73 research outputs found


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    This article explains about Islamic investment and capital markets in a juridical-normative perspective. Investment and capital markets are part of muamalah activities, so all activities must have a legal basis to be used as guidelines in its implementation. Investment and capital market activities, with all types, types and contracts in it are one derivative of the framework of muamalah activities in the field of Islamic economics. Juridical-normative perspectives on investment activities and Islamic capital markets, rarely found in academic literature, therefore it is important to examine the extent to which Islamic principles are adopted into positive law to serve as a legal umbrella in investment business activities. In this article, the method used by the author is a normative juridical method, which uses a problem approach with the intent and purpose of studying and reviewing applicable laws and competent regulations to be used as a basis for discussion of existing problems. Sharia norms and principles regarding investment and capital markets that can be guided have been codified in various Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional (DSN-MUI). Until now, DSN-MUI has issued at least 19 (nineteen) fatwas relating to investment activities and Islamic capital markets. However, in the life of the state also needs a legal umbrella so that investment activities and capital markets have the power of law, legal certainty, and justice. The legislation and regulations that have been legalized by relevant state institutions that have legal standing are 2 (two) pieces of Law and 9 (nine) Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) Regulations. Keywords: Investasi, Pasar Modal, Regulasi

    New Method to Optimize Initial Point Values of Spatial Fuzzy c-means Algorithm

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    Fuzzy based segmentation algorithms are known to be performing well on medical images. Spatial fuzzy C-means (SFCM) is broadly used for medical image segmentation but it suffers from optimum selection of seed point initialization which is done either manually or randomly. In this paper, an enhanced SFCM algorithm is proposed by optimizing the SFCM initial point values. In this method in order to increasing the algorithm speed first the approximate initial values are determined by calculating the histogram of the original image. Then by utilizing the GWO algorithm the optimum initial values could be achieved. Finally By using the achieved initial values, the proposed method shows the significant improvement in segmentation results. Also the proposed method performs faster than previous algorithm i.e. SFCM and has better convergence. Moreover, it has noticeably improved the clustering effect

    Pendampingan Sertifikasi Halal bagi Peternak/Petani di Desa Pegundungan, Banjarnegara

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    Kelompok Tani Maju Bersama dan Usaha Kopi Senggani adalah bentuk produk lokal yang berada di Desa Pegundungan, kecamatan Pejawaran, kabupaten Banjarnegara yang selama ini sudah dikembangkan untuk mengembangkan kesejahteraan masyarakatnya. Dengan melihat perkembangan produk yang baik para pelaku melihat perlu adanya peningkatan pengakuan di bidang kehalalan pangan sebagai bentuk upaya mereka dalam memenuhi kebutuhan bagi Sebagian besar konsumen mereka yang adalah beragama Islam. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan upaya promosi edukasi mengenai konsep halal dan pendampingan pengajuan sertifikasi halal yang disertai pendampingan pengisian borang terkait. Program ini akan dilakukan dengan melibatkan Halalan Thayyiban Center UMY sebagai narasumber. Peserta pelatihan 5-10 orang yang berasal dari kelompok Tani Maju Bersama dan UMK Senggani. Pelatihan diawali dengan pemberian pre-test dan diakhiri dengan post-test. Proses pendampingan akan dilakukan sampai dengan usaha mengisi borang

    Analisis yuridis penyelesaian sengketa ekonomi syariah dalam perbuatan melawan hukum pada akad murabahah : Putusan pta kep. Bangka belitung nomor 2/pdt.g/2020/pta.bb

