5,984 research outputs found

    Irrigation market for solar thermal parabolic dish systems

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    The potential size of the onfarm-pumped irrigation market for solar thermal parabolic dish systems in seven high-insolation states is estimated. The study is restricted to the displacement of three specific fuels: gasoline, diesel and natural gas. The model was developed to estimate the optimal number of parabolic dish modules per farm based on the minimum cost mix of conventional and solar thermal energy required to meet irrigation needs. The study concludes that the potential market size for onfarm-pumped irrigation applications ranges from 101,000 modules when a 14 percent real discount rate is assumed to 220,000 modules when the real discount rate drops to 8 percent. Arizona, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico and Texas account for 98 percent of the total demand for this application, with the natural gas replacement market accounting for the largest segment (71 percent) of the total market

    Note on: "Domain wall universe in the Einstein--Born--Infeld theory" Phys. Lett. B 679 (2009) 160

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    The interaction between bulk and dynamic domain wall in the presence of a linear / non-linear electromagnetism make energy density, tension and pressure on the wall all variables, depending on the wall position. In [1] this fact seems to be ignored.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    KritiK EpistEmologi Tafsir KontEmporEr (Studi Atas Kritik Jama>l Al-Banna> Terhadap Beberapa Pemikir Al-Qur\u27an Kontemporer)

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    This preliminary article explains the Jamal al-Banna\u27s epistemological critique on Qur\u27anic exegesis in his book entitled Tafsir al-Qur\u27an Baina al-Qudama ‘wa al-muhditsin. Recent development of Qur\u27anic studies has witnessed some progressive Islamic thinkers, those who have made such a new color on the study of the Qur\u27an. Starts from a brief description on the contemporary trend of Qur\u27anic studies, this article aims to explain Jamal al-Banna\u27s criticism on several Qur\u27anic thinkers, including Amin al-Khuli, Muh ammad Syahrur, Mohammed Arkoun, Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid, and Orientalist views on the Qur\u27an. It finally deals with an offer from Jamal al-Banna in the context of a new paradigm in the study of the Qur\u27an

    Politik Hukum Putusan MK No. 46/PUU-VIII/2010 Tentang Status Anak Di Luar Nikah: Upaya Membongkar Positivisme Hukum Menuju Perlindungan HAM

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    Protection of human rights (human rights) in the Constitution applies in Indonesia ever prove that one of the requirements for a state law is the guarantee of human rights. Indonesia assertion of law set forth in the 1945 amendment of Article 1 paragraph (3) “State of Indonesia is the Rule of Law”. The form states have laws on the protection of human rights in implementation by the Constitutional Court (MK) in Decision No. 46/PUU-VIII/2010 on the Status of Child Marriages outside. Political decisions of law sought to protect the rights of the child, in addition to trying to dismantle the positivistic-legalistic law, which for year's had been shackled for justice and human rights. However, in Indonesia the law of the Constitutional Court reap the political pros and cons. Therefore, it is necessary socialization broadly relevant decision of the Court, the Court of law that political action are on the correct constitution, embodying the rule of law and democratic ideals for the sake of our nationhood and nation's dignity. Constitutional Court's decision is a wise choice and a step forward in the field of law for the defense of children's rights that have long shackled Article 43 of the Act. N0. 1 of 1974 on Marriage. To be effective this decision the government should immediately respond with a set of supporting regulations that can be implemented by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Ministry of Interior

    Politik Hukum Kesetaraan Kaum Perempuan Dalam Organisasi Masyarakat Islam Di Indonesia

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    In the normative level, generally all agreed to place women are equal to men, that is the position as humans, as well as the servant of Allah. Women are recognized to have a number of rights and freedoms, including the right to engage in politics, especially in the organization of the Islamic society. To strengthen the protection of women\u27s rights, the government of Indonesia to make a policy or legislation (political law), both to improve policies of national legislation and policies ratified International law. However, when the policy (political law) or a pattern of gender relations between men and women drawn into operational a practical level, it appears that a long debate and a serious problem occurs. The rights of women experiencing prolonged discrimination, discrimination and marginalization occurs at the level of political rights and policies in the organization of Islamic society. In Indonesia, the rights of women in Islamic society organization, still have enough depth concerns. The pro and contra related to gender equality in Indonesia, particularly in the field of Islamic society organizations would affect the wheels of government in Indonesia, particularly in relation to the State of trademark law is the protection and freedom of human rights. Therefore, policies need to be related to equality between men and women both fair and legal

    HAk ASASI MANUSIA DAN SHALAT (Studi Upaya Penegakan Keadilan Gender Kaum Perempuan Dalam Shalat)

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    The Quran laid down a normative standard, that men and women should be held in equal regards, also in matters spiritual. It strives for a meritocracy that the worship of God should be without a spiritual monopoly by one gender. Regrettably, this message becomes distorted through the imposition cultural and sociological aspects. Our patriarchal culture for example, takes the Quran and hadiths at face value, and refusing to realize its underlying message, creates misogynic rules and perspectives. A product thereof is a ban (or at least a strong discouragement) on women from going to the mosques to pray, resulting in a loss of religious rights and a limitation in the avenues of worship for women. Such inequality causes discomfort and loss of rights and dignity to women as human beings, and such inequality, being inherently detrimental towards justice and humanity must be put to an end

    Membongkar Positivisme Hukum Dalam Kuhp Perspektif Hukum Islam Upaya Menegakkan Keadilan Ham Kaum Perempuan Di Indonesia

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    Law enforcement (judges, prosecutors and police) in Indonesia is still dominated by the positivistic paradigm and-legalistic way of thinking, especially in the legal meaning of the Criminal Code. The way to think of this kind proved to make the process of lawenforcement in Indonesia is arid dry from morality. As a result, justice becomes the ultimate goal of law is often not achieved. Especially is justice and Human Rights (HAM) women. The inequality of women is certainly contrary to the concept of Indonesia as the "rule of law". As in Article 1 (3) UUD 1945 Indonesia is the "rule of law". The hallmark of the Rule of Law (Rechtsstaat / Rule of Law) is a rule of law that protects human rights (Human Rights). Law as supreme commander (commander) should not ignore the value of the legal basis of "justice" and "human rights protection". Legal positivism in the Criminal and Code is a sharp criticism of the various theories, especially the law of Islam. In Islamic law the concept of justice, equality and the protection of human rights is a philosophy or principles that should not be overlooked. Therefore, efforts to dismantle legal positivism in the Criminal Code is a necessity

    Dynamics of abelian subgroups of GL(n, C): a structure's Theorem

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    In this paper, we characterize the dynamic of every abelian subgroups G\mathcal{G} of GL(nn, K\mathbb{K}), K=R\mathbb{K} = \mathbb{R} or C\mathbb{C}. We show that there exists a G\mathcal{G}-invariant, dense open set UU in Kn\mathbb{K}^{n} saturated by minimal orbits with KnU\mathbb{K}^{n}- U a union of at most nn G\mathcal{G}-invariant vectorial subspaces of Kn\mathbb{K}^{n} of dimension n1n-1 or n2n-2 on K\mathbb{K}. As a consequence, G\mathcal{G} has height at most nn and in particular it admits a minimal set in Kn{0}\mathbb{K}^{n}-\{0\}.Comment: 16 page