24 research outputs found


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    Divlja svinja u Republici Hrvatskoj autohtona je vrsta. Zakonski spada u krupnu, lovostajem zaštićenu vrstu divljači. Krajem prošlog stoljeća tjerana nagonom za širenjem svoje vrste plivanjem dolazi na otok. Krk je danas veoma kvalitetno stanište za život krupne divljači. Obilje hrane, vode, gusta vegetacija, raznolikost staništa, mir u lovištu, kvalitetno tlo, zapuštanje poljoprivrednih površina koje se pretvaraju u šikaru, rezultira stalnim prirastom postojeće divljači kao i zauzimanje prostora od nove pristigle divljači. Nekada je otok izgledao bitno drugačije nego kako izgleda danas. Obrađivao se svaki komadić zemlje, a danas se većina prepušta sukcesiji. Nova situacija u staništu uvjetuje i pojavu novih životinjskih vrsta. Upravo ovakva situacija pogoduje krupnoj, a ne odgovara sitnoj divljači. Divlje svinje nalaze se i u nelovnim površinama, gdje dolaze zbog hrane i mira, budući se tu zbog zakonskih propisa ne vrši lov. Nelovne površine služe kao rezervat iz kojeg nastanjuju najkvalitetnija staništa. «Crna divljač» na otoku Krku smatra se nepoželjnom vrstom divljači, te se sukladno naredbama ministarstva lovi cijele godine, bez obzira na spol i dob. Zbog odstrjela krmača vodilja, kvalitetnog staništa i velikog odstrjela bucanje i prašenje traje tijekom cijele lovne godine. Divljač pokušava opstati koristeći svoje prirodne mehanizme za očuvanje svoje vrste. U devet lovnih godina s otoka je izlučeno 3.602 grla divljih svinja. Kvalitetu staništa potvrđuje i snaga trofeja odstreljenih veprova, koja zbog nepravilnog odstrjela opada. Želja za potpunim izlučenjem divlje svinje s otoka Krka borba je sa prirodom, a za sada priroda uvijek pobjeđuje. Da li će tako biti i ovoga puta pokazati će budućnostThe wild boar is a native species in the Republic of Croatia. This large game animal is protected by law in closed season. At the end of the last century, driven by instinct to expand its species, it swam from the mainland to the island of Krk. Today Krk provides an excellent habitat for large game animals. Due to an abundance of food, water, dense vegetation, habitat diversity, peaceful hunting ground, fertile ground, abandoned farming areas which have been turning into thick underbrush, the existing game is on a constant increase while new arrivals crowd the existing habitat. The island has changed much and the landscape is not what it was once. Each parcel of land was once cultivated, while today it is left to succession. The new situation in the habitat has caused the emergence of new animal species. It is exactly this type of situation that suits the large and not the small game animals. Wild boars are found in areas not designated for hunting where they come to feed in a peaceful environment since by law hunting is prohibited there. Areas not designated for hunting serve as a game refuge and as such are considered to be habitats of the highest quality. The “black game” on the island of Krk is considered an undesirable type of game animal and pursuant to regulations may be hunted throughout the year, regardless of its sex or age. Due to the eradication of dominant female wild boars, excellent habitat and the large number of killings, mating lasts throughout the entire hunting season. The wild boar tries to survive using its natural mechanisms to preserve its species. In the nine years of hunting 3,602 head of wild boars were eradicated. The quality of the habitat is measured by the number of male boars that were killed as trophies, this being on the decline due to irregular killings. The desire to completely eradicate the wild boar from the island of Krk is a battle against nature and nature is winning, for now. Will this be the case now, only the future will tell

    Bisphenol a imprinted electrochemical sensor based on graphene quantum dots with boron functionalized g-c3n4 in food samples

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    A molecular imprinted electrochemical sensor based on boron-functionalized graphitic carbon nitride (B-g-C3N4) and graphene quantum dots (GQDs) was presented for selective determination of bisphenol A (BPA). In particular, by combining the selectivity and high stability properties, which are the most important advantages of molecular imprinted polymers, and the highly sensitive properties of GQDs/B-g-C3N4 nanocomposite, a highly selective and sensitive analytical method was developed for BPA analysis. Firstly, GQDs/B-g-C3N4 nanocomposite was characterized by using microscopic, spectroscopic, and electrochemical techniques. This novel molecular imprinted electrochemical sensor for BPA detection demonstrated a linearity of 1.0 x 10(-11)-1.0 x 10(-9) M and a low detection limit (LOD, 3.0 x 10(-12) M). BPA-imprinted polymer on GQDs/B-g-C3N4 nanocomposite also showed good stability, repeatability and selectivity in food samples

