3,174 research outputs found

    Hadronic Equation of State and Speed of Sound in Thermal and Dense Medium

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    The equation of state p(ϵ)p(\epsilon) and speed of sound squared cs2c_s^2 are studied in grand canonical ensemble of all hadron resonances having masses 2\leq 2\,GeV. This large ensemble is divided into strange and non-strange hadron resonances and furthermore to pionic, bosonic and femionic sectors. It is found that the pions represent the main contributors to cs2c_s^2 and other thermodynamic quantities including the equation of state p(ϵ)p(\epsilon) at low temperatures. At high temperatures, the main contributions are added in by the massive hadron resonances. The speed of sound squared can be calculated from the derivative of pressure with respect to the energy density, p/ϵ\partial p/\partial \epsilon, or from the entropy-specific heat ratio, s/cvs/c_v. It is concluded that the physics of these two expressions is not necessarily identical. They are distinguishable below and above the critical temperature TcT_c. This behavior is observed at vanishing and finite chemical potential. At high temperatures, both expressions get very close to each other and both of them approach the asymptotic value, 1/31/3. In the HRG results, which are only valid below TcT_c, the difference decreases with increasing the temperature and almost vanishes near TcT_c. It is concluded that the HRG model can very well reproduce the results of the lattice quantum chromodynamics (QCD) of p/ϵ\partial p/\partial \epsilon and s/cvs/c_v, especially at finite chemical potential. In light of this, energy fluctuations and other collective phenomena associated with the specific heat might be present in the HRG model. At fixed temperatures, it is found that cs2c_s^2 is not sensitive to the chemical potential.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures with 13 eps graph

    The Hagedorn temperature Revisited

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    The Hagedorn temperature, T_H is determined from the number of hadronic resonances including all mesons and baryons. This leads to a stable result T_H = 174 MeV consistent with the critical and the chemical freeze-out temperatures at zero chemical potential. We use this result to calculate the speed of sound and other thermodynamic quantities in the resonance hadron gas model for a wide range of baryon chemical potentials following the chemical freeze-out curve. We compare some of our results to those obtained previously in other papers.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Stabilizing Hadron Resonance Gas Models against Future Discoveries

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    We examine the stability of hadron resonance gas models by extending them to take care of undiscovered resonances through the Hagedorn formula. We find that the influence of unknown resonances on thermodynamics is large but bounded. Hadron resonance gases are internally consistent up to a temperature higher than the cross over temperature in QCD; but by examining quark number susceptibilities we find that their region of applicability seems to end even below the QCD cross over. We model the decays of resonances and investigate the ratios of particle yields in heavy-ion collisions. We find that observables such as hydrodynamics and hadron yield ratios change little upon extending the model. As a result, heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and LHC are insensitive to a possible exponential rise in the hadronic density of states, thus increasing the stability of the predictions of hadron resonance gas models

    Effective degrees of freedom and gluon condensation in the high temperature deconfined phase

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    The Equation of State and the properties of matter in the high temperature deconfined phase are analyzed by a quasiparticle approach for T>1.2 TcT> 1.2~T_c. In order to fix the parameters of our model we employ the lattice QCD data of energy density and pressure. First we consider the pure SU(3) gluon plasma and it turns out that such a system can be described in terms of a gluon condensate and of gluonic quasiparticles whose effective number of degrees of freedom and mass decrease with increasing temperature. Then we analyze QCD with finite quark masses. In this case the numerical lattice data for energy density and pressure can be fitted assuming that the system consists of a mixture of gluon quasiparticles, fermion quasiparticles, boson correlated pairs (corresponding to in-medium mesonic states) and gluon condensate. We find that the effective number of boson degrees of freedom and the in-medium fermion masses decrease with increasing temperature. At T1.5 TcT \simeq 1.5 ~T_c only the correlated pairs corresponding to the mesonic nonet survive and they completely disappear at T2 TcT \simeq 2 ~T_c. The temperature dependence of the velocity of sound of the various quasiparticles, the effects of the breaking of conformal invariance and the thermodynamic consistency are discussed in detail.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Negative electrode catalyst for the iron chromium redox energy storage system

