117 research outputs found

    Importance of Financial Analysis for Published Financial Information to Predict the Stocks Behavior (Case study-ASE –Industrial Sector-Jordan)

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    This study aimed to identify the dimensions of the financial analysis and its advantages and how to benefit from it; in predicting stock prices by testing group of financial ratios and find a model quantitatively can be relied upon to predict the price per share of the industrial sector in the Amman Stock Exchange in order to help investors make rational decisions when they the investment process. To achieve this purpose has been tested three financial ratios for a sample of 30 companies listed their shares in the financial market, where data has been relying on published financial statements for its annual information. These ratios have been analyzed using the method of statistical known as a multiple regression to find the best model for the industrial sector of the financial market, which includes group of ratios (Many Variables) of Finance in which they can predict the price of stock in companies listed on the Amman Stock Exchange by this classification. Has been reached model for the industry where it appeared that the industry was affected by several variables affect the share price of this sector is the ratio of market value to book value and the percentage of the book value per ordinary share and the study concluded that it can rely on a set of financial ratios for each of the sectors (classified by the Palestine Securities Exchange) to predict the price of the arrow, study also recommended increased attention to the financial statements and transparency in the preparation and disclosure of the data and prepared according to international accounting standards, and it can an investor rely on financial analysis of the financial statements when making investment decisions. Keywords: Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAP.M), General Accounting Accepted Principle (GAAP), Earnings per Share (EPS), Book Value of share, Market Value of share, Stock Price

    Cholécystectomie laparoscopique ambulatoire: première expérience en Tunisie

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    Introduction: La cholécystectomie laparoscopique est le gold standard de la prise en charge des calculs vésiculaires symptomatiques. Il existe une importante controverse quant au fait de savoir si elle devrait être pratiquée en chirurgie ambulatoire ou dans le cadre d'une chirurgie avec hospitalisation d'une nuit pour ce qui concerne la sécurité des patients. Le but du travail est d’évaluer l'impact de la cholécystectomie laparoscopique en chirurgie ambulatoire versus en chirurgie avec hospitalisation d'une nuit sur les critères de jugement axés sur le patient, tels que la mortalité, les graves événements indésirables et la qualité de vie. Méthodes: Il s’agit d’une étude transversale descriptive réalisée au sein du service de chirurgie générale de l’hôpital Habib Thameur, sur la période allant de Mai 2009 à Février 2010. Cette étude porte sur 67 malades porteurs d’une lithiase vésiculaire symptomatique ayant eu une cholécystectomie laparoscopique en ambulatoire (CLA). Étaient exclus de l’étude: les malades ASA III et IV, les diabétiques sous sulfamides ou sous insuline, les grands obèses, les malades de plus de 65 ans et moins de 18 ans, ceux avec un antécédent de chirurgie abdominale majeure, les malades suspects d’une lithiase de la voie biliaire principale, d’une cholécystite aiguë ou d’une pancréatite. Pour être traité par CLA, le malade devait résider à moins de 50 km de l’hôpital, et avoir la possibilité d’une présence adulte à ses côtés. Résultats: Dix-sept patients étaient inclus puis exclus de notre étude devant la découverte per opératoire de signes de cholécystite aigue ou devant des difficultés de dissection amenant le chirurgien à mettre un drain de Redon en sous hépatique en fin d’intervention. Finalement, 50 patients ont été retenus: 7 hommes et 43 femmes d’âge moyen de 48 ans. L’intervention se déroulait selon les modalités habituelles. A la sortie de la salle de réveil, le patient était dirigé en secteur ambulatoire où une alimentation liquide était autorisée. Le malade était revu avant 19 h et la sortie décidée si une analgésie orale était possible, si une alimentation liquide était tolérée, s’il n’existait aucun trouble de la diurèse, et si le patient acceptait un retour à domicile avec un traitement antalgique et anti-inflammatoire à la demande. Trente neuf patients (78%) ont quitté l’hôpital et 11 ont été gardés. L’âge > à 45 ans, la durée de l’anesthésie > à 70 minutes et la fatigue post opératoire ont été identifié comme facteur de risque de sorties ratées. Aucune réadmission n’a été observée. Les patients qui ont pu être mis sortants ont été satisfaits du protocole de prise en charge avec des réponses majoritairement de type excellent et bon (94%). Conclusion: La chirurgie ambulatoire semble tout aussi sûre que la chirurgie avec hospitalisation d'une nuit dans la cholécystectomie laparoscopique avec un faible taux de complication et de réadmission chez des malades sélectionnés, et avec une réduction du coût de l’intervention

    Genome Characterization, Prevalence and Distribution of a Macula-Like Virus from Apis mellifera and Varroa destructor