    Thiols: Role in Oxidative Stress-Related Disorders

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    The effects of oxidative stress occur as a result of peroxidative damage of the macromolecule and membranes of the cells and with the disruption of metabolic activities in the components of the cells in living organisms. Organ and tissue pathologies are known to occur when oxidative stress is excessive in the body. It is known that thiols are one of the main protective mechanisms of the body against oxidative stress. Thiols have been shown to play important roles in enzymatic reactions, apoptosis, detoxification and antioxidant protection in the body. Many studies have shown changes in thiol status and thiol/disulphide homeostasis in various diseases such as digestive system, respiratory system, reproductive system, urinary system, metabolic diseases and cancer. This also shows that the thiol state is very important in the pathogenesis of oxidative stress-mediated diseases. Therefore, it is thought that interventions that can improve thiol status may contribute to the prevention or treatment of oxidative stress-related diseases

    An Overview of the Biochemical and Histopathological Effects of Insecticides

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    The number of studies on insecticides, which constitute an important class of pesticides, is increasing day by day. These chemicals used in the fight against pests in the field of agriculture; It is also used to fight mosquitoes and insects in homes, gardens and rural areas. Excessive use of insecticides has adversely affected many beneficial organisms besides target organisms. As a result of the negative effects of insecticides on non-target organisms, the normal balance of nature has been disturbed and this has led to the decline of some living species in the world. In many studies from the past to the present, it has been shown that these insecticides have negative effects on the environment, human and animal health. Some of these chemicals, which have many benefits in the fight against agricultural pests, have been banned due to their harmful effects on non-target organisms as a result of excessive use. Today, however, these chemicals are still used intensively against agricultural pests, threatening non-target organisms and human health. For this reason, in this book chapter we have prepared, the negative effects of insecticides on living things are examined by reviewing biochemical and histopathological studies

    Evaluation of oxidative stress factors in patients with osteoporosis

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    Osteoporosis is an important disease with an increasing incidence that leads to serious losses in physical function and adversely affecting the life quality of women especially in postmenopausal period. Age, genetic structure, vitamin D and K abnormalities, estrogen deficiency, chronic inflammation and oxidative stress are considered among the most important risk factors for osteoporosis. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the plasma paraoxonase (PON1) activity, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), total sialic acid (TSA) and total oxidant/antioxidant status (TOS/TAS) of patients with osteoporosis in this study. Comparisons of 25 female patients diagnosed with osteoporosis aged between 51-67 and 10 healthy women between the ages ranged 50-68 were made in this study. PON1 activity, HDL, TSA, TOS and TAS levels were measured by spectrophotometrical method in plasma samples that obtained from blood samples of patients and healthy individuals. Results were expressed as mean ± standard deviation. Plasma PON1 activity, TAS and HDL levels were significantly lower in patiens with osteoporosis than the healty group (p [Med-Science 2017; 6(3.000): 479-82

    Acid baking of spent lithium ion batteries for selective recovery of major metals: A two-step process

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    The present work focuses on a two-step process for selective dissolution of metals from cathode active material of spent LIBs. Cathode powder baked at 300 °C using H2SO4 being subjected to first stage leaching with water extracted 78.6% Li, 80.4% Co in 60 min at 75 °C and 25% pulp density; recovery of Ni and Mn being low (<15%). In second stage, reductive leaching was performed using an acid mixture (H2SO4 and HNO3) with glucose solubilizing 67% Ni, 64.8% Mn in 45 min. The overall recovery of the metals was 93.2% Li, 90.52% Co, 82.8% Ni, 77.7% Mn

