa Catarina highlands


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    Glacier mass balance and mass balance gradient are fundamentally affected by changes in glacier 3D geometry. Few studies have quantified changing mountain glacier 3D geometry, not least because of a dearth of suitable spatiotemporally distributed topographical information. Additionally, there can be significant uncertainty in georeferencing of historical data and subsequent calculations of the difference between successive surveys. This study presents multiple 3D glacier reconstructions and the associated mass balance response of Kårsaglaciären, which is a 0.89 ± 0.01 km2 mountain glacier in sub-arctic Sweden. Reconstructions spanning 101 years were enabled by historical map digitisation and contemporary elevation and thickness surveys. By considering displacements between digitised maps via the identification of common tie-points, uncertainty in both vertical and horizontal planes were estimated. Results demonstrate a long-term trend of negative mass balance with an increase in mean elevation, total glacier retreat (1909–2008) of 1311 ± 12 m, and for the period 1926–2010 a volume decrease of 1.0 ± 0.3 × 10–3 km3 yr–1. Synthesising measurements of the glaciers’ past 3D geometry and ice thickness with theoretically calculated basal stress profiles explains the present thermal regime. The glacier is identified as being disproportionately fast in its rate of mass loss and relative to area, is the fastest retreating glacier in Sweden. Our long-term dataset of glacier 3D geometry changes will be useful for testing models of the evolution of glacier characteristics and behaviour, and ultimately for improving predictions of meltwater production with climate change

    Treatment of behavioural symptoms and dementia in Parkinson's disease

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    Behavioural symptoms such as anxiety, depression and psychosis are common in Parkinson's disease (PD), and dementia occurs in about 90% of the patients. These symptoms can be more disabling than the motor dysfunction and they negatively impact quality of life, increase caregiver distress and are more frequently associated with nursing home placement. Depression can be treated with counselling and pharmacotherapy. Tricyclic antidepressants or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are widely used, but there is still need for controlled clinical trials. Management of psychosis in PD is complex and includes elimination of identifiable risk factors, reduction of polypharmacy and administration of atypical neuroleptics, which can alleviate psychotic symptoms without worsening motor functions. Clozapine is the best documented atypical neuroleptic shown to be effective against psychosis in PD patients. Cholinesterase inhibitors may prove additional benefit in psychotic PD patients. Recent evidence from small double-blind and open-label trials suggests that cholinesterase inhibitors may be effective in the treatment of dementia associated with PD

    Recent achievements in facilitated transport membranes for separation processes

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    Membrane separation processes have been extensively used for some important industrial separations, substituting traditional methods. However, some applications require the development of new membranes. In this work, we discuss recent progress achieved in this field, focusing on gas and liquid separation using facilitated transport membranes. The advantages of using a carrier species either in a liquid membrane or fixed in a polymer matrix to enhance both the flux and the selectivity of the transport are summarized. The most probable transport mechanisms in these membranes are presented and the improvements needed to spread this technology are also discussed. As examples, we discuss our very successful experiences in air fractioning, olefin/paraffin separation and sugar recovery using liquid and fixed carrier membranes