390 research outputs found

    PSIKOSA DEPRESI REAKTIF(Psychotic Depressive Reaction)

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    Secara global dapat kita katakan, bahwa data yang diperoleh dari catatancatatan dalam status-status itu secara kwalitatif adalah konsisten dengan landasan teoretis, tetapi secara kwantitatif tidak dapat kita nilai, karena data perbandingan kurang atau tidak ada. Data khusus untuk P.D.R. tidak kita ketahui, dan ketemendapatkan gambaran perbandingan yang lebih lengkap, lebih valid serta reliable perlu diadakan studi klinis dan epidemiologis lebih lanjut tentang P.D.R. dan depresi pada umumnya. Dalam hubungan itu alangkah baiknya apabila kita dapat meningkatkan observasi kita ke arah pengukuran kwantitatif, agar mendapat data obyektif yang dapat dibandingkan secara nasional dan internasional. Untuk keperluan itu kiranya dapat dipertimbangkan penggunaan "rating scale" depresi Hamilton (1961) dan "measuring inventory" untuk depresi Beck et al. (1961) yang sudah distandardisasi dan dipakai secara internAionaI. Untuk survey dalam masarakat dapat kiranya dipertimbangkan penggunaan "standardized psychiatric interview for use in community surveys" oleh Goldberg et al. (1970). rangan-keterangan dalam status-status itu kurang terperinci, lagipula jumlah kasus terlalu sedikit untuk mendapatkan gambaran perbandingan kwantitatif yang "valid" dan "reliable". Oleh karena itu untu


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    A clinical trial of pimozide has been conducted, on 20 chronic institutionalized schizophrenic patients. using the "same subject design". The aim was to check the resocializing effect of pimozide such as reported in same papers. A psychotest was constructed to obtain quantitative data concerning obedience and cooperativeness to do a task, work and work capacity. The quantitative data obtained were supplemented with the data observed qualitatively by the experimenting team. The effect of pimozide appeared to be positive and significant with minimal side effec

    Prioritas konservasi lahan dan arahan programnya di Kelurahan Minas Jaya Provinsi Riau

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    Minas Jaya is one of the villages adjacent to Sultan Syarif Hasyim Forest Park (Tahura SSH). Tahura SSH is one of the conservation areas in Riau Province which is currently in critical condition due to forest encroachment, illegal logging, forest fires and illegal land conversion. In order to restore it requires an approach that combines conservation and community empowerment. One is the concept of Conservation Village. The initial stage in Conservation Village development needs to be a priority class map of conservation. The problems faced by partners to produce such maps require special expertise in spatial planning, mapping, and understanding of conservation village concepts. Based on the mapping identification showing that data of the conservation priority area 1, were identified it consisted of 243.92 hectares, then the conservation priority area 2 consisted of 257.87 hectares. Further, the conservation priority area 3 also identified and consisted of 504.28 hectares, moreover the conservation level 4 conservation area around 1,868.57 hectares, and conservation priorities 5 identified around 1,082.79 hectares. Conservation program directives were linked to each priority of conservation classes. It generally includes a good forest covers protection activities, enrich the land with tree crops. Furthermore, critical land rehabilitation with agroforestry patterns has the choice of species and proportion of annual crops and trees adapted to the degree of land criticality and gradient.Minas Jaya merupakan salah satu kelurahan yang berbatasan dengan Taman Hutan Raya Sultan Syarif Hasyim (Tahura SSH). Tahura SSH merupakan salah satu kawasan konservasi di Provinsi Riau yang saat ini dalam kondisi kritis akibat perambahan hutan, penebangan liar, kebakaran hutan, dan alih fungsi lahan secara ilegal. Guna memulihkannya diperlukan pendekatan yang memadukan antara konservasi dan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Salah satunya adalah konsep Desa Konservasi. Tahap awal dalam pembangunan Desa Konservasi perlu adanya peta kelas prioritas konservasi. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mitra untuk menghasilkan peta tersebut diperlukan keahlian khusus di bidang perencanaan tata ruang, perpetaan, dan pemahaman terhadap konsep desa konservasi. Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi diperoleh data luas areal prioritas konservasi 1 seluas 1.243,92 hektar, areal prioritas konservasi 2 adalah 257,87 hektar, areal prioritas konservasi 3 seluas 504,28 hektar, areal tingkat prioritas konservasi 4 seluas 1.868,57 hektar, dan areal tingkat prioritas konservasi 5 seluas 1.082,79 hektar. Arahan program konservasi disesuaikan dengan masing-masing kelas prioritas. Secara umum mencakup kegiatan perlindungan tutupan hutan yang masih baik, pengayaan lahan dengan tanaman pohon-pohonan, rehabilitasi lahan kritis dengan pola agroforestry dengan pilihan jenis dan proporsi jenis tanaman tahunan dan tanaman semusim yang disesuaikan dengan tingkat kekritisan lahan dan kelas kelerengan