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    Around 14 distinct virus species-complexes have been detected in honeybees, each with one or more strains or sub-species. Here we present the initial characterization of an entirely new virus species-complex discovered in honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) and varroa mite (Varroa destructor) samples from Europe and the USA. The virus has a naturally poly-adenylated RNA genome of about 6500 nucleotides with a genome organization and sequence similar to the Tymoviridae (Tymovirales; Tymoviridae), a predominantly plant-infecting virus family. Literature and laboratory analyses indicated that the virus had not previously been described. The virus is very common in French apiaries, mirroring the results from an extensive Belgian survey, but could not be detected in equally-extensive Swedish and Norwegian bee disease surveys. The virus appears to be closely linked to varroa, with the highest prevalence found in varroa samples and a clear seasonal distribution peaking in autumn, coinciding with the natural varroa population development. Sub-genomic RNA analyses show that bees are definite hosts, while varroa is a possible host and likely vector. The tentative name of Bee Macula-like virus (BeeMLV) is therefore proposed. A second, distantly related Tymoviridae-like virus was also discovered in varroa transcriptomes, tentatively named Varroa Tymo-like virus (VTLV)

    Reads2Type: a web application for rapid microbial taxonomy identification

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    BACKGROUND: Identification of bacteria may be based on sequencing and molecular analysis of a specific locus such as 16S rRNA, or a set of loci such as in multilocus sequence typing. In the near future, healthcare institutions and routine diagnostic microbiology laboratories may need to sequence the entire genome of microbial isolates. Therefore we have developed Reads2Type, a web-based tool for taxonomy identification based on whole bacterial genome sequence data. RESULTS: Raw sequencing data provided by the user are mapped against a set of marker probes that are derived from currently available bacteria complete genomes. Using a dataset of 1003 whole genome sequenced bacteria from various sequencing platforms, Reads2Type was able to identify the species with 99.5 % accuracy and on the minutes time scale. CONCLUSIONS: In comparison with other tools, Reads2Type offers the advantage of not needing to transfer sequencing files, as the entire computational analysis is done on the computer of whom utilizes the web application. This also prevents data privacy issues to arise. The Reads2Type tool is available at http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/~dhany/reads2type.html

    Ultrasound Modality in the Evaluation and Management of Gallbladder Polyps

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    Gallbladder polyps (GBP) are defined as developed masses inside the wall of the gallbladder; most of them (90%) are nontumor lesions. Abdominal ultrasound is the main and the first line radiological modality for their diagnosis and their risk lamination. We conducted a 12 year retrospective study between 2009 and 2020, which included patients who had preoperative transabdominal ultrasonography showing gallbladder polyps and had undergone cholecystectomy, and for whom postoperative pathology results were available, as well as patients who had at least one polyp discovered on the histopathological exam and who were not determined preoperatively. A total of 70 patients were identified. Preoperative diagnosis of vesicular polyp by ultrasound was carried in 82.9% of patients. The number of ultrasounds performed per person was 1.2 ± 0.47. The polyps’ size in mm was on average 6.14 ± 2.6 with extremes between 3 and 13 mm. On anatomopathological examination, a polyp was objectified in 33.3% of cases. In our series, abdominal ultrasound had a low sensitivity at 36.4%. We aim to provide the accuracy of abdominal ultrasound for the diagnosis of GBP, as a low-cost modality, and to evaluate the concordance of preoperative ultrasound imaging with postoperative pathology

    MEDIBEES: Monitoring the Mediterranean honey bee subspecies and their resilience to climate change for the improvement of sustainable agro-ecosystems

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    Beekeeping provides livelihood for hundreds of thousands of beekeepers in the Mediterranean area. This activity relies on a number of different indigenous Apis mellifera subspecies, adapted to the very diverse and harsh conditions of the region. Climate change is expected to increase the stress factors affecting bees, especially in this region, reducing both pollination efficiency and production potential. Unfortunately, our ability to address this problem is limited by the incomplete knowledge of the natural adaptation mechanisms developed by the different subspecies. In order to increase the knowledge base for future selection programs to improve bee populations for environmental changes, the MEDIBEES project is being developed. It includes 9 partners from 8 Mediterranean countries on all three shores of the Mediterranean, covering 10 local A. mellifera subspecies, which represents a remarkable though understudied proportion of the species genetic diversity. The project aims to: a) unravel the differential genetic background of Mediterranean subspecies, b) understand their adaptation to local conditions, and c) characterize their resistance to climate change. To achieve the objectives, colonies belonging to the local subspecies will be studied phenotypically to determine their behavior under environmental conditions, covering survival, sensitivity to pests/pathogens, behavior, physiology and reproduction which will be completed by gene expression and transcriptomic assays. In addition, complete genomes of field and laboratory samples will be sequenced to find genes putatively involved in adaptation and to develop new genetic tools to characterize honey bee populations according to their resistance to environmental stress factors. This effort will encourage the use of local subspecies, to make them more attractive and avoid importing foreign breeds, and will lay the foundation for future selection programs. Besides, the valorization of honey by both promoting its use and developing quality labels, and the evaluation of beekeeping by-products as modifiers of soil fertility and biota are also approached to help the beekeepers improve the sustainability of their farms in an economical and environmental sound manner.Medibees part of the PRIMA programme supported by the European Unioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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