13 research outputs found

    PENDEKATAN KELOMPOK DALAM PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT : Studi Kasus Pada Kelompok Daur Ulang Sampah Di DKI Jakarta

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    Konsep pengentasan kemiskinan oleh pemerintah mengalami perubahan, yakni penanggulangan kemiskinan secara terpadu dengan basis pemberdayaan masyarakat. Konsep pengentasan kemiskinan berbasis pemberdayaan masyarakat digunakan karena diyakini sumber masalah kemiskinan dan keterbelakangan adalah ketidakberdayaan. DKI Jakarta memiliki berbagai permasalahan, diantaranya adalah masalah kemiskinan dan masalah sampah yang berdampak pada degradasi lingkungan. Pemberdayaan masyarakat dapat dilakukan oleh siapa saja baik secara personal, kelompok maupun masyarakat luas dan dari lembaga mana saja, termasuk Kelompok Daur Ulang Sampah. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah : Bagaimana pendekatan kelompok yang dilakukan dalam upaya pemberdayaan masyarakat di DKI Jakarta?. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami dan menemukan : (1) Kondisi pemberdayaan daur ulang sampah di DKI Jakarta, (2) Mekanisme pendekatan kelompok dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat di DKI Jakarta dan (3) Model hipotetik pendekatan kelompok terhadap pemberdayaan masyarakat. Penelitian ini sengaja dilakukan di kelompok daur ulang sampah berdasarkan kriteria tertentu, menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus terhadap kelompok daur ulang sampah. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara mendalam, dokumentasi dan observasi. Sumber data diperoleh dari kelompok daur ulang sampah yang berdomisili di wilayah DKI Jakarta. Analisis data melalui tahapan proses reduksi data, display data, pengambilan kesimpulan. Selama proses analisis data peneliti juga melakukan verifikasi data. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa (1), kelompok daur ulang sampah dalam melakukan pemberdayaan masyarakat terbukti efektif meskipun tidak melaksanakan tahap seleksi wilayah. (2), mekanisme pendekatan kelompok pada Pemberdayaan Masyarakat terintegrasi dengan ESD, meskipun indikator kurikulum pelatihan dan penelitian belum ada. (3), Model hipotetik berdasarkan asumsi akademik, sosial dan ekonomi. Perumusan model ini sesuai dengan fungsi pendidikan non formal yaitu mengembangan sumber daya manusia dalam aspek pengetahun, sikap dan ketrampilan. Kata kunci : pendekatan kelompok, pemberdayaan, daur ulang sampah ABSTRACT In the Group's approach Empowering Communities: A Case Study of Waste Recycling Group In Jakarta The concept of poverty alleviation by the government changes, namely poverty reduction in an integrated manner on the basis of community empowerment. The concept of community-based poverty reduction is used because it is believed the source of the problem of poverty and underdevelopment is powerlessness. Jakarta has a variety of problems, including the problem of poverty and the problem of garbage that have an impact on environmental degradation. Community empowerment can be done by anyone either personally, groups and the public at large and of which institutions, including the Waste Recycling Group. Formulation of the problem in this research is: How do you approach the group performed in community empowerment in Jakarta ?. This study aims to understand and find: (1) The condition of the empowerment of recycling of waste in Jakarta, (2) The mechanism of a group approach in empowering communities in Jakarta and (3) Model hypothetical approach to community empowerment groups. This research was deliberately done in groups of recycling bins based on specific criteria, using a qualitative approach to the design of case studies of groups of waste recycling. Data were collected by interview, documentation and observation. Sources of data obtained from waste recycling group domiciled in Jakarta. Analysis of the data through the stages of the process of data reduction, data display, making conclusions. During the process of data analysis researchers also verified data. The results showed that the first group of waste recycling in the community empowerment is not carrying out the selection stage area. Second, the mechanism instrumental group approach on the input indicators training curriculum and research yet. Third, that gave birth to a hypothetical model of the cluster approach in community empowerment. Keywords: a group approach, empowerment, waste recyclin

    A Group Approach in a Community Empowerment: A Case Study of Waste Recycling Group in Jakarta

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    This study reviews a group approach in empowering the community through waste recycling activities related to the development of human resources in Jakarta. The specific objectives to be achieved are the wish to understand and find: (1). Conditions of waste recycling empowerment in Jakarta, (2). Mechanisms of a group approach in empowering communities in Jakarta, (3). Formulating hypothetical model of a group approach in community empowerment. Concepts and theories used are community empowerment and Education for Sustainability Development (ESD) as the grand theories. The supporting concepts and theories are logic models and dynamics. This study used a qualitative approach with the design of case studies towards groups of waste recycling. Data were collected by deep interviews, documentations and observation. Sources of the data were obtained from waste recycling group domiciled in Jakarta. Analysis of the data was done through the stages of the process of data reduction, data display, making conclusions. Results of the study are: (1) The waste recycling group in doing community empowerment does not carry out the selection phase of the region, (2) There has not been a mechanism of a group approach to the instrumental input which is an indicator of training curriculum and research yet, (3) A formulation of hypothetical model of the group approach in community empowerment. Keywords: a group approach, empowerment, waste recyclin