    Penyakit alzheimer Diagnosis, pemeriksaan klinik dan pemeriksaan penunjang

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    Alzheimer disease or Alzheimer type of senile dementia is a nomenclature which widely used by neurologist Dr Alois Alzheimer is the first person who introduced signs of progressive dementia disorder in female patient. In early phase, the first sign is memory disturbances, delayed and inadequate respons. With special methods, Katzmann and Terry arranging consensus diagnosing Alzheimer disease. There are no specific additional investigation, CT scan only provide measurement of NINCDS-ADRDA Work Group providing diagnostic criteria for Alzheimer dementia. Management of patient needs to approve especially for behaviour disorder, effective care by families and appropriate treatments. Key words: Alzheimer\u27s disease - dementia - senile dementia - physostigmine - nerve growth facto

    Unlocking the Antimicrobial Capability of Non-Thermal Plasma-Activated Water for Meat Safety

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    In the meat industry, water washing as a physical intervention is used to reduce microorganisms on meat surfaces and extend the shelf life of meat. However, a large quantity of wastewater is generated during the decontamination stage. Traditional interventions, such as heat pasteurisation and chemical disinfectants, can result in detrimental variations in meat quality, affecting consumer acceptance. Recently, plasma-activated water (PAW) has gained intensive attention in the food industry, as a greener and effective disinfectant, thanks to its ability to reduce microbial spoilage of food products while retaining their quality attributes. PAW is a final product of non-thermal plasma formed in the air or other gases and then reacting with water. PAW contains reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) that are responsible for its microbial inactivation. This thesis firstly presents the evaluation of PAW produced via two reactor configurations: air pin-to-liquid discharge and air plasma-bubble discharge. Their PAW chemistry, RONS energy efficiency, and inactivation performance against Escherichia coli and Salmonella Typhimurium were determined, and design and processing parameters were optimised to maximise the inactivation efficacy. The pin-to-liquid discharge achieved the highest efficacies in the destruction of E. coli at 3.99-log10 reduction within 300 s and S. Typhimurium at 5.90-log10 reduction within 240 s, with an excellent energy efficiency of 1.89×10-1 mol·kW-1·h-1. A novel hybrid plasma discharge (HPD) reactor that combined both the pin-to-liquid and plasma-bubble discharges within one power source was then designed and fabricated to increase the RONS production and the PAW volume (from 0.5 to 2 L). A high energy efficiency of 1.81×10-1 mol·kW-1·h-1 and E. coli inactivation of 5.18-log10 reduction with a contact time of only 30 s was achieved by the HPD reactor. Finally, the application of PAW in inactivating S. Typhimurium on chilled beef at three contact times (15, 30, and 60 s) was evaluated via two commercial meat-washing methods: spraying and immersion. PAW spraying achieved 0.656-log10 reduction in 30 s; however, it caused negative impacts on the redness, yellowness, chroma, and oxymyoglobin values. This was mitigated by introducing additional water spraying at 25 °C for 60 s after the PAW spraying. Therefore, the study proved the potential of PAW in beef decontamination for the future adoption of this technology by the meat industry

    Karakterisasi Kolagen Gelembung Renang Tuna Sirip Kuning (Thunnus Albacares) Dari Perairan Maluku Menggunakan Ekstraksi Asam (Collagen Characterization From Swim Bladder of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus Albacares) From Maluku Using Acid Extraction)

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    Gelembung renang merupakan bagian dari limbah hasil samping industri pengolahan ikan yang mengandung protein kolagen tinggi. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah pada gelembung renang adalah dengan mengolahnya menjadi ekstrak kolagen. Gelembung renang yang diteliti berasal dari ikan tuna sirip kuning (Thunnus albacares) sebagai hasil tangkapan dominan di Maluku. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik ekstrak kolagen dari limbah gelembung renang ikan tuna sirip kuning yang meliputi proporsi, komposisi kimia, asam amino dan berat molekul. Gelembung renang diekstraksi menggunakan asam asetat 0,5 M dan 0,75 M. Limbah gelembung renang ikan tuna sirip kuning memiliki proporsi 0,35% dari seluruh bobot ikan dengan kandungan protein 20,27%. Proses ekstraksi asam menghasilkan kolagen yang teridentifikasi sebagai kolagen tipe I dengan berat molekul antara 130-145 kDa. Ekstraksi kolagen dari gelembung renang ikan tuna sirip kuning memberikan hasil terbaik pada ekstraksi menggunakan asam asetat 0,5 M dimana kandungan prolin 456,40 mg/g, glisin 1175,05 mg/g dan alanin 338,66 mg/g

    Analisis Nilai Gizi, Komponen Asam Amino dan Asam Lemak Ikan Terbang (Cypselurus hexazona) Presto

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    Presto is a method of development processing of fishery products. Products from presto cooked using high temperature and pressure so that the precocious without destroying the texture and can soften the bone. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of cooking presto on the nutritional, amino acids and fatty acids flying fish value. The resulted product then analyzed the nutritional value and analysis amino acid components using HPLC and the fatty acid component analysis using GCMS respectively. Results of the analysis flying fish presto contains 60.30% moisture content, 1.70% ash content, 26.95% protein and 1.95% fat. In addition, known flying fish presto contains 15 amino acids which composed of 9 essential amino acids and 6 non-essential amino acids percentage. All of the amino acids increased after presto processing. The highest essential amino acid lysine (2.43%) and the highest non-essential amino acid is glutamic (4.10%). From the results of the study also note that flying fishpresto contains 20 types of fatty acids which consists of 10 types of Saturated Fatty Acis (SFA), 4 types of Monounsaturated Fatty Acid (MUFA) and 6 types of Pollyunsaturated Fatty Acid (PUFA). SFA is highest in palmitic acid (15.66%), the highest MUFA is oleic acid (9.98%) and the highest PUFA is DHA (9.58%). In general, fatty acids decreased after processed into fish presto only linoleic and linolenic fatty acids are increased.ABSTRAKPresto merupakan suatu metode pengembangan pengolahan hasil perikanan. Produk dari presto dimasak menggunakan suhu dan tekanan tinggi sehingga cepat matang tanpa merusak tekstur dan dapat melunakkan tulang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemasakan presto terhadap nilai gizi, kandungan asam amino dan asam lemak ikan terbang. Produk yang dihasilkan kemudian dilakukan analisis nilai gizi, analisis komponen asam amino menggunakan HPLC dan analisis komponen asam lemak menggunakan GCMS. Hasil analisis diperoleh ikan terbang presto mengandung kadar air 60,30%, kadar abu 1,70%, protein 26,95%, lemak 1,95%. Disamping itu diketahui ikan terbang presto mengandung 15 asam amino yang terdiri dari 9 asam amino esensial dan 6 asam amino non esensial, semua asam amino mengalami peningkatan presentase setelah dipresto, dimana asam amino esensial tertinggi adalah lisin (2,43%) dan asam amino non esensial tertinggi adalah asam glutamat (4,10%). Dari hasil penelitian juga diketahui bahwa ikan terbang presto mengandung 20 jenis asam lemak yang terdiri dari 10 jenis SFA (Asam Lemak Jenuh),  4 jenis MUFA (Asam Lemak Tidak Jenuh Tunggal) dan 6 jenis PUFA (Asam Lemak Tidak Jenuh Majemuk). SFA tertinggi terdapat pada asam palmitat (15,66%), MUFA tertinggi asam lemak oleat (9,98%) sedangkan PUFA tertinggi adalah DHA (9,58%). Secara umum asam lemak mengalami penurunan setelah diolah menjadi ikan presto hanya asam lemak linoleat dan linolenat yang mengalami peningkatan. Kata Kunci : Ikan terbang, asam amino, asam lemak, prest

    Effect of Various Concentration of Vegetable Protein in Hair Mask on The Hair Texture

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    Effect of various concentrations of vegetable protein in hair mask on the hair texture including hair smoothness, hair shining, hair strength, and morphology of hair had been studied. Concentrations of vegetable protein are made 5%, 7.5%, and 10%. The hair mask was evaluated such as organoleptic, pH, viscosity, and allergy test. Hair mask used in six subjects that have damage hair for 8 times every 2 days. Then, the hair mask was evaluated such as hair smooth and hair shine that used tree trained panel and analyzed using non parametric method Q Cochran. Hair strength was evaluated using autograph then the results were  analyzes using ANOVA test (p<0.05), while hair morphology was evaluated using scanning microscope electron (SEM). The experimental results showed that vegetable protein in hair mask increased hair smoothness, hair strength, and morphology of damaged hair but did not give effect for hair shining. Various concentrations of vegetable protein (5%, 7.5%, and 10%) on hair mask given the same effect in hair texture (hair smoothness, hair strength, and hair morphology).Keywords: vegetable protein, hair mask, hair textur

    Intraarticular Migration of Broken Patella Cerclage and Figure-of-Eight Wire

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    BACKGROUND: Breakage of the wire commonly follows the procedure performed for displaced patellar fractures; nevertheless, there have not been many reports about wire fragment migration. To the best of our knowledge, there were only six documented cases of wire fragment intraarticular translocation. CASE REPORT: A 47-year-old male patient, with a history of patella fracture 3 years ago, was treated with cerclage and figure-of-eight wiring, presented with severe restriction of knee movements for the past 4 weeks. X-ray and fluoroscopy examination showed cerclage wire had broken at multiple sites with one broken piece migrated posterior intraarticularly. This case is unique due to the size of the migrated broken cerclage wire, which was about only length 1.5 cm and diameter 1.25 mm attached to posterior lateral condyle which prevented its further migration; otherwise, it could damage neurovascular structures. This intraarticular piece of wire was removed successfully with fluoroscopy support. CONCLUSION: Increased time-lapse from the initial surgery, the comminution of the fragment fracture, wire shape and size, and the incorrect placement of wire are the risk factors of intraarticular migration. We should educate the patient about the risks of hardware failure and possible migration with all patients receiving bone fixation with wires, and we can offer elective hardware removal as an option
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