44 research outputs found

    Uncovering the secrets of the 2d random-bond Blume-Capel model

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    The effects of bond randomness on the ground-state structure, phase diagram and critical behavior of the square lattice ferromagnetic Blume-Capel (BC) model are discussed. The calculation of ground states at strong disorder and large values of the crystal field is carried out by mapping the system onto a network and we search for a minimum cut by a maximum flow method. In finite temperatures the system is studied by an efficient two-stage Wang-Landau (WL) method for several values of the crystal field, including both the first- and second-order phase transition regimes of the pure model. We attempt to explain the enhancement of ferromagnetic order and we discuss the critical behavior of the random-bond model. Our results provide evidence for a strong violation of universality along the second-order phase transition line of the random-bond version.Comment: 6 LATEX pages, 3 EPS figures, Presented by AM at the symposium "Trajectories and Friends" in honor of Nihat Berker, MIT, October 200

    Multicritical Points and Crossover Mediating the Strong Violation of Universality: Wang-Landau Determinations in the Random-Bond d=2d=2 Blume-Capel model

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    The effects of bond randomness on the phase diagram and critical behavior of the square lattice ferromagnetic Blume-Capel model are discussed. The system is studied in both the pure and disordered versions by the same efficient two-stage Wang-Landau method for many values of the crystal field, restricted here in the second-order phase transition regime of the pure model. For the random-bond version several disorder strengths are considered. We present phase diagram points of both pure and random versions and for a particular disorder strength we locate the emergence of the enhancement of ferromagnetic order observed in an earlier study in the ex-first-order regime. The critical properties of the pure model are contrasted and compared to those of the random model. Accepting, for the weak random version, the assumption of the double logarithmic scenario for the specific heat we attempt to estimate the range of universality between the pure and random-bond models. The behavior of the strong disorder regime is also discussed and a rather complex and yet not fully understood behavior is observed. It is pointed out that this complexity is related to the ground-state structure of the random-bond version.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Strong Violation of Critical Phenomena Universality: Wang-Landau Study of the 2d Blume-Capel Model under Bond Randomness

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    We study the pure and random-bond versions of the square lattice ferromagnetic Blume-Capel model, in both the first-order and second-order phase transition regimes of the pure model. Phase transition temperatures, thermal and magnetic critical exponents are determined for lattice sizes in the range L=20-100 via a sophisticated two-stage numerical strategy of entropic sampling in dominant energy subspaces, using mainly the Wang-Landau algorithm. The second-order phase transition, emerging under random bonds from the second-order regime of the pure model, has the same values of critical exponents as the 2d Ising universality class, with the effect of the bond disorder on the specific heat being well described by double-logarithmic corrections, our findings thus supporting the marginal irrelevance of quenched bond randomness. On the other hand, the second-order transition, emerging under bond randomness from the first-order regime of the pure model, has a distinctive universality class with \nu=1.30(6) and \beta/\nu=0.128(5). This amounts to a strong violation of the universality principle of critical phenomena, since these two second-order transitions, with different sets of critical exponents, are between the same ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases. Furthermore, the latter of these two transitions supports an extensive but weak universality, since it has the same magnetic critical exponent (but a different thermal critical exponent) as a wide variety of two-dimensional systems. In the conversion by bond randomness of the first-order transition of the pure system to second order, we detect, by introducing and evaluating connectivity spin densities, a microsegregation that also explains the increase we find in the phase transition temperature under bond randomness.Comment: Added discussion and references. 10 pages, 6 figures. Published versio

    Quenched bond randomness in marginal and non-marginal Ising spin models in 2D

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    We investigate and contrast, via entropic sampling based on the Wang-Landau algorithm, the effects of quenched bond randomness on the critical behavior of two Ising spin models in 2D. The random bond version of the superantiferromagnetic (SAF) square model with nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor competing interactions and the corresponding version of the simple Ising model are studied and their general universality aspects are inspected by a detailed finite-size scaling (FSS) analysis. We find that, the random bond SAF model obeys weak universality, hyperscaling, and exhibits a strong saturating behavior of the specific heat due to the competing nature of interactions. On the other hand, for the random Ising model we encounter some difficulties for a definite discrimination between the two well-known scenarios of the logarithmic corrections versus the weak universality. Yet, a careful FSS analysis of our data favors the field-theoretically predicted logarithmic corrections.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, final versio

