30 research outputs found
Transition to Turbulence in Shear above the Tropopause
Evaluation of a new airborne microwave remote sensing radiometer by measuring the salinity gradients across the shelf of the Great Barrier Reef lagoon
Over the last ten years, some operational airborne remote sensing systems have become available for mapping surface salinity over large areas in near real time. A new dual-polarized Polarimetric L-band Multibeam Radiometer (PLMR) has been developed to improve accuracy and precision when compared with previous instrument generations. This paper reports on the first field evaluation of the performance of the PLMR by measuring salinity gradients in the central Great Barrier Reef. Before calibration, the raw salinity values of the PLMR and conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) differed by 3-6 psu. The calibration, which uses in situ salinity data to remove long-term drifts in the PLMR as well as environmental effects such as surface roughness and radiation from the sky and atmosphere, was carried out by equating the means of the PLMR and CTD salinity data over a subsection of the transect, after which 85% of the salinity values between the PLMR and CTD are within 0.1 psu along the complete transect. From offshore to inshore across the shelf, the PLMR shows an average cross-shelf salinity increase of about 0.4 psu and a decrease of 2 psu over the inshore 20 km at -19deg S (around Townsville) and -18deg S (around Lucinda), respectively. The average cross-shelf salinity increase was 0.3 psu for the offshore 100 km over all transects. These results are consistent with the in situ CTD results. This survey shows that PLMR provided an effective method of rapidly measuring the surface salinity in near real time when a calibration could be made
Discovery of Holocene ooid shoals in a siliciclastic delta, De Grey River, North West Shelf, Australia
Onshore and offshore site investigations along the dryland tide-dominated De Grey River delta (northwestern Australia) led to the unexpected discovery of the largest yet-known marine ooid shoals in the Indo-Pacific region. Ooids exhibit up to 60 tangential aragonitic laminae that were formed around fluvial sediment grains during the late Holocene. Covering an area >1250 km2, their spatial extent rivals in size individual ooid shoals from the Bahamas. Shoals appear to be spatially linked with the De Grey River, suggesting that fluvial outputs, combined with a macrotidal range, facilitated the precipitation of the ooids. Following their formation, ooids were reworked through tidal and wave processes along the delta. As a result, the delta sedimentary features, including beach ridges, mouth bars, and distributary channels, are composed of ooids. This discovery broadens the range of depositional and climatic environments in which ooids can form and demonstrates that fluvial runoff may not inhibit aragonite precipitation. Such a configuration also provides a unique analogue for ancient ooids found in association with siliciclastic grains and further indicates that the interpretation of typical siliciclastic geomorphologies from geophysical data does not preclude the presence of carbonate grains.Discovery of Holocene ooid shoals in a siliciclastic delta, De Grey River, North West Shelf, AustraliapublishedVersio
Anatomy of Cirrus Clouds: Results from the Emerald Airborne Campaigns
Monitoring Water Diversity and Water Quality with Remote Sensing and Traits
Changes and disturbances to water diversity and quality are complex and multi-scale in space and time. Although in situ methods provide detailed point information on the condition of water bodies, they are of limited use for making area-based monitoring over time, as aquatic ecosystems are extremely dynamic. Remote sensing (RS) provides methods and data for the cost-effective, comprehensive, continuous and standardised monitoring of characteristics and changes in characteristics of water diversity and water quality from local and regional scales to the scale of entire continents. In order to apply and better understand RS techniques and their derived spectral indicators in monitoring water diversity and quality, this study defines five characteristics of water diversity and quality that can be monitored using RS. These are the diversity of water traits, the diversity of water genesis, the structural diversity of water, the taxonomic diversity of water and the functional diversity of water. It is essential to record the diversity of water traits to derive the other four characteristics of water diversity from RS. Furthermore, traits are the only and most important interface between in situ and RS monitoring approaches. The monitoring of these five characteristics of water diversity and water quality using RS technologies is presented in detail and discussed using numerous examples. Finally, current and future developments are presented to advance monitoring using RS and the trait approach in modelling, prediction and assessment as a basis for successful monitoring and management strategies.This research received no external funding.Peer Reviewe
Monitoring Water Diversity and Water Quality with Remote Sensing and Traits
Changes and disturbances to water diversity and quality are complex and multi-scale in space and time. Although in situ methods provide detailed point information on the condition of water bodies, they are of limited use for making area-based monitoring over time, as aquatic ecosystems are extremely dynamic. Remote sensing (RS) provides methods and data for the cost-effective, comprehensive, continuous and standardised monitoring of characteristics and changes in characteristics of water diversity and water quality from local and regional scales to the scale of entire continents. In order to apply and better understand RS techniques and their derived spectral indicators in monitoring water diversity and quality, this study defines five characteristics of water diversity and quality that can be monitored using RS. These are the diversity of water traits, the diversity of water genesis, the structural diversity of water, the taxonomic diversity of water and the functional diversity of water. It is essential to record the diversity of water traits to derive the other four characteristics of water diversity from RS. Furthermore, traits are the only and most important interface between in situ and RS monitoring approaches. The monitoring of these five characteristics of water diversity and water quality using RS technologies is presented in detail and discussed using numerous examples. Finally, current and future developments are presented to advance monitoring using RS and the trait approach in modelling, prediction and assessment as a basis for successful monitoring and management strategies