    Comparision of Different Reductants in Leaching of Spent Lithium Ion Batteries

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    The present work focuses on the processing of cathode active material of spent lithium ion batteries to improve the recovery of constituent metals using reducing agents. Reductants enhance the solubility of metals, which hitherto have been solubilised to a lesser extent using only acid as leaching agent. Thus, we have investigated sulfuric acid leaching in the presence of sodium bisulfite comparing its efficiency with hydrogen peroxide. By simple acid leaching using 1 M H2SO4 at 368 K and 50 g/L pulp density, 93.4% Li, 66.2% Co, 96.3% Ni and 50.2% Mn were recovered in 240 min. In the presence of 5% H2O2 as a reducing agent at 368 K with 1 M H2SO4 and 50 g/L pulp density, the leaching of cobalt (79.2%) and manganese (84.6%) were significantly improved in 240 min. With the addition of 0.075 M NaHSO3 as a reducing agent, ~96.7% Li, 91.6% Co, 96.4% Ni and 87.9% Mn were recovered under similar conditions. Sodium bisulfite addition results in better recovery of cobalt and manganese by reducing them to their lower oxidation states. The HSC evaluation of thermodynamic feasibility vis-à-vis x-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy characterization of residues generated by leaching with hydrogen peroxide and sodium bisulfite substantiates the governing mechanism

    Recovery of base and precious metals from scrap TV boards using zig-zag air separator

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    Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipments (WEEE) is one of the fastest growing waste streams in the world. The treatment of WEEE with high content of precious metals (Au in particular) has received the most attention due to their high economic potential. The development of simple, environmentally friendly and cost-effective methods for the recovery of metals from “low-value” WEEE (e.g., &lt;100 g/t Au) is important from the circular economy perspective. In this study, the separation of base (Cu) and precious (Ag) metals from scrap TV boards (STVBs) by using a zig-zag air separator was investigated. Size-reduced scrap STVBs (-1 mm) were subjected to separation tests after the removal of the fine fraction (-0.1 mm). The sized scrap material (-1 +0.1 mm) was determined to have a metal content of 15.4% Cu, 47 g/t Ag and 0.05% Fe, with no gold. In the air separation tests, the effect of air flow rate (4-16 m/s) on the recovery of metals was studied. Increasing the air flow rate resulted in low metal recoveries with concurrent high metal grades in the concentrate. Separation efficiency (%) calculations showed that the most efficient separation is obtained at the highest air flow rate of 16 m/s. At this flow rate, 15.4% of the material was recovered in the concentrate which contains 62.3% Cu and 198 g/t Ag with recoveries of 63.3% Cu and 73.9% Ag. The findings indicated that zig-zag air separators can be used to obtain a metal-rich fraction under suitable conditions of the flow regime

    Investigation of The Serum Total Antioxidant, Oxidant and Sialic Acid Levels of Cyprinus carpio (L. 1758) Treated With Tebuconazole (Fungicide)

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    Bu çalışmada, bir fungusit olarak kullanılan tebukonazol’ün Cyprinus carpio (L., 1758)’da se-rum total antioksidan (TAS), oksidan (TOS) ve sialik asit (TSA) düzeyleri üzerine etkisinin araştırılması amaçlandı. Balıkların 15 gün süre ile laboratuar ortamına adaptasyonları sağlan-dıktan sonra, her grupta 6 adet balık bulunan 3 grup oluşturuldu. Grup I’de bulunan balıklar normal su ortamında, grup II ve III ise sırasıyla 2 ve 3 mg/L tebukonazol eklenen tanklarda 14 gün süre ile bekletildi. Balıklardan kan örnekleri alındı ve serumları ayrıldı. Daha sonra, TAS, TOS ve TSA düzeyleri analiz edildi. Serum TAS düzeylerinin kontrol grubuna kıyasla tebuko-nazol uygulanan gruplarda azalırken, TOS ve TSA bakımından artışlar olduğu saptandı. Sonuç olarak, tebukonazol uygulamalarının Cyprinus carpio’nun serum TAS, TOS ve TSA düzeyleri üzerinde önemli değişiklikler meydana getirdiği tespit edildi.In the present study was aimed to investigate effects on the levels of serum total antioxidant (TAS), oxidant (TOS) and sialic acid (TSA) in Cyprinus carpio (L., 1758) of tebuconazole used as a fungicide. The fishes were kept in tanks for 15 days in terms of adaptation. After, it was formed three groups each containing 6 fishes. Group II and III were placed into separate tanks containing respectively 2 and 3 mg/L tebuconazole and also group I was placed into normal water for 14 days. It were taken the blood samples from fishes and analyzed the levels of serum TAS, TOS and TSA. Even though the serum TAS levels of Tebuconazole-treated groups were lower compared the control group, in terms of TOS and TSA levels was deter-mined the increases. In conclusion, it was determined that tebuconazole treatments caused im-portant changes on the levels of serum TAS, TOS and TSA in carps