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    INDONESIA : Salah satu sengketa ekonomi syariah yang sudah inkracht diputus oleh Pengadilan Tinggi Agama Bangka Belitung adalah Putusan Nomor 2/Pdt.G/2020/PTA.BB. Dalam putusan ini terjadi perbedaan pendapat antara hakim anggota I dengan dua hakim lainnya. Putusan pengadilan merupakan bahan yang sangat penting dalam melakukan studi dokumen karena di dalamnya terdapat proses pembelajaran, yakni dengan meneliti melalui analisis pertimbangan hakim yang mendasari putusannya. Pertimbangan hukum merupakan esensi yuridis dari sebuah putusan hakim. Fokus penelitian ini adalah menganalisis peneyelesaian sengketa ekonomi syariah melalui perspektif teori hukum, menganalisis perbuatan melawan hukum dalam akad murabahah, menganalisis perbedaan pendapat yang terjadi di antara para hakim, dan menganalisis filosofi penjatuhan putusan oleh hakim dalam perkara ini. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kasus. Bahan hukum yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah bahan hukum primer berupa putusan hakim pengadilan tinggi agama yang sudah berkekuatan hukum tetap (inkracht). Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan studi dokumen atau kepustakaan. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa 1) penyelesaian sengketa ekonomi syariah jika ditinjau dari teori hukum (legal system), maka di dalamnya terdapat tiga komponen yakni legal substance; legal structure dan legal culture. Pertama, komponen legal substance dapat diartikan sebagai segala peraturan dan ketentuan yang berkaitan dengan penyelesaian sengketa ekonomi syariah dan sekaligus menjadi payung hukum. Kedua, komponen legal structure terdapat dua aspek yang interkomplementer, yakni sarana dan prasarana hukum. Ketiga, komponen legal culture mencakup nilai hukum, asas hukum, norma hukum dan perbuatan hukum yang hidup dan terpraktikkan di tengah kehidupan masyarakat; 2) putusan majelis hakim yang mengabulkan petitum gugatan untuk menyatakan perbuatan tergugat sebagai perbuatan melawan hukum telah menggunakan prosedur yang tepat. Hal ini telah sesuai dengan kaidah asasiyah yakni menghilangkan kemadharatan (al-dharar yuzal). Demikian juga dengan ganti rugi yang dikabulkan oleh majelis hakim telah memperhatikan prinsip-prinsip ganti rugi (ta’widh) dalam hukum Islam; 3) perbedaan pendapat (dissenting opinion) hakim dalam putusan ini terjadi antara hakim banding anggota I dengan dua hakim lainnya (mayoritas) terletak pada aspek formil dalam gugatan pada pengadilan tingkat I, yakni penolakan atau pengabulan. Pendapat majelis hakim banding yang menguatkan putusan pengadilan tingkat I dengan mengabulkan sebagian petitum yang diajukan penggugat telah sesuai dengan prosedur; 4) filosofi penjatuhan putusan terdapat tiga nilai, yakni kepastian hukum, keadilan dan kemanfaatan. Majelis hakim telah berusaha mencapai ketiga nilai ini dan mengakomodirnya secara proporsional dalam putusan ini. ENGLISH : One of the sharia economic disputes that has been inkracht decided by the Bangka Belitung Religious High Court is Decision Number 2/Pdt.G/2020/PTA.BB. In this decision, there was a difference of opinion between judge member I and two other judges. Court decisions are very important material in conducting document studies because in them there is a learning process, namely by examining through analysis of judges' considerations that underlie their decisions. Legal considerations are the juridical essence of a judge's decision. The focus of this study is to analyze the resolution of sharia economic disputes through the perspective of legal theory, analyze of corts in murabahah contracts, analyze differences of opinion between judges, and analyze the philosophy of making decisions by judges in this case. This research is a normative legal research using a case approach. The legal material used in this study is primary legal material in the form of a decision by a judge of a religious high court that has permanent legal force (inkracht). Data