Aboriginal artefacts on the continental shelf reveal ancient drowned cultural landscapes in northwest Australia
This article reports Australia’s first confirmed ancient underwater archaeological sites from the continental shelf, located off the Murujuga coastline in north-western Australia. Details on two underwater sites are reported: Cape Bruguieres, comprising > 260 recorded lithic artefacts at depths down to −2.4 m below sea level, and Flying Foam Passage where the find spot is associated with a submerged freshwater spring at −14 m. The sites were discovered through a purposeful research strategy designed to identify underwater targets, using an iterative process incorporating a variety of aerial and underwater remote sensing techniques and diver investigation within a predictive framework to map the submerged landscape within a depth range of 0–20 m. The condition and context of the lithic artefacts are analysed in order to unravel their depositional and taphonomic history and to corroborate their in situ position on a pre-inundation land surface, taking account of known geomorphological and climatic processes including cyclone activity that could have caused displacement and transportation from adjacent coasts. Geomorphological data and radiometric dates establish the chronological limits of the sites and demonstrate that they cannot be later than 7000 cal BP and 8500 cal BP respectively, based on the dates when they were finally submerged by sea-level rise. Comparison of underwater and onshore lithic assemblages shows differences that are consistent with this chronological interpretation. This article sets a foundation for the research strategies and technologies needed to identify archaeological targets at greater depth on the Australian continental shelf and elsewhere, building on the results presented. Emphasis is also placed on the need for legislation to better protect and manage underwater cultural heritage on the 2 million square kilometres of drowned landscapes that were once available for occupation in Australia, and where a major part of its human history must lie waiting to be discovered
Remote sensing of geomorphodiversity linked to biodiversity — part III: traits, processes and remote sensing characteristics
Remote sensing (RS) enables a cost-effective, extensive, continuous and standardized monitoring of traits and trait variations of geomorphology and its processes, from the local to the continental scale. To implement and better understand RS techniques and the spectral indicators derived from them in the monitoring of geomorphology, this paper presents a new perspective for the definition and recording of five characteristics of geomorphodiversity with RS, namely: geomorphic genesis diversity, geomorphic trait diversity, geomorphic structural diversity, geomorphic taxonomic diversity, and geomorphic functional diversity. In this respect, geomorphic trait diversity is the cornerstone and is essential for recording the other four characteristics using RS technologies. All five characteristics are discussed in detail in this paper and reinforced with numerous examples from various RS technologies. Methods for classifying the five characteristics of geomorphodiversity using RS, as well as the constraints of monitoring the diversity of geomorphology using RS, are discussed. RS-aided techniques that can be used for monitoring geomorphodiversity in regimes with changing land-use intensity are presented. Further, new approaches of geomorphic traits that enable the monitoring of geomorphodiversity through the valorisation of RS data from multiple missions are discussed as well as the ecosystem integrity approach. Likewise, the approach of monitoring the five characteristics of geomorphodiversity recording with RS is discussed, as are existing approaches for recording spectral geomorhic traits/ trait variation approach and indicators, along with approaches for assessing geomorphodiversity. It is shown that there is no comparable approach with which to define and record the five characteristics of geomorphodiversity using only RS data in the literature. Finally, the importance of the digitization process and the use of data science for research in the field of geomorphology in the 21st century is elucidated and discussed
Aboveground biomass density models for NASA's Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) lidar mission
NASA's Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) is collecting spaceborne full waveform lidar data with a primary science goal of producing accurate estimates of forest aboveground biomass density (AGBD). This paper presents the development of the models used to create GEDI's footprint-level (similar to 25 m) AGBD (GEDI04_A) product, including a description of the datasets used and the procedure for final model selection. The data used to fit our models are from a compilation of globally distributed spatially and temporally coincident field and airborne lidar datasets, whereby we simulated GEDI-like waveforms from airborne lidar to build a calibration database. We used this database to expand the geographic extent of past waveform lidar studies, and divided the globe into four broad strata by Plant Functional Type (PFT) and six geographic regions. GEDI's waveform-to-biomass models take the form of parametric Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) models with simulated Relative Height (RH) metrics as predictor variables. From an exhaustive set of candidate models, we selected the best input predictor variables, and data transformations for each geographic stratum in the GEDI domain to produce a set of comprehensive predictive footprint-level models. We found that model selection frequently favored combinations of RH metrics at the 98th, 90th, 50th, and 10th height above ground-level percentiles (RH98, RH90, RH50, and RH10, respectively), but that inclusion of lower RH metrics (e.g. RH10) did not markedly improve model performance. Second, forced inclusion of RH98 in all models was important and did not degrade model performance, and the best performing models were parsimonious, typically having only 1-3 predictors. Third, stratification by geographic domain (PFT, geographic region) improved model performance in comparison to global models without stratification. Fourth, for the vast majority of strata, the best performing models were fit using square root transformation of field AGBD and/or height metrics. There was considerable variability in model performance across geographic strata, and areas with sparse training data and/or high AGBD values had the poorest performance. These models are used to produce global predictions of AGBD, but will be improved in the future as more and better training data become available
Comparison of Aircraft and Ground-Based Flux Measurements during OASIS95