929 research outputs found

    A Stationary, Mixing and Perturbative Counterexample to the 0-1-law for Random Walk in Random Environment in Two Dimensions

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    We construct a two-dimensional counterexample of a random walk in random environment (RWRE). The environment is stationary, mixing and perturbative, and the corresponding RWRE has non-trivial probability to wander off to the upper right. This is in contrast to the 0-1-law that holds for i.i.d.\ environments

    A characterization of cellular motivic spectra

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    Let α:C→D \alpha: \mathcal{C} \to \mathcal{D} be a symmetric monoidal functor from a stable presentable symmetric monoidal ∞\infty-category C\mathcal{C} compactly generated by the tensorunit to a stable presentable symmetric monoidal ∞\infty-category D \mathcal{D} with compact tensorunit. Let β:D→C\beta: \mathcal{D} \to \mathcal{C} be a right adjoint of α\alpha and X:B→D \mathrm{X}: \mathcal{B} \to \mathcal{D} a symmetric monoidal functor starting at a small rigid symmetric monoidal ∞\infty-category B \mathcal{B}. We construct a symmetric monoidal equivalence between modules in the ∞\infty-category of functors B→C \mathcal{B} \to \mathcal{C} over the E∞ \mathrm{E}_\infty-algebra β∘X\beta \circ \mathrm{X} and the full subcategory of D\mathcal{D} compactly generated by the essential image of X\mathrm{X}. Especially for every motivic E∞ \mathrm{E}_\infty-ring spectrum A\mathrm{A} we obtain a symmetric monoidal equivalence between the ∞\infty-category of cellular motivic A\mathrm{A}-module spectra and modules in the ∞\infty-category of functors QS\mathrm{QS} to spectra over some E∞ \mathrm{E}_\infty-algebra, where QS\mathrm{QS} denotes the 0th space of the sphere spectrum

    Topological Scott Convergence Theorem

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    Recently, J. D. Lawson encouraged the domain theory community to consider the scientific program of developing domain theory in the wider context of T0T_0 spaces instead of restricting to posets. In this paper, we respond to this calling with an attempt to formulate a topological version of the Scott Convergence Theorem, i.e., an order-theoretic characterisation of those posets for which the Scott-convergence S\mathcal{S} is topological. To do this, we make use of the ID\mathcal{ID} replacement principle to create topological analogues of well-known domain-theoretic concepts, e.g., I\mathcal{I}-continuous spaces correspond to continuous posets, as I\mathcal{I}-convergence corresponds to S\mathcal{S}-convergence. In this paper, we consider two novel topological concepts, namely, the I\mathcal{I}-stable spaces and the DI\mathcal{DI} spaces, and as a result we obtain some necessary (respectively, sufficient) conditions under which the convergence structure I\mathcal{I} is topological

    Measuring University Web Site Quality: A Development of a User-Perceived Instrument and its Initial Implementation to Web sites of Accounting Departments in New Zealand's Universities

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    The emergent popularity of Web technologies and their applications have created vast opportunities for organisations, including institutions of higher education, to stretch out for broader customers and create greater networking relationships. The global and far-reaching nature of the Web, its various interactive capabilities, and the rapid growth of the Web use worldwide have made university Web sites more essential for promotion and commercial purposes. However, it has been acknowledged that in order to gain the benefits from Web utilisation, a well-designed Web site is needed. Previous studies on quality of Web sites are not lacking, but most of them have been focussed mainly on business Web sites. Empirical research that focuses on the Web site quality of institutions of higher education has been scarce. In this study, an instrument for measuring university Web site quality was developed and validated by taking into account both the perspectives of the users and the importance of its informational content. The instrument was subsequently put to the test by implementing it for measuring and ranking the quality of Web sites of Accounting Departments in New Zealand's universities. The results from this initial application substantiated the validity and reliability of the instrument.University Web sites, Web site quality, Instrument development, Accounting Department Web sites ranking

    The Size and Book-to-Market Effects and the Fama-French Three-Factor Model in Small Markets: Preliminary Findings from New Zealand

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    This study uses New Zealand stock market data from 1994-2002 to investigate size and book-to-market as determinants of returns in New Zealand share market, and the ability of the Fama-French three-factor model to explain the variation in stock returns. The results suggest a statistically significant size effect but a weak book-to-market effect. Additionally, the study also finds some improvement in explanatory power provided by the three-factor model relative to the conventional Capital Asset Pricing Model although not in the same magnitude as those reported in studies using relatively larger markets.

    The language teacher as a supporter of the linguistic ecosystem among young immigrant learners: Beliefs and practices

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    The objective of the article is to analyze the attitudes of foreign language teachers towards students’ mother tongues or heritage languages, as migrant students to the city of Gdańsk, Poland, use them as a compensation strategy in formal language learning. On the basis of a survey methodology, the author will try to explore language teacher beliefs regarding the perception of the coexistence and the use of other languages (including Polish) in mainstream FL education and attempt to compile good practices in this regard, reported by the teachers surveyed. Referring to his earlier research (Lankiewicz 2013, 2015, 2019, 2020, 2021), the author hypothesizes that language teachers manifesting higher levels of critical language awareness will be more prone to draw upon students’ linguistic repertoires in the education processes, while others will suppress any form of intercomprehension, code-switching or language meshing

    Public Registers in the Kingdom of Prussia at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Centuries in a Systemic Perspective

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    The advancement of legal relations between citizens alone, as well as between citizens and the state, has forced the registration of specific facts. In the light of this, a variety of public registers have evolved. Although these registers often complemented one another and there was a flow of information between them, all in all, the literature does not recognize their systemic nature. A certain exception in this matter is solely represented by land registers and cadastre. That said, at present Poland is one good example that thanks to the use of data and computer technology there is an increasing integration of these formally dispersed registers. But it appears that even solutions from the nineteenth century can be seen and understood as a contemporary system. This claim shall be proven on the example of public registers kept in the territory of the Kingdom of Prussia from the second half of the 19th century. The research presented in the article was based on the system analysis method. On the other hand, the study was conducted with use of legal acts, literature and archival materials collected in Polish and German archives

    Romania at the beginning of WorldWar I. A Historical and Theoretical Sketch of Foreign Policy

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    This paper represents a short historical and theoretical analysis of the Romanian foreign policy at the beginning of the First World Conflagration. The study proposes an approach on this topic mainly from the perspective of realism, as a theory of international relations. The Romanian foreign policy during the Great War aimed to achieve the national interest, namely to receive the territories from the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary inhabited by a Romanian population. The article valorizes the thesis of the rational actor. The Romanian state acted as a rational actor in international relations, declaring its neutrality in July 1914. The Romanian government behaved as a rational actor, being aware of the poor supplies for the army and its low level of training. Ion I.C Bratianu also attempted to get certain guarantees on obtaining the territories under Austro-Hungarian rule. So he decided to delay the moment of intervention in the war as long as possible. The analysis tries to demonstrate that the neutrality was only a temporary one due to the geographical position of the country and the evolution of the war. There was also benevolent neutrality towards the Entente and Russia. The paper shows the reasons for which Romania played the role of the balancer in the Balkan area, at least until Bulgarian intervention in the conflict. Moreover, the article demonstrates that the president of the Romanian Council of ministers, Ion I. C. Bratianu enjoyed a real monopoly on foreign policy decisions. He adopted a bandwagoning behaviour, deciding to enter World War I, alongside Entente, at the moment he considered optimal
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