Round Table: 30 years of ABEI and 10 years of WB Yeats Chair of Irish Studies


The round table commemorating the thirtieth anniversary of the BrazilianAssociation of Irish Studies (ABEI) and tenth year of the W.B. Yeats Chair of Irish Studies was part of the XIV ABEI and II AEIS Symposium of Irish Studies - “The State of the Art: Local and Global Contexts in Dialogue”, and was held on August 15, 2019. The session was comprised by Dr Munira H. Mutran, honorary president of ABEI and director of the W.B. Yeats Chair of Irish Studies; Dr Laura P.Z. de Izarra, coordinator of the W.B. Yeats Chair and advisory member of ABEI; Dr Rosalie R. Haddad, advisory member of ABEI and researcher in the W.B. Yeats Chair, Alessandra Cristina Rigonato, PhD candidate at the University ofSão Paulo, and Eduardo Kumamoto, graduate from the University of São Paulo and Master in Literary Translation at Trinity College Dublin. The discussion, which revolved around the history of the founding of both ABEI and the Chair, and their current developments, was conducted by Dr Mariana Bolfarine, head of ABEI and researcher at the W.B. Yeats Chair of Irish Studies

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