1,538 research outputs found

    UNIFESP Info Plastica – An informative application covering the most frequently performed plastic surgeries worldwide

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    OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to develop a free smartphone application with reliable and useful information for the lay public on the most frequently performed plastic surgeries worldwide. METHODS: The five most frequently performed surgeries worldwide according to ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) were selected. Information from the websites of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) and Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery (SBCP) and from the Outpatient and Hospital Medicine Guide of the Plastic Surgery Division at the Federal University of Sa˜o Paulo (UNIFESP) was used for content assembly. YouTube videos with patients’ postoperative testimonials were used for an improved understanding of their real concerns. Printed text was distributed to patients in Brazil’s Unified Health Service to improve comprehensibility. Content on each of the five surgeries was presented in the application with the following layout: What is the surgery?; Who are the candidates?; Preparations for surgery; Stages of surgery; Recovery after surgery; Complications; Choice of surgeon; Consultation; What is the cost? and Glossary. All material was delivered to an outsourced company to produce the application software. RESULTS: The result was the creation of an application with extensive content on the most frequently performed plastic surgeries. CONCLUSION: The UNIFESP Info Plastica application is an academically based, free and reliable source of information for the lay public interested in all aspects of the most frequently performed plastic surgeries worldwide

    Inovações Didáticas na Disciplina Introdução ao Ensino de Biologia: Conversas entre Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão

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    Teachers’ training still is a challenge for universities and other educational centers. Since one of its main difficulties is to ensure greater linkage among training units of courses for pre-service teachers, the Institute of Biosciences at the University of São Paulo has developed its Pedagogical Project aiming to ensure common courses and actions in both Bachelor and Teacher Education degrees. One of its courses, offered in the basic core, addresses introductory aspects to Biology Teaching, and search to articulate the dimensions of the university tripod: teaching, research and outreach. In this article, we present the structure of this course, its key features, strategies, and assessment toolsA formação de professores ainda é um desafio para universidades e outros centros formadores. Tendo em vista uma de suas principais metas, a de garantir maior encadeamento entre as unidades de formação dos cursos para professores, o Instituto de Biociências da Universidade de São Paulo desenvolveu seu Projeto Pedagógico, buscando garantir disciplinas e ações comuns às habilitações de bacharelado e licenciatura de seu curso de Ciências Biológicas. Uma das disciplinas oferecidas no Núcleo Básico aborda aspectos introdutórios ao ensino de Biologia e busca articular as dimensões do tripé universitário: ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Neste relato, serão apresentados a estrutura básica de tal disciplina, os principais recursos e estratégias utilizados e as ferramentas de avaliaçã

    Translation, cultural adaptation, and validation of the American Skindex-29 quality of life index

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    BACKGROUND:Measuring the quality of life measure of patients with dermatologic diseases is an important concern. The instruments to evaluate it are commonly originally written in English and need to be translated and validated to be used in different cultures.OBJECTIVE:The purpose of this paper is to translate and validate the Skindex-29 questionnaire to Brazilian Portuguese to be used in our country as a quality of life assessment instrument in dermatologic patients.METHODS:The first step was the translation from English to Brazilian Portuguese and the back-translation by two native speakers. The translated version was then used for the second step, when three questionnaires were applied to 75 patients (43 of whom were classified as lightly affected and 32 as heavily affected by their dermatologic conditions): an identification questionnaire, the translated version of Skindex-29, and the Brazilian Portuguese version of Dermatologic Life Quality Index (DLQI). Additionally, the generic questionnaire Short Form 36 (SF-36) was applied to 41 of these patients. The last step to evaluate reproducibility was repeating the Skindex-29 questionnaire by the same researcher one week later in 44 patients.RESULTS:Reliability was observed in global Skindex-29 scale (α=0.934), and its domains emotions (α=0.926), symptoms (α=0,702), and psycosocial functioning (α=0.860). The reproducibility showed high intraclass correlations. High intra class correlations was observed, thus validating reliability.CONCLUSIONS:The Skindex-29 quality of life questionnaire was properly translated and validated to Brazilian Portuguese.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São PauloUNIFESPSciEL

    Eccrine sweat gland carcinoma

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    UNIFESP-EPM Departamento de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia de Cabeça e PescoçoUNIFESP-EPM Departamento de PatologiaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia de Cabeça e PescoçoUNIFESP, EPM Depto. de PatologiaSciEL

