161 research outputs found

    Depth-dependent critical behavior in V2H

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    Using X-ray diffuse scattering, we investigate the critical behavior of an order-disorder phase transition in a defective "skin-layer" of V2H. In the skin-layer, there exist walls of dislocation lines oriented normal to the surface. The density of dislocation lines within a wall decreases continuously with depth. We find that, because of this inhomogeneous distribution of defects, the transition effectively occurs at a depth-dependent local critical temperature. A depth-dependent scaling law is proposed to describe the corresponding critical ordering behavior.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    A 4-unit-cell superstructure in optimally doped YBa2Cu3O6.92 superconductor

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    Using high-energy diffraction we show that a 4-unit-cell superstructure, q0=(1/4,0,0), along the shorter Cu-Cu bonds coexists with superconductivity in optimally doped YBCO. A complex set of anisotropic atomic displacements on neighboring CuO chain planes, BaO planes, and CuO2 planes, respectively, correlated over ~3-6 unit cells gives rise to diffuse superlattice peaks. Our observations are consistent with the presence of Ortho-IV nanodomains containing these displacements.Comment: Corrected typo in abstrac

    Highly non-Gaussian states created via cross-Kerr nonlinearity

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    We propose a feasible scheme for generation of strongly non-Gaussian states using the cross-Kerr nonlinearity. The resultant states are highly non-classical states of electromagnetic field and exhibit negativity of their Wigner function, sub-Poissonian photon statistics, and amplitude squeezing. Furthermore, the Wigner function has a distinctly pronounced ``banana'' or ``crescent'' shape specific for the Kerr-type interactions, which so far was not demonstrated experimentally. We show that creating and detecting such states should be possible with the present technology using electromagnetically induced transparency in a four-level atomic system in N-configuration.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure


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    Розглядається общинна теорія М.Г.Чернишевского та шляхи її вивчення у дореволюційній та радянській історіоргафії. Вказано на досягнення та вади, які були властиві достідникам цього питання.There is investigated a community theory of N.Cheryshevsky and ways of its studying in prerevolutional and revolutional historiography. There are pointed out faults and achievements of this problem researchers

    Mapping coherence in measurement via full quantum tomography of a hybrid optical detector

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    Quantum states and measurements exhibit wave-like --- continuous, or particle-like --- discrete, character. Hybrid discrete-continuous photonic systems are key to investigating fundamental quantum phenomena, generating superpositions of macroscopic states, and form essential resources for quantum-enhanced applications, e.g. entanglement distillation and quantum computation, as well as highly efficient optical telecommunications. Realizing the full potential of these hybrid systems requires quantum-optical measurements sensitive to complementary observables such as field quadrature amplitude and photon number. However, a thorough understanding of the practical performance of an optical detector interpolating between these two regions is absent. Here, we report the implementation of full quantum detector tomography, enabling the characterization of the simultaneous wave and photon-number sensitivities of quantum-optical detectors. This yields the largest parametrization to-date in quantum tomography experiments, requiring the development of novel theoretical tools. Our results reveal the role of coherence in quantum measurements and demonstrate the tunability of hybrid quantum-optical detectors.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Fabrication and heating rate study of microscopic surface electrode ion traps

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    We report heating rate measurements in a microfabricated gold-on-sapphire surface electrode ion trap with trapping height of approximately 240 micron. Using the Doppler recooling method, we characterize the trap heating rates over an extended region of the trap. The noise spectral density of the trap falls in the range of noise spectra reported in ion traps at room temperature. We find that during the first months of operation the heating rates increase by approximately one order of magnitude. The increase in heating rates is largest in the ion loading region of the trap, providing a strong hint that surface contamination plays a major role for excessive heating rates. We discuss data found in the literature and possible relation of anomalous heating to sources of noise and dissipation in other systems, namely impurity atoms adsorbed on metal surfaces and amorphous dielectrics.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Cold and Ultracold Molecules: Science, Technology, and Applications

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    This article presents a review of the current state of the art in the research field of cold and ultracold molecules. It serves as an introduction to the Special Issue of the New Journal of Physics on Cold and Ultracold Molecules and describes new prospects for fundamental research and technological development. Cold and ultracold molecules may revolutionize physical chemistry and few body physics, provide techniques for probing new states of quantum matter, allow for precision measurements of both fundamental and applied interest, and enable quantum simulations of condensed-matter phenomena. Ultracold molecules offer promising applications such as new platforms for quantum computing, precise control of molecular dynamics, nanolithography, and Bose-enhanced chemistry. The discussion is based on recent experimental and theoretical work and concludes with a summary of anticipated future directions and open questions in this rapidly expanding research field.Comment: 82 pages, 9 figures, review article to appear in New Journal of Physics Special Issue on Cold and Ultracold Molecule