78 research outputs found

    Expression of enzymatically inactive wasp venom phospholipase A1 in Pichia pastoris

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    Wasp venom allergy is the most common insect venom allergy in Europe. It is manifested by large local reaction or anaphylactic shock occurring after a wasp sting. The allergy can be treated by specific immunotherapy with whole venom extracts. Wasp venom is difficult and costly to obtain and is a subject to composition variation, therefore it can be advantageous to substitute it with a cocktail of recombinant allergens. One of the major venom allergens is phospholipase A1, which so far has been expressed in Escherichia coli and in insect cells. Our aim was to produce the protein in secreted form in yeast Pichia pastoris, which can give high yields of correctly folded protein on defined minimal medium and secretes relatively few native proteins simplifying purification. Residual amounts of enzymatically active phospholipase A1 could be expressed, but the venom protein had a deleterious effect on growth of the yeast cells. To overcome the problem we introduced three different point mutations at the critical points of the active site, where serine137, aspartate165 or histidine229 were replaced by alanine (S137A, D165A and H229A). All the three mutated forms could be expressed in P. pastoris. The H229A mutant did not have any detectable phospholipase A1 activity and was secreted up to the level of 4 mg/L in shake flask culture. It was purified by nickel‐affinity chromatography and its identity was confirmed by MALDI‐TOF mass spectrometry. The protein could bind IgE antibodies from wasp venom allergic patients and could inhibit the binding of wasp venom to IgE antibodies specific for phospholipase A1 as shown by Enzyme Allergo‐Sorbent Test (EAST). Moreover, the recombinant protein was allergenic in a biological assay as demonstrated by its capability to induce histamine release of wasp venom‐sensitive basophils. The recombinant phospholipase A1 presents a good candidate for wasp venom immunotherapy

    Crystal Structure of Barley Limit Dextrinase-Limit Dextrinase Inhibitor (LD-LDI) Complex Reveals Insights into Mechanism and Diversity of Cereal Type Inhibitors

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    Molecular details underlying regulation of starch mobilization in cereal seed endosperm remain unknown despite the paramount role of this process in plant growth. The structure of the complex between the starch debranching enzyme barley limit dextrinase (LD), hydrolyzing α-1,6-glucosidic linkages, and its endogenous inhibitor (LDI) was solved at 2.7 Å. The structure reveals an entirely new and unexpected binding mode of LDI as compared with previously solved complex structures of related cereal type family inhibitors (CTIs) bound to glycoside hydrolases but is structurally analogous to binding of dual specificity CTIs to proteases. Site-directed mutagenesis establishes that a hydrophobic cluster flanked by ionic interactions in the protein-protein interface is vital for the picomolar affinity of LDI to LD as assessed by analysis of binding by using surface plasmon resonance and also supported by LDI inhibition of the enzyme activity. A phylogenetic analysis identified four LDI-like proteins in cereals among the 45 sequences from monocot databases that could be classified as unique CTI sequences. The unprecedented binding mechanism shown here for LDI has likely evolved in cereals from a need for effective inhibition of debranching enzymes having characteristic open active site architecture. The findings give a mechanistic rationale for the potency of LD activity regulation and provide a molecular understanding of the debranching events associated with optimal starch mobilization and utilization during germination. This study unveils a hitherto not recognized structural basis for the features endowing diversity to CTIs

    Activity-based protein profiling of retaining Îą-amylases in complex biological samples

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    Amylases are key enzymes in the processing of starch in many kingdoms of life. They are important catalysts in industrial biotechnology where they are applied in, among others, food processing and the production of detergents. In man amylases are the first enzymes in the digestion of starch to glucose and arguably also the preferred target in therapeutic strategies aimed at the treatment of type 2 diabetes patients through down-tuning glucose assimilation. Efficient and sensitive assays that report selectively on retaining amylase activities irrespective of the nature and complexity of the biomaterial studied are of great value both in finding new and effective human amylase inhibitors and in the discovery of new microbial amylases with potentially advantageous features for biotechnological application. Activity-based protein profiling (ABPP) of retaining glycosidases is inherently suited for the development of such an assay format. We here report on the design and synthesis of 1,6-epi-cyclophellitol-based pseudodisaccharides equipped with a suite of reporter entities and their use in ABPP of retaining amylases from human saliva, murine tissue as well as secretomes from fungi grown on starch. The activity and efficiency of the inhibitors and probes are substantiated by extensive biochemical analysis, and the selectivity for amylases over related retaining endoglycosidases is validated by structural studies.Bio-organic SynthesisMedical Biochemistr
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