11 research outputs found

    Water harvesting and supplemental irrigation for improved water use efficiency in dry areas

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    Productivity / Water harvesting / Runoff / Water storage / Crop production / Water use efficiency / Arid lands / Water resources development / Rain-fed farming / Supplementary irrigation / Irrigation scheduling / Environmental effects / Research priorities / Case studies / West Asia / North Africa / India / Libya / Syria / Burkina Faso

    Water harvesting and supplemental irrigation for improved water use efficiency in dry areas

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    This paper aims to describe the state of theart of both water harvesting (WH) andsupplemental irrigation (SI) techniques in the temperate and sub-tropical dry lands, especiallyin the countries of WANA that are characterized by a Mediterranean-type climate. In addition,three case studies of water harvesting are presented (see annex). These were selected from the case studies presented at the FAO Expert Consultation Cairo (1994). By sharing with us the success and the failure of these endeavors, the authors of the case studies illustrate many of the points that are made in the text. They also illustrate how difficult it is to successfully introduce new technologies to farmers, who at the outset are not usually familiar with the intended purpose of the changes. Also, this paper emphasises that it is difficult to assess the potential for adoption without more studies to assess the risks and economic returns of the alternative techniques and practices

    Assessment of irrigation shortfall using WATHNET in the Otago region of New Zealand

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    Pathways for increasing agricultural water productivity

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    In Molden, David (Ed.). Water for food, water for life: a Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London, UK: Earthscan; Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI)

    Modelagem da infiltração de água no solo sob condições de estratificação utilizando-se a equação de Green-Ampt Modeling of water infiltration in soil under stratified conditions using the Green-Ampt equation

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    A infiltração de água no solo é um dos mais significantes processos do ciclo hidrológico. A equação de Green-Ampt (GA) é bastante utilizada na modelagem da infiltração; entretanto, diversos autores alertam para a necessidade de adequação de seus parâmetros de entrada (umidade de saturação (tetas); condutividade hidráulica do solo saturado (K0) e potencial matricial na frente de umedecimento (psi). Neste sentido, avaliou-se a aplicabilidade do modelo de GA, assim como as diversas proposições de adequação de K0 e psi, em um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo sob condições de estratificação. Determinaram-se a infiltração acumulada (I), a taxa de infiltração (Ti) e as características físicas do perfil necessárias para a aplicação do modelo. Foram feitas simulações com base na combinação de seis metodologias para a determinação de psi e três para a condutividade hidráulica da zona de transmissão (Kw), verificando-se que as combinações seguintes simularam bem o processo de infiltração: Kw igual a 0,5 K0 associado a psi determinado com base na umidade inicial do solo (psi (tetai)); Kw igual à taxa de infiltração estável (Tie) associado a psi igual à média entre psi (tetai) e psi relativo à umidade de saturação de campo (psi (tetaw)); e Kw igual a K0 associado a psi calculado com base na textura e porosidade do solo (psi(textura)) e Kw igual à Tie associado a psi(textura).<br>Soil water infiltration is one of the most important processes of the hydrological cycle. The Green and Ampt equation (GA) is quite used to simulate the infiltration process, however, several authors showed the necessity of some adaptations in the GA parameters: saturation moisture (thetas), hydraulic conductivity (K0) and mean suction in the wetting front (psi). An evaluation was made of the GA model and of the several correction propositions of K0 and psi, applied in a stratified Red-Yellow Latosol. A soil box filled with soil material belonging to three horizons of the studied soil was used. The accumulated infiltration (I), infiltration rate (Ti), as well as the physical characteristics of the profile needed for the application of the model were determined. Simulations based on the combination among six methodologies for the determination of psi was made and three for the determination of hydraulic conductivity in the transmission zone (Kw). The following combinations simulated well the infiltration process: Kw equal to 0,5 K0 associated to psi relative to the initial moisture content (psi(thetai)); Kw equals to the stable infiltration rate (Tie) associated to psi equal to the mean among psi (thetai) and psi relative to the saturation field moisture (psi (thetaw)); Kw equal to K0 associated to psi calculated with base in the texture and porosity of the soil and Kw equal to Tie associated to psi calculated on the basis of texture and porosity of the soil