collection techniques using document or library studies. This study concludes that 1) sharia economic dispute resolution when viewed from a legal theory (legal system), then there are three components in it, namely legal substance; legal structure and legal culture. First, the component legal substance can be interpreted as all regulations and provisions relating to the settlement of sharia economic disputes and at the same time being the legal umbrella. Second, the component legal structure there are two intercomplementary aspects of the namely legal facilities and infrastructure. Third, the components legal culture includes legal values, legal principles, legal norms and legal actions that live and are practiced in the midst of people's lives; 2) the decision of the panel of judges which granted the petition to declare the defendant's act as an tort had used the right procedure. This is in accordance with the basic principles of eliminating harm (al-dharar yuzal). Likewise, the compensation granted by the panel of judges has taken into account the principles of compensation (ta'widh) in Islamic law; 3) dissenting opinion of the judge in this decision occurred between the appeal judge member I and two other judges (the majority) lies in the formal aspect of the lawsuit at the first level court, namely the rejection or granting. The opinion of the panel of appellate judges which upheld the decision of the first-level court by granting part of the petition submitted by the plaintiff was in accordance with the procedure; 4) The philosophy of decision-making has three values, namely legal certainty, justice and expediency. The panel of judges has tried to achieve these three values and accommodate them proportionally in this decision. ARAB : أحد النزاعات الاقتصادية الشرعية التي لها امتلك القوة القنونية دائمة ولتي تفصل فيها المحكمة الدينية العليا للبنكابليتونغ هوالقضاء برقم قضاء القاضي للمحكمة دولة العالية الشرعيّة للبنكا بلّيتونغ رقم 2\ف د ت.غ\2020\ف ت أ.ب ب). في هذا القضاء، كان هناك اختلاف في الرأي بين القاضي العضو الأول وقاضيين آخرين. تعتبر قضاء المحكمة مادة مهمة جدًا في إجراء دراسات الوثائق لأن فيها عملية تعلم، أي بالتحليل من خلال تحليل اعتبارات القضاة التي تكمن وراء قراراتهم. الاعتبارات القانونية هي الجوهر القانوني لقرار القاضي. تركز هذه الدراسة على تحليل حل النزاعات الاقتصادية الشرعية من خلال منظور النظرية القانونية، وتحليل الفعل الضرر في عقود المرابحة، وتحليل الاختلافات في الرأي بين القضاة، وتحليل فلسفة اتخاذ القضاء من قبل القضاة في هذه القضية. هذ البحث هو بحث قانوني معياري باستخدام نهج الحالة. المادة القانونية المستخدمة في هذه الدراسة هي مادة قانونية أولية في شكل قرار صادر عن قاضي محكمة دينية عليا ذات قوة قانونية دائمة. تقنيات جمع البيانات باستخدام دراسات المستندات أو المكتبات. وخلصت هذه البحث إلى أنّ: 1) تسوية الخلافات الاقتصادية الشرعية عند النظر إليها من خلال نظرية قانونية (نظام قانوني) ، وفيها ثلاثة مكونات، وهي القانوني الجوهرللقانون. الهيكل القانوني والثقافة القانونية. أولا، عنصر الجوهر القانوني يمكن تفسيرها على أنها جميع اللوائح والأحكام المتعلقة بتسوية المنازعات الاقتصادية الشرعية وفي نفس الوقت تعمل كمظلة قانونية. ثانيا، مكون الهيكل القانوني هناك جانبان متكاملان، وهما التسهيلات القانونية والبنية التحتية. ثالثا مكون الثقافة القانونية تشمل القيم القانونية والمبادئ القانونية والأعراف القانونية والإجراءات القانونية التي تعيش وتمارس في خضم حياة الناس ؛ 2) إن قضاء هيئة القضاة التي وافقت على الالتماس بإعلان تصرفات المدعى عليه فعلاً غرر قد استخدم الإجراء الصحيح. هذا يتوافق مع المبادئ الأساسية لإزالة الضرر. وبالمثل، فإن التعويضات الممنوحة من قبل هيئة من القضاة كانت مع مراعاة مبادئ التعويض في الشريعة الإسلامية؛ 3) يحدث الاختلاف في رأي القضاة في هذا القضاء بين عضو قاضي استئناف وقاضيين آخرين (الأغلبية) يكمن في الجانب الرسمي للدعوى في محكمة المستوى الأول، أي الرفض أو الموافقة. كان رأي هيئة قضاة الاستئناف التي أيدت قرار محكمة المستوى الأول بالموافقة على جزء من الالتماس المقدم من المدعي وفقًا للإجراء ؛ 4) لفلسفة فرض الأقضية ثلاث قيم ، وهي الجزم القانوني والعدالة والمنفعة. وقد حاولت هيئة الحكام تحقيقة هذه الدرجة الثلاثة واستيعابها بشكل متناسب في هذا القضاء

