363 research outputs found

    Regulating Television and the Case of Football World Cup

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    This paper deals with EU-Directive 89/552/EEC "Television Without Frontiers", which enables each EU-country to set up a list of major events that are not allowed to be transmitted in Pay-TV. We analyze this kind of regulation using instruments of game-theory and monopoly-theory. We compare the market results of the EU-Regulation with two alternative arrangements, namely with a general ban of Pay-TV and with a 'laisser-faire'-solution. Our model shows that a selective ban may be welfare-superior to both other forms of Pay-TV treatment. Finally we show that there are good arguments to forbid Pay-TV-broadcasting of major football events. -- Dieses Paper beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Frage, ob sportliche Großereignisse im Pay-TV oder im Free-TV ĂŒbertragen werden sollten. Aktueller Anlaß fĂŒr eine breite Diskussion dieses Themas ist der Kauf der Übertragungsrechte fĂŒr die Fußballweltmeisterschaften 2002 und 2006 durch die ISL/Kirch-Gruppe. Verfechter einer weit-reichenden Regulierung des Fernsehmarktes befĂŒrworten Maßnahmen, die bis zu einem Verbot von Pay-TV reichen. Andere wollen hingegen der ISL/Kirch-Gruppe die freie Vermarktung ihrer Rechte belassen. Unsere Analyse nĂ€hert sich dem Problem aus ökonomischer Sicht. Wir gehen dabei von einem dreistufigen Fernsehmarkt aus, in dem ein Erstrechteinhaber als Monopolanbieter die Übertragungslizenz vergibt. Auf einer zweiten Stufe entscheidet der Lizenznehmer ĂŒber die Ausstrahlungsform. Die unterste Ebene ist von fußballbegeisterten Fernsehzuschauern geprĂ€gt, die eine wertvolle Zielgruppe fĂŒr die Werbewirtschaft darstellen. In einem einfachen monopoltheoretischen Modell werden Bedingungen abgeleitet, unter denen eine Regulie-rung des Fernsehmarktes erfolgen sollte. Unsere Empfehlungen stĂŒtzen sich dabei auf eine wohlfahrtsökonomische Bewertung der Modellergebnisse.Pay-TV,Football,Media economics,Advertising,Applied Game Theory,EU-Directive 89/552/EEC

    Introduction to the Minitrack on Reports from the Field: Knowledge and Learning Applications in Practice

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    Welcome to this, the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) conference. This Reports from the Field Minitrack, under the Knowledge Innovation and Entrepreneurial Systems Track, proudly brings you the latest research focused on the application of innovation of knowledge management issues as reported by both researchers and practitioners alike. With the focus on application, this minitrack helps practioners and theorists alike. It is here we examine how theory informs and impacts practice as well as how practice can influence theory from the practioner perspective

    Unlearning before Creating new Knowledge: A Cognitive Process.

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    Recent research expresses serious doubts on the \ concept of unlearning. It is argued that knowledge \ cannot be discarded or eliminated in order to make \ space for the creation of new knowledge. Taking into \ account the recent scepticism, we focus on the \ cognitive dimension of unlearning and propose an \ alternative conceptualization. Considering how far \ unlearning can go from a psychological/cognitive \ scientific perspective, we propose that unlearning is \ about reducing the influence of old knowledge on our \ cognitive capacity. This study: (a) investigates the \ unlearning process within the cognitive domain and \ on an individual level and (b) proposes unlearning \ process triggers that detract or facilitate the \ knowledge change process, which could subsequently \ contribute to unlearning on an organizational level

    Centrality in Politics: How Networks Confer Power

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    A traditional view of power in politics is that it comes from the possession of important resources. The relative possession of resources is thought to provide actors such as people, organizations, and states with means of coercion or influence over others. This traditional view is highly limiting, since power also comes from ties (patterns of association) that link together actors in networks. These ties, whether material (like trade flows) or social (like friendship), determine an actor’s ability to have access to, make connections between, or quickly spread resources to, other actors. An actor’s relative position in a network formed by these ties thus provides another important source of influence over others. In this article, we introduce three classes of network centrality positions (degree, betweenness, and closeness), explain the advantages of each, and demonstrate that network notions of power that derive from centrality can significantly inform the study of politics

