95 research outputs found

    Utjecaj novog Zakona o zaŔtiti osoba s duŔevnim smetnjama na učestalost prisilne hospitalizacije na Klinici za psihijatriju KBC Rijeka

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    The research was conducted at the Psychiatry Clinic of the Rijeka Clinical Hospital Center with the purpose of determining the impact of the new Law on the Protection of Persons with Mental Disorders (LPPMD) on the frequency of involuntary hospitalization. It covered two investigated periods. The first investigated period was the period of application of the old LPPMD from January 1st 2012 to December 31st 2014. The Second Investigated Period was the period of application of the New LPPMD from January 1st 2015 to December 31st 2017. In addition to comparing the frequency of involuntary hospitalization, the study includes diagnostic criteria, sociodemographic data, as well as means of arrival to the Clinic (police escort, ambulance, family) and the applied means of separation and restrictions. For the purposes of research, data from the Protocol on Involuntary Hospitalization, the History of Disease and the Integrated Hospital Information System were used. Analysis of the obtained results showed that there is no statistically significant difference in the frequency of involuntary hospitalization between the old and new LPPMD. However, observing the examined periods, we have noticed the tendency of increased frequency of involuntary hospitalization according to the new LPPMD. The obtained results of the research indicate that the majority of involuntarily hospitalized patients are male, 46.6 (SD 13.9) years old, unmarried, with completed high school education, unemployed, diagnosed with F20-F29 - schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders and F10-F19 - mental and behavioral disorders due to use of psychoactive substances involuntarily hospitalized and escorted by the police, with application of some means of separation and restriction.Istraživanje je provedeno na Klinici za psihijatriju Kliničkog bolničkog centra Rijeka sa svrhom utvrđivanja utjecaja novog Zakona o zaÅ”titi osoba s duÅ”evnim smetnjama (ZZODS) na učestalost prisilne hospitalizacije. Obuhvaćalo je dva istraživana razdoblja: Prvo istraživano razdoblje u periodu primjene starog ZZODS-a od 1. siječnja 2012. do 31.prosinca 2014. godine i drugo istraživano razdoblje u periodu primjene novog ZZODS-a od 1.siječnja 2015. do 31.prosinca 2017. godine. Uz uspoređivanje učestalosti prisilne hospitalizacije, istraživanje obuhvaća dijagnostičke kriterije, sociodemografske podatke kao i načine dolaska na Kliniku (policija, Hitna medicinska pomoć, obitelj) te primjenu sredstava izdvajanja i ograničavanja. Za potrebe istraživanja koriÅ”teni su podatci iz Protokola prisilnih hospitalizacija, Povijesti bolesti i Integriranog bolničkog informacijskog sustava. Analizom dobivenih rezultata utvrđeno je kako ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u učestalosti prisilnih hospitalizacija prema starom i novom ZZODS-u iako, kada promatramo ispitivana razdoblja, možemo uočiti tendenciju povećanja učestalosti prisilnih hospitalizacija prema novom ZZODS-u. Prema rezultatima istraživanja većina prisilno hospitaliziranih pacijenata su osobe muÅ”kog spola, prosječne dobi 46,6 (SD 13,9) godina, neoženjeni, zavrÅ”ene srednje Å”kole, nezaposleni, s dijagnozom iz skupine F20-F29 - Shizofrenija, poremećaji slični shizofreniji i sumanuta stanja i F10-F19 - Mentalni poremećaji i poremećaji ponaÅ”anja uzrokovani upotrebom psihoaktivnih tvari, prisilno hospitaliziranih u pratnji policije, te su nad njima bila primijenjena neka od sredstava odvajanja i ograničavanja

