9 research outputs found

    Myxome Du Maxillaire A Propos D\'un Cas

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    Les myxomes des maxillaires sont des tumeurs bénignes rares dont la pathogénie reste encore controversée. Leur indolence et la pauvreté des manifestations qui les accompagnent rendent leur diagnostic souvent tardif et leur prise en charge difficile. Nous présentons un cas de myxome du maxillaire chez un nourrisson âgé de 12 mois suivi d\'une revue de la littérature permettant de synthétiser les données cliniques ainsi que la stratégie thérapeutique à adopter.Maxillary myxoma are rare benign tumours whose pathogenesis remains extremely discussed. The poor clinical picture and the absence of pain makes the diagnosis difficult. We report a pediatric case of maxillary myxoma of a 12- monthold infant and review the clinical features, radiographic evaluation and the appropriate treatment Keywords:Myxoma - maxillary - benign tumor. Journal Tunisien d\'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol. 18 2007: pp. 43-4

    Tumeur Germinale De L\'espace Para Pharynge : A Propos D\'un Cas

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    Les tumeurs germinales à localisation cervico-faciale sont rares. Nous rapportons l\'observation d\'une une fillette de 7 ans porteuse d\'une tumeur maligne à cellules germinales de l\'espace para-pharyngé droit traité par chimiothérapie. Les particularités étiopathogéniques, thérapeutiques, et pronostiques de cette tumeur sont rappelées après une revue des données de la littérature.Extragonadal germ cell tumors of the head and neck are very rare. We report the case of a 7-year-old girl with malignant germ cell tumor of the right parapharyngeal space treated by chemotherapy. Etiopathogenic, therapeutic, and prognostic characteristics of this tumour are recalled after a review of the literature data. Keywords: Extragonadal germ cell tumors, parapharyngeal tumors. Journal Tunisien d\'ORL et de chirurgie cervico-faciale Vol. 18 2007: pp. 61-6

    Second trimester diagnosis of imperforate anus

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    Imperforate anus or anorectal atresia is often associated with major fetal structural defects but it may also be an isolated abnormality. Prenatal diagnosis is difficult but may be assisted by ultrasound detection of enterolithiasis in dilated bowel and confirmed by MRI study. We report a case of imperforate anus in which enterolithiasis with dilated bowel was detected by ultrasound examination at 25 weeks of gestation and confirmed by MRI examination. At birth, the newborn was diagnosed to have a low type of imperforate anus