    Social Action Model of Education Waste Treatment on Domestic Level in Way Huwi Village, Lampung Selatan

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    This research study is about the education of solid waste treatment model on domestic level through social action activities in relation with human resources development at Way Huwi village, South Lampung. The specific goals to be achieved is to understand and discover: (1). Forms of community participation on waste problems at Way Huwi village, South Lampung, (2). Formulate hypothetical model of social action education of solid waste treatment on domestic level. The concepts and theories used are community empowerment and Education for Sustainability Development (ESD) as the grand theori. This research used a qualitative approach with case study design on waste recycling. Data were collected with interview, observation and documentation. Sources of data were obtained from the community of Way Huwi Village in South Lampung. The data analysis will through the process of data reduction, data display and conclusion. The results of the research are: (1) The forms of community participation in waste problem is by burning the waste, paying  retribution and participating in the activity of solve the waste problem in their environment, (2) hypothetical model formulation of social action of waste treatment education  on domestic level which obtained based on the results of community identification to resolved waste problem as well as the needs. Keywords: social action, waste treatment educatio


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    The Community Learning Center (CLC) as an educational institution to implement Package A Program is assigned to produce the graduates having equivalent competence as Junior High School does. Besides, the learners are also expected to be able to meet their needs and solve their problems. CLC has to develop the existing curriculum to complete its tasks as expected. This research is intended to know the curriculum at CLC of Tunas Bangsa, Probolinggo District, East Java, and how it develops and implements the curriculum. The research conducted as from April through July 2010, reviewed the existing curriculum using qualitative method and then developed the curriculum on the basis of local needs and potentials. The result of the study is an integrated curriculum to be used by tutors and will encourage them to improve theircompetence


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    Empowering the community of remote custom is an effort to raise dignity and prestige of human to the real position. There are many challenges that must be faced especially in empowering potential that exists in human itself. Modeling out of school education tries to position itself as one of approaches that can be used in the effort of empowering the community of remote custom. Developing theori awareness in the importance of study process as an effort of behavior changes, then it will open their access toward an appropriate study process to their way of life and their requirement in order to increase their power, their cognitive, their psychology, their economic and their politic that is a form of done empowering. Although it cannot happen in short time, out of school education is believed will make them more adjustable toward environment changes


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    Community participation is very important to achieve the objectives of any training or learning process. This qualitative research was conducted in the Center for Teavhing and Learning Activities (PKBM) in Rawasari, Jakarta, aiming at discovering the strategy applied in the Center. Based on the data collected and analysed, this research finds out notable progress achieved, but the the Center has not implemented wholistic strategy. Beside identifying some problems, this research provides a set of recommendation related to improving the exisiting strategy to empower the communitythrough productive competence


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    The development of human potential through community-based educational activities aims at understanding and identifying needs and solutions that make the community itself taking into account the potential that exists in the environment. Therefore PKBM (Community Learning Center) is one of the institutions to explore and develop community-based education. The objective of this study to describe the implementation of the strategy undertaken by PKBM Rawasari in empowering the community through productive skills. The study includes the selection of the target area programs, socialization of the programs, program implementation and monitoring and evaluation of community empowerment, as well as its influence on the economic changes in the society. The method used was descriptive qualitative. The collected data were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. The data were analyzed using percentage calculation to be interpreted and described in words.The results of the study show that the productive skills program held PKBM Rawasari is not an optimal strategy in a holistic community empowerment. However, some benefits have been felt by the program participants

    Upaya Meningkatkan Motivasi Berwirausaha Berbasis Potensi Lokal pada Masyarakat Petani di Desa Sirnajaya Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat

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    Saat ini pembangunan masyarakat desa memiliki perubahan paradigma mendasar, yaitu dari membangun desa menjadi desa membangun. Untuk mewujudkan desa membangun diperlukan peningkatan kapasitas sumber daya insani desa yaitu untuk menstimulan wirausaha masyarakat desa dibidang pertanian. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan dalam rangka mencapai transformasi desa membangun yaitu melalui motivasi wirausaha para petani di pedesaan. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan transformative learning dengan metode sharing knowledge berupa diskusi dan pendampingan secara berkelanjutan. Pada kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyrakat yang dilakukan di desa Sirnajaya menghasilkan perubahan perilaku masyarakat petani, yang semula para petani hanya berorientasi menjadi buruh tani, saat ini para petani memiliki motivasi untuk bertansformasi menjadi pengusaha dibidang pertanian. Motivasi wirausaha kepada para petani dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan kelembagaan pedesaaan seperti BumDes dalam menyediakan dan memfasilitasi para petani untuk menjalankan wirausaha dan menjual produk pertaniannya. Melalui pola kemitraan dengan BumDes para petani menjadi lebih percaya diri untuk menjadi wirausaha dibidang pertanian dibandingkan menjadi buruh tani.Transformasi yang dimaksud dalam rangka mencapai keberdayaan masyarakat yang memiliki daya saing, daya saring dan daya adaptasi. Melalui kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini, memberikan sumbangsih dalam pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat desa. Sehingga melalui kegiatan ini, tindak lanjut berikutnya ialah mengembangkan usaha pertanian kreatif dan innovatif untuk menghasilkan produk pertanian yang sesuai dengan permintaan pasar

