72 research outputs found


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    AN ANALYSIS OF THE ENGLISH TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2013 ENGLISH CURRICULUM AT SMA NEGERI 3 JAMBI Akhmad Habibi English Education Study Program, Jambi University, Jambi, Indonesia [email protected] Abstract: This study was aimed at analysing the implementation of teaching and learning process as one of the standard of process parts in the 2013 Curriculum. This was a qualitative study with a case study approach conducted at SMA Negeri 3 Jambi. Three English teachers and 237 students of grade XI were involved as the participants. The data were collected through interview with the teachers, observation, students’ questionnaire, and document review. To assess the trustworthiness of this study, the researcher did triangulation, member checking and reflexivity.The findings covered the analysis of the implementation of teaching and learning process which included two-essentially scripted aspects: classroom management and teaching and learning process. The classroom management was grouped into three sub-themes: teaching performance, classroom attitude, and time management. Teaching and learning process implementation covered three activities: introductory, core, and closing activities. Based on the findings, suggestions such as to limit the number of the students, to provide cutting-edge technology devices, and to hold trainings for teachers, were proposed for teachers of English, schools, and educational authorities, respectively. Key words: analysis, classroom management, the English teaching and learning process, 2013 English Curriculu

    The Comparative Study of Reduplication Between English and Indonesian Language

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    This reasearch tries to find out the word from English and Indonesian language which have reduplication word. In the communication process, reduplication word always used in our daily activty. The data of this written were taken form dictionary and oral communication. The researcher compares both of the language to find the similarities and differnces from the reduplication process by using descriptive qualitavite method. The reduplication shows the change of word identity and category like in full reduplication (bye-bye, buku-buku), reduplication with vowel changes (zig-zag, bolak-balik), and reduplication with consonant changes (walkie-talkie, sayur-mayur). The basic form of the word is always present in language use, the meaning of the basic form of the word is always related to the meaning of the word affixed. Then the words after having reduplication process have a new meaning  specially in English and Indonesian language. &nbsp


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    This qualitative inquiry is aimed at analysing demotivation factors of teachers in Indonesian Pesantrens (Islamic Boarding School) in implementing EFL teaching. The research is appropriately undertaken as a qualitative research with a case study approach. The research sites for this study are two Pesantrens in Jambi, one of Indonesian Provinces. Eight English teachers were involved as the participants to providebroader perspectives of the participants in relation to the EFL teaching. The researcher use three kinds of instruments in collecting the data; interview, focus group discussion, and document review. The researcher conducted the observation, interviewed the teachers, held focus group discussion, and collected related documents to support the data.To assess the trustworthiness of the research, the researcher did triangulation, member checking and reflexivity. The findings describe working condition (financial matter and working overload); curriculum (rapid changing of Indonesian curriculum and lack of teaching and supporting materials); facilities (classroom temperature and over-crowded classroom); students (lack of basic knowledge and lack of motivation)


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    This is a mix-method study with a sequential explanatory design aimed at investigating the level of technology knowledge of EFL teachers in Indonesian senior high schools. In this study, a total number of 375 teachers from public schools located in the southern part of Sumatra Island, Indonesia, were voluntarily involved in the survey. To fit the context of the study, the TPACK survey was adapted from previous literature with the overall Cronbach’s alpha ranging from .82 to .89. The adapted instruments were validated through content validity involving four experts in educational technology and one expert of English-Indonesian language translation. We also applied Cronbach’s alpha testing, the reliability of the adapted instruments (0.75 to .89). Mean and p-value were reported in the quantitative report. Afterward, we interviewed teachers using semi-structured interview which questions were based on the survey items. The data were transcribed, translated, coded, and put into themes. Findings showed that all teachers had more knowledgeable of traditional, non-technological conception of pedagogy, and content than technological pedagogy and technological content.Ovo je studija kombinirane metode s uzastopnim obrazloženjem usmjerenom na ispitivanje razine tehnološkog znanja nastavnika EFL-a u srednjim školama u Indoneziji. U ovom istraživanju dobrovoljno je uključeno ukupno 375 učitelja iz javnih škola smještenih u južnom dijelu otoka Sumatre u Indoneziji. Kako bi se prilagodio kontekstu studije, TPACK istraživanje je prilagođeno iz prethodne literature s ukupnim Cronbachovim alfa rasponom od .82 do .89. Prilagođeni instrumenti su potvrđeni valjanošću sadržaja koja uključuje četiri stručnjaka za obrazovnu tehnologiju i jednog stručnjaka za prijevod s engleskog na indonezijski jezik. Primijenili smo i Cronbachovo alfa testiranje, pouzdanost prilagođenih instrumenata (0.75 do 1.89). Srednja i p vrijednost su navedeni u kvantitativnom izvješću. Poslije smo intervjuirali nastavnike pomoću polustrukturiranog intervjua u kojem su se pitanja temeljila na anketnim stavkama. Podaci su prepisani, prevedeni, kodirani i stavljeni u teme. Nalazi su pokazali da su svi učitelji više poznavali tradicionalnu, netehnološku koncepciju pedagogije i sadržaje od tehnološke pedagogije i tehnološkog sadržaja

    Students’ Perception on Writing Problems: A Survey at One Islamic University in Jambi

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    The aim of this research was to find out students' problems in writing in the fifth-semester students in one Islamic University in Jambi. We used survey and the population of this research was the fifth-semester students consisting of 198 students. 70 students were selected as the sample. The questionnaire consists of 28 questions of 7 types of problems with 5 alternative answers. The researcher used SPSS to analyze the data. It was found that there were 7 types of the problems that students faced in their writing course. They were poor organization/illogical sequence, problems of word choice, grammatical error, spelling problems, supporting ideas confusions, punctuation problems, and capitalization. The overall mean of students' problems in writing in the fifth-semester students in Islamic Institution in Jambi was (x=2.70) categorized as "medium". Specifically, students problems in poor organization/illogical sequence was (x=3.69) , problem of word choice (x=3.72), grammatical error (x=3.25), spelling problem (x=3.35), confused on supporting the ideas (x=3.12), punctuation problem (x=3.17), capitalization (x=3.35). All the process in scientific approach was categorized as "medium" for the students. It means that the students did not find significant difficulty in writing course. Moreover, from the interpretation of the mean, and most of the students agreed that they had  dominant problems; word choice and poor organization/illogical sequence


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    The aims of this study is to describe the concept and theoretical framework, procedures, conceptual feasibility and practicality of developing learning videos on the procedures for tour guided ways for students of class XI SMKN 2 Jambi City. This research method is development research using the Dick, Carey, and Carey model. Data collection using Flowchart describes the stages of production that are used as a guide to compile a development schedule including: time, crew, place, equipment, and others as production support. Descriptive analysis techniques are used to analyse data from product development trials, particularly those related to mastery analysis of learning materials and learning media. Content and media analysis is used to process data obtained from expert content and plan reviews, media experts, and content experts


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    This research aims to develop a short film based on local culture for the Strengthening Pancasila Student Profile Project (P5). Development was carried out using the research and development (R&D) method according to Lee and  Aka (2019). This model includes five main steps, namely: 1) needs assessment and analysis, 2) design, 3) development, 4) implementation, and 5) evaluation. To obtain validity and response, an evaluation model developed by Vaughan, (2006) was carried out using the format of ongoing evaluation, alpha test and beta test. The results of product validity testing carried out by learning technology experts, learning media experts and material experts concluded that the short documentary film based on local culture and history for P5 was declared valid with very good and appropriate criteria with an average validity level of 89.27%. The results of trials on 36 students in class Film media facilitates students' positive attitudes such as increasing learning motivation, helping understanding cultural and historical literacy with an acceptance rate of 83.31%. In conclusion, the short film developed is valid, practical and easy to use

    Pendekatan Uses And Gratification Theory pada Penerapan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi di Sekolah Dasar

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    The need for information is one of a person's needs, because it is very important to expand knowledge. The presence of information and communication technology makes it easy for every use, especially in the field of education. Education can be utilized by teachers and students in the learning process. Information and communication technology can be used by teachers as a medium that helps improve the quality of learning. This study aims to determine the effect of the Uses and Gratification Theory (UGT) approach to the use of ICT by teachers in the learning process. To achieve this goal, data was collected from 130 teachers in 3 elementary schools in Jambi city through a survey with a questionnaire aimed at teachers who had integrated Information and Communication Technology, which were then analyzed using PLS-SEM. The results showed that the Uses and Gratification Theory (UGT) approach consisting of cognitive needs, affective needs, and social needs is valid and influences the use of Information and Communication Technology by teachers in primary schools in Jambi city in the learning process, effective and used as needed

    Understanding Management in the Management of School Operational AID

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    This research aims to explain the management understanding of School Operational Assistance funds. This research is qualitative research using descriptive methods. Interviews, documentation and observation as data collection. Data analysis used includes data collection, data reduction, data presentation, data verification and final conclusions. The research results show: (1) Program planning is carried out at the beginning of each new school year by the school finance team by involving teachers, committees and parents through meetings and the results of agreements programmed in the RKAS which are guided by 8 SNPs, determining the priority scale and analysis of the amount of funds available, (2) Program implementation begins with coordination and outreach with various parties. The program is carried out in accordance with planning and is guided by the Technical Guidelines for BOS funds approved by the Banda Aceh City Education Office, (3) Supervision is carried out jointly by teachers, committees, school principals, school BOS teams, City BOS and provincial BOS teams as well as each inspectorate. once three months or four times a year.&nbsp