25 research outputs found

    A Framework for Developing Real-Time OLAP algorithm using Multi-core processing and GPU: Heterogeneous Computing

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    The overwhelmingly increasing amount of stored data has spurred researchers seeking different methods in order to optimally take advantage of it which mostly have faced a response time problem as a result of this enormous size of data. Most of solutions have suggested materialization as a favourite solution. However, such a solution cannot attain Real- Time answers anyhow. In this paper we propose a framework illustrating the barriers and suggested solutions in the way of achieving Real-Time OLAP answers that are significantly used in decision support systems and data warehouses

    Site Diversity Gain for Earth-to-Satellite Links Using Rain Intensity Measurement

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    Site diversity technique is effective method to overcome rain attenuation, mostly in the tropics where high precipitation is predominant. The method is analyzed based on measurements in two locations separated by 37.36 Km in Malaysia. From concurrent measured rain intensities of two locations at IIUM and UKM for one year, it was found that only ten concurrent events had occurred containing highest rain intensities of 18 mm/h with outage probability of 0.00154% on two locations out of about 381 events experienced over one year period. These findings will be very useful for Earth-to-satellite link designers to improve reliability by applying site diversity as a rain fade mitigation technique at any frequency

    A 2X2 MIMO Patch Antenna for Multi-Band Applications

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    In this paper, a Multiple Input Multiple Output (2x2MIMO)ย  patch antenna forย  multiband applications has been proposed. It has been designed using groups of rings nearby the stepped cut at four corners of the patch and a separation in mid slot. This modification is proposed in order to increase the resonant frequencies and reduce the mutual coupling. The proposed 2x2 MIMO patch antenna is simulated using Computer Simulation Technology (CST), fabricated and tested. With such small geometrical dimensions, the proposed antenna is suitable for LTE (1.8 GHz), WiFi (2.4 GHz), and WiMax (3.5 GHz, 5.2 GHz and 5.5 GHz) application

    Design an ultra-wideband modified wilkinson power divider fed-by balanced antipodal vivaldi antenna array for imaging applications

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    In this paper, design of compact and modified geometrical structure of 1-to-4 way ultra-wideband Wilkinson power divider used as a feeding network for 4-element of balanced antipodal Vivaldi antenna (BAVA) array has introduced. The proposed Wilkinson power divider has been designed and printed on low-cost Epoxy laminate substrate FR4 along with the thickness of 1.6mm and relative permittivity of ษ›r =4.3 respectively. The transformation of power divider network which are based on bent corners as a replacement of sharp corners or edges used for the decrement in unintended radiation and employing a single radial stub on each branch to encounter the antenna-specifications. Further some adjustments in the dimension of stubs matching in order to increase the reflection of the power divider network. The design presents the model of a power divider and maintains an equal power splitting at different ports with practical insertion loss and conventional return loss below -10dB. The reasonable impedance matching has achieved at every single port with acceptable isolation performance values over the (3-to-10 GHz) frequency range. The divider as well as antenna elements design and its optimization are practicable via computer simulation technology (CST) simulation software. The experimental results are revealed to encounter the array-specifications under ultra-wideband frequency range

    Comparison between Scheduling Techniques in Long Term Evolution

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    Long-Term Evolution (LTE) is a recently evolving technology characterized by very high speed data rate that allows users to access internet through their mobile as well as through other electronic devices.ย  Such technology is intended to support variety of IP-based heterogeneous traffic types. Traffic scheduling plays an important role in LTE technology by assigning the shared resources among users in the most efficient manner. This paper discusses the performance of three types of scheduling algorithms namely: Round Robin, best Channel Quality Indicator (CQI) and Proportional Fair (PF) schedulers representing the extreme cases in scheduling. The scheduling algorithms performances on the downlink were measured in terms of throughput and block error rate using a MATLAB-based system level simulation. Results indicate that the best CQI algorithm outperforms other algorithms in terms of throughput levels but on the expense of fairness to other users suffering from bad channel conditions. ABSTRAK: Teknologi baru Evolusi Jangka Panjang (LTE) sentiasa berubah dan ia bercirikan kelajuan kadar data sangat tinggi yang membolehkan pengguna mengakses internet melalui telefon bimbit dan peranti elektronik lain. Teknologi seperti ini bertujuan menyokong pelbagai jenis trafik heterogen berasaskan IP. Penjadualan trafik memainkan peranan penting dalam teknologi LTE bagi mengagihkan sumber perkongsian secara paling berkesan di kalangan pengguna. Kertas ini membincangkan prestasi tiga jenis algoritma penjadualan iaitu: pusingan Robin, penunjuk kualiti saluran (CQI) terbaik danย  penjadualan berkadar adil (PF) yang merupakan kes ekstrem dalam penjadualan. Prestasi penjadualan Algoritma di pautan turun diukur dari segi daya pemprosesan dan kadar ralat blok melalui simulasiย  sistem menggunakan MATLAB. Hasil kajian menunjukkan algoritma CQI adalah yang terbaik berbanding hasil algoritma lain dari segi tahap daya pemprosesan tetapi algoritma ini menyebabkan pengguna lain mengalami keadaan saluran buruk. KEYWORDS: LTE; round robin; best CQI; proportional fair; scheduling; resource block

    Design and analysis of 1-to-4 Wilkinson power divider for antenna array feeding network

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    In this paper, A Novel 1 to 4 modified Wilkinson power divider operating over the frequency range of (3 GHz to 8 GHz) is proposed. The design perception of the proposed divider based on two different stages and printed on FR4 (Epoxy laminate material) with the thickness of 1.57mm and ฯตr =4.3 respectively. The modified design of this power divider including curved corners instead of the sharp edges and some modification in the length of matching stubs. In addition, this paper contain the power divider with equal power split at all ports, reasonable insertion loss, acceptable return loss below -10 dB, good impedance matching at all ports and satisfactory isolation performance has been obtained over the mentioned frequency range. The design concept and optimization development is practicable through CST simulation software

    Design and parametric evaluation of UWB antenna for array arrangement

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    This paper has introduced the concept of UWB antenna in array arrangements. The four elements of Balance Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna (BAVA) has been used for planar and H-plane array configuration in this research. Each single element of BAVA Antenna is printed on the glass-reinforced epoxy laminate material (FR4) along an overall thickness of 1.57mm and ฮตr=4.3 respectively. The optimized measurement of each particular element is 60.75mm x 66mm approximatel. Further the parametric evaluation of four BAVA elements in different planes has been observed in this paper. The placement of array elements has almost coverd entire UWB frequency range and appropriate reflection coefficient which is better than -10dB has been established in both combinations. According to simulation results, the array elements in planar arrangement presenting a suitable reflection and works well at 3.2GHz frequency while the arrangement in H-plane the array elements works well at 7GHz of frequency. In planar arrangement, the operating frequency of antenna elements is shifting as results of the distance among inter elements which increase in wavelength. In H-plane arrangement an antenna elements generate additional gain up to 10.2 dB with good radiation patterns as compared to the planar plane. The CSTMWS simulation software has been used for antenna structural design and parametric verification

    Comparative analysis of UWB balance Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna for array configuration

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    In this paper, an Ultra-wideband Balance Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna in planar and h-plane array configuration is presented. The comparison of four elements of BAVA array in both planes has been observed. Each element of an antenna printed on the glass-reinforced epoxy laminate material (FR4) with a thickness of 1.5mm and relative permittivity of 4.3. The dimension of every single element is 60.75mm x 66mm approximately. The array elements of both planes almost cover the whole UWB frequency range with the reflection coefficient of -10dB. Based on the simulation results, the array elements in planar configuration showing good reflection and works well at 3.2GHz frequency while the configuration in h-plane the array elements works well at 7GHz of frequency. In planar configuration, the operating frequency of antenna elements is shifting as a result of the distance between inter elements which intensification in wavelength. The array elements in h-plane produce more gain up to 10.2 dB with good radiation patterns as compared to the planar plane. The antenna design and optimization development are verified using CST simulation software

    Designing large-scale antenna array using sub-array

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    Antenna array of large scale have been examined for different applications including 5G technology. To get better data rate or a reliable link substantial number of antenna arrays have been utilized to provide high multiplexing gains as well as array gains with high directivity. In this paper a simple but efficient implementation technique of using sub-arrays for the improvement of large-sized uniform arrays. By repeating a small sub-array multiple times large arrays can be designed. This implication of utilizing small array simplifies the design of a larger array which allows the designer to concentrate on the smaller sub-array before assembling larger arrays. So, by investigating the sub arrays the performance and radiation characteristics of large arrays can be anticipated. The array-factor for a planar sub-array of 2x2 (4 elements) is analyzed using Mat-lab software and then a large array is formed by placing the 2x2 sub-array indifferent configurations in a rectangular arrangements up to 8x8 planar array. And then the results are validated with CST (Computer simulation technology) simulation results.In this way the array-factors, directivities, HPBWs, and side lobes of the constructed large arrays are analyzed and associated with the small sub-array

    UWB antenna based time-domain approach for through the walls gap estimation

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    This paper has introduced a novel experimental system adopted a time domain approach for estimating through wall distance and recognizes buried objects behind the wall. The designed and fabricated balanced antipodal Vivaldi antenna (BAVA) has been used for the development of UWB system. The working mechanism of an intended detection system based on time domain reflectometry (TDR) and ground-penetrating radar (GPR). A miniature pulse in the UWB range is generated by the vector network analyzer (VNA) to irradiate a barrier made of two walls separated by airgap between them. The signal radiations reflect partially from the front wall while remaining goes through for getting reflected from the rear wall. The VNA is used for measuring the time interval passed between the instant when an incident signal irradiates the first wall and the instant when the incident signal gets reflected from the rear wall. The investigational process of a system is carried out by UWB antenna probe. The detected information is attained using the values of reflection coefficient (S 11 ) represented in time domain measurements. Experimental results have been proved the ability to detect wall gap as well as the width estimation between two walls with high accuracy. The maximum percentage error has been found to not exceeding 4.5% in the worst condition