792 research outputs found

    Glacial debris cover and melt water production for glaciers in the Altay, Russia

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    Glaciers are important water storages on a seasonal and long-term time scale. Where high mountains are surrounded by arid lowlands, glacier runoff is an important source of water during the growing season. This situation can be found in the Altay mountains in Southern Siberia, where the recent glacierization of >700 km2 is subject to continuous mass loss, even though the shrinking is comparably slow. The glacier retreat is accompanied by an extension of supra-glacial moraine, which itself strongly influences ablation rates. To quantify these effects, the spatial evolution of debris cover since 1952 was analysed for three glaciers in the North Chuya Ridge using satellite and airborne imagery. In summer 2007, an ablation experiment was carried out on debris covered parts of Maliy Aktru glacier. Thermistors in different depths within the moraine provided data to calculate thermal resistance of the debris. A set of ablation stakes was installed at locations with differing debris thickness and observed regularly throughout the entire melt season. Air temperature from an AWS was used to calculate degree day factors in dependence of the debris thickness. To take into account the shading effect of surrounding walls and peaks, the potential solar radiation and its evolution throughout the summer was determined from a digital elevation model. This allows us to extrapolate our measurements from Maliy Aktru to the other two glaciers of the Aktru basin and to estimate basin melt rates. In addition accumulated ice melt was derived for 12 glaciers in the North Chuya Range. Changes in summer runoff from the 1960s are compared to the results from our melt model and the evolution of debris cover is analysed in respect to the melt activity

    A comparison of glacier melt on debris-covered glaciers in the northern and southern Caucasus

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    The glacier coverage in the Caucasus Mountains underwent considerable changes during the last decades. In some regions, the observed reduction in glacier area is comparable to those in the European Alps and the extent of supra-glacial debris increased on many glaciers. Only a few glaciers in the Caucasus are monitored on a regular basis, while for most areas no continuous field measurements are available. In this study, regional differences of the conditions for glacier melt with a special focus on debris covered glacier tongues in the well-studied Adyl-su basin on the northern slope of the Caucasus Mountains (Russia) is compared with the Zopkhito basin which has similar characteristics but is located on the southern slope in Georgia. The paper focuses on the effect of supra-glacial debris cover on glacier summer melt. There are systematic differences in the distribution and increase of the debris cover on the glaciers of the two basins. In the Adyl-su basin an extensive debris cover on the glacier tongues is common, however, only those glacier tongues that are positioned at the lowest elevations in the Zopkhito basin show a considerable extent of supra-glacial debris. The observed increase in debris cover is considerably stronger in the north. Field experiments show that thermal resistance of the debris cover in both basins is somewhat higher than in other glaciated regions of the world, but there is also a significant difference between the two regions. A simple ablation model accounting for the effect of debris cover on ice melt shows that melt rates are considerably higher in the northern basin despite a wider debris distribution. This difference between the two regions can be attributed to different meteorological conditions which are characterised by more frequent cloud cover and precipitation in the south. Furthermore ablation is strongly influenced by the occurrence of supra-glacial debris cover in both basins, reducing the total amount of melt on the studied glaciers by about 25 %. This effect mitigates glacier retreat in the lower sectors of the ablation zones considerably. The sensitivity to moderate changes in the debris cover, however, is rather small which implies only gradual changes of the melt regime due to debris cover dynamics during the near future

    Discovering the preference hypervolume: an interactive model for real world computational co-creativity

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    In this thesis it is posed that the central object of preference discovery is a co-creative process in which the Other can be represented by a machine. It explores efficient methods to enhance introverted intuition using extraverted intuition's communication lines. Possible implementations of such processes are presented using novel algorithms that perform divergent search to feed the users' intuition with many examples of high quality solutions, allowing them to take influence interactively. The machine feeds and reflects upon human intuition, combining both what is possible and preferred. The machine model and the divergent optimization algorithms are the motor behind this co-creative process, in which machine and users co-create and interactively choose branches of an ad hoc hierarchical decomposition of the solution space.The proposed co-creative process consists of several elements: a formal model for interactive co-creative processes, evolutionary divergent search, diversity and similarity, data-driven methods to discover diversity, limitations of artificial creative agents, matters of efficiency in behavioral and morphological modeling, visualization, a connection to prototype theory, and methods to allow users to influence artificial creative agents. This thesis helps putting the human back into the design loop in generative AI and optimization.Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