    Evaluation of Dental Fear and Anxiety in Displaced Persons in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Uvod: U Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH), uz stalno stanovniÅ”tvo, živi i određen broj raseljenih osoba. NajviÅ”e ih je na području Tuzlanskog kantona. Oni se ubrajaju u rizičnu skupinu kad je riječ o bolestima općenito, pa i o orofacijalnima. Dentalni strah i anksioznost (DSA) pojavljuje se nužno i kod raseljenih osoba i velik je u odnosu na opću populaciju. Na osnovi navedenoga željeli smo evaluirati prisutnost DSA-e i čimbenika za njezin nastanak kod raseljenog stanovniÅ”tva u Bosni i Hercegovini. Ispitanici i metode: U studiji je sudjelovalo 310 osoba u dobi od 35 do 44 godine, a bile su podijeljene u ispitivanu skupinu raseljenih osoba (n = 153) i kontrolnu skupinu domicilnog stanovniÅ”tva (n = 157) iz gradova Tuzlanskog kantona. Kod ispitanika se procjenjivala prisutnost DSA-e s pomoću prilagođene Korahove ljestvice dentalne anksioznosti te prisutnost čimbenika za njezin nastanak. Rezultati: U uzorku je ustanovljena općenito visoka prevalencija DSA-e (38,71 %), a posebno u skupini raseljenih osoba (57,52 %). Pritom raseljeni u uzorku rjeđe posjećuju stomatologa, uglavnom samo kada je to potrebno (najčeŔće zbog odontalgije) i snažnije reagiraju na stresore koji mogu uzrokovati DSA-e. Zaključak: Raseljene osobe ubrajaju se u rizičnu skupinu s visokom prevalencijom DSA-e. To je mogući razlog da ova populacijska skupina ima prosječno loÅ”ije parametre oralnoga zdravlja te loÅ”ije uzorke ponaÅ”anja sa stajaliÅ”ta učestalosti posjeta i razloga za posjete stomatologu. Sve to pojačava začarani krug u kojemu loÅ”e oralno zdravlje pospjeÅ”uje pojavu DSA-e i obrnuto.Introduction: In Bosnia and Herzegovina, apart from domicile population, there is a certain number of displaced persons. Most of them are situated in the area of Canton Tuzla. These persons are generally at risk of and being watched for various diseases, including the disease of the orofacial area. Dental fear and anxiety (DFA) is also inevitably present in displaced persons, with higher prevalence compared with general population. Therefore, the aim was to evaluate the DFA presence and the most common reasons for dental fear and anxiety in displaced persons in our country. Patients and methods: 310 interviewed persons were included in this study, aged 35 to 44 years, from several cities of Canton Tuzla. They were divided in the group of displaced persons (n=153), and the group of domicile inhabitants (n=157). The study participants were interviewed about the DFA presence, as well as about the risk factors for DFA, which was subsequently evaluated by the Modified Corahā€™s Dental Anxiety Scale. Results: A high prevalence of DFA presence was determined in the total sample (38.71%), and particularly in the displaced persons group (57.52%). The results showed that displaced persons rarely visited dentists, mainly when it was necessary (odontalgia), with stronger reactions to factors that could cause DFA appearance. Conclusion: Displaced persons are regarded as one of the highest risk groups for prevalence of DFA. This could be mainly due to poor oral health status, rare dental office visits and the urgent need for dental treatment, which could lead to vicious circle of mutual strengthening between bad oral health and DFA appearance

    Controlles clinical study of analgesic effect HWA 272 om comparison to paracetamol and placebo

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    Dvostrukoslijepom studijom ispitivan je analgetski učinak jednokratne primjene 300 mg HWA 272 (1-(5-metil-4-izoksazolil- carbonil)-piperidin-a, 600 mg HWA 272, 1000 mg paracetamola i placeba na 73 bolesnice, poslije urađene epiziotomije u dva različita istraživačka centra. Uz pomoć parametra Ā»promjena intenziteta boliĀ«, Ā»popuÅ”tanje boliĀ« i Ā»globalne procjene efekta lijekaĀ« dokazana je značajna nadmoć 600 mg HWA 272 nad placebom. Dokazan je čak i signilikanto jači učinak 600 mg HWA 272 nad 300 mg HWA 272 i nad 1000 mg paracetamola.In the presented double blind study the analgetic effekt of single doses of 300 mg HWA 272 (l-(5-methyl-4-isoxazolyl-carbonyl) piperidine, 600 mg HWA 272, 1000 mg Paracetamol or Palcebo, mainly after an episiotomy, has been examined in two research centres. For the parametres "Alteration of pain intesity", "pain reduction" and "global judgement" there was a signifikant superiority of 600 mg HWA 272 vs. Placebo provable. Concerning "pain reduction" a significant difference, even compared with 300 mg HWA 272 and 1000 mg Paracetamol in favour of 600 mg HWA 272 has been found out

    Sleep disturbance in patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator:Prevalence, predictors and impact on health status

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    Background:Ā  Sleep disturbances are highly prevalent in patients with cardiac diseases and associated with poor health outcomes. However, little is known about sleep disturbance in patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator. Aims:Ā  We examined the prevalence and predictors of sleep disturbance and the impact on perceived health status in a Dutch cohort of implantable cardioverter defibrillator patients. Methods:Ā  Patients ( n=195) enrolled in the Web-based distress program for implantable cardioverter defibrillator patients (WEBCARE) trial completed questionnaires at the time of implantable cardioverter defibrillator implantation, three, six and 12 months afterwards. Sleep disturbance was assessed with the corresponding item #3 of the Patient Health Questionnaire 9. Results:Ā  At baseline, 67% ( n=130) reported sleep disturbance (cut off ā‰„1). One year later, the prevalence was 57% ( n=112). Younger age (odds ratio=0.96, 95% confidence interval 0.92-0.99; p=0.012) and high negative affectivity/low social inhibition (odds ratio=4.47, 95% confidence interval 1.52-13.17; p=0.007) were associated with sleep disturbance at 12 months in adjusted analyses. Sleep disturbance was not associated with health status at 12 months. Charlson Comorbidity Index, anxiety, Type D personality and high negative affectivity/low social inhibition were associated with impaired health status at follow-up. Conclusions:Ā  Sleep disturbance was highly prevalent in patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator. Younger age and high negative affectivity predicted sleep disturbance 12 months post-implantation independent of other demographic, clinical, intervention and psychological covariates. Sleep disturbance was not associated with impaired health status at the 12-month follow-up

    Impact of the continuum Coulomb interaction in quantum-orbit-based treatments of high-order above-threshold ionization

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    We perform a systematic comparison between photoelectron momentum distributions computed with the rescattered-quantum orbit strong-field approximation (RQSFA) and the Coulomb-quantum orbit strong-field approximation (CQSFA). We exclude direct, hybrid, and multiple scattered CQSFA trajectories, and focus on the contributions of trajectories that undergo a single act of rescattering. For this orbit subset, one may establish a one-to-one correspondence between the RQSFA and CQSFA contributions for backscattered and forward-scattered trajectory pairs. We assess the influence of the Coulomb potential on the ionization and rescattering times of specific trajectory pairs, kinematic constraints determined by rescattering, and quantum interference between specific pairs of trajectories. We analyze how the Coulomb potential alters their ionization and return times, and their interference in photoelectron momentum distributions. We show that Coulomb effects are not significant for high or medium photoelectron energies and shorter orbits, while, for lower momentum ranges or longer electron excursion times in the continuum, the residual Coulomb potential is more important. We also assess the agreement of both theories for different field parameters, and show that it improves with the increase of the wavelength.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures; accepted for publication in Physical Review

    The frequency of psychiatric assistance requests of elderly persons during Homeland War, the peaceful period and the economic crisis

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    Osobe starije životne dobi, prema klasifikaciji Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije, su sve osobe starije od 65 godina života. Te su osobe osjetljivije na utjecaj različitih stresora. Cilj nam je bio istražiti utjecaj druÅ”tvenih stresora (Domovinski rat i ekonomska kriza) na javljanje duÅ”evnih poremećaja u osoba starije životne dobi. Analizirali smo učestalost dolazaka osoba starije životne dobi u Hitnu psihijatrijsku ambulantu KBC-a Rijeka u tri različita razdoblja: Domovinski rat, mirnodopska godina i godina ekonomske krize. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju da su osobe starije životne dobi najčeŔće tražile psihijatrijsku pomoć u vrijeme ekonomske krize, a najmanje u vrijeme Domovinskog rata. Nema statistički značajne razlike u pokuÅ”ajima suicida u sva tri ispitna razdoblja. U razdoblju Domovinskog rata kod svih osoba starije životne dobi koje su pokuÅ”ale suicid prateća dijagnoza bila je iz skupine organskih psihičkih poremećaja i demencija, Å”to je najčeŔća prateća dijagnoza i u mirnodopskom razdoblju i u vrijeme ekonomske krize. Stresor ekonomske krize koji dovodi do ekonomske nesigurnosti i neizvjesnosti, je jači stresni prediktor za duÅ”evne poremećaje u osoba starije životne dobi, nego izloženost ratnom stresu. Zaključujemo da bi rezultati ovog istraživanja mogli upućivati na potrebu jačanja prevencije psihičkih smetnji u osoba starije životne dobi u vrijeme ekonomske krize na način aktivnog uključivanja članova obitelji, obiteljskog liječnika, patronažne službe, socijalne skrbi, vjerskih i kulturnih zajednica, te drugih nadležnih institucija.Persons of elderly age, according to the classification of the World Health Organization, are all persons older than 65 years of age, who are more vulnerable to the influence of different stresses. Our goal was to investigate the influence of different stresses, the Homeland War and the economic crisis, on the detection of mental disorders in persons of elderly age. Our results showed that persons of elderly age were most likely to request psychiatric assistance during the economic crisis, and least likely during the Homeland War. There was no statistically significant difference in suicide attempts between the three tested periods. In the period of Homeland War, all elderly persons that tryed suicide, later received a diagnosis from the group of organic psychic disorders and disorders and dementia, which was the most common follow up diagnosis, both in peaceful periods and in the period of economic crisis. The stress of economic crisis brings economic unsafety and uncertainty, and represents a stronger stress factor for mental disturbances in persons of elderly age, than exposure to war stress. In conclusion, the results of this study could indicate the need to strenghten the prevention of psychic disturbances in persons of elderly age during an economic crisis by active inclusion of family members, the family doctor, home care services, social care, religious and cultural communities and other competent institutions
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