26 research outputs found

    İşletmelerin Sosyal Medya Performans Hedeflerinin Teknoloji-Organizasyon-Çevre Modeli İle İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma

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    DergiPark: 824009trakyasobedÇalışma işletmelerin sosyal medya performans hedeflerine ulaşmalarının teknoloji-organizasyon-çevre modeli boyutları ile ilişkisinin incelenmesini amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaçla firmaların sosyal medya hedefleri, TOÇ modelinin belirlenen alt boyutlar ile olan ilişkisi incelenmiş ve farklı hedef pazarlara göre hedeflere ulaşmadaki ayrım ortaya çıkarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Kolayda örneklem yöntemi ile 117 işletme üzerinde analiz yapılmıştır. Çevrimiçi anket ile elde edilen verilere korelasyon ve farklılık testleri uygulanmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre teknoloji benimseme boyutlarının organizasyonel sosyal medya performansı hedefleri ile pozitif yönde ilişkili olduğu görülmüştür. Özellikle sosyal medya performansi en fazla pozitif ilişkili olan boyut olmuştur. Ayrıca işletmelerin faaliyet gösterdikleri hedef pazara göre de organizasyonel sosyal medya performans hedeflerine ulaşmalarında farklılık görülmüştür. The study aims to analyze the success of the social media performance goals of the firms using the technology-organization-environment model. For this purpose, the social media goals of the firms are analyzed through determined sub-dimensions of the TOE framework, and the differences in achieving these goals within different target markets are listed. 117 firms are selected with convenience sampling. Correlation and difference analysis applied to the data obtained through the online survey. The results show that social media performance goals are positively influenced by technology adoption dimensions. Specifically, the social media performance is the most affected dimension. Also, success in attaining social media performance goals differ according to the target markets the firms operate in

    Projections Onto Convex Sets (POCS) Based Optimization by Lifting

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    Two new optimization techniques based on projections onto convex space (POCS) framework for solving convex and some non-convex optimization problems are presented. The dimension of the minimization problem is lifted by one and sets corresponding to the cost function are defined. If the cost function is a convex function in R^N the corresponding set is a convex set in R^(N+1). The iterative optimization approach starts with an arbitrary initial estimate in R^(N+1) and an orthogonal projection is performed onto one of the sets in a sequential manner at each step of the optimization problem. The method provides globally optimal solutions in total-variation, filtered variation, l1, and entropic cost functions. It is also experimentally observed that cost functions based on lp, p<1 can be handled by using the supporting hyperplane concept

    Enhanced magnetoresistance in perpendicular magnetic tunneling junctions with MgAl2O4 barrier

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    Perpendicular magnetic tunnel junction with MgAl2O4 barrier is investigated. It is found that reactive RF sputtering with O2 is essential to obtain strong perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and large tunneling magnetoresistance in MgAl2O4-based junctions. An interfacial perpendicular magnetic anisotropy energy density of 2.25 mJ/m2 is obtained for the samples annealed at 400C. An enhanced magnetoresistance of 60% has also been achieved. The Vhalf, bias voltage at which tunneling magnetoresistance drops to half of the zero-bias value, is found to be about 1V, which is substantially higher than that of MgO-based junctions

    Video fire detection - Review

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.This is a review article describing the recent developments in Video based Fire Detection (VFD). Video surveillance cameras and computer vision methods are widely used in many security applications. It is also possible to use security cameras and special purpose infrared surveillance cameras for fire detection. This requires intelligent video processing techniques for detection and analysis of uncontrolled fire behavior. VFD may help reduce the detection time compared to the currently available sensors in both indoors and outdoors because cameras can monitor “volumes” and do not have transport delay that the traditional “point” sensors suffer from. It is possible to cover an area of 100 km2 using a single pan-tiltzoom camera placed on a hilltop for wildfire detection. Another benefit of the VFD systems is that they can provide crucial information about the size and growth of the fire, direction of smoke propagation. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserve

    Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, tunneling magnetoresistance and spin-transfer torque effect in magnetic tunnel junctions with Nb layers

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    Nb and its compounds are widely used in quantum computing due to their high superconducting transition temperatures and high critical fields. Devices that combine superconducting performance and spintronic non-volatility could deliver unique functionality. Here we report the study of magnetic tunnel junctions with Nb as the heavy metal layers. An interfacial perpendicular magnetic anisotropy energy density of 1.85 mJ/m2 was obtained in Nb/CoFeB/MgO heterostructures. The tunneling magnetoresistance was evaluated in junctions with different thickness combinations and different annealing conditions. An optimized magnetoresistance of 120% was obtained at room temperature, with a damping parameter of 0.011 determined by ferromagnetic resonance. In addition, spin-transfer torque switching has also been successfully observed in these junctions with a quasistatic switching current density of 7.3*10^5 A/cm2

    Impact of Boron doping to the tunneling magnetoresistance of Heusler alloy Co2FeAl

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    Heusler alloys based magnetic tunnel junctions can potentially provide high magnetoresistance, small damping and fast switching. Here junctions with Co2FeAl as a ferromagnetic electrode are fabricated by room temperature sputtering on Si/SiO2 substrates. The doping of Boron in Co2FeAl is found to have a large positive impact on the structural, magnetic and transport properties of the junctions, with a reduced interfacial roughness and substantial improved tunneling magnetoresistance. A two-level magnetoresistance is also observed in samples annealed at low temperature, which is believed to be related to the memristive effect of the tunnel barrier with impurities.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Covariance matrix-based fire and flame detection method in video

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.This paper proposes a video-based fire detection system which uses color, spatial and temporal information. The system divides the video into spatio-temporal blocks and uses covariance-based features extracted from these blocks to detect fire. Feature vectors take advantage of both the spatial and the temporal characteristics of flame-colored regions. The extracted features are trained and tested using a support vector machine (SVM) classifier. The system does not use a background subtraction method to segment moving regions and can be used, to some extent, with non-stationary cameras. The computationally efficient method can process 320 x 240 video frames at around 20 frames per second in an ordinary PC with a dual core 2.2 GHz processor. In addition, it is shown to outperform a previous method in terms of detection performance