    Glacial debris cover and melt water production for glaciers in the Altay, Russia

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    Glaciers are important water storages on a seasonal and long-term time scale. Where high mountains are surrounded by arid lowlands, glacier runoff is an important source of water during the growing season. This situation can be found in the Altay mountains in Southern Siberia, where the recent glacierization of >700 km2 is subject to continuous mass loss, even though the shrinking is comparably slow. The glacier retreat is accompanied by an extension of supra-glacial moraine, which itself strongly influences ablation rates. To quantify these effects, the spatial evolution of debris cover since 1952 was analysed for three glaciers in the North Chuya Ridge using satellite and airborne imagery. In summer 2007, an ablation experiment was carried out on debris covered parts of Maliy Aktru glacier. Thermistors in different depths within the moraine provided data to calculate thermal resistance of the debris. A set of ablation stakes was installed at locations with differing debris thickness and observed regularly throughout the entire melt season. Air temperature from an AWS was used to calculate degree day factors in dependence of the debris thickness. To take into account the shading effect of surrounding walls and peaks, the potential solar radiation and its evolution throughout the summer was determined from a digital elevation model. This allows us to extrapolate our measurements from Maliy Aktru to the other two glaciers of the Aktru basin and to estimate basin melt rates. In addition accumulated ice melt was derived for 12 glaciers in the North Chuya Range. Changes in summer runoff from the 1960s are compared to the results from our melt model and the evolution of debris cover is analysed in respect to the melt activity

    Growth changes after maxillary protraction in class III patients

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    Growth factors for clinical-scale expansion of human articular chondrocytes : Relevance for automated bioreactor systems

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    The expansion of chondrocytes in automated bioreactors for clinical use requires that a relevant number of cells be generated, starting from variable initial seeding densities in one passage and using autologous serum. We investigated whether the growth factor combination transforming growth factor beta 1/fibroblast growth factor 2/platelet-derived growth factor BB (TFP), recently shown to enhance the proliferation capacity of human articular chondrocytes (HACs), allows the efficiency of chondrocyte use to be increased at different seeding densities and percentages of human serum (HS). HACs were seeded at 1,000, 5,000, and 10,000 celIS/cm(2) in medium containing 10 bovine serum or 10,000 cells/cm(2) with 1 chondrogenic capacity of post-expanded HACs was then assessed in pellet cultures. Expansion with TFP allowed a sufficient number of HACs to be obtained in one passage even at the lowest seeding density and HS percentage and variability in cartilage-forming capacity of HACs expanded under the different conditions to be reduced. Instead, larger variations and insufficient yields were found in the absence of TFP. By allowing large numbers of cells to be obtained, starting from a wide range of initial seeding densities and HS percentages, the use of TFP may represent a viable solution for the efficient expansion of HACs and addresses constraints of automated clinical bioreactor systems

    Learning from the 2018 heatwave in the context of climate change: Are high-temperature extremes important for adaptation in Scotland?

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    To understand whether high temperatures and temperature extremes are important for climate change adaptation in Scotland, we place the 2018 heatwave in the context of past, present, and future climate, and provide a rapid but comprehensive impact analysis. The observed hottest day, 5-day, and 30-day period of 2018 and the 5-day period with the warmest nights had return periods of 5-15 years for 1950-2018. The warmest night and the maximum 30-day average nighttime temperature were more unusual with return periods of >30 years. Anthropogenic climate change since 1850 has made all these high-temperature extremes more likely. Higher risk ratios are found for experiments from the CMIP6-generation global climate model HadGEM3-GA6 compared to those from the very-large ensemble system weather@home. Between them, the best estimates of the risk ratios for daytime extremes range between 1.2-2.4, 1.2-2.3, and 1.4-4.0 for the 1-, 5-, and 30-day averages. For the corresponding nighttime extremes, the values are higher and the ranges wider (1.5->50, 1.5-5.5, and 1.6->50). The short-period nighttime extremes were more likely in 2018 than in 2017, suggesting a contribution from year-to-year climate variability to the risk enhancement of extreme temperatures due to anthropogenic effects. Climate projections suggest further substantial increases in the likelihood of 2018 temperatures between now and 2050, and that towards the end of the century every summer might be as hot as 2018. Major negative impacts occurred, especially on rural sectors, while transport and water infrastructure alleviated most impacts by implementing costly special measures. Overall, Scotland could cope with the impacts of the 2018 heatwave. However, given the likelihood increase of high-temperature extremes, uncertainty about consequences of even higher temperatures and/or repeated heatwaves, and substantial costs of preventing negative impacts, we conclude that despite its cool climate, high-temperature extremes are important to consider for climate change adaptation in Scotland

    Expressivity of parameterized and data-driven representations in quality diversity search

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    Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog