7 research outputs found


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    The present study investigated an English teacher’s belief regarding the best strategies to learn and teach English. A case study was employed as it explored a case (an English teacher) in depth. In-depth interviews were carried to gain deep understanding about the participant’s belief. This study reveals that he has been learning English for roughly ten years and his motivation changed from being forced to learn English (external) to having internal motivation. He believed that quality teacher affects his motivation to learn English. Concerning his personal theory about best way to learn English, he argues that there is no any best way to learn English. Instead, he believes that there are other effective approaches fitting different learning purposes. For him, the key feature to learn and teach English in his context is exposure to the language. He also believes that doing some changes like how he evaluates the learner’s skill can reduce the students’ negative feeling. He admits that these preferences as the reflection of this previous learning experiences form all his experiences in learning

    Employing Katzenbach Strategies in Managing Organization Changes in a Private Higher Education Institution

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    Katzenbach postulates five principles in managing the organizational changes. Katzenbach‘s strategy are derived from their study on a number of global enterprises like Apple, Microsoft etc. which have successfully reached their peak performance. Further, Katzenbach found that those companies could achieve such higher performance, better customer focus, and more coherent and ethical stance by following these principles.  More importantly, they highlight that these business organizations view culture as an accelerator of change, not a hindrance. In other words, culture is seen as a competitive advantage. This paper discusses how this strategy can assist leaders in an Indonesian private university to manage an organizational change that currently happen

    Mas-mas village tour guides: perception on the profession, roles and learning needs

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    Research on tourism suggests that tourist guides are key representatives in the tourism industry in that they have contributed significantly to the satisfaction of visitors and are believed to determine whether or not the tourist will revisit destinations. The present study sought to investigate the perception of local tour guides Mas Mas village pertaining to their future carrier as tour guides and the roles they played in the profession. It also assessed the perceived learning needs as tour guides. There were five local tour guides and two potential employers taking part in this study. Data were collected through Focus Group Discussion and semi-structured interviews and were analyzed by employing the five-phased cycle of qualitative data analysis. The findings of this study suggested that being a professional tour guide is a promising career and a prestigious career despite encountering negative perception from the local community. It also revealed the tour guides played as key factor to develop village based tourism. However, they believed to be in need of further trainin

    Pemetaan Potensi Wisata Desa Gelanggang Kecamatan Sakra Timur Kabupaten Lombok Timur

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    Pandemi Covid 19 memberikan dampak yang sangat memprihatinkan bagi seluruh masyarakat Indonesia terutama dalam bidang perekonomian. Salah satu upaya untuk bangkit dan memperbaiki kondisi tersebut adalah melalui pengembangan sektor pariwisata. Desa Gelanggang Kecamatan Sakra Timur merupakan salah satu Desa di kabupen Lombok Timur yang memiliki potensi untuk di kembangkan menjadi destinasi wisata pedesaan di provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Adapun tahapan awal untuk pengembangan destinasi wisata pedesaan adalah dengan melakukan pemetaan potensi wisata. Kegiatan pemetaan ini dilaksanakan oleh tim kuliah kerja nyata (KKN) Tematik Universitas Nahdlatul Wathan Mataram bekerjasama dengan Pokdarwis Desa Gelanggang selama 45 lima hari. Berdasarkan hasil pemetaan potensi wisata tersebut, ditemukan beberapa lokus wisata yang bisa dikembangkan menjadi destinasi wisata pedesaan yakni Sungai Gelanggang dan Sawah, Situs Bersejarah Sombe, Kelompok Seni, serta Pusat Pelatihan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat


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    Abstract: This article presents need analysis as the outset for designing an English for Academic Purposes for participants learning in English Language Education of a private owned university in West Nusa Tenggara. The course was intended as a bridging program to enhance participants’ ability to use academic English for a variety of puposes in particular to accomplish their assignments throughout their study. However, further analysis was carried out to gain deeper understanding about the participants learning needs through only survey, questionnaires and discussion with lecturers. This article further describes the rationale for conducting a need analysis, participans, and the steps of doing need analysi

    The Effect of Direct-Focused and Unfocused Written Corrective Feedback Toward Freshmen Foreign Language Writing

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    This study aims at finding out the effect of direct-focused and direct-unfocused written corrective feedback in improving freshmen essay writing the use of preposition, article and past tense are investigated in students revision text and new pieces of essay writing. The study uses an experimental method and true-experimental design. Data collected from 60 students for 3 month. Data are analyzed by two-way ANOVAs using SPSS 21. The study found the significant effect of Direct-Focused CF. Likewise, using Direct-Unfocused CF has positive effect. Both groups outperform in revision and new pieces of writing than group without corrective feedback. In addition, there is positive interaction effect among the use of such corrective feedback and exposure. For that reason, it seems that is evidence underpinning the importance of such feedbacks and exposure in increasing students’ writing accuracy at using any grammatical items. Further study needs to be held in order to reveal the relationship or effect of students’ motivation, perception and engagement and typology of feedback in improving students writing performance