    Log-concavity of the Alexander polynomial

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    The central question of knot theory is that of distinguishing links up to isotopy. The first polynomial invariant of links devised to help answer this question was the Alexander polynomial (1928). Almost a century after its introduction, it still presents us with tantalizing questions such as Fox's conjecture (1962) that the absolute values of the coefficients of the Alexander polynomial ΔL(t)\Delta_L(t) of an alternating link LL are unimodal. Fox's conjecture remains open in general, with special cases settled by Hartley (1979) for two-bridged knots, by Murasugi (1985) for a family of alternating algebraic links, and by Ozsv\'ath and Szab\'o (2003) for the case of genus 22 alternating knots, among others. We settle Fox's conjecture for special alternating links. We do so by proving that a certain multivariate generalization of the Alexander polynomial of special alternating links is Lorentzian. As a consequence, we obtain that the absolute values of the coefficients of ΔL(t)\Delta_L(t), where LL is a special alternating link, form a log-concave sequence with no internal zeros. In particular, they are unimodal.Comment: V.3 Corrected the setup of Crowell's model, changing oriented spanning trees to arborescences. This change does not affect the proofs. Updated the notation G(L_G) to \mathcal{G}(L_G) to eliminate the notational clash. 10 page

    Modulated Policy Hierarchies

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    Solving tasks with sparse rewards is a main challenge in reinforcement learning. While hierarchical controllers are an intuitive approach to this problem, current methods often require manual reward shaping, alternating training phases, or manually defined sub tasks. We introduce modulated policy hierarchies (MPH), that can learn end-to-end to solve tasks from sparse rewards. To achieve this, we study different modulation signals and exploration for hierarchical controllers. Specifically, we find that communicating via bit-vectors is more efficient than selecting one out of multiple skills, as it enables mixing between them. To facilitate exploration, MPH uses its different time scales for temporally extended intrinsic motivation at each level of the hierarchy. We evaluate MPH on the robotics tasks of pushing and sparse block stacking, where it outperforms recent baselines.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Etablierung eines klinischen Behandlungspfades zur Behandlungsoptimierung von Schluckstörungen bei Patienten mit Kopf-Hals-Tumoren

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    Schluckstörungen sind hĂ€ufig Folge von Kopf-Hals-Tumorerkrankungen, deren PrĂ€valenz bis zu 88% aufgefĂŒhrt wird. Je frĂŒher eine Dysphagie diagnostiziert wird, desto geringer ist das Risiko fĂŒr SekundĂ€rkomplikationen, was die Anzahl "teurer" FĂ€lle senkt und den Patienten die Möglichkeit auf eine zĂŒgige Restitution von LebensqualitĂ€t bietet! Diese Fakten unterstreichen die Notwendigkeit eines klinischen Behandlungspfades, nach dem die Diagnose auf der Grundlage eines standardisierten und ĂŒberprĂŒfbaren Workflows erstellt wird. Da die zĂŒgige, optimale Behandlung von Dysphagien einen multidisziplinĂ€ren Zugang erfordert, wurde im Klinikum der Goethe-UniversitĂ€t Frankfurt/Main ein interdisziplinĂ€rer Arbeitskreis fĂŒr Schluckstörungen (IAS) gegrĂŒndet, der sich aus Phoniatrie, Klinik fĂŒr HNO und MKG sowie Radiologie zusammensetzt. Im Rahmen eines zweimal wöchentlich durchgefĂŒhrten Onkoboards, werden zusammen mit der Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, Risikopatienten herauskristallisiert und onkologische Therapieoptionen u.a. im Hinblick auf funktionelles Outcome diskutiert. Bereits prĂ€operativ werden entsprechende Patienten phoniatrisch aufgeklĂ€rt und ihre Schluckfunktion via endoskopischer Evaluation nach Langmore-Standard (FEES) untersucht. Ein systematisches Follow-up erfolgt via FEES wenige Tage und 4–6 Wochen postoperativ sowie nach adjuvanter Therapie. Pro Woche wurden so im vergangenen Jahr ca. 3–5 Patienten wöchentlich neu erfasst und ĂŒber 80 Patienten im Verlauf untersucht und einer adĂ€quaten Therapie zugefĂŒhrt