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    A redox cell which operates at elevated temperatures and which utilizes the same two metal couples in each of the two reactant fluids is disclosed. Each fluid includes a bismuth salt and may also include a lead salt. A low cost, cation permselective membrane separates the reactant fluids

    Quantum Collective QCD String Dynamics

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    The string breaking model of particle production is extended in order to help explain the transverse momentum distribution in elementary collisions. Inspired by an idea of Bialas', we treat the string using a collective coordinate approach. This leads to a chromo-electric field strength which fluctuates, and in turn implies that quarks are produced according to a thermal distribution.Comment: 6 pages. Presented at SQM 2006. Submitted to J. Phys. G for publication in proceedings. Vers. 2: Minor revisions; final hadron spectrum calculation include

    Micro-canonical pentaquark production in \ee annihilations

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    The existence of pentaquarks, namely baryonic states made up of four quarks and one antiquark, became questionable, because the candidates, i.e. the Θ+\Theta^+ peak, are seen in certain reactions, i.e. p+p collisions, but not in others, i.e. \ee annihilations. In this paper, we estimate the production of Θ+(1540)\Theta ^{+}(1540) and Ξ(1860)\Xi^{--} (1860) in \ee annihilations at different energies using Fermi statistical model as originally proposed in its microcanonical form. The results is compared with that from pp collisions at SPS and RHIC energies. We find that, if pentaquark states exist, the production is highly possible in \ee annihilations. For example, at LEP energy s\sqrt{s}=91.2 GeV, both Θ+(1540)\Theta ^{+}(1540) and Ξ(1860)\Xi^{--} (1860) yield more than in pp collisions at SPS and RHIC energy.Comment: 7 pages 2 figure

    Large Nc Continuum Reduction and the Thermodynamics of QCD

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    It is noted that if large Nc continuum reduction applies to an observable, then that observable is independent of temperature for all temperatures below some critical value. This fact, plus the fact that mesons and glueballs are weakly interacting at large Nc is used as the basis for a derivation of large Nc continuum reduction for the chiral condensate. The structure of this derivation is quite general and can be extended to a wide class of observables

    Spectrum and thermodynamic properties of two-dimensional N=(1,1) super Yang-Mills theory with fundamental matter and a Chern-Simons term

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    We consider N=(1,1) super Yang-Mills theory in 1+1 dimensions with fundamentals at large-N_c. A Chern-Simons term is included to give mass to the adjoint partons. Using the spectrum of the theory, we calculate thermodynamic properties of the system as a function of the temperature and the Yang-Mills coupling. In the large-N_c limit there are two non-communicating sectors, the glueball sector, which we presented previously, and the meson-like sector that we present here. We find that the meson-like sector dominates the thermodynamics. Like the glueball sector, the meson sector has a Hagedorn temperature T_H, and we show that the Hagedorn temperature grows with the coupling. We calculate the temperature and coupling dependence of the free energy for temperatures below T_H. As expected, the free energy for weak coupling and low temperature grows quadratically with the temperature. Also the ratio of the free energies at strong coupling compared to weak coupling, r_{s-w}, for low temperatures grows quadratically with T. In addition, our data suggest that r_{s-w} tends to zero in the continuum limit at low temperatures.Comment: 34 p

    N=(1,1) super Yang--Mills theory in 1+1 dimensions at finite temperature

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    We present a formulation of N=(1,1) super Yang-Mills theory in 1+1 dimensions at finite temperature. The partition function is constructed by finding a numerical approximation to the entire spectrum. We solve numerically for the spectrum using Supersymmetric Discrete Light-Cone Quantization (SDLCQ) in the large-N_c approximation and calculate the density of states. We find that the density of states grows exponentially and the theory has a Hagedorn temperature, which we extract. We find that the Hagedorn temperature at infinite resolution is slightly less than one in units of (g^(2) N_c/pi)^(1/2). We use the density of states to also calculate a standard set of thermodynamic functions below the Hagedorn temperature. In this temperature range, we find that the thermodynamics is dominated by the massless states of the theory.Comment: 16 pages, 8 eps figures, LaTe