9 research outputs found


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    Quality is something that must be considered by every company when carrying out the production process in order to get results that are in accordance with standards. PT. XYZ is a company engaged in manufacturing which produces several types of plastics. One type of plastic that is produced by the company and often used by the public is HD plastic in the form of a plastic bag used for shopping. After conducting the research, the product defect in this type of plastic exceeds the defect standard that has been set at 3%. So this research is done using the fishbone analysis method which is used to analyze the factors that affect the quality of plastic bag products. The steps in solving this problem are using CTQ to identify defects in a product. Then do the DPMO and Sigma Level calculations. After that, identify the cause of the problem with the disability that occurs. This problem can be solved using the FMEA method to find out what problems will be solved first. Keywords: Fishbone Analysis, FMEA, DPMO, Sigma Level &nbsp

    Program Pendampingan Pengendalian Kualitas Dodol “D’Tungku” Melalui Pendekatan Sanitasi Pangan

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    Dodol is classified as a semi-wet snack with a chewy texture and does not last long to be stored because it is susceptible to microbial contamination. Handling dodol from the production process to packaging needs to consider food safety so that its quality can be maintained and food contamination can be avoided. Sanitation Standard Process Procedure (SSOP) is one of the main requirements for food processing, including dodol. Food sanitation is an essential part of the dodol quality control process. This community service (PkM) aims to provide assistance and training to improve the quality of dodol in the "D'Tungku" betawi dodol business Hj Muhaya Bojong Gede Bogor. A straightforward application of food sanitation can be seen in workers' clothes. Production clothing must cover all parts of the body, thereby reducing contamination originating from the individual's body, such as sweat. Headgear and masks complement production clothing to protect against product contamination, especially hair and respiratory droplets. In addition to the dodol production process, the packaging process is also an essential part of maintaining the quality of dodol. This PkM provides several alternative proposals for dodol packaging, including vacuum packaging, which aims to make dodol more widely accepted. This PkM is expected to bring benefits to Hj. Muhaya's "D'Tungku" dodol business.Dodol digolongkan sebagai makanan ringan semi basah bertekstur kenyal serta tidak bertahan lama untuk disimpan karena rentan kontaminasi mikroorganisme. Penanganan dodol mulai dari proses produksi sampai pengemasan perlu mempertimbangkan keamanan pangan agar kualitasnya dapat dipertahankan dan kontaminasi pangan dapat dihindari. Sanitation Standard Process Procedure (SSOP) merupakan salah satu persyaratan utama yang harus dilakukan dalam pengolahan bahan pangan termasuk dodol. Sanitasi pangan menjadi bagian penting dalam proses pengendalian kualitas dodol. Tujuan dilakukan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini (PkM) ini adalah untuk memberikan pedampingan dan pelatihan peningkatan kualitas dodol di usaha dodol betawi “D’Tungku” Hj Muhaya Bojong Gede Bogor. Salah satu penerapan sanitasi pangan secara sederhana dapat dilihat dari pakaian pekerja. Pakaian produksi harus menutupi semua bagian tubuh, sehingga mengurangi adanya kontaminasi yang berasal dari tubuh individu, seperti keringat. Penutup kepala dan masker melengkapi pakaian produksi, dengan fungsi untuk melindungi produk kontaminasi khusunya rambut dan percikan pernapasan. Selain pada saat proses produksi dodol, proses pengemasan juga menjadi bagian penting dalam menjaga kualitas dodol. PkM ini memberikan beberapa usulan alternatif kemasan dodol termasuk kemasan vakum yang bertujuan agar dapat dodol dapat diterima lebih luas. PkM ini diharapkan membawa manfaat terhadap usaha dodol “D’Tungku” Hj Muhaya

    Pendampingan Manajemen Kualitas Produksi Tas di PT TIJ

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    PT TIJ is a company that produces the local brand "LC," which is located in Depok, West Java. According to data for June-August 2022, there are significant product returns of around 1-7%, and a repair process is needed during production. Quality control at PT TIJ is carried out by checking goods one by one by supervisors and production operators. Recording quality problems is only done by labeling the products that need repair. The Quality Assurance (QA) department only records the number of products that need repair. Documentation of specific defects that often occur has never been done. Documentation is one of the essential things for quality control because quality data plays a significant role in making process improvement decisions. This PkM program is carried out by providing training materials for implementing an integrated system of sustainable quality management and the importance of quality data providing information related to problems in the production process. The conducted training increased the participants' knowledge regarding management and quality data. The usefulness of the training was confirmed directly to the participants through a questionnaire. The results showed that 77% of participants strongly agreed that the material was helpful, and 73% strongly agreed that the presenter delivered the quality management material well. Participants also provided suggestions regarding material for further assistance related to using a computer to use quality data analysis tools.PT TIJ is a company that produces the local brand "LC," which is located in Depok, West Java. According to data for June-August 2022, there are significant product returns of around 1-7%, and a repair process is needed during production. Quality control at PT TIJ is carried out by checking goods one by one by supervisors and production operators. Recording quality problems is only done by labeling the products that need repair. The Quality Assurance (QA) department only records the number of products that need repair. Documentation of specific defects that often occur has never been done. Documentation is one of the essential things for quality control because quality data plays a significant role in making process improvement decisions. This PkM program is carried out by providing training materials for implementing an integrated system of sustainable quality management and the importance of quality data providing information related to problems in the production process. The conducted training increased the participants' knowledge regarding management and quality data. The usefulness of the training was confirmed directly to the participants through a questionnaire. The results showed that 77% of participants strongly agreed that the material was helpful, and 73% strongly agreed that the presenter delivered the quality management material well. Participants also provided suggestions regarding material for further assistance related to using a computer to use quality data analysis tools

    Analisis Segmentasi dan Persepsi Konsumen Terhadap Susu Pasteurisasi (Studi Kasus pada “DAU Fresh Milk”

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    KUD DAU merupakan salah satu koperasi di Kabupaten Malang yang memiliki dua unit usaha yaitu industri pakan ternak dan pengolahan susu. Unit pengolahan susu menghasilkan produk berupa susu murni segar dan susu pasteurisasi dengan merk jual “DAU Fresh Milk”. Permasalahan yang terjadi di KUD DAU adalah terjadinya penurunan penjualan produk susu pasteurisasi “DAU Fresh Milk“ dari tahun 2012-2014. Hal ini menunjukkan belum terpenuhinya target penjualan produk. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah kurang jelasnya segmen pasar yang dituju. Persaingan pasar yang ketat oleh merk sejenis seperti “K”, “NM” dan “N “ membuat KUD DAU harus menetapkan posisi dan target pasar secara lebih fokus. Pengembangan strategi pemasaran yang tepat dapat dilakukan dengan diketahuinya segmen pasar dan persepsi konsumen. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan segmentasi pasar berdasarkan demografi dan geografi. Segmen pasar potensial yang diperoleh selanjutnya dapat dianalisis persepsi konsumennya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan segmentasi pasar produk susu pasteurisasi “DAU Fresh Milk” menggunakan metode Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID) dan menentukan persepsi konsumen terhadap produk susu pasteurisasi “DAU Fresh Milk” menggunakan metode Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS). Berdasarkan analisis CHAID yang dilakukan didapatkan dua segmen yang terbentuk untuk konsumen susu pasteurisasi “DAU Fresh Milk”. Segmen yang terbentuk dibagi berdasarkan variabel independen yang paling signifikan yaitu tempat tinggal. Segmen A merupakan konsumen yang bertempat tinggal di Kota Malang dan lainnya (Pasuruan, Surabaya dan Semarang) dengan jumlah anggota sebesar 43,75% dari seluruh responden. Segmen B merupakan konsumen yang bertempat tinggal di Kabupaten Malang dan Kota Batu dengan jumlah anggota 56,25% dari seluruh responden. Segmen B merupakan segmen potensial karena memiliki nilai indeks besar yaitu 168,9%. Karakteristik responden segmen B adalah sebesar 51,11% berjenis kelamin perempuan, 42,22% berusia 24-30 tahun, 57,78% berpendidikan sarjana (S1/S2/S3), 40,00% berprofesi sebagai pelajar/mahasiswa, dan 40,00% memiliki pendapatan Rp. 750.001,- sampai Rp. 1.500.000,-. Berdasarkan analisis MDS untuk persepsi konsumen variabel yang menjadi kekuatan susu “DAU Fresh Milk” menurut segmen A dan B adalah kepraktisan kemasan. Variabel yang menjadi kelemahan susu menurut segmen A dan B adalah ketenaran merk. Berdasarkan analisis posisi persaingan pada konsumen susu “DAU Fresh Milk”, pesaing terkuat adalah “NM” karena terletak pada kuadran I. Produk ini unggul dalam tiga variabel yaitu desain kemasan, ketenaran merk dan kemudahan memperoleh. DAU Fresh Milk bersaing ketat dengan “K” dan “N” pada kuadran II dan sebagai market challenger

    Quality Improvement of NH1X36B Pre-Printed Box with QM-CRISP DM Approach at PT X

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    PT X is a manufacturer of cardboard box whose products are indispensable for various fields. The problem identified in NH1X36B pre-printed box, which is a shoes box, is the high defect rate that exceed company target of 2%. This study aims to reduce the defect rate of the product. The Quality-Management (QM) and Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) approach was conducted by integrating Six Sigma and data mining. The Business Understanding phase was intended to define business and data mining objectives, SIPOC (Supplier-Input-Process-Output-Customer) diagram, and Critical-to-Quality (CTQ). In Data Understanding phase, it is known that the Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO) value is 1210.12. Data preparation phase was carried out with data cleaning, reduction, and discretization. Based on the Modeling result using Decision Tree C4.5 and FP-Growth algorithm, it is known that the dominant attributes causing high rejection are smeared ink, white spots, uneven varnish, and delamination. Decision Tree model accuracy of 90.24% indicates that the model is performing well. Analysis using FMEA yielded priority correction to the causes of smeared ink, uneven varnish, and delamination. Process improvement in Deployment phase was the application of plate cleaning and mounting form, printing process checklist, and SOP for sheet inspection. The improvement plans managed to improve the quality by rising sigma level from 4.533 to 4.648 sigma and decrease defect rate to 1.559%

    Positioning E-commerce Produk UKM berdasarkan Kebutuhan Afektif Pengguna

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    Pengembangan e-commerce untuk pemasaran produk UKM (Usaha Kecil Menengah) telah banyak dilakukan di Indonesia. Beberapa e-commerce telah dikembangkan oleh Pemerintah namun masih belum mampu meningkatkan penjualan produk UKM di daerah. E-commerce Produk UKM harus mampu bersaing dengan e-commerce lain yang sudah berhasil di pasaran. Salah satu cara e-commerce produk UKM untuk meningkatkan daya saingnya adalah dengan mengetahui posisinya di lingkungan pasar online Indonesia. Hal tersebut dapat menjadikan e-commerce produk UKM semakin baik dalam menarik minat konsumen. Pengguna e-comerce dewasa ini tidak hanya memilih e-commerce dari fungsinya tetapi juga kualitas afektifnya. Kualitas afektif berarti e-commerce dapat memuaskan pengguna secara emosional. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui posisi e-commerce produk UKM berdasarkan pendekatan kualitas afektif e-commerce. Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) digunakan untuk memetakan posisi e-commerce produk UKM dalam persaingan e-commerce di Indonesia. Hasil ekstraksi Kansei Words menggunakan Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) dan Principal Component Analysis (PCA) adalah dua kata kansei (canggih dan terjangkau). Kedua kata ini digunakan untuk analisis posisi sebagai dimensi peta perseptual. Berdasarkan peta perseptual, e-commerces produk UKM sudah canggih tetapi tidak cukup terjangkau