172 research outputs found

    Konzeption und Entwicklung eines Condition Monitoring Systems mit Low Cost Sensoren zur Ăśberwachung von Roboterschwingungen

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    Im Rahmen dieser Veröffentlichung wird ein Konzept zur Erfassung des Schwingungsverhaltens von Industrierobotern mit Hilfe von Low Cost Sensoren vorgestellt. Durch dieses sollen die dynamischen Eigenschaften des Industrieroboters im gesamten Arbeitsraum untersucht werden. Die Roboterstruktur wird dazu durch eine speziell konstruierte Unwuchtscheibe angeregt. Das Messsystem besteht aus einem Beschleunigungssensor, einem Arduino-Mikrocontroller und einem eigens entwickelten Mess- und Auswerteprogramm in der Softwareumgebung MATLAB®. Die Validierung des Konzeptes erfolgt jeweils mit Messreihen an einem Kragbalken sowie an einem Industrieroboter durch den Vergleich mit einem Referenzmesssystem der Firma Brüel & Kjaer. Durch das entwickelte Low Cost Condition Monitoring System lassen sich die Anregungsfrequenzen und –amplituden mit hinreichender Genauigkeit erfassen und Rückschlüsse auf das Schwingungsverhalten des Industrieroboters ziehen

    Pareto Optimization of a Laser Wakefield Accelerator

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    Optimization of accelerator performance parameters is limited by numerous trade-offs and finding the appropriate balance between optimization goals for an unknown system is challenging to achieve. Here we show that multi-objective Bayesian optimization can map the solution space of a laser wakefield accelerator in a very sample-efficient way. Using a Gaussian mixture model, we isolate contributions related to an electron bunch at a certain energy and we observe that there exists a wide range of Pareto-optimal solutions that trade beam energy versus charge at similar laser-to-beam efficiency. However, many applications such as light sources require particle beams at a certain target energy. Once such a constraint is introduced we observe a direct trade-off between energy spread and accelerator efficiency. We furthermore demonstrate how specific solutions can be exploited using \emph{a posteriori} scalarization of the objectives, thereby efficiently splitting the exploration and exploitation phases

    Development of a routinely applicable imaging protocol for fast and precise middle cerebral artery occlusion assessment and perfusion deficit measure in an ovine stroke model : a case study

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    Temporary middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) in sheep allows modeling of acute large vessel occlusion stroke and subsequent vessel recanalization. However, rapid and precise imaging-based assessment of vessel occlusion and the resulting perfusion deficit during MCAO still represents an experimental challenge. Here, we tested feasibility and suitability of a strategy for MCAO verification and perfusion deficit assessment. We also compared the extent of the initial perfusion deficit and subsequent lesion size for different MCAO durations. The rete mirabile prevents reliable vascular imaging investigation of middle cerebral artery filling status. Hence, computed tomography perfusion imaging was chosen for indirect confirmation of MCAO. Follow-up infarct size evaluation by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging revealed fluctuating results, with no apparent relationship of lesion size with MCAO at occlusion times below 4 h, potentially related to the variable collateralization of the MCA territory. This underlines the need for intra-ischemic perfusion assessment and future studies focusing on the correlation between perfusion deficit, MCAO duration, and final infarct volume. Temporary MCAO and intra-ischemic perfusion imaging nevertheless has the potential to be applied for the simulation of novel recanalization therapies, particularly those that aim for a fast reperfusion effect in combination with mechanical thrombectomy in a clinically realistic scenario

    Laser-accelerated electron beams at 1 GeV using optically-induced shock injection

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    In recent years, significant progress has been made in laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA), both regarding the increase in electron energy, charge and stability as well as the reduction of bandwidth of electron bunches. Simultaneous optimization of these parameters is, however, still the subject of an ongoing effort in the community to reach sufficient beam quality for next generation's compact accelerators. In this report, we show the design of slit-shaped gas nozzles providing centimeter-long supersonic gas jets that can be used as targets for the acceleration of electrons to the GeV regime. In LWFA experiments at the Centre for Advanced Laser Applications, we show that electron bunches are accelerated to 1GeV using these nozzles. The electron bunches were injected into the laser wakefield via a laser-machined density down-ramp using hydrodynamic optical-field-ionization and subsequent plasma expansion on a ns-timescale. This injection method provides highly controllable quasi-monoenergetic electron beams with high charge around 100pC, low divergence of 0.5mrad, and a relatively small energy spread of around 10% at 1GeV. In contrast to capillaries and gas cells, the scheme allows full plasma access for injection, probing or guiding in order to further improve the energy and quality of LWFA beams

    Viral entry and escape from antibody-mediated neutralization influence hepatitis C virus reinfection in liver transplantation

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    End-stage liver disease caused by chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a leading cause for liver transplantation (LT). Due to viral evasion from host immune responses and the absence of preventive antiviral strategies, reinfection of the graft is universal. The mechanisms by which the virus evades host immunity to reinfect the liver graft are unknown. In a longitudinal analysis of six HCV-infected patients undergoing LT, we demonstrate that HCV variants reinfecting the liver graft were characterized by efficient entry and poor neutralization by antibodies present in pretransplant serum compared with variants not detected after transplantation. Monoclonal antibodies directed against HCV envelope glycoproteins or a cellular entry factor efficiently cross-neutralized infection of human hepatocytes by patient-derived viral isolates that were resistant to autologous host-neutralizing responses. These findings provide significant insights into the molecular mechanisms of viral evasion during HCV reinfection and suggest that viral entry is a viable target for prevention of HCV reinfection of the liver graft

    Tracking Virus-Specific CD4+ T Cells during and after Acute Hepatitis C Virus Infection

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    CD4+ T cell help is critical in maintaining antiviral immune responses and such help has been shown to be sustained in acute resolving hepatitis C. In contrast, in evolving chronic hepatitis C CD4+ T cell helper responses appear to be absent or short-lived, using functional assays. Here we used a novel HLA-DR1 tetramer containing a highly targeted CD4+ T cell epitope from the hepatitis C virus non-structural protein 4 to track number and phenotype of hepatitis C virus specific CD4+ T cells in a cohort of seven HLA-DR1 positive patients with acute hepatitis C in comparison to patients with chronic or resolved hepatitis C. We observed peptide-specific T cells in all seven patients with acute hepatitis C regardless of outcome at frequencies up to 0.65% of CD4+ T cells. Among patients who transiently controlled virus replication we observed loss of function, and/or physical deletion of tetramer+ CD4+ T cells before viral recrudescence. In some patients with chronic hepatitis C very low numbers of tetramer+ cells were detectable in peripheral blood, compared to robust responses detected in spontaneous resolvers. Importantly we did not observe escape mutations in this key CD4+ T cell epitope in patients with evolving chronic hepatitis C. During acute hepatitis C a CD4+ T cell response against this epitope is readily induced in most, if not all, HLA-DR1+ patients. This antiviral T cell population becomes functionally impaired or is deleted early in the course of disease in those where viremia persists

    Stable and high quality electron beams from staged laser and plasma wakefield accelerators

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    We present experimental results on a plasma wakefield accelerator (PWFA) driven by high-current electron beams from a laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA). In this staged setup stable and high quality (low divergence and low energy spread) electron beams are generated at an optically-generated hydrodynamic shock in the PWFA. The energy stability of the beams produced by that arrangement in the PWFA stage is comparable to both single-stage laser accelerators and plasma wakefield accelerators driven by conventional accelerators. Simulations support that the intrinsic insensitivity of PWFAs to driver energy fluctuations can be exploited to overcome stability limitations of state-of-the-art laser wakefield accelerators when adding a PWFA stage. Furthermore, we demonstrate the generation of electron bunches with energy spread and divergence superior to single-stage LW-FAs, resulting in bunches with dense phase space and an angular-spectral charge density beyond the initial drive beam parameters. These results unambiguously show that staged LWFA-PWFA can help to tailor the electron-beam quality for certain applications and to reduce the influence of fluctuating laser drivers on the electron-beam stability. This encourages further development of this new class of staged wakefield acceleration as a viable scheme towards compact, high-quality electron beam sources

    Hepatitis C Virus Protects Human B Lymphocytes from Fas-Mediated Apoptosis via E2-CD81 Engagement

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    HCV infection is often associated with B-cell regulatory control disturbance and delayed appearance of neutralizing antibodies. CD81 is a cellular receptor for HCV and can bind to HCV envelope protein 2 (E2). CD81 also participates to form a B cell costimulatory complex. To investigate whether HCV influences B cell activation and immune function through E2 -CD81 engagement, here, human Burkitt's lymphoma cell line Raji cells and primary human B lymphocytes (PHB) were treated with HCV E2 protein and cell culture produced HCV particles (HCVcc), and then the related cell phenotypes were assayed. The results showed that both E2 and HCVcc triggered phosphorylation of IκBα, enhanced the expression of anti-apoptosis Bcl-2 family proteins, and protected Raji cells and PHB cells from Fas-mediated death. In addition, both E2 protein and HCVcc increased the expression of costimulatory molecules CD80, CD86 and CD81 itself, and decreased the expression of complement receptor CD21. The effects were dependent on E2-CD81 interaction on the cell surface, since CD81-silenced Raji cells did not respond to both treatments; and an E2 mutant that lose the CD81 binding activity, could not trigger the responses of both Raji cells and PHB cells. The effects were not associated with HCV replication in cells, for HCV pseudoparticle (HCVpp) and HCVcc failed to infect Raji cells. Hence, E2-CD81 engagement may contribute to HCV-associated B cell lymphoproliferative disorders and insufficient neutralizing antibody production
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