    Developing Social Distance Awareness during Pandemic Covid-19 Pandemic Through Interactive Video for Community in DKI Jakarta

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    Situasi pandemic COVID – 19 yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat Indonesia, memberikan dampak dalam  berbagai bidang ekonomi, pendidikan dan kesehatan. Kondisi pandemic mengharuskan masyarakat untuk  tinggal di rumah untuk memutus mata rantai virus menyebar dengan cepat. Pendidikan dasar hingga  perguruan tinggi menjalankan pembelajaran secara online agar pembelajaran tetap berjalan. Melalui  Program Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) melibatkan mahasiswa serta partisipasi masyarakat untuk membantu  memutus mata rantai penyebaran dengan ara online. Metode penyadaran ke masyarakat dengan sosialisasi,  penyuluhan, pemberdayan online menggunakan media video interaktif yang dapat di akses di youtobe, WA  group, Histragram, surat kabar online, dan menempatkan poster serta spanduk dilokasi strategis sehingga  dapat dilihat, baca dan diingat oleh masyarakat. Hasil kegiatan ini dapat memberikan dampak yang baik  masyarakat untuk memutus mata rantai penyebaran COVID – 19 dengan cara yang praktiks, mudah di  akses menggunakan alat komunikasi (HP) dan sosialisasi yang dilaksanakan dekat dengan kehidupan  masyarakat.The COVID-19 pandemic situation faced by the people of Indonesia an impact in various fields of economy, education,  and health. Pandemic conditions require people to stay at home to break the chain of viruses spreading rapidly. Basic education to higher education runs online learning so that learning continues. Through the Real Work Lecture Program (KKN) involving students and community participation to help break the chain of distribution with online fig. Public awareness methods with socialization, counseling, online empowerment using interactive video media that can be accessed on YouTube, WA group, online newspapers, and placing posters and banners in strategic locations so that they can be seen, read, and remembered by the public. The results of this activity can have a good impact on the community to break the chain of the spread of COVID-19  practically, easy to access using communication tools (HP) and socialization which is carried out close to people's lives

    Pengembangan Kapasitas Produksi Merchandise Desa Wisata Edukasi Rawagede Berbasis Pembelajaran Hyflex

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    Pengabdian ini merupakan bentuk penerapan dari roadmap pengabdian yang telah disusun berdasarkan  keadaan desa binaan yang dilakukan oleh prodi Pendidikan Masyarakat Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan.  Roadmap kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan selama 3 tahun. Tahun pertama melakukan kegiatan  pengabdian dengan materi Pengembangan Kapasitas Produksi Merchandise Desa Wisata Edukasi  “Rawagede” berbasis Pembelajaran HyFlex. Tahun kedua membangun usaha kelompok yang  berkelanjutan, materi kegiatan pengabdian berfokus pada jejaring kemitraan usaha. Tahun ketiga berfokus  untuk melihat dampak setelah adanya Pengembangan Kapasitas Produksi Merchandise Desa Wisata  Edukasi “Rawagede” berbasis Pembelajaran HyFlex, materi yang diberikan adalah pendampingan usaha  Merchandise berkelanjutan. Pengabdian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh potensi Desa wisata Sirna Jaya sebagai  aset mengembangkan human capital dan social capital masyarakat. Melalui desa wisata, banyak  masyarakat terlibat dalam bersinergis mengembangkan desa wisata. Produk wisata merupakan bagian  dari penerapan sapta pesona yang berwujud kenangan, kenangan tersebut diwujudkan dalam bentuk  cinderamata. Harapannya cinderamata mampu menjadi kenangan yang berwujud bagi wisatawan yang  berkunjung. Kegiatan pembelajaran HyFlex sendiri memberikan level flexibilitas baru untuk blended  learning, metode pembelajaran ini memberikan kesempatan bagi warga belajar untuk memilih apakah  akan menghadiri pembelajaran secara daring, luring atau keduanya. Luaran pengabdian berbentuk  publikasi artikel pada jurnal nasional, video kegiatan pada kanal Youtube dan booklet kegiatan yang dapat  di hak patenkan