5 research outputs found

    Patientenerwartungen:eine schriftliche Befragung von Patienten im Vorfeld ihrer prothetischen Behandlung

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    Die Kenntnis der Patientenerwartungen ist im Rahmen der Zahnarzt-Patienten-Interaktion unabdingbar. Die schriftliche Form der Patientenbefragung ist eine sehr geeignete Methode um Erwartungen zu erheben. Sie steht jedoch, speziell für die Zahnmedizin, kaum zur Verfügung. Ziele dieser Arbeit waren die Erhebung und Analyse von Patientenerwartungen im Vorfeld ihrer prothetischen Behandlung. Zu diesem Zweck wurde als Erhebungsinstrument ein Fragebogen entwickelt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie zeigen auf, dass sich die Patienten mit einer hohen Erwartungshaltung in die zahnärztliche Behandlung begeben haben. Es konnte eine Rangfolge aufgezeigt werden, die die Relevanz der einzelnen Dimensionen des Erwartungsfragebogens aus Sicht der Patienten repräsentiert. Des Weiteren konnten gruppenspezifische Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Erwartungshaltung der Patienten nachgewiesen werden

    Multipotent adult progenitor cells sustain function of ischemic limbs in mice

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    Despite progress in cardiovascular research, a cure for peripheral vascular disease has not been found. We compared the vascularization and tissue regeneration potential of murine and human undifferentiated multipotent adult progenitor cells (mMAPC-U and hMAPC-U), murine MAPC-derived vascular progenitors (mMAPC-VP), and unselected murine BM cells (mBMCs) in mice with moderate limb ischemia, reminiscent of intermittent claudication in human patients. mMAPC-U durably restored blood flow and muscle function and stimulated muscle regeneration, by direct and trophic contribution to vascular and skeletal muscle growth. This was in contrast to mBMCs and mMAPC-VP, which did not affect muscle regeneration and provided only limited and transient improvement. Moreover, mBMCs participated in a sustained inflammatory response in the lower limb, associated with progressive deterioration in muscle function. Importantly, mMAPC-U and hMAPC-U also remedied vascular and muscular deficiency in severe limb ischemia, representative of critical limb ischemia in humans. Thus, unlike BMCs or vascular-committed progenitors, undifferentiated multipotent adult progenitor cells offer the potential to durably repair ischemic damage in peripheral vascular disease patients

    Multipotent adult progenitor cell transplantation increases vascularity and improves left ventricular function after myocardial infarction

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    Progressive contractile dysfunction of viable myocardium that surrounds a large infarct leads to heart failure following acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Experimental evidence indicates that cellular transplantation may improve the left ventricular (LV) contractile performance, even though the underlying mechanisms remain undefined. Here, we compared the effect of transplantation of murine multipotent adult progenitor cells (MAPCs), a population of adult bone marrow-derived cells that differentiate into cells of mesodermal, endodermal and ectodermal origin, with murine bone marrow cells (BMCs) or fibroblasts on post-infarct cardiac function by peri-infarct injection after coronary artery ligation in mice. We demonstrate that, in contrast to the other cell populations, transplantation of MAPCs significantly improved LV contractile function for at least 8 weeks posttransplantation and, although BMCs reduced infarct size, the decrease in scar size was substantially greater in MAPC-treated hearts. As neither MAPCs nor BMCs were present beyond 1 week, the beneficial effect was not due to differentiation and direct contribution of MAPCs to the vascular or cardiomyocyte compartment. Significantly more inflammatory cells were present in MAPC- than BMC-treated hearts at 1 week, which was accompanied by increased vascularity 8 weeks posttransplantation. We hypothesize that MAPCs indirectly contributed to these effects, by secreting inflammatory [monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP)-1], and vascular growth factors [vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-BB, and transforming growth factor (TGF)β1), and others, resulting in increased angiogenensis and cardioprotection

    Multipotent adult progenitor cells sustain function of ischemic limbs in mice

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    Despite progress in cardiovascular research, a cure for peripheral vascular disease has not been found. We compared the vascularization and tissue regeneration potential of murine and human undifferentiated multipotent adult progenitor cells (mMAPC-U and hMAPC-U), murine MAPC-derived vascular progenitors (mMAPC-VP), and unselected murine BM cells (mBMCs) in mice with moderate limb ischemia, reminiscent of intermittent claudication in human patients. mMAPC-U durably restored blood flow and muscle function and stimulated muscle regeneration, by direct and trophic contribution to vascular and skeletal muscle growth. This was in contrast to mBMCs and mMAPC-VP, which did not affect muscle regeneration and provided only limited and transient improvement. Moreover, mBMCs participated in a sustained inflammatory response in the lower limb, associated with progressive deterioration in muscle function. Importantly, mMAPC-U and hMAPC-U also remedied vascular and muscular deficiency in severe limb ischemia, representative of critical limb ischemia in humans. Thus, unlike BMCs or vascular-committed progenitors, undifferentiated multipotent adult progenitor cells offer the potential to durably repair ischemic damage in peripheral vascular disease patients

    Multipotent adult progenitor cells sustain function of ischemic limbs in mice

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    Despite progress in cardiovascular research, a cure for peripheral vascular disease has not been found. We compared the vascularization and tissue regeneration potential of murine and human undifferentiated multipotent adult progenitor cells (mMAPC-U and hMAPC-U), murine MAPC-derived vascular progenitors (mMAPC-VP), and unselected murine BM cells (mBMCs) in mice with moderate limb ischemia, reminiscent of intermittent claudication in human patients. mMAPC-U durably restored blood flow and muscle function and stimulated muscle regeneration, by direct and trophic contribution to vascular and skeletal muscle growth. This was in contrast to mBMCs and mMAPC-VP, which did not affect muscle regeneration and provided only limited and transient improvement. Moreover, mBMCs participated in a sustained inflammatory response in the lower limb, associated with progressive deterioration in muscle function. Importantly, mMAPC-U and hMAPC-U also remedied vascular and muscular deficiency in severe limb ischemia, representative of critical limb ischemia in humans. Thus, unlike BMCs or vascular-committed progenitors, undifferentiated multipotent adult progenitor cells offer the potential to durably repair ischemic damage in peripheral vascular disease patients.status: publishe