40 research outputs found

    Time-dependent simulation of the flow reduction of D2 and T2 in the KATRIN experiment

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    The KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino experiment (KATRIN) aims to measure the effective electron anti-neutrino mass with an unprecedented sensitivity of 0.2 eV/c², using β-electrons from tritium decay. Superconducting magnets will guide the electrons through a vacuum beamline from the windowless gaseous tritium source through differential and cryogenic pumping sections to a high resolution spectrometer. At the same time tritium gas has to be prevented from entering the spectrometer. Therefore, the pumping sections have to reduce the tritium flow by at least 14 orders of magnitude. This paper describes various simulation methods in the molecular flow regime used to determine the expected gas flow reduction in the pumping sections for deuterium (commissioning runs) and for radioactive tritium. Simulations with MolFlow+ and with an analytical model are compared with each other, and with the stringent requirements of the KATRIN experiment

    Neutral tritium gas reduction in the KATRIN differential pumping sections

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    The KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino experiment (KATRIN) aims to measure the effective electron anti-neutrino mass with an unprecedented sensitivity of 0.2 eV/c20.2\,\mathrm{eV}/\mathrm{c}^2, using β\beta-electrons from tritium decay. The electrons are guided magnetically by a system of superconducting magnets through a vacuum beamline from the windowless gaseous tritium source through differential and cryogenic pumping sections to a high resolution spectrometer and a segmented silicon pin detector. At the same time tritium gas has to be prevented from entering the spectrometer. Therefore, the pumping sections have to reduce the tritium flow by more than 14 orders of magnitude. This paper describes the measurement of the reduction factor of the differential pumping section performed with high purity tritium gas during the first measurement campaigns of the KATRIN experiment. The reduction factor results are compared with previously performed simulations, as well as the stringent requirements of the KATRIN experiment.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Vacuu

    Commissioning of the vacuum system of the KATRIN Main Spectrometer

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    The KATRIN experiment will probe the neutrino mass by measuring the beta-electron energy spectrum near the endpoint of tritium beta-decay. An integral energy analysis will be performed by an electro-static spectrometer (Main Spectrometer), an ultra-high vacuum vessel with a length of 23.2 m, a volume of 1240 m^3, and a complex inner electrode system with about 120000 individual parts. The strong magnetic field that guides the beta-electrons is provided by super-conducting solenoids at both ends of the spectrometer. Its influence on turbo-molecular pumps and vacuum gauges had to be considered. A system consisting of 6 turbo-molecular pumps and 3 km of non-evaporable getter strips has been deployed and was tested during the commissioning of the spectrometer. In this paper the configuration, the commissioning with bake-out at 300{\deg}C, and the performance of this system are presented in detail. The vacuum system has to maintain a pressure in the 10^{-11} mbar range. It is demonstrated that the performance of the system is already close to these stringent functional requirements for the KATRIN experiment, which will start at the end of 2016.Comment: submitted for publication in JINST, 39 pages, 15 figure

    Reduction of stored-particle background by a magnetic pulse method at the KATRIN experiment

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    The KATRIN experiment aims to determine the effective electron neutrino mass with a sensitivity of 0.2 eV/c2 (%90 CL) by precision measurement of the shape of the tritium β-spectrum in the endpoint region. The energy analysis of the decay electrons is achieved by a MAC-E filter spectrometer. A common background source in this setup is the decay of short-lived isotopes, such as 219Rn and 220Rn, in the spectrometer volume. Active and passive countermeasures have been implemented and tested at the KATRIN main spectrometer. One of these is the magnetic pulse method, which employs the existing air coil system to reduce the magnetic guiding field in the spectrometer on a short timescale in order to remove low- and high-energy stored electrons. Here we describe the working principle of this method and present results from commissioning measurements at the main spectrometer. Simulations with the particle-tracking software Kassiopeia were carried out to gain a detailed understanding of the electron storage conditions and removal processes