    Wetting of a symmetrical binary fluid mixture on a wall

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    We study the wetting behaviour of a symmetrical binary fluid below the demixing temperature at a non-selective attractive wall. Although it demixes in the bulk, a sufficiently thin liquid film remains mixed. On approaching liquid/vapour coexistence, however, the thickness of the liquid film increases and it may demix and then wet the substrate. We show that the wetting properties are determined by an interplay of the two length scales related to the density and the composition fluctuations. The problem is analysed within the framework of a generic two component Ginzburg-Landau functional (appropriate for systems with short-ranged interactions). This functional is minimized both numerically and analytically within a piecewise parabolic potential approximation. A number of novel surface transitions are found, including first order demixing and prewetting, continuous demixing, a tricritical point connecting the two regimes, or a critical end point beyond which the prewetting line separates a strongly and a weakly demixed film. Our results are supported by detailed Monte Carlo simulations of a symmetrical binary Lennard-Jones fluid at an attractive wall.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Critical aspects of the random-field Ising model

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    We investigate the critical behavior of the three-dimensional random-field Ising model (RFIM) with a Gaussian field distribution at zero temperature. By implementing a computational approach that maps the ground-state of the RFIM to the maximum-flow optimization problem of a network, we simulate large ensembles of disorder realizations of the model for a broad range of values of the disorder strength h and system sizes  = L3, with L ≤ 156. Our averaging procedure outcomes previous studies of the model, increasing the sampling of ground states by a factor of 103. Using well-established finite-size scaling schemes, the fourth-order’s Binder cumulant, and the sample-to-sample fluctuations of various thermodynamic quantities, we provide high-accuracy estimates for the critical field hc, as well as the critical exponents ν, β/ν, and γ̅/ν of the correlation length, order parameter, and disconnected susceptibility, respectively. Moreover, using properly defined noise to signal ratios, we depict the variation of the self-averaging property of the model, by crossing the phase boundary into the ordered phase. Finally, we discuss the controversial issue of the specific heat based on a scaling analysis of the bond energy, providing evidence that its critical exponent α ≈ 0−

    Finite-size scaling at first- and second-order phase transitions of Baxter-Wu model

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    Using a finite-size phenomenological theory we investigate the behavior of the Baxter-Wu model for both first- and second-order transitions. In order to distinguish between the two kinds of transition we study the finite-size scaling behavior of the order parameter and the susceptibility of the model. At the critical temperature the known critical exponents of the system govern the scaling behavior, while below the critical temperature the scaling exponents are the dimensionality of the system. The presented scaling theory for the Baxter-Wu model is an appropriate generalization of the corresponding theory of Binder and Landau for the Ising model [Binder and Landau, Phys. Rev. B 30 (1984) 1477]. We perform numerical simulations using standard Monte Carlo techniques and we find that our results are in good agreement with theoretical predictions. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Critical finite-size scaling of magnetization distribution function for Baxter-Wu model

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    The distribution function PL(m) of the order parameter for the Baxter-Wu model is studied using blocks of linear dimension L of a larger triangular lattice. At a given temperature, we use the Metropolis algorithm for the generation of a sample of configurations on the triangular lattice. The similarities and differences of this distribution with the usual cases of Ising lattices are investigated. We conclude that the present model obeys, at the critical temperature, a finite-scaling law with the known critical exponents as expected. However, our numerical data strongly indicate that the analytic form of the scaling function does not conform to the corresponding function for the usual Ising model. An analytic expression that gives a good fit is presented. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Cluster evaporation transition in finite system

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    Using Wang-Landau entropic sampling we study the Ising model in the framework of microcanonical ensemble (fixed magnetization). We are working for lattice size up to 1500 × 1500 in two dimensions and 100 × 100 × 100 in three dimensions. As we approach the coexistence curve from inside, varying temperature and keeping the magnetization constant, a first-order phase transition takes place for a temperature near the coexistence curve if the lattice size is large enough. We analyze various features of this transition as well as the scaling behavior of characteristic quantities and we compare our numerical results with existing theories. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved