320 research outputs found

    Application Of Media Video Tutorial With Camtasia Software Utilization In Learning Simple Functions Microsoft Excel To Improve Student Learning Activities Thus Have An Impact On Improving Student Learning Outcomes Class VIII MTS N 1 Winong

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    ICT activities and learning outcomes of students class VIII A in MTS N 1 Winong still low. It is caused by lack of use of media in teaching. Therefore, efforts should be made improvements in ICT learning, one using the tutorial video media in learning. This study aims to determine the increase in learning activities that have an impact on improving student learning outcomes ICT VIII class A MTs Negeri 1 Winong through the use of media in learning video tutorial. This research is a classroom action research subjects the students of class VIII A 1 Winong MTs. The research took place in two cycles consisting of 4 meetings. The study consisted of four phases: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Data collection using observation sheets and tests. Data validation is a technique used saturation. The data were analyzed using qualitative analysis techniques. The results showed that the use of video tutorials media can enhance learning activities that have an impact on improving student learning outcomes ICT class VIII A 1 Winong MTs. This can be evidenced by an increase in the percentage of activity and student learning outcomes in each cycle. In the first cycle, the percentage of student activity obtained is equal to 76.38 and the second cycle the percentage of student activity obtained is equal to 82.40%. Improved learning outcomes can also be seen from the test scores of students who achieve mastery. In the first cycle, the percentage of student learning outcomes at 83.33%, and the second cycle students pemhaman percentage of 91.66%. Thus, the use of video media torial can improve student learning activities that have an impact on improving student learning outcomes in ICT subjects in section microsoft excel simple function class VIII A 1 Winong MTs. Keywords: Video Tutorials, Learning Activity, Learning Outcomes

    A New Beginning

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    Artist Statement My artwork reflects elements of simple, everyday life. I find poignancy in people as they go about their daily business, children playing on the beach or an elderly woman at her kitchen stove. And, it’s not just people in whom I find intrigue. The creases and folds of crumpled, brown paper bags; fresh fish lying on crushed ice in outdoor markets; and household objects, such as chairs, irons, and wooden spoons are the types of things that are also evidence of daily life. In my work, I strive to replicate with both accuracy and emotion all of these things. In my paintings, I focus on objects and purposefully omit ancillary details. I use large brushes to paint the gestural lines of fresh fish or aging fruit. I use neutral colors to focus attention on content. In contrast, my ceramic sculptures are highly detailed. I sculpt and carve exacting and specific elements, such as the bones of a fish skull or the wrinkles and nail beds of aged hands. I want my work to communicate my world and offer viewers an opportunity to see something of their world as well

    Curating (Post-)Socialist Environments

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    In which ways are environments (post-)socialist and how do they come about? How is the relationship between the built environment, memory, and debates on identity enacted? What are the spatial, material, visual, and aesthetic dimensions of these (post-)socialist enactments or interventions? And how do such (post)socialist interventions in environments become (re)curated? By addressing these questions, this volume releases 'curation' from its usual museological framing and carries it into urban environments and private life-worlds, from predominantly state-sponsored institutional settings with often normative orientations into spheres of subjectification, social creativity, and material commemorative culture

    New records of Hatcheria macraei (Siluriformes, Trichomycteridae) from Chilean Province

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    Penerapan Media Video Tutorial Dengan Pemanfaatan Software Camtasia Dalam Pembelajaran Fungsi Sederhana Microsoft Excel Untuk Meningkatkan Aktifitas Belajar Sehingga Berdampak Pada Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas VIII di Mts Negeri 1 Winong

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    ABSTRAK Penerapan Media Video Tutorial Dengan Pemanfaatan Software Camtasia Dalam Pembelajaran Fungsi Sederhana Microsoft Excel Untuk Meningkatkan Aktifitas Belajar Sehingga Berdampak Pada Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas VIII di Mts Negeri 1 Winong Oleh Habit Nursila NIM. 09520244073 Aktivitas dan hasil belajar TIK siswa kelas VIII A MTs Negeri 1 Winong masih rendah. Hal itu disebabkan oleh minimnya pemanfaatan media dalam pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan upaya perbaikan dalam pembelajaran TIK, salah satunya dengan menggunakan media video tutorial dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan aktivitas belajar sehingga berdampak pada peningkatan hasil belajar TIK siswa kelas VIII A MTs Negeri 1 Winong melalui penggunaan media video tutorial dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan subjek penelitian peserta didik kelas VIII A MTs Negeri 1 Winong. Penelitian berlangsung dalam 2 siklus yang terdiri dari 4 kali pertemuan. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 4 tahapan yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi dan tes. Validasi data yang digunakan yaitu teknik saturation. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan teknik analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media video tutorial dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar sehingga berdampak pada peningkatan hasil belajar TIK siswa kelas VIII A MTs Negeri 1 Winong. Hal tersebut dapat dibuktikan dengan adanya peningkatan persentase aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa pada tiap siklusnya. Pada siklus I persentase aktivitas belajar siswa yang diperoleh yaitu sebesar 76,38 dan Pada siklus II persentase aktivitas belajar siswa yang diperoleh yaitu sebesar 82,40%. Peningkatan hasil belajar juga dapat dilihat dari nilai tes siswa yang mencapai ketuntasan. Pada siklus I persentase hasil belajar siswa sebesar 83,33%, dan Pada siklus II persentase pemhaman belajar siswa sebesar 91,66%. Dengan demikian, penggunaan media video torial dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa sehingga berdampak pada peningkatan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran TIK pada sub bab fungsi sederhana microsoft excel kelas VIII A MTs Negeri 1 Winong. Kata kunci: Video Tutorial, Aktivitas Belajar, Hasil Belajar

    Paradoxes of robotics

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    Marc Woodmansee's Letter to Horace Kepart, January 26, 1919

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    This edition is created from the manuscript of Marc Woodmansee’s letter to Horace Kephart on January 26, 1919. Within this letter, Marc Woodmansee discusses a few of Kephart’s articles that he was reading at the time. In addition, he informs Kephart of Harry B. Harmer’s weapon collection, which includes various Colt Company rifles and other revolvers. He also encourages him to come and visit as well as to get in touch with Harmer if he goes north. Other letters from Woodmansee to Kephart continue to discuss weapon collections, prices of various weapons, and the magazines, All Outdoors and Our Southern Highlands (while still a periodical, The Southern Highlands, in Outing magazine). Woodmansee and Kephart have a professional friendship due to their mutual interest in weaponry. Through observation of other letters, it is apparent that Woodmansee and Kephart’s relationship is more personal than this letter leads on. Woodmansee discusses his romantic life, personal interests, and Kephart’s children. Marc Woodmansee was born on Dec 11, 1873 in Lee, Iowa. At the time of his letter to Horace Kephart, he was working for the Standard Oil Office as a manager in Des Moines, Iowa and was living with his mother, Mary Woodmansee. According to “Out-of-Doors,” Woodmansee is one of the top collectors of Kentucky rifles in the nation; in 1919, his collection totaled over fifty rifles

    Finding of Gordius austrinus De Villalobos, Zanca & Ibarra - Vidal, 2005 (Gordiida, Nematomorpha) in the stomach of Salmo trutta (Salmoniformes) in Patagonia

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    Field observations revealed, for the first time, cases of predation on Gordius austrinus by Salmo trutta in Risopatrón Lake, Aysén Region, Chile. Reinvestigation by SEM of the characteristics of the posterior end and of the cuticle of the specimens of horsehair worms collected inside the stomach of brown trout allow us to assign the specimens to the species Gordius austrinus. Also we could show that in some specimens the cuticle of mid body and terminal end presented structural alterations, due to the action of the digestive juices of the fish. This finding implies the extension of the distribution range of G. austrinus.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse