3,648 research outputs found

    Homotheties of a Class of Spherically Symmetric Space-Times Admitting G3G_3 as Maximal Isometry Group

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    The homotheties of spherically symmetric spacetimes admitting G4G_4 , G6G_6 and G10G_{10} as maximal isometry groups are already known, whereas for the space-times admitting G3G_3 as isometry groups, the solution in the form of differential constraints on metric coefficients requires further classification. For a class of spherically symmetric space-times admitting G3G_3 as maximal isometry groups without imposing any restriction on the stress-energy tensor, the metrics along with their corresponding homotheties are found. For the one case the metric is found along with its homothety vector that satisfies an additional constraint and is illustrated with the help of an example of a metric. For another case the metric and the corresponding homothety vector are found for a subclass of spherically symmetric space-times for which the differential constraint is reduced to separable form. Stress-energy tensor and related quantities of the metrics found are given in the relevant section.Comment: 09 page

    Climate Policy Integration: Towards Operationalization

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    The climate change debate raises the issue of often identified, but as yet little explored, requirement to incorporate climate policy into other policy sectors, often termed climate “mainstreaming” or climate policy integration (CPI). This paper explores the imperative for CPI, the state of current understanding, and proposals for implementation at the crucial national policy scale. The paper draws on the longer-standing field of environmental policy integration, noting that literature’s scant coverage of climate issues but its greater focus on policy and administrative structures and processes, and concludes that more attention needs to be given to these implementation mechanisms for CPI.Climate change, public policy, environment, sustainable development, international cooperation

    Pengaruh Kajian Praktik Lapangan (KPL) dan Pembelajaran Microteaching Terhadap Kesiapan Mengajar Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Malang

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    KPL and mictroteaching study are course programs of education as an effort to equip and give an experience of real teaching to education students. This study used ex post facto research method with quantitative approach. Population and sample of this study were Mechanical Engineering Education students of 2015 generation. Instrument used in this study as data collecting technique was an questionnaire. Results of study: 1) Analysis result of hypothesis test of KPL showed significance (0,001 0,05). 3) Analysis result of F test (simultaneity test) KPL and microteaching study showed significance (0,000 Ftable (57,642 > 3,11).Keywords: Kajian Praktik Lapangan (KPL), Microteaching Study, Readiness in Teachin

    Climate policy integration at national scale

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    This thesis explores climate policy integration (CPI) particularly looking at the structures and processes at the national policy scale and draws on insights from two developing countries, Pakistan and Malaysia. Climate policy integration is an emerging area of research in scholarly and policy literature that has been advanced as a mechanism for dealing with an integrated climate and development challenge. However, the literature is deficient in terms of coverage of developing countries, evidence of CPI at national scales, exploration of structures and processes and the conditions under which the process of CPI can be most effective. This research attempts to fill this scholarly and practical gap. This thesis presents interdisciplinary research touching on, inter alia, the areas of development policy and economics, sustainable development, environmental policy integration (EPI), public policy, environmental change and history, governance and international relations. Theory construction was formulated using case study and adaptive theory approaches. Empirical evidence was collected qualitatively through review and analysis of literature, document analysis and semi-structured interviews. In order to extend into actual policy systems of national scale, case studies of two developing countries, Pakistan and Malaysia, with contrasting but in some ways similar development challenges, were undertaken. While some of the issues that arise in Pakistan and Malaysia are predictable from a policy integration perspective and often identified in the literature (e.g. silos, question of lead agency), some arise that are less familiar (e.g. the role of information). Climate policy development has occurred in both countries, but with very different foci and priorities, especially regarding mitigation versus adaptation. Key agencies are becoming sensitised to climate change. However, there is a clear disconnect between the high-level political priority being increasingly accorded to climate change in both countries, and the slow rate of agency response and implementation. Mainstreaming or integration is occurring, but incorporation of climate change objectives into all stages of policymaking is still weak. 'Silos' across the policy system are a major issue. The information basis and capacity to develop and justify policy action across sectors is an issue in both countries, but with different emphases. As a process to begin understanding the climate mitigation and adaptation imperatives and costs for each country was only starting to appear, a full aggregate of climate consequences into the all aspects of public policy has still to be made and contradictions between sectoral polices have not been removed. The work contributes a new interpretation of CPI within a public policy and administrative framework. It suggests an integration dynamic that advances low carbon and climate-resilient development and questions the hitherto piece meal and incremental approach that national and global policymakers have internalised to deal with the climate challenge. This views mainstreaming as a vehicle for advancing low carbon and climate-resilient development rather than as an end product of existing practices. This requires a paradigm shift from existing separation of discourses, in particular on EPI and CPI to advance sustainable development. -- provided by Candidate

    Deder Keris Jawa Sebagai Acuan Penciptaan Karya Logam

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    Kondisi lingkungan sekitar seringkali menginspirasi seniman dalam menciptakanan karya seni. Keris sebagai karya seni masa lampau memiliki nilai simbolis yang mencerminkan estetika ketimuran. Deder merupakan salah satu bagian dari keris yang berfungsi sebagai pusat kendali, merupakan sebuah stilasi dari manusia sehingga menjadi bentuk seperti tunggak semi sekarang ini. Putri kinurung, robyong, gendut, merupakan beberapa jenis deder dengan karakter yang berbeda. Putri kinurung merupakan deder yang dihiasi ukiran flora hampir separuh dari tubuhnya. Deder gendut merupakan gaya lama Jawa Timuran yang menonjolkan bagian dada yang agak memebusung. Deder sebagai sebuah inspirasi penciptaan karya seni, memiliki sifat mengagumkan kandungan nilai simbolis dan estetika tinggi. Proses penciptaan karya seni sebagai media ekspresi, tak lepas dari beberapa tahapan proses penciptaan. Eksplorasi, perancangan, dan perwujudan menjadi langkah utama dalam sebuah penciptaan karya seni. Sebagai respon atas kondisi lingkungan diperlukan proses penghayatan serta penyetaraan antara rasa dan pikiran untuk memberikan kedalaman spirit dan ruh pada proses perwujudan karya, agar tercipta karya dengan bahas visual atas kondisi yang ada. Karya diharapkan memiliki capaian tujuan serta memberi inspirasi dan juga pesan-pesan moral. Karya yang diciptakan lebih menonjolkan efek gerak, korosi dan keropos. Hal ini sengaja dilakukan untuk menjembatani para penikmat seni dalam memaknai karya-karya penulis yang dibuat seakan rusak, tua dan terbuang merupakan sebuah ungkapan bahwa waktu selalu mengikuti siklus. Fenomena inilah yang mendorong penulis dalam menciptakan karya Tugas Akhir, dari fenomena yang ada dipadukan dengan bentuk dan makna deder menjadikan acuan dalam menciptakan ekspresi seni

    Ethnobotanical Resources of Manikhel Forests, Orakzai Tirah, Pakistan

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    Manikhel forests, the far southern extension of Hindu Kush Mountain ranges, exhibit rich floral diversity in its nearly 175 Km2 area. It comprises sub-tropical semi deciduous thorny forests in the southern low lying Mediterranean type of climate and evergreen Oak-Yew forests in the northern faces of the Himalayan type of climate. A wide variety of plants are present in the area but this paper includes only those species whose common use is either known locally or they are in daily use for various purposes. The present investigations comprise 172 plant species belonging to 80 families. Bulk of these plants exhibit multiple uses. The local population is entirely rural and poor. They are primarily dependent on the forest resources for their necessities


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    Abstrak memuat uraian singkat mengenai masalah dan tujuan penelitian, metode yang digunakan, dan hasil Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan konflik batin berupa konflik mendekat-mendekat, menjauh-menjauh, mendekat-menjauh yang dialami oleh terutama tokoh Bambulo dan karakter lain dalam novel berjudul “Mata dan Manusia Laut” karangan Okky Madasari, teori yang digunakan adalah teori psikologi Kurt Lewin yang didalamnya meliputi struktur kepribadian, dinamika kepribadian, dan tiga tipe konflik (konflik mendekat-mendekat, konflik menjauh-menjauh, konflik mendekat-mendekat), penelitian ini berjenis deskriptif kualitatif, sumber data yang digunakan berupa kalimat dan paragraf yang mendeskripsikan tingkah laku, aau pikiran dari Bambulo dan karakter lainnya dalam Novel Mata dan Manusia Laut. Metode  pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik pustaka. Metode analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Berdasarkan simpulan,  ditemukan 16 konflik batin pada novel “Mata dan Manusia Laut” Karya Okky Madasari dengan rincian; 5 konflik tipe mendekat-mendekat (Bambulo, aldio) 2 konflik tipe menjauh-menjauh (Bambulo) dan 9 konflik tipe mendekat-menjauh (Bambulo, Matara, Mama Matara, Mama Lia). Ditemukan dua tindakan mempertahankan keseimbangan psikologi pada tokoh Bambulo: Dengan menghindar, dan dengan mencari kesenangan pengganti. Kata kunci: Teori psikologi Kurt Lewin, konflik mendekat-mendekat, menjauh-menjauh, mendekat-menjauh, mempertahankan keseimbangan

    The Role of Top Management as a Moderator on Project Success during Project Life Cycle

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    The paper identifies the role of top management as a moderator during planning, monitoring, controlling, and evaluation phases for the success of a project. This study also discusses the novelties of the coordination between role of top management and legitimate power of project manager as significant impact on project performance and success during project life cycle phases. The instrument is adapted to measure planning, monitoring, controlling, evaluation, the role of project manager, project performance, project success, and the role of top management. Managers are targeted for data collection from the construction sector, education sector, and IT sector for the analysis. The findings show that coordination between variables as well as the role of a project manager is like a bridge between top management and other team members in four phases of project life cycle (planning, monitoring, controlling, and evaluation) for ultimate success. This study has a significant advantage for the organization and industries before implementing any project as it will be helpful for the top management to give authority and responsibility to the project managers while considering the scope of the project. For academia, this study helps to enhance the knowledge area of project management by introducing coordination management while discussing the other knowledge areas of project management. Keywords: project planning, project monitoring, project controlling, project evaluation, role of project manager, project performance, project success. Jell Classification: H43; O2
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