    Bacterial Colonization of Burn Wounds

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    The objective behind this work was to find out the bacteriological profile of post burn infections in wound. The study was carried out from December 2010 to February 2011 at the Burns Unit of Al –Kindy Hospital and Al-Yarmook Hospital in Baghdad. Sixty burn patients have been investigated for bacterial profile of burn wound infections. Specimens were collected in the form of wound swabs. The organisms were isolated and identified by standard microbiological methods. Antimicrobial susceptibility test has been done by ATB-PSE5 kit(BioMereiux). Pseudomonas aeruginosa 35(58.3 %) was found to be the most common isolate followed by Klebsiella pneumonae 10(16.6%), Staphylococcus aureus 7(10%). ,E.coli 3(5%), Proteus merabilis 1(1.6 %), others 2(3.3 %).and sterile cultures 2(3.3 %). Antibiotic susceptibility pattren for Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates have shown high susptibility for Amikacin 30(85.0%), Pipracillin-Tazobactam 27(77.2%) Piperacillin 25(71.4%), Ciprofloxaqcin 25(71.4%) and Colistin 24(68.5%) and low susceptibility for Tobramycin 20(57.2%) Gentamycin 18(51.0%). Psudomonas was found to be resistant to most of the therapeutic agent

    A Systematic Evidence Map Protocol of Time Activity Data in Exposure Science

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    Time Activity Data (TAD) describe the frequency, duration, and timing of human activities. Given that activity dictates the rate of contact a person has with an environmental hazard, activity data can be used to derive rigorous estimates of exposure. TAD have been used to support exposure estimation in a variety of contexts, though there has been no systematic characterization of the use of this approach in exposure science and environmental epidemiology. Here, we propose a protocol in pursuit of characterizing the body of peer-reviewed literature using TAD in the estimation of exposure to chemical, biological, and physical hazards in the form of an evidence map. This protocol details the proposed search strategy and plan for data extraction including study population demographics, methods of TAD collection, and study participant activities. Reflexive journaling, codebook development, and descriptive statistics will be conducted to analyze the data collected as part of this evidence map

    Methodological Analysis in Iranian Sociological Research

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    This research, evaluating social knowledge identity in terms of methodology in Iran, showed that the knowledge suffers from dislocation and complexity. From one hand, the knowledge followed by the social scholars has fallen far from its production, reproduction and fixation roots in developed countries, and the scholars do not observe the processes of the knowledge formation and just regard the consequences or results of the social knowledge. On the other hand, the knowledge is not concerned with conducting social setting and infrastructure in Iran; because this effort needs elites’ support and public interest at the same time and the condition has not fulfilled yet. Data of the research were gathered relied on logical bases of qualitative research, interpretive approach and abductive strategy, and by conducting directed qualitative content analysis through multiple purposive sampling, and rhetorical reading of the performed interviews and also of the 55 works conducted by six participants of the research

    Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Penyelenggaraan Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan Nasional

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    One of the events of muamalah that does not have legal status in the Qur'an or al-Hadith is the practice of insurance operations. In the practice of operationalization of insurance there is a goal for the main seek for profit and the main social goals. Judging from the main purpose, then the insurance is divided into commercial insurance and social insurance. Social insurance or Government insurance is usually carried out by a public legal entity owned by the Government. One of the government's insurance is BPJS Health. The practice of BPJS Health in its opera- tion was reaping public polemic at the beginning of operation. One of his polemics is related to the existence of elements of gara>r, maisi>r and usury in practice. The purpose of this research is to know and analyze the operationalization of BPJS Health in the review of Islamic law as well as to know its akad in review of sharia economic law. This research is a qualitative research with normative approach, while the data used are in the form of legislation and some normative rules related to the implementation of social health insurance as well as some libraries relating to the implementation of social health insurance. The type of insurance operated by BPJS Health is social insurance. Social insurance is a new thing in muamalah, so to set it necessary use of ijtihad and qiya> s. Social insurance in BPJS Health in general is in accordance with the principles of Islamic law. Social insurance used by BPJS Health in terms of contract is also still in accordance with the principles of sharia economic law. The implementation of social health insurance is very closely related to the ethos of mutual cooperation which is the implementation of ta'a>wun towards virtue

    Tissue Specific Expression Levels of Apoptosis Involved Genes Have Correlations with Codon and Amino Acid Usage

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    Different mechanisms, including transcriptional and post transcriptional processes, regulate tissue specific expression of genes. In this study, we report differences in gene/protein compositional features between apoptosis involved genes selectively expressed in human tissues. We found some correlations between codon/amino acid usage and tissue specific expression level of genes. The findings can be significant for understanding the translational selection on these features. The selection may play an important role in the differentiation of human tissues and can be considered for future studies in diagnosis of some diseases such as cancer

    Examining Delay Intervals in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Primary Open Angle Glaucoma in an Egyptian Population and Its Impact on Lifestyle

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    Purpose. To examine causes as well as extent of delay in diagnosis and treatment of primary open angle glaucoma patients in a sample of Egyptians. Patients and Methods. 440 patients with primary open angle glaucoma were interviewed to evaluate delay in their diagnosis and treatment. The extent and cause of delay were investigated. The total delay interval, if any, was correlated with socioeconomic and other factors. Results. The median total delay was one year, with 50% of patients having a total delay of 1 year or less, of which 25% exhibited zero total delay. 25% of patients had a delay ranging from 1 to 3 years, and 25% had a total delay ranging from 3 to 27 years. Diagnostic delay accounted for 43.03% of cases. Longer delays were met in patients with certain socioeconomic factors. Patients with a positive family history of glaucoma displayed shorter delay periods. Conclusion. Significant delay in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma was found. Poor socioeconomic status seems to hinder timely diagnosis and treatment of POAG. Certain socioeconomic factors seem to correlate with the extent of delay. More effort is thus needed to subsidize the cost of investigations and treatment for glaucoma patients