    Round Table: 30 years of ABEI and 10 years of WB Yeats Chair of Irish Studies

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    The round table commemorating the thirtieth anniversary of the BrazilianAssociation of Irish Studies (ABEI) and tenth year of the W.B. Yeats Chair of Irish Studies was part of the XIV ABEI and II AEIS Symposium of Irish Studies - “The State of the Art: Local and Global Contexts in Dialogue”, and was held on August 15, 2019. The session was comprised by Dr Munira H. Mutran, honorary president of ABEI and director of the W.B. Yeats Chair of Irish Studies; Dr Laura P.Z. de Izarra, coordinator of the W.B. Yeats Chair and advisory member of ABEI; Dr Rosalie R. Haddad, advisory member of ABEI and researcher in the W.B. Yeats Chair, Alessandra Cristina Rigonato, PhD candidate at the University ofSão Paulo, and Eduardo Kumamoto, graduate from the University of São Paulo and Master in Literary Translation at Trinity College Dublin. The discussion, which revolved around the history of the founding of both ABEI and the Chair, and their current developments, was conducted by Dr Mariana Bolfarine, head of ABEI and researcher at the W.B. Yeats Chair of Irish Studies

    Terapia tópica para prevenção e tratamento da radiodermatite aguda das mamas: revisão integrativa da literatura

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    Introdução: A radioterapia desempenha um importante papel adjuvante ao tratamento cirúrgico do câncer de mama, pois diminui as taxas de recorrência local e aumenta a sobrevida global. Entretanto, até 95% das pacientes expostas à radiação ionizante desenvolverão algum grau de radiodermatite. O presente estudo revisa a literatura referente às terapias tópicas disponíveis para prevenção e tratamento da radiodermatite aguda das mamas, sintetizando as evidências disponíveis e auxiliando a tomada de decisão clínica. Métodos: Revisão integrativa da literatura publicada nos últimos 10 anos, utilizando as bases de dados LILACS, Medline e Biblioteca Cochrane. Foram utilizados os descritores neoplasias da mama, radiodermatite, higiene da pele e creme para a pele. Resultados: Dos 158 artigos encontrados, 48 foram incluídos nesta revisão. Foram identificadas 40 diferentes terapias tópicas que foram agrupadas em sete categorias para facilitar a análise e interpretação dos dados: fitoterápicos, hormônios/vitaminas/fatores de crescimento, corticoesteroides, barreira (filme ou creme), ácido hialurônico, curativos à base de prata e outros. Conclusão: Existe evidência científica proveniente de ensaios clínicos randomizados de boa qualidade embasando a indicação dos corticosteroides tópicos de alta (valerato de 17-betametasona) e média potência (furoato de mometasona 0,1%), assim como de filmes barreira como Mepitel®, Mepilex Lite® e Hydrofilm®, no manejo da radiodermatite aguda das mamas. As demais terapias não mostraram benefícios na prevenção e/ou tratamento da radiodermatite ou têm evidência científica limitada, contraindicando ou restringindo sua utilização na prática clínica

    A promising alternative for mature skin: the effects of phytoestrogens on human skin and its topical use

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    Skin quality deteriorates with age for various reasons, including hormone deficiencies. In women, the decline in estrogen levels during menopause plays an important role in skin degeneration, with consequent atrophy, collagen reduction, loss of elasticity, and impaired wound healing. Research has demonstrated the beneficial effects of topical phytoestrogen in preventing and repairing skin aging, with localized action and without side effects. The objective of this study was to review the relevant literature, demonstrating that this can be a safe and effective alternative for treating the skin of perimenopausal women

    Topical treatment for prevention and management of acute radiation dermatitis in breast cancer patients: an integrative review

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    Introduction: Radiotherapy plays an important adjuvant role in the surgical treatment of breast cancer by reducing locoregional recurrence and improving overall survival. However, up to 95% of patients experience some degree of radiodermatitis. This study aims to review the literature regarding topical agent therapies in preventing and treating acute radiation dermatitis in breast cancer patients. Methods: Integrative review of LILACS, Medline and Cochrane Library databases. We searched for original articles published between 2010 and 2020, including the descriptors breast neoplasms, radiodermatitis, skincare, and skin cream. Results: The initial search returned 158 articles. After screening for eligibility, 48 articles were included. Forty different topical agent therapies were identified and grouped into seven categories to facilitate data analysis: herbal medicines, hormones/vitamins/growth factors, topical corticosteroids, barrier products (film or cream), hyaluronic acid, silver-based dressings and others. Conclusions: This review identifies that topical corticosteroids of high (betamethasone-17-valerate) and medium potency (mometasone furoate 0.1%), as well as barrier films such as Mepitel®, Mepilex Lite®, and Hydrofilm®, are effective in managing acute breast radiodermatitis. The other topical agent therapies did not show benefits in preventing and/or treating acute radiodermatitis or have limited evidence